Can you still make a new channel and reach people or is it dead?

Can you still make a new channel and reach people or is it dead?

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kill yourself faggot

Yeah, as long as you already have an existing fanbase on another platform that will follow you over. For example if you're a famous musician or television actor like Will Smith, or if you're a successful twitch streamer already.

You have to be good. If you're good, you'll get attention. The problem is that a lot of people aren't good.
- Someone who is good

So its impossible to start from scratch?

Only if you make cute animal videos, and turn off the comments because you always get those faggots who scream “stop you’re hurting it” because you pet it or something stupid like that.

It might as well be.
>tfw can't use classic rock music in my videos or else I get copyright struck.
Whatever I'll switch to Vimeo.

And yet, even people who aren't good seem to get attention.

I had a channel with 4k subscribers with another two friends back in 2012. It was a nice number for the time. Other than that, no, I can't reach an audience on my own at this time.

Not after that monkey abuse network /x/ exposed.

Nerrel got viral pretty quickly for making a good video on how the Majoras mask remake is bad but I'm pretty convinced a youtube staff member promoted the shit out of the video.

If you know what you're doing, yes. You have to put more time investment into editing skills and research of the algorithm than just whatever your raw content is supposed to be. A good strategy in the modern day is to take a more niche or classic game and up the production value to attract its community exclusively to your channel

Hey man, if it becomes a big enough of an epic fail, it's considered an epic win.

There is a serious dearth of good content on youtube, plenty of room. Algorithm is hot garbage though.

Why would anyone want to?

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They have a platform monopoly. If you want to be heard its youtube or twitch.

Here is some shit for you faggots.
Got 810 subs so I guess I'm doing okayish, here are some videos.

Doing a Sekiro YTP now because that's what seems to be popular with fags now a days. Also, some indie devs gave me a free game for me to kinda review it but I have been too lazy to even do that lmao.

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>sekiro lp and ytp
With that kind of content you'll be sure to set yourself apart from the crowd! What original concepts

Those were all awful.

Post your videos you cowards.

I like the Chris/Leon one a lot.

I'm not an attention-whore, so no.

I feel like it’s gotten worse in the last year but maybe that’s because I stopped caring about youtube drama and started watching more twitch.

As long as you can crank out at least one high quality video a day, no

Just remember that all the tips to "upload daily" is a meme. 30 shitty videos of your boring let's plays still equals to 0 views.

Oh, I tried as well, once upon a time.

Gave up once I realized there was no point.

I fucking hate those faggots. You can't do shit with an animal on Youtube without being called an abuser. You're always holding it the wrong way or feeding it too much or not giving it a luxury living space. The only videos I watch about animals are animal on animal violence. But god forbid a human get involved then you get all those fags that think every single animal is precious and more valuable than a human life.

t. animal abuser

If cumming on my cats face is considered abuse then, yeah I guess.

>is an engineer
>shits on Pikmin 3 and Super Mario Odyssey

This guy is pretty based, he can be the next MatthewMattosis and Joseph Anderson. He just needs more exposure. His videos are 10x longer and are often 1-2 hours long but they are more fun than Anderson's vids because he has a cool voice and makes good jokes and edits, it makes you feel like you're watching a movie instead of some manchild nitpicking one thing over and over before moving on to the next tanget.

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>still using corporate whoresite in 2019 and thinking you'll actually make money for fucking nothing
>not using peertube to distribute your videos to people for the sake of sharing

The most important thing is to be interesting.
There are lots of ways to be interesting, but a boring channel will never get traction under any circumstances.

Been trying. Haven't seen too much success, but i'm sure it's because i haven't gotten the right exposure.

Haven't you noticed yet that you shill some new shitty Youtube or Patreon alternative every week and that none of them ever stick? Just give up already, it's honestly sad to see indie websites try to beat something as big as Youtube.

As long as you find a niche that has a potential audience but nobody has tried yet, yes. So videogame channels are a no-no, it's an oversaturated market. Remember to also keep it advertiser-friendly.

I'm getting some patreon shekels for making vague fetish videos on a channel I made a month ago so it's working out for me.

Video Games

Good editing, but holy shit I am not going to sit through an hour & a half of this. Cut it down to 14 minutes.

d'aaaw babby wants to be a star. Pick up the "broom" and get back to cleaning, faggot

>none of them ever stick
Because you're all a bunch of corporate whores who don't even give them a fucking chance.

And there are tons of PT instances now (it's federated, meaning they all operate together no matter which one you use) and you can even run your own. There is no downside and no excuse. Peertube is fucking huge at this point and all it takes is for people to stop sucking Google's fucking cock for it to be fucking everywhere.

Jokes on you I'm driving the forklift. Tomorrow. For the first time.

Eh, take a look at my video and tell me what you think. I personally think it deserves more than 169 views, but maybe that's just because i'm proud of what I did.

Maybe but you'll never reach far enough to pleasure a woman.

>no it's all YOUR fault not my shitty website!
Great way to bring in business shill

What are you going to be forking and lifting?

>shilling a Free software, open, federated, non-commercial venture that enables people to share without sucking corporate dick
And kids wonder why I call their generation the Dumbest Generation.

I dunno but im trying with a kid friendly and family friendly channel now and editing out every single possible bad thing an AI could pick up ever.

I do VHS & Laserdisc reviews, mostly anime, but sometimes 80's Live Action stuff too. Been trying to hunt down a specific VHS-Tape for a few weeks now with no luck, so I might talk about another live action schoolgirl show again instead. Anyway let me know what you think.

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What can an AI detect besides copyrighted material?

fuck it why not
No I'm not good, or original, but hey I have fun doing it

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>editing out every single possible bad thing an AI could pick up ever.
Is there a list of words you're not suppose to use so the youtube A.I. won't put your videos into restricted mode?

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Anyone also doing LPs?

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I wasn't joking. I think you're retarded human filth. Let me ask a serious question, do you think any youtuber or celebrity started a faggoty off topic thread on Yea Forums before doing literally anything of consequence. Do the right thing and consider suicide.

It can detect words and certain images. I know more about the words, any words can get you demonetized based on whatever controversy happens to be going on at the time. Obviously swears get picked up, sometimes even if they're censored because it can read lips kinda. Here's some words that some people I watch have been self censoring out of their videos
Basically, anyone that talks about any kind of violent or controversial news is fucked.

LPs only work if you're already established.
>Why the fuck would I watch a 500 LP series from someone with 200 subs?

I've considered learning blender and doing shitty postmodern animations to cash in on that trend while it's still the zeitgeist.

>when browsing /g/ becomes an obsessive mental illness
Dude, nobody cares if the alternative is open source, free software with a non-commercial focus, they care about an overwhelming endless amount of content to watch. That's what YouTube offers and these alternatives don't. All that happens is these alternative sites fill up with creators who are anti-YouTube for one reason or another and then all the content is "why youtube sucks" every day until the alternative shuts down from lack of interest. We've been here before so many times.

all text is scanned anywhere you put it
all comments are scanned and your video is punished for other users actions via their comments
all closed captions
an ai algorithm scans the content of your thumbnail for text and picture identifcation and rates it for sexuality/content etc
pretty much any words that are above rated G start gating you
a curse agegates you
more curses rates you adult
video games ratings seem to gate you
politics gates you
controversy of any kind gates you

thats off the top of my head that I can remember

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If you want to throw away your dignity by begging bigger Youtubers for shout-outs, or just making a bunch of Fortnite videos and brag about having an army of toddlers subbing you, go for it.
Otherwise, you got no chance. And even then, you wont make enough money for a living until you have at least 1mil. subs. Unless you stream and dick suck other Youtubers for collabs and fans.

I used to be a YouTuber. I didn't get anywhere, maybe 800 subs before I stopped, but the reason I stopped is because it's an outrageous amount of work. I've got a good work ethic and always give my all but unless you're really young (I'm not) it's impossible to keep up with the "algorithm". I was making two videos a week, plus streams and podcasts, and after a year I started burning out. I had a gf and a full time job to juggle along with 10 hours each night editing videos. I wasn't sleeping much and so I had no energy to think of fresh ideas. Also the social media side is insane, constantly promoting yourself on reddit/twitter/insta/random forums. I hated that but it's so necessary to build an audience.

Eventually I just ran out of energy and did the generic "I quit" video.

I think it's still possible to become big at YouTube if you're young and have plenty of time to invest. But you really do have to become obsessive about it and give it everything you have.

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Just make a shitty facebook page then shill yourself on there. Easier than starting on youtube from scratch.

800 subs is not a "youtuber"

Here's the guy that used your footage.

I don't know.. because it's fun and you enjoy the youtuber's commentary on it?
better than the average opinion of elitist videos today that normies seem to like:
>"here's why x sucks"
>"why i like x"
>"why you're wrong for liking x"
>"everything wrong with x"
what's funny is LPers actually also has arguments like these but don't force you to watch a 10 minute rant video

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I'm pretty sure your age has nothing to do with your channel not being able to even reach 1k subs in a year.

the algorithm is just a lucky draw.
I'm actually subbed to people below 1000 subs with better quality than a lot of popular e-celebs. I keep doing the youtube thing for "fun" though

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and most of the e-celebs videos ive clicked on are horrendously fucking bad

You need to make content so niche that nobody else does it

The "algorithm" doesn't promote anything but stupid fucking celebrities/talk shows, phone reviews, big corporation movie trailers and music videos. So shit that has no business on this platform that was supposed to be about "You".

tfw 0 views

My friend also makes tons of horror related movie reviews and they barely get any either.

i don't blame you. Yea Forums's taste is so fucking bad

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No, dont even try. Like you did all the years before

The effort required to gain a paltry following--assuming you're that lucky--could be spent doing infinitely more productive things.

Just go to twitch got ez money.

As someone who has been on youtube since 2007 [had a channel for 3 years, then restarted it almost 4 years ago], the reason why you can't get successful/grow a large audience on it by yourself anymore is because
-a fuck load of people are now using it, so it's a lot more saturated and flooded.
-it's hard to promote your shit anywhere, so there goes that.
-copyright can get in the way pretty hard
-people reuploading your content and getting more views/doing a 'reaction' video of it
in short, youtube is the way it is, you we'll have to figure out how to work within the system.

>want to be e-celeb
>have no hobbies outside Yea Forums and some gaming
Maybe I'll draw raunchy loli based off irl girl actresses to fill the void after shadman became soft

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Nevermind, I see it. He did actually credit me, but got damn. That's the smallest text I've ever seen from a shoutout.

You gotta use the tags my dude. Find a popular & similar video & just copy the tags.

>Want to play a game for only like an hour
>Don't think anyone would want to watch a stream that short
>Want to listen to some new music that dropped
>Oops, can't do that either, demonitized
>Hop in discord to talk to people
>Boring off topic shit all the time wards off people watching
You can't do shit unless you're genuinely entertaining or a god at the game

just do it.

anyway, ayone know of a decent youtuber with decent subs that upload only on 720p?

Yeah, I'm sure my content wasn't world class or whatever but the point I'm making is that there's a ton of time investment into a channel that viewers don't see. The more responsibilities you have in your life, the harder it is to make good content. Maybe I'll try again one day but just giving my experience that it's a hard gig to get into that sucks all your free time.

If you're someone with that little self confidence then yes its impossible because no one will want to watch your insecure boring lame ass.

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