He's sperging out again.
He's sperging out again
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares
If you're gonna e-celeb post at least donit about someone interesting and not someone people only know about for reacting to videos
god his fans are all either manchildren or actual children who flood every tweet with the same shitty ironic reaction image without fail.
Fuck off you goddamn faggot/nigger/spic/kike/wetback/pussy
Etika is /ourguy/
What set hin off, this time?
just started pronouncing it sperj
4 and he starts going on a jewish rant
5 and Nintendo hires him
This is what happens when someone overdoses on redpills.
So I don’t watch this guy but I remember the last meltdown. He’s got to be doing this for attention, right? He seems like he’s LARPing as a drug addict or something.
God can this nigger just die already
4 and Etika posts his junk on twitter.
Do it you pussbag.
He fucking posted this on his youtube channel just now. Hes legit about to get banned on youtube
yep, I’m giving this one an omegalul.......
never ever
He wants attention again.
Etika I love you, but please shut the fuck up.
Literally nobody is enjoying this. Everyone is stressed, tired, and sick of it. We deserve an explanation then apology. Mean it too. Nobody knows or cares. Stop.
jim sterling is the only Yea Forums approved e-celeb
He has 300k followers on Twitter, the fuck does he need more attention for?
Kek people need to wind him up and have him have another overly dramatic meltdown again
>giving a fuck about some dumb attention whore
Show it to me Desmond.
It’s baffling. I heard this guy was making thousands doing streams. What’s the point of this shit?
>nigger repeats himself for attention
Nothing like a nigger acting like a nigger, watch him do this in 5 months after his channel starts dying again
We stray further from God everyday.
The weed is hitting him hard.
So, that channel reboot went very well, huh?
Jim Sterling is a true god.
more like a few hundred. Youtube takes half your cut from donations unless I heard wrong.
Oh is he fading into irrelevancy again
The fuck kind of weed does this to a man?
good lord that sounds like a huge rip off. There’s no way it’s that bad, I can’t believe it.
>be me
>be hypebeast nigger
>make 8k a stream
>"Huh my channel is dying and i need more sheks"
>pretend to be mentally retarded
>people now give me 500 usd instead of 200 everytime i yell
>mfw i can use this
this, his money well from dumb children is drying up and he will be forced to get a mcjob
hes begging for money now
Doesn't always matter how much money you make when you're mentally ill.
Any kind if the man has underlying severe mental health issues.
He's right you know.
Stopped getting attention
Finally, a normal tweet.
great, this nog pulled this stunt five months ago. can't he get a 9 to 5 job or something?
>This is what happens when someone overdoses on meth
God you faggots have such poor taste in role models and entertainers. There’s no hope for you if this is the guy you actively follow and care about. I get that the bizarre nature of his postings would lead to this thread, but that changes nothing.
he just said he wanted to kill himself now
user, are you projecting? we're having a laugh here
This nigga has grown complecent from the hundred dollar donations every stream. I blame idiot asslickers like Lucbomber for this.
Its all for attention for sure.
HE'S DOING IT twitter.com
At least he didn't do a shooting;
>implying you haven't at one point
Shut up fag, I like silly stuff like this. The guy just said he's going to kill himself.
None of this is real fags. This is all just a publicity stunt so that he can rake in a lot of money when he eventually streams. Instead of streaming every day he can take breaks for months living comfortably until he needs money again.
Yawn. It's the same shit as 5 months ago.
Dude even e-celeb girls doesn't do the same shit 3 times in less than a year, stop giving him attention
>I'm going to kill myself!
I imagine the people who follow him are literally kids or autists, I've never seen a faker faggot
I'm not a fan of Etika. I watched part of one of his Nintendo Direct reactions, saw that he was fake hyping nearly fucking everything, and immediately stopped watching. Now I'm just laughing at a dumb nigger chimping out and destroying his career.
Exactly. Its all for attention. Hope he just shuts the fuck up or an heroes already.
maybe he wouldn't have lost his mind if he actually played video games
he got banned from twitch tho
i hope he does kill himself. then everyone can make reaction videos from it.
everyone on Yea Forums should read this post
fuck all the non-videogame playing faggots who browse this board
Do you hate NIGGERS?
unstable as he is, he could actually do a shooting.
almost 5 years after Eliott the cunt huh, timing on point i guess..
I wish this nigger would kill himself. Maye all you zoomers would follow his lead.
i hacked him before lol
I know you're here Etika. Stream it
I'm playing Bloodborne right now
Niggers really are the worst sonic fans
hey, i got something neat out of this mess
Most likely since his fan made another e celeb thread about the dude
Do it again and see what happens next
lol haha, i hacked him too haha
i hacked ur mom's pussy kek
So hey to everyone in this thread.
How is your day and what are you eating/playing?
Reminder that e-celebs aren't people. Unless they're matthewmatosis, cr1t1kal, sseth or sbfp
shut up bitch
I'm stuck in a major I have no affinity for, my sleep schedule's finally taking a toll on my mental health, and all I do is sit and read.
Not eating anything right now, or playing. I was playing Borderlands 2 awhile ago, remembering why I stopped playing the game in the first place after like 2 hours.
I had a lovely chicken salad from El Pollo Loco and went in on some Gungeon tonight (very frustrating game but I'm enjoying every minute of it).
Isn't this the second time he's posted fucking cryptic shit making everyone think he was gonna kill himself and then he comes back and is like "whyre you guys freaking out? Chill I was just goofin lmao"
Fucking piece of shit
>mfw i'm not etika
>there are losers who donate hundreds of dollars each stream
Etika is one of the most ungrateful streamers when it comes to high dollar donations. Not even big streamers like Ninja or Dr Disrespect seem this careless about their fan donations
>following : 666
man he's really trying to be edgy. i'm lost in my life but not at this point, guy could literally have free movie to stream one stream a day or even a week, and he decide to fuck his life anyway.
Heyy guys it's me critical today we're playing mario, lets do THIS shit
Woah holy fuck i just donkey humped that goomba into the next dimension
Pizza, just waiting for something to happen
he literally took the redpill with an empty stomach
I'm hungry but I don't want to get out of bed yet until I masturbate one more time. Feels fucking good man.
Life's been sucking for about a year, only thing keeping me going is Vidya, the money i make, and the undying hope that things will get better.
Taking a break from Sekiro and playing some Riskys revenge and Apex on the side because I'm a sucker for mindless online FPS multiplayers
don't forget
>interrupts himself every 3 seconds to shill his twitch channel
This idiot wants to have his channel deleted again?
Pretty bad user, i'm trying to find what to do in my future, always wanted to do a vidya or a cartoon, but i have the skill in none, fuck my dyspraxia i guess...so right now i don't know if i should try to train myself when i'm not even sure i could or just gave up and...i don't know, i'm just fucking lost.
It already got deleted.
Even Keemstar wants Etika to kill himself
I'm about to fail two exams and I really dont care.
I miss his YouTube streams. Im a stubborn fuck and will probably never pay attention to twitch until YouTube finally kills itself. His streams were comfy as fuck
It's 2019 and people on Yea Forums unironically like this attention whore nigger. Zoomers have officially taken over.
Fucking kek
>Not learning from yesterday's thread
Enjoy your ban, you want to talk about your e-celeb soap opera issues make a fucking discord
>older sister loses her mind recently and is currently in the hospital, sedated for her own safety
People often goof around about mental health until it's too late.
The new channel is still up
It's so strange, I remember him during his Pokemon days and he seemed well-spoken and down to earth.
I always knew there was something he was hiding but he never let it on.
Is there an actual risk Youtube will ban someone permanently from making new channel for putting inappropriate content leading up to channels being deleted?
How? They don't become massive lolcows like Chris-chan, or upload weird inflation crap to YouTube like that Kphoria person, whatever their name was.
Mumkey Jones is permabanned from Youtube. He can't even make newer channels
How do I beat ludwig?
no, youtube doesn't take half your fucking donations
a) people were giving donations directly to him using streamlabs/streamelements, whichever, and they take like 3% for processing.
b) superchats through youtube give you 100% of the superchat amount, with a small percentage being taken when you're paid out. I think it's 5% but i might be wrong, it's been a while since i've gotten a payout from youtube
Reminder that fame, especially through the internet will dry up much faster than you expect. Let this be a reminder to anyone chasing that dream
He did make a new channel
Could be a sign of mental health problems, never take "I was just playing guys" shit too seriously.
I just toasted some instant ramen
Looks like he is on drugs again
Funny but can't you get arrested for manslaughter by encouraging suicide
If you're going to post e-celebs bullshit, then at least post his hot girlfriend.
he must have amazing dick to be this crazy, and still keep a girl like her. Amirite fellas? Please kill me and everyone in this thread.
This is what happens when you don't have a father figure in your life.
Don't lock on, your roll has more i-frames
Dodge to his left and if you're lucky you'll be right against his head as he does his spray attack which is free damage
Sword goes down, back away
Sword goes up, dodge towards him immediately to get behind him and attack
Damn. I wasn't aware of this. Subbing now
>nigger being nigger
They've been posting here since the beginning of the decade, you didn't notice it yourself because you too were underaged.
never had one...he was a bad person anyway.
if i have kids, i will do all my best to be with them, i don't even care about having a wife, i just want kids to give them something i never got...
I don't doubt he's got mental health issues. I've been dealing with depression on the daily and every night is a fucking mental battle but you don't see me running around posting weird shit making people think I've gone off the radar only to come back and act like the people who were worried we're a bunch of over-worrying goofballs
No snitch niggaz
1. I don't know who this is.
2. I don't care to know who this is.
3.Twitter threads are cancer.
4.OP is a faggot.
our guy ltg coming in for support
>implying Yea Forums isn't filled with blacks
they broke up a long time ago user.
But he's already snitching on himself
user, not everyone deals with mental health issues the same way, or even has the same illnesses. I wouldn't be surprised if Etika is a manic-depressive.
Uh, nigga. Children need a mother too. Don't go adopting kids as a vanity, and then neglect them in new and creative ways.
That's a recipe for trouble.
Etika won't have kids user, he's too unstable for that.
>etika is so fucking pathetic that MENTALLY UNTOUCHABLE dumb nigger is supporting him
Etika should honestly kill himself now, you can't get lower than that.
>I wouldn't be surprised if Etika is a manic-depressive.
He's not. He's just a drug addicted attention whore. He pulled this same shit 5 months ago and again faggots are falling for it.
Is this all because of no Direct he can fake hype to?
but that's just him crossdressing
Desmond, why are you talking about yourself in third person?
this is exactly what my dad says. Same story. He turned out to be a great father. You will be too one day
Yea Forums is majority non-white if we base it off sony threads and the proliferation of fightan threads
He likes Splatoon futanari and trap porn on his Twitter lmao
i thought he already got his youtube banned by posting javs
No, they should have a mother for sure, it's ME who don't really care about having a wife, i feel no need for sex or anything comfort for some reason maybe because the only relation i had was a disaster;
with sound
And then he'll sober up the next day, his fans will cry about it to Youtube and he'll be unbanned. Same old shit.
I thought niggers were meant to be alpha? Not beta faggots
insufferable nigger
I'm aware. Bad mental health isnt an excuse to be a dickhead though. He literally has people on Twitter right now asking him if he's safe and to seek help and he's seeing these tweets and not saying "guys chill I'm not gonna hurt myself" but he keeps posting his bullshit to keep garnering attention.
Heard he does hardcore drugs in his free time. Guy has lost it
Weed, hardcore drugs and alcohol at the same, he's fucking retarded and so are the people worried about him.
meant to quote
You're all faggots for following "e-celeb" drama. Kill yourselves. Don't bother replying to this post because I'm not coming back.
no this is his current girlfriend
he could go to a discord but in the servers he's in he'd probably get inundated with derision the second he says "hi guys"
Post her feet
keemstar has always been ourguy unironically
Is Etika racist ?
Yes, he's a white supremacist.
>2.5m people follow this guy
>all he does is gossip about youtubers
>he probably makes a fuckload of money doing it to
what the fuck is wrong with people
What going on with these streamers lately? First Ice Poseidon and now Etika. What is it about streamers that attract drama like this?
It's better wagecuck, amirite?
>"keemstar is /ourguy/"
>tries to raid normie minecraft streamer
>streamer goes to keemstar's stream and calls him out
>keemstar tabs out normie stream and pretends like nothing happened
imagine falling for the same soap opera shit over and over again.
when you got kids you gotta do what you gotta do
kids are retarded like that.
Damn, genuinely not bad, 8/10
what the fuck is this
He's just being retarded.
Didn't keemstar tried to call out some random old dude as a pedophile for playing minecraft?
then basically went "oops lol wrong guy" after basically destroying his reputation.
That's fine.
I know on Yea Forums only two niggers so far are accepted and are considered /ourguy/.
Mike Ross is and Low Tier God.
I don't know about this Etika though, he seems mentally unstable.
>what the fuck is this
channel deletion
He'll get attention when he shaves off that dumbass haircut.
Meaning never. Tubers suck.
It's so obnoxious at this point. Fuck off already, Etika.
nigga just needs to stream jojo
this is fucking kino
You're thinking of runescape grandpa, and yes
>pinned tweet
imagine dating this
>I've been observing him all day
And doing a really shitty job of it, apparently.
It wasn't him, it was someone on his team who gave him the information without checking it. Keem immediately fired him after he realized what happened.
>that Ridley with a dick
Ridleyfags, explain this.
>hey peter parker. you got something for me?
So much for that awakening and new perspective he had. He's just fucked in the head.
better than eraserhead/10
So basically "whoops wasn't me, too bad half the internet still thinks you're a massive pedophile lol" and then goes on to shit on the next person his team dished out?
damage already done. what a fag
gamers are finally rising up
Guy's on drugs isnt he?
heroin iirc
Well he actually was creeping on little girls though.
listen don't be too hard on him, he's like 40 or something
he's got dementia from being so ancient, which is the only non-embarrassing explanation why he runs a youtube channel for teenagers
his other YouTube channel literally just went down
goodbye, screaming black smash bros man
All Youtubers that have over a million subs dick suck others for collabs and shout outs in private, or make their content to pander to children.
There is no such thing as a respectable large youtuber or streamer, because they never care about their fans. Only exploiting them for money.
Well, he just lost his youtube channel, dunno if he sended some porn again or if the last video fucked the youtube system.
My sides
some people work their ass for years ot have 200k, and this nigga just throw everything because muh drugs and muh artbullshit
Ok then let this faggot fade into obscurity. And eventually kill himself.
He posted the video on Twitter
who that asian bitch in the video ?
Picture it
>April direct
>joker moveset shown, mild manchilding; screams and jiggles
>fade to black followed by OMG GUYS WHAUT
>[litterally anyone] joins the fight!
>Screams turn to wails and damage his microphone internally, activating CoD:MW2 mode
>flips his chair
>His neighbors begin to go deaf and the walls begin to shake
>His eyes begin glowing with the full force of four suns
>a shockwave of raw power flips his desk
>camera now shown at angle on the floor
>the room is now burning, the wall is aflame with a smash logo
>smashes a nearby window with his switch
>runs full sprint towards the window, hitting the wall at full force while his weight flings him twelve stories to his death while screaming "DADDY SAKURI TAKE ME", voice distorted from the immense power
>his atoms separate, causing a nuclear explosion so intense is renders 3/4th the world uninhabitable
>it was later revealed he had no fucking idea who it was that was announced
That old man and his nephew are full of themselves nowadays
No user, the twitter video is another one.
No ideas.
It was Xenoblade porn slowed down, with inverse coloring.
His girlfriend sucks at monitoring him.
I wanna fuck Suzy's feet
Build a mini itx pc in a shuttle case, waiting for windows to finishing updates, Probably just going to use it to emulate gamecube games or whatever.
she's his ex
Does he even have one?
Fuck, i am so innocent i thought it was just two anime girls kissing...
>guys have everything to succeed and youtube and literally having FREE MONEY
>throw everything away for drugs and shit
what an idiot.
I know all of you post irony fags will make jokes and shit about this, but etika was my fucking nigger from 2015 and onwards and it pisses me off that he's taking us all for a ride like this. Its so stupid, I hate it I hate it so fucking much
>be rich
>Get handed money for doing nothing
>Waste it on life-ruining drugs
Imagine being this much of a beta faggot
some people just aren't ready for responsibility
it's called being spoiled. It's heartbreaking to see, truly
He personally apologized to the guy in a voice chat or something, offered to fly him out to a runescape convention for free.
>this dumbass drama nigger shit is still up but mods were quick to delete any CowChop shit on the spot
faggot jannies