Rate my city. I think it has some soul
Anno 1800
Other urls found in this thread:
>wh*toid architecture
completely soulless
What the fuck happened to you?
turn off the computer and get some sunlight lol
It does look pretty comfy.
>Go in to Sandbox completely blind with no prior experience to the series
>Build my lumber mill farther away from my warehouse than my wood farm
>Put too many streets
>Trying to build along the coast so everything looks retarded
>Bleeding money
>Not enough workers for my clay pit but unsure of where to put more residentials
I'm going to go to bed and restart tomorrow with more knowledge.
Really fun so far though. God damn beautiful game.
Wish the in-game screen shot button didn't produce such garbage quality compressed shitty pictures though.
play the campaign if you're new to the series, its essentially a fancy tutorial and a bridge to sandbox mode.
are they still relying on their "community center" mechanic that turns every city into a set of ugly concentric squares?
It looks epic.
How do I build soulful cities?
Anyone got any clue about how to complete the Animal Control quest? I've got a black bear in a Zoo but it's not completing
Make sure to do side quests (star above ships/people) and try to claim other islands that have resources your island doesn't have. Set up charter routes between islands and trade routes with others. It gets crazy later on so don't do everything at once
you really can't until you unlock at least artisans and get the really good ornaments to decorate your city, then you can start adding detailed parks and green spaces.
Hope this game drops to a reasonable price soon.
how does it run
You need to build some important buildings like church, university, schools in residential areas to be able to upgrade buildings. But you don't really have to build everything in a square and the range for most of these buildings is fairly big.
CODEX-version fuckin when
Buy it yuo fucking pirate this is a good game
10/10 epic xd
30-60fps on ultra 4k with 2080rtx. Don't really mind the low framerate since tits not an action game, but I was surprised how laggy it can get, especially when you switch from the top down view. Maybe NVIDIA will release day one patch, not sure
Hmmm, I just built an extension to the zoo and added bear in there
The game keeps telling me to go outside every couple hours. Been playing for 6 hours already and I can't stop
Building effects taper off instead of ending abruptly. You'll still want to have service buildings in a central location, but it's simpler to keep everyone supplied
Solid 60fps, 1080p, GTX 970, I7-4790.
Pretty damn happy.
Really? I was a little nervous because 2205 stuttered a bit for me
Def runs better than 2205, which is surprising how much bigger 1800 is and the fact that you can instantly jump between two maps etc
Sort of but it's better now that the influence of building isn't an area but a distance through roads
what settings are you using?
Maxed out.
how? I have 1060 and I have problems running stable 60fps at high
970 is a better card than the 1060 and you've probably got a bottleneck with your CPU.
but 1060 gets better fps in games and does better in benchamarks. also the differences aren't that big and there shouldn't be that much disparity.
my cpu is ryzen 5 1600 which is better than recommended 1500
should I use dx11 or 12?
>6 core AMD
new patch just went out, no idea what it does lol
DX12 in open beta run really good for me but in release it crash very quick.
I'd say stick to DX11 for now.
performance seems a bit better with new patch
Any excellent sci-fi city builders?
Anno 2070 my man, avoid 2025 like the plague.
I heard 2070 had massive issues, like not being allowed to even install it on 2 computers or something?
For fuck's sake, Uplay, stop trying to advertise Anno 1800 to me, I already bought it you dumb cunt.
Am I the only one who doesn't slam building right next to each other? Nature is a beautiful thing. I prefer to make cities that people would love to live in and not some cluster fuck like these images.
wtf I have the same system as you
Don't make mutt grids.
>I heard 2070 had massive issues, like not being allowed to even install it on 2 computers or something?
It had tages DRM 8 years ago meaning you could only have it installed on three different machines at the same time, but that shit is long gone.
Stop playing on easy, loser.
it's not Tropico, you can't have curved roads.
Doesn't mean you have to build in grids everywhere.
when you have roads that connect only at 90' angle and want to be space efficent GRIDS is the only thing to aim for, unles you want to roleplay for screenshots.
Learn what goal was in previous games:
Not a single block wasted.
Let's be honest here. The game is great, yes, but not 60€ great. The price is fucking bullshit, two launchers is fucking bullshit, Epic store exclusivity after launch is fucking bullshit.
Wow....we truly live in a society....it says a lot.....
game is great, it can last for thousands of hours if you love economic/city building RTS games so price/hour is awesome but yeah- they could do better...
What patch?
I don't mind Uplay but pulling all the third party Uplay keys too is pretty shit. Now the only alternative to epic is waiting for a decent sale on Uplay instead of Uplay+10 billion other possible store sales
>it can last for thousands of hours
No scenarios and only a short campaign. You build your perfect city once or twice in sandbox and then theres nothing to do anymore. 100h playtime tops, which of course isn't bad but nowhere near the amount of content like 1404 had.
Except the game does not work on radius anymore but road distance, so super efficient grids are not anywhere near as effective as they used to be. Also, your cities will look fucking awful, and if you built in grids in previous Anno games you're probably a faggot who likes to pretend he's competitive and hyper-efficient in singleplayer.
have sex
In 1404 I did like 35% of 'achievements'-milestones/medal and had like 300hours on the counter..
Different maps, AIs, game goals, multiplayers... that's a lot of looong games.
>I don't mind Uplay but pulling all the third party Uplay keys too is pretty shit.
Literally fucking what?
nothing, guy is a fucking idiot that's talking shit.
I had ZERO problems with uPlay since that lient released. And it got a lot better in last two years.
Way better than Origin, but not as feature rich as Steam.
Also I love a lot of games from Ubi so I don't mind it at all- Splinter Cells, Ass Creeds, Annos etc...
aight.. you got me... gonna pull out the ye olde chunky monkey and give a wee tug if you catch my drift ;)
>I don't mind Uplay but pulling all the third party Uplay keys too is pretty shit. Now the only alternative to epic is waiting for a decent sale on Uplay instead of Uplay+10 billion other possible store sales
So much retard in one post, it's incredible.
How the hell do I make money?
And I mean other than one time payments IE quests/selling stuff. I'm constantly losing money whether I build residents, whether I build jobs for my residents, etc. I want to be earning income not losing constantly
>nigger architecture
>doesnt exist
The game is balanced so you always have more residents paying tax than the cost of the production chains to supply them.
Either you have too few residents, are oversupplying their needs, or your production chains are grossly inefficient.
make beer
Building too much too soon and overproducing stuff is likley the problem.
What said also it's worth selling the final product in the chain rather than anything before it, if you have a surplus of wood build more sawmills and sell the planks rather than selling the wood.
>making too much stuff makes me lose money
So what do I do lol
No such thing, sell more.
If you have a population that eats 1 bread per minute and you are producing 10 out of 10 bakeries, you are losing money because of the bakery upkeep. Either you sell the excess (might need to make your own trade route if the AI isn't buying enough), or you scale down production. If you produce goods that just sit in your warehouses (or even worse, clog the production due to full warehouses) you are just bleeding money.
min max. maximum amount of peasents with minimum amount of production chain to keep them happy.
The only items worth producing to be sold were beer & rum in the open beta. dont know if this has changed but otherwise more people = more taxes = more money
What does "missing fertility" mean? I can't make hops because of it. I want beer.
>Literally fucking what?
you can't buy this game at any third party shop now because ebin. gmg and gamesplanet are now 'out of stock' forever and wingamestore doesn't even list the game anymore.
It means you either need another island where the soil has hops fertility or you get yourself an item that gives hops fertility around that one building which can activate items in it's radius.
You have a few options.
You can sell the excess (only do this short term)
Reduce production (you can manually set production buildings down to 50% production) or out right suspend, or demolish the production buildings.
You can increase your population in line with your excess production until it balances out.
I don't autistically optimize or do anything crazy and i'm typically pulling in 2-3k in income from taxes alone.
You should almost always be in the green and ramping up taxes prior to increasing production.
read the icons above the minimap to see what stuff you can grow. if you can't grow whatever resource then you have to settle another island that has what you need.
Cool story bro.
Even on Uplay it's available for 47€
>You can sell the excess (only do this short term)
Lol no, you should always overproduce and sell it. Being negative on tax income is the norm on highest tax difficulty.
I literally just redeemed my key from G2play on Uplay.
They don't update the page properly, it's out of stock everywhere.
Yo nigga where da mud huts at?
>They don't update the page properly, it's out of stock everywhere
I bought my key 5 minutes ago.
You're full of shit mate.
Nothing is going to stop third party key sales.
Move your camera over your island and then look above your minimap. There should be a list of your fertilities. Eventually you will have to expand to other islands to cover all fertilities unless you luck out and get seed items for your work union which can provide fertility.
I just forget Uplay exists, it's not as flashy or obnoxious as Origin and not as feature rich as Steam which makes it easy to ignore, for me it's just a launcher like MMOs have with the added bonus of working for different games.
I understand people who bought it on another client though, it feels a bit like bloat shit you have to launch on top of your client of choice but Uplay by itself is fine
Even on the highest difficulty your tax income will always be higher than your production chain costs.
enjoy your chinkoid spyware lmao
You are a treasure!
Yea Forums collects and sells more of your data than any vidya launcher on the planet.
Just sayin'
only if you're retarded enough to buy this game outside of uplay
New to the series and was very impressed with the 1800 demo.
What other Anno would you suggest?
Any cute AI opponents
arctic DLC confirmed
There's a reason they kept the last two citizen tiers locked.
Someone post the webm of trains riding around doing 90 degree turns OH NO NO NO
Jorgensen as usual and also the Princess.
why this game eats so much RAM?
Anno 1404, Anno 2070, then when you're done with them in 5 years time, the IAAM mod for 1404 and the ARRC mod for 2070, then 5 years after that there should be a mod out for 1800 that you can enjoy.
2070 for modern-futuristic feeling, 1404 for medieval feeling.
It doesn't. Post specs, get l
I could get the deluxe edition for 55€ on uplay. Should I buy it?
>up to 7GB of RAM used
>task manager says that game uses only 2
>There are people with less than 64GB RAM in the current year.
At least tell me you're not realistically trying to play a game like Anno with 8GB.
>tfw trying to play it with 6GB
Ordered some new sticks, but it will be a few days still.
How the fuck does it make sense that the game runs better in the beta than in the final release? Are we going backwards?
what a poorfag
>IAAM mod
Give me the rundown, anno 1404 seemd quasi-perfect already. How does it improve the game?
>Anno 2070 basic mission, Jorgensen plateau
>Play Tycoons, game last 10 hours (with lots of fastforward)
>Endgame, objectives complete
>Messing around with ships and planes to see what they do for harder games
>Suddenly tornado
>Think it'll go for the island with the most pollution, being my oil refinery island
>Barely grazes my main island, scratches submarine docks
>Destroys Eco settlement on its way out
Ahaha, I thought natural disasters homed in on low ecoblance islands? It seems cruel that the green ai player got hit.
What is the best difficulty to play on? Something that is not too easy and not too hard.
Turn off notifications at uplay settings.
iaam adds like 40 gorillion new buildable objects
>Something that is not too easy and not too hard.
>Give me the rundown
I really need to make a pasta.
Completely overhauled needs, progression, economy, resources, fertility, production chains and buildings.
Lots of new production buildings.
Lots of new resources.
Lots of new fertilities.
Lots of new mechanics.
Overhauled AI.
Hundreds of new decorative buildings so you can build literally anything.
The ability to build Venetian cities, Arctic cities, Asian cities in addition to Occidental and Oriental.
All of the achievements and progression are reworked to accommodate all of the new content.
It's like a whole new game.
Post god-tier soundtracks, I'd forgotten how good this series' ost was.
Medium is too easy in most games.
Have fun trying hard on anno games. I remember using an exploit on 1404 imperator mission (hardest one). If you never discovered the AI, their relationship with you wouldn't deteriorate and they'd never attack you. So I quickly found 3 islands with all the needed fertilities to get to nobles (2 western, 1 oriental) and Northburgh/Al Zaheer for trade. You occupy all the beaches with warehouses so noone can settle there. Then you slowly climb your way to a noble city and a strong military. It takes forever and you have to stick to your routes so you don't accidentally discover the ai by sailing too far. Once you're ready, you take the fight to the enemy.
It doesn't work in 2070 (I think). I'm getting better on lower difficulties to prepare for a hard Keto.
The floating island with the crane and warehouse I don't like. Getting supplies to it and from it would be awful. Unless there's an extension in the quay that is a turnoff, but the rest of the city itself looks good
I like how there's a difference in viable economics by the two of you. That guy clearly got well off with taxes while you (and in my experience in the beta, me) do well with selling excesses. I always figure you want to make excesses of whatever is the cheapest/most available finished good. I got a rare card in beta that let Goulash be done with pigs instead of cows so I worked to try and overproduce canned food.
I really like the detail they've added to complexify things. Scaling up or down production with subsequent happiness gains or losses, the need to always have low class workers, it's all really great stuff. While I am too jew to buy it on full price I'm inclined to wait for a sale and buy it rather than just pirate it as I think it'll give me more playtime before I am bored than 1404. 1404 was good, but it felt samey each campaign.
Any mods for 2070?
Are IAAM and ARRC somewhat comparable in scope? Or is one bigger and better than the other?
They're different mods for different games made by the same team with the same basic idea.
>Huge mountain range as far as eye can see, all around horizon
>depending on prevailing wind direction area next to it should be either massive, swampy jungle soaked in constant rain or dusty, vegatation-less badlands dry as cunny of a 95 years old mumified nunny.
>instead, there's 10 different biomes cramped there, every single one of them covering 5 sq. miles, all mild and moderate perfect for settlement.
I wish city builders stop doing this shit. It rusttle my geographical autism[/autism] a lot.
For someone that claims to be as autistic and knowledgeable as you are, you sure are ignorant.
I don't like whites, but their architecture back in the 1800's are god tier. Shame that they've swallowed the "liberal" arts pill and made these modern polygonal architecture garbage popular. Shows how much of their society has declined.
Is the game any good?
It's like a god tier 1404, and 1404 was god tier already.
where the hell you been, van winkle
Does 1800 reintroduce warehouses as a requirement to build so you needed place a new one every few steps? Because that shit can fuck right off.
Old habits die hard, and it used to be that not cramming everything as thight as possible was shooting yourself in the foot
you will not be missed
Reintroduce? Was this ever not a feature? You also need to pick up the stuff they make, so it seems logical. You also need to connect houses to manufactruing buildings, so the workers can get to their jobs. Everything needs to be connected to the harbour district.
Warhouses have to be connected to the market, and production buildings to the market, so it makes sense you have to build them within range of each other.
And just like that, I don't feel bad for skipping this one. Based Ubisoft putting literal shit in their games to save people money.
>Was this ever not a feature?
2205 lets you build wherever you want.
Enjoy eating shit.
I hope no one falls for this. It just creates mustard gas.
2205 is the worse game yet though
>Enjoy eating shit.
>Plays 2205
You're ok with warehouses being portals to a common dimension, but not having to place ware houses in intervals through the wilderness just to build a road is where you draw the line?
>squared cities
Choose one
Anno is the very definition of soul faggot.
Where is the crack lads? I need it and I need it now.
I would know i played 3 of them nigger.
Your city cant have soul if all roads intersect at 90 degrees. Thats it.
You don't know shit faggot.
Anyone know how to make the font bigger in 1404?
Why does every single Anno 1800 screen shot look the same?
Sorry to break it to you like that. You've been lying to yourself this whole time.
>buy it
I don't really know if the price is right. I mean, I've loved this series for a long time, but when I was 11 years old I plucked Anno 1602 off a Wal-Mart shelf for like $30.
You have to build the same buildings in fairly similar areas, the key elements will always be there, the grain farms, the port.
Most of the screens are from the beta, where 2 out of the 5 tiers were blocked. There's also a spic enviroment, but people haven't been posting screens, probably because it's fairly into the game. They've already announced an artic enviroment
I too wish everything was just like in 1998 but times change, inflation rises and production gets more expensive.
Nah mate, you're just full of shit, you know it, everyone else knows it, I know it.
A valid point, but it's not a high-production game and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually cost less to make than in 1998 if you exclude marketing costs.
i hope the devels never move the series to the future ever again.
the past is so much better as a setting to city building games.
jesus a Anno 10.000 BC would be better than another boring ''Anno 3000 lets play EVIL CORPORATION''
Eh... I'd agree if we were talking about any other kind of media but videogame design is a painful shit slog where people don't know what they're doing and waste resources just to know where they are at.
>but it's not a high-production game
Literally fucking what?
Name a more AAA city builder, i'll fucking wait.
>did not play open beta so can never get pic related
This looks ugly I'm glad we can't get it anymore
Yes, fucking arctic biome. There's still desert biome mising but I guess they'll announce it later.
Does it really run worse in the release version or are people just retarded and forgot to turn the MSAA down?
The uninstall button…The game is great, Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM. But you oft go work, always on work DR. Check out the junk it leaves behind in you.
Performance is better for me in retail than the beta so i've nfi what people are on about, Nvidia also released new drivers for Anno.
Torrent when?
Soon my fellow thief
What the fuck am I reading?
MY fleet tirelessly carries supplies and goods from the Empire!
A real shame about your flagship. But don't worry, we can get you another one.
I'm SO glad you've taken up this important matter.
Thank GOD there have been no serious accidents at the construction site!
Are you having a stroke? Do you need medical assistance?
Based schizo poster
and a ching chong nip nong to you too!
The bounaries between occident and orient are moving ever closer together just as planned
Wow, thanks for the blog update.
>there are no walls in Anno 1800
Yep, I'm mad, but maybe I'll still order the box on Amazon today. It's such a hard decision on one hand I'm a steam drone, so I enjoy having everything on my account, but buying over steam is a no-go at that price and Ubisoft literally does two-launchers no Steam features anyways, so going for the Uplay only version makes barely any difference, I'd save 10 bucks and get a box(which ends up in a shelf I never look at in the corner of my room). Then again 50€ is still a lot of money for a game that has no walls, no land combat, dysfunctional AI just doing autistic AI stuff and will be brimming with all kinds of micro-transaction DLC for decorations and real expansions such as Africa and Arctic. Life is hard when you're poor. Waiting for Codex is hard, because the beta was good, but you read a lot of bad stuff regarding performance due to Denuvo, too. This game pisses me off a lot.
This but ironically but unassumingly
Stay mad.
after the invention of guns and cannons walls became useless, a waste of resources
>This game pisses me off a lot.
You're the one that's mad faggot.
Walls don't even make sense in the setting.
what about against mexicans
get an amd card then
I overclocked my CPU. before I got no more than 70% GPU usage. now it's over 95%. I guess it's time for an upgrade. any good am4 CPU?
there's a new gen releasing this june so i'll hold on upgrading before that
wait for ryzen 2, they're just around the corner.
Name 1 city in the 1800's that had fucking walls.
Kill yourself yo fucking fag.
Does anyone else wish they got rid of combat completely?
I'd rather wage commercial wars, I don't find the actual combat to be that great
enjoy your hack cpu intel shits
>2205 lets you build wherever you want.
Shitbird confirmed. That's not even a real anno game. It's a braindead house plopper for phone monkeys.
It was there for me in the Ubi rewards thingy. Just had to unlock it with points.
>One German retailer.
I suppose next you're going to tell me that Honda Civics sell better than Audi R8's and proclaim Civics the superior choice kek
Anno is not a traditional city builder. It's partly an open puzzle game about efficiency.
Get dabbed on based retard. Many cities also still had way older, historical walls and still have them to this day.
Did they build them during the 1800's?
Exactly, fuck off captain autismo.
How do you not build grid in this game?
I feel like you basically just asking for a mess if you dont at least have some grid
When making a continuous game, you can make it as relaxed as you want.
They finished construction 1783. Do you have any more excuses? I could probably find more examples.
With the blueprint feature you can design your town more beautifully before you settle for the final build.
>They finished construction 1783
So they didn't build them during the 1800's. As I said.
Thanks for clarifying and proving you're a retard.
>They finished construction 1783
They were built in the 16th century you lying sack of shit.
Honda Civics ARE the superior choice compared to a fucking R8. They're cheaper, more practical and fuel efficient. With much cheaper insurance rates. Parts are cheaper and radically more plentiful to come by and they are significantly easier to mod. They have a strong following online so it's easy to find parts and read forums about other civic builds and get help. They're far easier to work on and maintain with basic everyday tools. With the latest iteration of the type R, the civic is much faster on the track too.
>peasant shack within viewing distance of cathedral
Dumb wall autist.
torrent... please...
So...how many European cities were actually built from scratch after 1800?
>They were built in the 16th century you lying sack of shit.
So they were built while the city was still sacked from being fucked up during the thirty years war, sure. They only started building in the 17th century.
>Cathedral doesn't actually satisfy the needs for community, amusement, or security until it's completely fucking finished
>it still lets you build houses around it the entire time it's under construction
>arctic outpost
YES that's what i was waiting for
Best settings to tun down to increase FPS but not fuck graphic fidelity?
>there are no walls in Anno 1800
walls became obsolete in the 19th century
If cpu bottlenecked, turn down population density
if gpu, turn down AA and shadows.
instead of a standalone anno 1900, i think they could make the 1900 as a expansion to the anno 1800.
>muh grids
why are so many faggots all of a suddon complaining about grids? Were you autist also this pissed of when banished came out?
Don't lie you little shithead. Once the city gets busy it becomes a console like 30fps experience.
>Anno 1800 Free Download (FULL UNLOCKED)
>NOTE This game is using Denuvo, so you need wait for Crack.
Crack when?
Please tell me what DRM this game has?
Does it require a internet connection the first time I launch it?
Is "always online" required?
Yes it has denuvo
>"how about a coffee? you've been playing for two hours"
th-thank you narrator. i-i will make one right away.
fuck it I'll just buy it from uplay
shake those legs, user-kun
you have been playing for 4 hours
>You lack the fertility required to grow coffee
>the new Jorgensen chick
Oh my fucking god.
even in tropico you end up with grids because curves mess with your building placement in the most infuriating ways. My roads in between cities curve, sure, but inside they might as well be Cities or Factorio (but with the retarded manager that is the teamster)
Always loved hearing those reminders for some reason. It's like the devs are aware of how immersed people get.
My little sister can't be this cute
What's the importance of jorgensen? Is it some inside joke?
why are the buildings so tiny?
There's a Jorgensen in all the annos I've played, maybe in the others as well. I suppose they're all descended from each other.
All Anno games with the exception of 2250 have a Jorgensen, sometimes male sometimes female, but always the friendly "beginner" AI.
because they are far away
Anno unironically has some deep lore
Her hairstyles and sad eyes almost make her look like a goth chick. I want to kiss and protect her and maybe some anal.
Is he the most tragic character in any videogame?
Thanks ubisoft
left to right: kill, marry, fuck
I have 12 cities spread across two maps, still silky smooooooooooth.
2205 has a Jorgensen, he is the trader in the Arctic. But the game was so forgettable no one can blame you for forgetting.
Is the 1800 Jorgensen as pathetic as her ancestor/descendant? They ask you for permission to settle islands and are pushovers in a war. Firebombing hippie towns is fun though.
I know the Jorgensons in 1404 and 1701 really liked poetry.
First two DLCs sound like shit, probably some gay ass side missions which are finished in 30 minutes tops. Arctic would be amazing but it'll just be a lame expedition or two.
Who is the best Anno waifu and why is it Tilda?
There can't be an Anno game in the 20th century, it's not possible
>kill marry fuck
Hard mode, user.
Not even remotely fucking close dude. Tilda isn't even top 5, get some taste. Giant forehead granny looking cunt.
I want to marry my 1800 sister
That's the worst picture of the new Jorgensen I've seen so far, makes it seem unfair.
Marry Helena she is such a sweetie. I love hearing her excited noises/interjections when I do a trade with her.
Marry the redhead, kill the autist in the middle, fuck Helena
>That riot music
You guys think it's possible to somehow rip the model of your 1800 sister out of the game? Just asking haha.
There is a jorgensen in 2205 but it's just a tribute, I think.
Objectively correct answer.
In german interviews they always talk about how they are very aware of how addicting anno is and that what feels like only a short play session is actually hours long, that's why they remind you in game of how long you played.
How do you get the U points to buy the DLC stuff?
>that hidden achievement where your sister confesses her love to you and a 2 hour long wild hardcore but vanilla sex scene starts playing
Damn they really wanna top 1404 huh?
do cheevos and buy games to get good boy points
Botanica dlc sounds great though, it sounds like the zoo feature just with plants. Can't wait to make my own oriental garden.
>Jorgensen blood kept pure through the centuries
>2070 has a tolerant hippy
>Fast forward to 2250, mongloid genes
Still, if surnames are passed down through male bloodlines, the 1800 redhead must have had a brother.
>calling them "cheevos"
> calling it calling them "cheevos"
oh wtf lol. His name was actually jorgensen? I thought he just worked for some company with the name.
Can you actually marry in this game or is the waifu talk just for show?
Better, user?
You can't marry anyone. You can sell them ore and other raw materials though, or blockade their harbour and bully the ai. If you want to marry, play ck2.
I just saw my sister give me a handjob while constantly looking at me with her dreamy sad eyes for 20 minutes so you tell me, why would I lie about something like this?
I tried many times and I just don't understand how to play CK2.
You sure that wasn't you giving the handjob?
is it good?
The last anno I played was 1503
So far most people agree it's the best anno.
yeah it good
>Franklin expedition DLC
>is it good?
It's excellent, but modded 1404/2070 are still better.
Also 1503 is so fucking good.
sounds pretty lackluster. it's not enough
Gdzie jest Krzyż???
cyka blyat
1602 had Jorgensen?
I admit I never played anno but I really enjoyed banished
Is this in the same vein? i.e. difficult and easy to lose everything
Or is this more of a creative building thing
what? nothing happened
Can I run this on a toaster?
Looking back to how Antarctica was handled in 2205 I wouldn't hold by breath out for that either.
No, and I really wish people would stop trying and then crying about it.
Beacuse we got Cities: Skylines between then and now.
niggy, 1602 didnt even have 3d graphics
But Cities Skylines is unbelievably shit and all the curved roads in the world don't make up for the fact.
Literally zoomer tier trash with no depth, no proper simulation, completely fucked mechanics and garbage DLC out the ass, not to mention the worst fucking graphics imaginable.
It's more about optimization, , production chains, planning, npc interaction and gaining permanent advantages that allow you to expand surely and greatly. Your population advances in stages, the higher they get, the more taxes they pay you but their needs also greatly expand. But it's not like everyone advances, you have to keep a big population of worker class people to keep a relatively small population of elite.
GeForce GTX 460
Yep 1602 was a good game
>/pol/cels//OP pretending to be back
>Yea Forumsirgins fall for it
How can you be so dumb?
>no more ground combat units
do we like it?
They are gone for a while now and ultimately it never really worked in anno games since those games are not made for combat.
You asked why grids are bad. Because we have seen that you can make a citybuildan without one.
I don't give a shit if you didn't like the game. It doesn't make 100% grids any less autistic and unrealistic.
Grids are realistic, and efficient, which is why all the worlds great cities are built on grids.
>peasent shanties outside the presidential palace.
>That one crop farm is still there in the middle of the urban centre because you forgot to delete it.
Tfw no Anno 81
>GTX 460
Assuming your cpu is on par with your gpu, no.
looks comfy.
should i wait to pirate this or just pirate tropico 6 now?
At 600 nok? Yeah, no thanks
That's why I said 100% grids.
No city is just autistic 90 degree angles all over. And especially not old cities. You always have streets crossing at angles between the grids eventually, or just not really full-on grids at all.
Tropico is a stale series that is pretty much always the exact same. If you haven't played any yet it might be worthwhile.
imagine spending $60 on an ubisoft title
imagine spending money on a title that has dlc on day 1 confirmed thats not free
imagine playing on epic or ubisoft launcher
Eastern schism between Catholicism and Orthodoxy
>45 BC
End of the Roman republic
enjoy your rollmops
Imagine shitting up comfy threads
Game is maximum comfy
top is so soulless
Do not joke. Anno 2070 deep lore is amazing. Ebashi Trench deep.
Sorry user, only 550m Chads and above.
Haven't even heard of it user
> When the Soundtrack opens with that sweet tune
Never change, Anno, never change.
>When Anno costs 60 dollarinos
Change Anno, just a little change
How do you get hop?
Disgustingly inefficient.
Just don't be poor
find an island with fertility.
Other islands or a rare item
I would if i could user
She is. But than again they are "not swedish" dynasty so it makes snese they are pathetic cocksuckers.
Bente is the best.
Crack imminent for ANNO 1800 DELUXE EDITION V14.04.19
>16 years in prison for swearing
>two launchers
I've never played an Anno game.
What's the red pill about this game? What is it about? City building + politics?
I've also seen it's done by ubishit which is a huge redflag for me
>he didn't get it on Uplay
City building and production/resource logistics and management with god tier visuals, god tier OST, and the sort of game you just kinda play for years.
you wouldn't have the brain for it.
You build a city and supply ungrateful population classes with goods that require complex production chains as you advance. The map is an ocean with many islands, so shipping is essential.
Production chains. City building is just a tool not end means like in SimCity.
What's with Anno games having God-tier music.
Transport chains, exploring, city building, managing AI, fulfilling quests, relaxing. It's all in one package.
Don't >ubishit this one. Ubisoft is keeping hands off from this series the hardest cause the fanbase is very dedicated and would riot if they fucked the game up.
>Workforce shortage
>Workforce shortage
>Workforce shortage
>Workforce shortage
They probably learned their lesson with 2205. The backlash towards that game was significant.
Also is there a production chain table or something? Or everything just goes 1:1
Production buildings have production output times, you can figure it out from those.
Tier I stuff is 1:1
Tier II stuff is where it gets complicated
For Brick: 1:2
For Bread: 2:1:2
For Soap: 2:2:1
For Iron - 1 Iron Mine + 2 coal mines/charcoals : 2 foundries : 3 steel mills or 6 weapon factories (So the ratio is like 2 steel mills and 2 weapon factories, 1 steel mill and 4 weapon factories etc).
Hops I don't remember but it's complicated. 2:2:1 I think
>an explosion in sheep farm caused a fire
Lmao those ytoid kiddies before me got rekt
Welsh Terrorism.
been playing for 3 hours... must take break...
Didn't think I'd like the campaign mode but it's actually pretty cool.
They were playing Worms
>Is this in the same vein?
pretty much yes
very similar to banished and similar comfy levels
Heartiest of keks.
How do I keep my town pretty?
you can also tweak a bit with overtime
Spam native trees everywhere, first item in the worker tier decorative tab.
Based Norwegian pirate
That too but I'm talking about baseline 100%
anno 1404 still seems like the superior city builder
>Also is there a production chain table or something?
not yet, germans are working on it
does Denuvo require an internet connection?
what if you don't buy the game via Steam, what then?
uPlay. Buy at the source.
How the fuck do I get artisans?
I need like 250 of them for the coal mine
Yarr min bror
Fulfil needs for Workers.
>can't reserve goods in the warehouse to prevent your trade routes from emptying your stock
why the fuck would they remove this
yeah sure you aren't...
But you can?
Based German autists getting to work creating 100% efficient layouts.
Cities in general?
yes you can.
so what DRM is it on uPlay?
can you play on an offline computer?
after buying, downloading and installing, can i unplug and be offline for 6 months and still play the game?
what's the game name?
>be offline for 6 months
No, it's denuvo, you need to check online from time to time.
Do I have to do anything crazy to get the old Impressions Games working widescreen etc?
I'm fulfilling needs though?
Don't be vague m8
we had calculators for 1404
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
i thought denuvo was only for games you play via Steam, but you're saying denuvo is also on uPlay?
thanks, was a pretty image
Nah man, executable swap and a folder with some jpegs.
Denuvo is in the game irrespective of the launcher dumbass.
Then again anyone who plays 2205 surely isn't the brightest.
That explains why this game runs like fucking dogshit on my PC. Denuvo actively hurts performance, especially for games locked behind 2 different kinds of DRM as is.
Pic related are my specs and I can't play it on ultra. I get 30fps at the start of a game. No clue how it is after the game progresses.
It's a pretty game.
Check out Pharaoh and Zeus: Master of Olympus as well, same devs, same art style.
Are these ratios anywhere in game?
Improperly stored manure, maybe?
not really a dumb thought since Denuvo is a steam DRM, dependent on steam servers. so valve might not allow you to use them if you aren't buying from their store. if you only sell outside of steam you wont be able to use Denuvo at all.
if you got it on steam, it seems there's an issue with performance regardless of denuvo.
Absolute nonsense, people with way lower specs have had no trouble playing it maxed out at 1080p 60fps, myself included.
>Are these ratios anywhere in game?
The tooltips tell you how long it takes to create 1t of that buildings goods. You work out the ratios from that.
>not really a dumb thought since Denuvo is a steam DRM, dependent on steam servers
No it is a dumb thought you retarded faggot because Denuvo has nothing to do with steam and doesn't rely on steam steam servers for fucking anything.
Stop posting.
>Denuvo is a steam DRM, dependent on steam servers
So much misinformation, i don't know where to start.
if you're referring to the balance/sell/purchase thing, it only affects merchants, not your own trade routes. if you aren't i can't figure it out
hm are you a virgin?
so i was misinformed, you don't connect to steam's servers with Denuvo?
you can select how much your ship loads
this pleases my german autism
>hm are you a virgin?
Stop fucking posting you retarded ass nigger, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Listen to what people are telling you, fuck off, do some research and stop spouting ignorant drivel like the twat you are.
>Farm houses not grouped up close enough to be covered by a trade union
Not efficient enough Franz
should have placed 1 warehouse in the middle
>four warehouses
How are high are you right now?
but can you reserve goods? for example, if i set up a trade route to sell building materials, i want to be able to tell the ship to leave at least x amount of it in the harbor. you could do this in 2070, but i can't find a way now.
you're absolutely a virgin
This isn't efficient at all, you could have had one warehouse in the middle linked directly to the farms and distillery surrounded by crops, preferably in a Swastika pattern.
what if there were upgrades that slowly increase your farm capacity forcing you to build bigger fields?
Go and get BTFO somewhere else faggot.
No he's right, you're a retard.
Your hut it's made of grass, it won't stop bullets I'm gonna kick your ass
>preferably in a Swastika pattern.
Oh shit I thought I was the only one that used that building layout.
It's been one of the most efficient since the very first Anno kek
Dude Schnaps and hemp lmao
I wish the farmers and workers would stop wearing their clothes once before buying a new outfit.
This is why they're poor.
fucking lush
This German has some great layouts.
*gert lush
It will take some time until people realize how the new system really works, but then it will be recognized that in this Anno, it is of no need to build that centralized. In my opinion, it is even disadvantageous to do so.
If I turn anti-aliasing down to 2x I can play the first 2 housing tiers at 60+, but the trees look REALLY bad with the jaggies at that level of AA.
Are my eyes playing tricks? Is there terrain and hills in 1800?
There are hedges, though not as tall as in your picture
Anyone got any decent map seeds?
Yes, there are, and it makes such a difference in optics compared to all the flatness of earlier Annos (especially 2205).
Yes, the land isn't flat no more.
Yep, building churches etc on the tops of hills is cash.
It's more fun when you don't obsess about optimization imo.
God, it hurts me because I want to come back to it so badly, but I already spent a shit ton on games recently and can't justify it. I have Anno 1404, but it'll only make me want it more if I play it.
>Have to go through setting all the map options everytime when you're fishing for a decent map
There hasn't been anything worth buying recently, you chose poorly.
you can save/load settings on the last page of map options you dummy
this city kind of sits on a slope. i built the university on a precipice to give it that observatory look.
God damn it I want to buy this game but I shouldn't.
I know that, I meant you have to go through all the picking out a character and logo when that always used to be a global setting and not a per game setting.
And you can't upgrade theirs houses?
>season pass shit shows arctic art
>overworld map shows a desert area and arctic area
My two biggest biome boners. Damnit, now I'll have to buy it.
Me too, I've never bought anything from Uplay before but asking for anything near 50 USD is too much as much as I liked the beta, I'll probably pirate it until they lower it.
What a fucking poorfag lmao
well, sorry then, but "picking out a character and logo" is not what I define as "map options"
>trying to turn this into another store-front flamewar
Deunovo is shit and Ubisoft is a shit publisher, but Blue Bytes gets to make more of their shit and get their shit right this time. Talk about their shit in this shitty thread.
give it a rest, bootlicking is a creepier fetish than diapers and feet
I'm still waiting on the krauts and big brain boys to optimize the shit out of this game.
i never in a million years thought we'd see something like 1800 after 2205 desu. this is THE anno game. 1404 finally has a worthy successor.
>give it a rest
Says the faggot crying about the cost of cheap entertainment.
If you can't afford a game that costs less than a decent meal you should probably spend less time whining like a faggot and more time working.
I'm just careful with my money user, knowledge is knowing I can buy this game 30 times over, wisdom is knowing I'll regret spending so much doing so when the last time I spent this much on a game I was already getting the full
paradox collection.
>these games are still flat planes
when will they allow me to build shit like this
To each their own.
I generally share your sentiment, but usually make the jump for higher priced product at least once a year if its something I'm really in the mood for.
No, you're a poorfag who's time is so worthless to him he'd rather spend it complaining about being a poorfag.
>I.. I'm not poor!
Kys poorfag
>Spending 50 USD for a meal that probably is worth half of that
>Not mastering cuisine and preparing food with fresh premium ingredients that could be worthy of Kings
I dont get why my balance fluctuated so much
like It go up between +1k to being negative
from the tooltip its just the worker/artisan income just keep going up and down
If you're time is so worthless that you would waste it with the help in the kitchen you're the very definition of poor.
One of their needs probably isn't stable.
check their happiness (separate tab from needs). give them theaters and pubs.
>Mastering skills that improve you and that you can actually use in real life is now worthless
Lmaoing at you
v i'm going through bouts of depression because notre dame, all that history, all those secrets gone. Its alexandria but on a smaller scale.
Gimme some games to take my mind off it.
They've improved your life so much that you're sitting on a Mongolian merkin weaving forum complaining about cheap entertainment.
You've clearly invested your time and resources poorly.
Meanwhile I earned enough whilst shitting today to buy 4 copies of Anno 1800.
I always wondered why they kept using that oddly shaped rectangle as the city epicenter. It makes sense now that a German studio are still nazi faithfuls.
Maybe you should stop burring your head in the sand and do something about the fact that Muslims have now set fire to not one, but two churches in Paris in the last few weeks.
Anyone have a NAT issue and can't play multi?
in open beta it worked fine, but since i used a vpn yesterday to play release game early i can't access multiplayer.
VPN is uninstalled.
You guys using DX11 or DX12?
>all that history, all those secrets gone
The only things that are confirmed lost are one of the rose windows and the central spire , whose ornaments and statues were not even present because of the renovations, and the whole roof of course.
Some debris fell into the church ship, but that's about it.
This was the final blow to christianity on france
It is now 100% Muslim
>see big empty island
>pirate base is next to it
>see another big island
>the chink princess took it while I was gathering steel
Anno 1404.
Destroy them both
this desu, i'm amazed France is just tearing it down and building a Mosque in it's place.
>Missing fertility
Umm what
I don't follow your logic here, how does having cooking skills or having interests outside of videogames relates to me being here or not? You know you're here too right, and wasting your precious time discussing with me, seems like you're the one projecting his wasted life decisions on others. Tell me user, paying full price of anything makes up for a life with no other activities outside of videogames?
>that final mission in story mode
>your economy is in shambles
>relentlessly getting attacked by wave after wave of enemy troops
>wheather is stormy throughout the entire mission
>citizens regularly riot through your city because everything is fucked
>gotta finish building the cathedral as a massive beacon of hope and superiority
Way more kino than a city builder storymode had any right no be.
Each island has unique fertility's, each island can't grow everything.
You can add one custom fertility to an island with a special seed item.
How do I fertilize the island with my seed user
I'm sitting here playing the game and happily discussing it.
You're sitting here not playing the game and complaining about it.
Sort your shit out chief.
i-I demand bendy roads.
Find a waifu.
Replaying the 1404 campaign right now and it's so fucking good.
like crap
How do I claim an unsettled Island.
This is the single reason I'm holding out on the season pass. Seems like they learned a lot from 2205 though.
pick one
when will the devs fix the horrible framerate?
try settlers 5
are you buying stuff?
buying in anno usually caused negative balance for a period of time
Sure... Listen man, there are those in this world that will pay anything at full price, and there are those that will take their time and maybe decide to buy later if they decide the price is correct. Simple as that, if you're the former I'm glad for you, I'm of the saver kind and both can exist in peace.
Game runs good tho, either upgrade your toaster or sort your shit out.
You dibs on it.
Yeah the smog from the charcoal kiln kills the framerate.
lol why are you still here complaining about it being too expensive and pulling justifications out of your ass with both hands for your poor faggotry.
Load building materials on a ship then sail to it and claim it.
it's not only me
thanks famalamdingdong
I love Anno and loved the beta. I really want this, but I'm too cheap to pay $50 or more for games these days. I think I'm gonna bite the bullet though, toss me a few "do it faggots" at least so I feel better about it.
Don't, wait for the fitgirl release
I bet you'll cowards don't even double your main roads.
Also word of warning for people:
Don't hit the pause/menu button while the hud is disabled. The game won't bring the hud back and you'll be stuck.
The outline of a harbour will appear if you sail close to the coast. You need steel and wood to build it.
If you love Anno it's a no brainer man, 1800 is the best the series has ever been and you're guaranteed to get your monies worth.
>that layout
don't do it
t. faggot
people shit on it and shill settlers 2, but 5 was a great evolution from 3, which was better than 2 anyways and the campain was probably the best in the entire series
If you have 100 club units you can trade them for a 20% discount right off the bat.
What land size do you guys play on (not world size)?
I'm guessing Archipelago is the largest. Smaller sounds kind of comfy but probably also quite a bit harder.
how do you get club units
Note that this doesn't work for North Americans, as the US policy requires the game has been out for at least 3 months before the coupon can be applied.
North Americans are too dumb and blood thirsty for Anno so it doesn't matter.
Cause I take pity on you and your obvious lies. When people is actually playing and having fun playing games you know what they do, they play them, they don't come to a Mongolian weaving basket forum to try to enter a dick measuring contest with people that are not planning to buy the game right know, unless you know you don't feel so sure about your decisions in the first place that you need to justify them with literal who's on the internet. You cute smol thing.
Does this include Mexico and Canada or just burgerland?
Buying games/dlc from uplay gives you points. Completing certain challenges in game gives them too.
this anno is pretty brutal though.
>ship from the new world brings back tropical disease
>rips through the slums like fire
>riots erupt
>hospital is powerless
>distract the diseased and dying population with propaganda to go to war with the chinese
>blockade their ports until they're begging for mercy
Is it safe to say Anno is back?
I'm a burger american and my favorite games are life sims and city builders
Wow, congrats, you can copy/pasted my argument verbatim and still completely missed the point.
I'm the one playing the game and enjoying discussing it, you're the one complaining about it and not.