>female knight
Female knight
It's called a Dame, dumbass
>black scientist
he looks like he fucks black guys
Hey, don't call broads dames. It's offensive.
>male female
>gets raped
How beta one must become to make a thread like this
>female ninja master (the one on the right)
>Male healer
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
>muscles so nonexistent she couldn't throw a shurikan with lethal force let alone haul herself up over a wall
well maybe that's why she took on the one on the left as her student
The best
>Happily Married 4channeler
>women can't be soldie-
lmao WTF
ITT turbovirgins
>Getting carried by OP equipment
have sex, incels
>Gayorno Gayovanna
Have sex.
>she killed that goblin all by herself!
>Anything that relates or requires physical prowess
Wolfenstein Youngblood comes to mind
>dumb frogposter
>Linda in charge of floating in space in a coma while Master Chad fucks shit up on Installation 04 only to pick her up later
She wasn't attempting a deadlift you ignorant fatass.
>tall blonde female knight with a cool deep voice, long hair preferably worn in a ponytail, plate armor and wields a giant shield and a melee weapon of choice with a dash of holy magic
especially if she also thinks she's not cute at all and no one will be attracted to her, and she blushes profusely when you genuinely, repeatedly say that you love her and would want to marry herThanks Evenicle, can't believe first girl is best girl
>male day
what is this shit
>This is what a female knight looks like in 2019
What went right?
>When you find out that your body is for making babies, not lifting weights and taking photos for your Instagram
>female sherman
would've been more kino if she also pissed herself to add insult to injury
>dog knight
Yup,that's totally real.
What have women actually accomplished on their time on planet earth?
I can't think of a single thing tb.h
What do you mean?
>implying you incels could do this
Perpetuating human existence
They're holes and baby makers.
Not amount of feminism will change that.
Hey, don't call wenches broads, it's sexist
>Biological functions are accomplishments
Men do that too with sperm btw
Even with 4chans low standards of physical fitness I think at least like 1/4th of the men on Yea Forums could do this, except for the splits
this is so fucking stupid
It's hot, nigger. Take your frogs back to reddlt.
Why are frogposters always cringe?
The average male could still knock her teeth in.
Well, yeah. What the fuck do you think evolution is? Successfully adapting to environment.
>braindead QTE segment
They're actual children. /pol/ is the new Yea Forums, it's just the floodgate for edgy retards from reddit and facebook.
that accomplishes nothing
>landing backflip
>climbing rope with just arms and doing pull ups after
There's no way 1/4 of Yea Forums can do this lmao.
>Muh evolution
All living things on earth have done this. Try again.
>boob armor
Why does Yea Forums hate women?
>wahaaaaaaaaaa my politics is untouchable godly TRUTH
I remember that time RPS made it sound like
>Jews can't be knights
in The Stick of Truth was somber commentary on medieval life.