Killing Floor 2

Why is SWAT the best class? Even if most of the SMGs are weak, they're reliable trash removers that can kill anything up to a Scrake, letting your teammates focus on the beefier Zeds.

Attached: Killing_floor_2_art.jpg (275x363, 53K)

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SWAT is good for Cowadooteh rookies, since the armor keeps 'em alive, Flashbangs are safe way to escape Zed gangbangs, and the gameplay boils down to "lotsa dakka 2 the monsters".

That being said, even after all the nerf attempts, Berserker is still the OP king. Huge resistance to all damage, literal regenerating health + potential HP boosts for kills, melee oriented so no need to worry about ammo (necessariously), and GOTTA GO FAST speed.

Need to beat a solo HoE game, or ensure your own survival in a yet another King FP boss fight online? Zerker's your best bet.

Attached: Scrake on me.gif (1280x720, 1.91M)

Tbh, I feel like Support is a lot more useful and fun than Beserker. Playing a purely melee class in an FPS game just feels dull. It feels like I'm whacking or slashing at paper.

Believe me, I used to be 100% loyal to Support since the original mod versions, but in KF2? It's just quite underwhelming. The shotguns don't feel that good, and welding's less of a focus than before.

Berserker in KF2 is just overpowered little do it all.

Attached: lvl 6 support specialist.webm (329x540, 1.49M)

Only some of the support guns in KF2 feel weak. Mainly the starting shotgun and the autoshotgun.
>The Doomstick feels punchy
>The AA12 just shreds everything
There's one more that I'm forgetting, but the point is that not all of the shotguns feel like glorified peashooters.

Beserker's only fun when you're using the hammer shotty and the Eviscerator.

SWAT has the least amount of natural HP. That's why they die as soon as their armor is gone.

Commando doesn't have this weakness. He also can see stalkers, extend zed time and do more damage per bullet. With the extended mags perk he has almost as much ammo as SWAT.

I honestly consider ALL the shotguns in KF2 to feel notably less punchy than in KF1. Ironically, I find the spread of shots to be too small in #2 as well, making it harder to actually hit shit. HZ-12 works a bit better in that regard.

Doomstick is a recent, total lol-wat addition. Sure, it sends FPs flying up in the air, but something about it still feels off. Dunno if it's the silly visual style.
AA12 is... OK. I honestly prefer the Combat Shotgun over it.

>Beserker's only fun when you're using the hammer shotty and the Eviscerator.
Katana's all you really need. Zwei-hander's like a bigger brother of it, and now you can just go with the Fire Axe instead if ya lack the DLC. Helps if you got lvl 25, since that real-time Zed Time running pulverizes enemies.
But yeah, a hi-level Zerker + Eviscerator = auto win.

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swat is just a beta male version of commando
m16 + that new medic gun with the grenade is unstoppable, the other guns might as well not even exist desu

If that's the case, then what's the point for SWAT in the first place? I assume that considering your points, the perk's only selling points are
>unlimited ammo with real time RoF or being a human battering ram while in zed time
>more dakka SMGs
>stronger base pistol damage
Did Tripwire just ran out of ideas or something?

>Did Tripwire just ran out of ideas or something?
Have you seen survivalist?

>he uses the katana
>he uses th eviscerator

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Dropped this game when they added robots or whatever

For me, the Survivalist seems more like Tripwire drinking a full mug of retard juice for breakfast.

At least the Killer Watt and the ice launcher are really fun guns. They're the only reason I try out Survivalist once in a while.

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>tfw demo
the grenade pistol and seeker six destroy everything

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>twi is still trying to salvage survivalist
>when medic or support can be played as a jack of all trades but better than survivalist ever could be

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On easy mode maybe

They could at least start by making the survivalist's perks not retarded.
>make designated jack-of-all-trades class
>encourage specialization through perk tree filled mostly with mediocre/shitty perks

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>Grenade pistol
>Seeker Six
Mate, the fuck are you smoking? The RoF doesn't matter when the M76 beats it by it's damage per explosive being higher.

what's the meta loadout for each perk?
I only autistically play commando so I dunno how I should use other perks

user, haven't you always wanted to be a Medic/SWAT hybrid that's 100% worse than a Medic with a Medic SMG or a SWAT with a Medic SMG or Pistol?

Totally. And I love being forced to choose between a medic nade or molotov (lol), especially when each is tied in with another bonus. Not to mention, I love having a perk option that might as well read, "enrage scrakes when clearing surrounding trash." Do they play their own god damn game?

I prefer Commando when considering how good the zed-time extensions can be with other Lv25 players.

The ammo resupply part is a nice idea, but it's kind of a crutch in pub games and the green boxes are a free-for-all, so it never really changes anything other than everyone else saving money. DBS used to be amazing for a tier 2 weapon though.

Curious to know as since I only bothered started playing again recently and now there's some weapon upgrade bullshit plus the DARs. Is Firebug now the miscellaneous class or something with all of its additions?

>DBS used to be amazing.
Wait, what the fuck? They nerfed it? Why?

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Any tips for someone wanting to learn zerker? I really like it but I'm not very good at it.

In their defense, the last update that changed some survivalist bonuses said this was a stopgap while they work on a complete overhaul of the perk, so maybe it’ll be a good class eventually

Anyone got a working leveling mod? The usual one broke completely with this new update.

Oh that's good to hear. It'd be neat to see them make it actually interesting and/or good.

starting support weapon is fucking criminal, you are so nerfed compared to any other class it's not funny
SLOOOOW reaload, SLOOOOOW rate of fire, SMAAAALLL capacity before reload
>m16+medic grenade rifle
aka the most boring way to play the game

Actually going through this, I thought they did at one point but I wonder if they scrapped it during a beta. The most recent change listed on here just appears to be a slight reload nerf.

Maybe I got it mixed up with how they initially nerfed a lot of weapons to accommodate their upgrade system but shitcanned a lot of the changes later. Sorry.

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Is pyro still the ''grief'' class in multi
I like to burn

Have all your perks set for heavy attacks
Have that one perk set on parry instead of 20% resistance. It is always better to parry, you should be parrying or trying to 24/7 to activate your almonds and go ham.
Berserk is pretty easy, it doesn't take an epic gamer to master it
You got this

>Have that one perk set on parry instead of 20% resistance
But I like being immune to pukes and screams.

It is probably the easiest class in the game next to medic

You get the same result from pulling off a parry. I'm telling you, it's always worth it.

Damn, what the fuck. This thread is making me nostalgic for something that was only four years ago.
I have to play this again sometime. I miss those few /kfg/ games we had.

Attached: suicide husk.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

It's not my fault the other commando weapons are so underwhelming, the stoner is a disgrace

You get the same amount of resistance when you parry an enemy for 10 seconds plus the added bonus damage on top of it

>only four years ago.
it feels like a long ass time desu
>tfw I was in university when KF2 went into early access but I dropped out

>the husk suicide animation is half a second long now
How far we've come.

>tfw /kfg/ devolved into unironic erp while being starved for updates
Take me back to the closed beta right now! damn you tripwire I'll never forgive you and that faggot community manager yoshiro!

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I hate that shit you get like no time to react
getting blown the fuck up because my shithead teammate behind me couldn't finish off a husk sucks

The cookie cutter perk setup is
All you need to do is basically time parries and learn to use heavy attacks more. There's stuff like animation canceling too but you don't really need it. Especially in online when it is buggy af

Why did you have to bring it up? I wanted to forget what it became.

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I wish there was a way to get vosh skins you're missing, I have vosh weapon skins for 70% of the weapons in the game that have one and not getting them all is really going to rustle my autism.

One more ancient ass webm

Attached: cyst bullying.webm (1280x720, 2.18M)

>Clot status: Bullied

Do the enemies still just sprint at you like headless chicken? I miss the slow methodical pace of KF1.

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>die and lose my weapon
>teammate picks it up and gives it back to me when I respawn
Best feel.

Attached: 1545756793845.gif (368x368, 1.72M)

>die and lose weapons
>teammate picks it up and sells it

dun dun dun dundundun DUNNN

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>tfw you're that guy

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>teammates request dosh
>tfw don't give any
>am a berserker

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Is this game ever gonna be finished?

I remember playing a while back, loved KF1, but KF2 seemed way too light on content.

>teammate requests dosh
>give him some
>next round he requests more
>next round he requests more

>heal teammate
>he thanks you
>never heals back

It's already out of EA, and with plenty of new content to boot. Give it a try again once you get the chance.

More content than KF1?

Anything to actually further the game?

I.e shit loads of guns? Weapon attachments? anything besides good graphics?

Which character do you anons play?

It’s been a while since I checked the numbers, but I think it has more maps and guns than 1 now? If not more, then about the same. 1 just seems to have a million maps because there were so many custom maps. 2 has a bunch as well, but nowhere near as many as 1

game had much bigger issues than lack of content
so glad I could still get a refund that shit finally got out of early access

>Friendship with GS ended. FB is my new best friend now.
Praise be the Helios

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Just how far back? They update it in sizeable chunks several times a year and most of the perks in the game generally have at least 2-3 new weapons, other than maybe Gunslinger who still gets crossperking with some weapons. It doesn't have KF1 levels of maps but there's still plenty.

>More content than KF1?
Ehhhhh not really. It's more like it has as much content as current KF1 now. Give it a few more content updates and maybe that'll change.

>Anything to actually further the game?
There's a couple of new guns in a similar vein as the Z.E.D. gun from the first game (ie. the Killer Watt and the Microwave gun). No attachments though. Instead, there's an upgrade system implemented.

On the headcount of maps, I think there's roughly ~21 or so official maps in KF2 now. KF1 still has a pretty impressive count, though.

Attached: maps.png (942x591, 139K)

And of course, there's one user map in there. Going off the main page though the point still stands:

Since there are no weapon discounts in 2, it's basically always best to start wave 1 as a level 20 SWAT for the free armor/dual pistols and then switch afterward right?

That's probably due to KF1 having a much longer lifespan compared to current KF2. Not surprising, desu.

Please respond.

classic briar
wish they just reused all the lines from kf1

Of course. It's probably easier to map for as well.

Yeah. Usually, I'd say no to this tactic because the damage bonus from the SWAT perk makes the pistols pretty useful, but they fucked it by nerfing the maximum ammo to be the same, whether you're using a single pistol or dualies.

I'm still fucking mad that they did that.

Either Mr. Foster or D.A.R.

Briar and Masterson just sounds flat in 2 compared to their renditions in 1.

>tfw no [Insult Player]

Fuck, man. Those were absolutely golden in the first game.

>Who do you think you are?! Bleedin' Action Man!?
>My granny shoots better than you!

The ones voiced by the retired cop were my favorites.

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>fire up KF2
>be disappointed they cut out the OG VO's
>type out *insult players*
>get kicked from server

Classic Masterson and Scully

Why does this game even bother with the levelling system? It felt utterly useless and like a time pad in the first game, and nothing has changed since. I just want to try out multiple perks, and since the game is session based it's not like there's actually a meaningful progression. I just have to downgrade for no real reason.