The fuck is "cool" and why should I need it?

The fuck is "cool" and why should I need it?

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Because summer is here.

>not maxing out cool stat from the start
lmao fucking loser

Probably something akin to Charisma if I had to guess.

CD Projekt's idea of Luck

Its the thing you're missing in life

sry couldnt resist, I dont even know what game that is

It's Cyberpunk 2077. Do you live under a rock or something bro lol

it's your reputation, the higher your "cool" rating the more jobs you get access too.

Didnt care for it since the shit posting after the last trailer like months back

>/v doesn't know what being cool means
can you be any more of a stereotype? you're making us look worse than we already are

>Spoiler text
This isn't reddit. Drop your shitposting and move on, don't try to cover such abysmal things, makes you sound pretentious as fuck.

In the tabletop, the Cool stat represents your ability to stay collected and level headed in stressful situations

Isn't the correct way to play the game for immersion for people on Yea Forums to have cool at 1?
I think we are together in the fact that we aren't cool and attractive in here

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It’s not hip to be square in the Cyberpunk universe, user. Now check em.

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it's charisma

why the fuck is intelligence and tech separate?

you're role playing. only autists can't imagine being someone different

Maybe some of you are. People fucking love being around me because I'm cool and attractive. I just don't like being around them because I'm anti-social.

Because you don't need to be intelligent to use tech or memorize it

Composure maybe but you'd think that would fall under Constitution.
We all know it's exactly what it says it is.
>max out cool
>dress like a retard
>suck balls all day
>just because i like it so much
>punch babies
>snitch to jannies
Wow, user is sooooo COOL!

its like luck in fallout nv
aka completely useless

even idiots seem to know how to use an iphone, right

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who str/cool here?

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it's charisma

>Tech is labeled "unparamount"
>But it does a bunch of pointless things

yeesh. only Reflexes and INT mean fucking anything.

>cleaning out the casinos
>doing brain surgery
>crits galore
did u even play nv, degenerate

spoken like a true nerd

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well, assuming you're going to be infiltrating enemy territory more often than guarding a box, tech is the best way around automated security that will fill you with bullets or shrapnel

lol luck and endurance are literally the best stats in the game in FNV you imbecile

he only has 2 int

It's the nigger metre. Raising it makes you blacker and cooler but also more likely to lose control of the character and blindly attack/rape.

in the pen and paper it's like a merging of constitution and comeliness

>Cool (CL):
>This index measures how well the character stands up to stress, pressure, physical pain and/or torture. In determining your willingness to fight on despite wounds or your fighting ability under fire, Cool (CL) is essential. It is also the measure of how "together" your character is and how tough he appears to others. Rockerboys and Fixers should always have a high Cool with Solos and Nomads having the highest of all.

It's charisma

>not maxing strength, reflexes, and cool

>the level cap is 50 and he can max his skills with low int anyway

Unless you go melee character I doubt there's any point getting strength.

>being a caveman in a futuristic scifi setting

Cooing fans of course. She is a cyborg after all with all kinds of processors.

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>how good you are at keeping your cool in any situation and not fumbling the grenade tossback, hotshot
grow a fucking brain

me - 10 cool
you - 0 cool

So Cool is not charisma, but willpower? Kinda lame.

>when you have 1 in cool

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When it comes to getting shit you don't need the best you just need it done. And brute force or a silver tongue is more than enough to get things done.

It's a shit stat my dude

It's absolutely not. First the stat comes from the tabletop, not from CDPR and second, it's unrelated to luck, it's litteraly how cool you can keep it under pressure, and if you stay calm and controlled when attacked or under stress.

talking is all fine and good, but all talk and no action is boring, breaking some expensive toys breaks the monotony well

Its true to irl

It's the same thing from the Saints Row games.

What is the Cool Pure playstyle like?

just like playing any high charisma character

Cool isn't charisma

according to the description its's a mix of charisma and will, since it affects how people percieve you, i'm sure you're not planning to just passively resist stressful situations in your play through?

street cred

>In the tabletop, the Cool stat represents your ability to stay collected and level headed in stressful situations

False, it's literally how cool you are, hence why wearing certain clothes enhances it. Doing drugs also increases it, as well as having casual sex.

keeping your cool in firefights? dumb name if thats it

cool = charisma

The difference between chad and virgin.
Less cool = more autistic.
I'm going to make a girl character and set the cool to 0.
That will be fun.

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this but male

Fuck off.

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you're mistaking it with your street cred stat

street cred is more like your fame or reputation

>the fuck is "cool" and why do I need it

You sound just like me in High School

You ommitted the part about fashion and doing drugs, nice try liar

>tfw you just now realize that Zero Cool from Hackers was a tabletop reference

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I love how you editted out the extra part mentioning fashion and drugs in the cool section then copy pasted the other shit to hide what you did.

go ahead and post it

Max Int
Max Tech
Max Cool
0 everything else.
Be that cool, crippled, kid that gets all the chicks.

I can't, I gave my tabletop book to my japanese gf who lives in Japan.

Ebin troll.

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Cool is charisma from fallout.
It let's you bullshit people even if you're no good in a fight.

Fixers and corps are way overpowered, same as reflexes and intelligence for stats in the tabletop. Wonder how CP2077 and CP Red are going to change that. I guess 2077 has the benefit of limiting the amount of classes in that regard.

there are no classes in the game, you just build your dude how u want to play, like Fallout

Last I read, you could have some class identity based on decisions in the game though.


>having 1 cool turns you into a hothead

It's Charisma, duh. It is called Cyber PUNK. Meaning you need to look cool so you can hold influence on gangs and stuff.

this and also heavy machineguns

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Don't worry nothing will be overpowered because everyone will shoot things exclusively.

So Stephen Hawkins but with an engineers degree?

Red will change corps into execs. Instead of resources they have team: group of specialist npc henchmen.

>tech 2
>in fucking cyberpunk world
Anyone who is not investing in tech skills about modern or future era games is a caveman.

>no luck
Guess max cool and luck builds are not a thing then. Fuck that.

Int: 2 (I'm not big into books.)
Cool: 6 (You're gonna burn alright)
Tech: 6 (My vision is augmented)
Strength: 3 (Except send YOU back to the people. In a body bag!)
Constitution: 3 (You mechs may have copper wiring to re-route your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.)
Reflexes: 5 (Take your best shot, Flatlander Woman.)

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I wanna be a degenerate chrome lesbian with awful hair and hack into everything
I want to turn off people's guns and then make their cars run over them
I want to steal all of the fucking money in the city
I want to hack into someone's eyes and completely erase myself from their vision so they stagger around screaming at me while shooting into thin air
Just let me be the decker I've always wanted to be, CDPR. That's all I ask

It's probably their version of charisma.


post the original then you little shit

probably a composure stat
>not running zero cool builds
>not crashing this game with no survivors

Int: 6 (Maybe you should try getting a job).)


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She looks so much better with blond hair.

It's that thing the kids at cyberpunk school will never call us.

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>10 points in cool, 9 in intelligence.
Let's go boys, time to miss every shots and punch like a wet noodle, while being able to calculate just how low my chances of winning are, without panicking!

Get this - 5 in the original represents a normal human.

>he didn't max cool
If you have to ask...

5 in everything?

>The fuck is "cool" and why should I need it?
If you need to ask, you'll never know.

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>tfw cool but unattractive
fuck my life


Wonder if we'll be able to get aditional points in these, or if we're gonna be stuck with what we have, and maybe get a few equipment bits and consumables for temporary stat boost, like fallout 1-2. I'd probably focuse on Int and Cool if that's the case, since I try to play a peceful character/mediator type of character, but if it's like fallout, I'll probably have to shove points in a combat skill or get smacked hard.

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It's another word for composure.

Cool = Composure

How well you keep your cool.

You won't get robot pussy without cool.

If it's anything like the Pen and paper system your focus is more on skill growth rather than stats themselves.

It's cool as in "a cool head", your ability to think clearly and calmly in stressful situations. At least, that was it in the original tabletop game, where that kind of thing had to be abstracted; I'm not sure what exactly it'll mean in a video game where it really depends on the player's cool head, not the character's.

Pls let us be able to romance her.

increase melee damage
increase hitpoints
boosts exp growth
increase ranged damage
increase weapon modding
boosts street cred growth

To lower the Heat obviously

>he can manually lower his own body heat


You know it, duder.

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Cool is basically Will.

It could effect gun accuracy depending on how badly you get hurt or something along those lines. Could be pretty tedious depending on how they go about it assuming they decide to translate that part of it into the game.

how cool are femV's feetsies??

>why the fuck is intelligence and tech seperate

Because India exists.

>summer is here.

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>no way to roleplay a autistic 0 cool girl who tries to be a gangster only to end up raped by everyone, finally resigning herself to become the cum dump of the city


>your character talks and acts the same despite the cool stat
>cool stat only opens up some shitty extra dialogue that lets you net more money at the end of the quest

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Why are Int and Wis separate?