Are there any games left that convey strong christian values?

Are there any games left that convey strong christian values?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Undertale, unironically

La Pucelle: Tactics

christian values are for old people and annoying fucks who substitute that for any of their own beliefs
image actually caring about some shitty desert fanfic from 1000s years ago
like actual autism

Super 3D Noah's Ark

Mosque Builder Simulator 2019


Jesus hates frogs.

Without strong values and family unity retards like you are born into this world, user.

whatever Terry Davis made in TempleOS



Binding of Isaac

>unironically wanting to suck dick for eternity

>strong values and family unity
neither of which were invented by Christianity
and Jesus shit on "family unity"

do it asap

The You Testament

>Can't take the bantz.
Why are Christcucks so easy to trigger? Think that's where these alt-right sissies get their own SJW-tier sensitivity from?
>m-muh Jesus.

You can go on any board, talk shit about got and get free (you)s.

Are you saved, Yea Forums?

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That's actually false. Check out this vid on everything Christianity did for the world:

I know people like you like to think that Christianity isn't needed, but matter of fact is, without it most of the world would still be sacrificing babies to the altar.

oh shit negro you stole my post

dark souls, faith build and smite heretics and demons

Shin Megami Tensei Law Route and use only angels

Delete this illegal video

Call of Juarez series.

based and redpilled thread

thank you OP

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Dont get me wrong. I believe in Jesus, but Christianity or any religion improves a society.

Just look at Latin America and Africa. The most conservative and Christian nations on earth and yet they still are savages to each other.

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Compare christian Africans to Muslim Africans then to tribal zulus and bantus
The difference is extremely apparent, even if overall they are less cultured than Europeans

>Just look at Latin America and Africa.
Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with genetics and race. If they were atheist they would still be violent rapist low IQ subhumans.

please delete this video

Me sliding into my crush's dms like

What the hell is going on there?

An accidental renovation fire

ghost caught on film

Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn.


illusion trick


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but undertale is filled with homosex and furries

Uh, yeah, its a coincidence

how the fuck is this not blown up yet?


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It's almost as if the media, who are the enemy of the people, is covering it up