What's the point of owning a Switch again?

What's the point of owning a Switch again?

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not being poor

I think you mean what's the point of owning a Wii U.

>Botw is now trash ports
what about persona 5 on ps3?
>smash ultimate is 4.5
Fell too much down in this meme
>mario maker 2 is a ports
Sequels are now ports?

Keep seething snoy

lol the fun is gone?

how is botw last gen if it released on the same day

Smash U, Mario Odyssey, BOTW and Splat2 are the best games this gen seething Snoy and they're Switch exclusives.

What's with all the Switch related shitposting tonight?

oh yes, another thread where Yea Forums pretends that everybody bought a wiiu

The ironic thing here is that BOTW's definitive version is the PC one

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Wii U was a fantastic console

This. Its been dead for two years and the Wii U is still the best console of its gen.
Its only failure was in marketing, literally the biggest thing wrong with it was that people kept saying it was bad so everyone believed it.

The thing is that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. People decided early on they weren't getting a Wii U as marketing failed to convince them. Therefore, they all said it was bad and not worth getting. No matter how many games were added they made their choice early on, and the console would always suck to them just to validate their position. People decided on buying the switch early on due to marketing, and now they lap everything about it up, because now they are on Team Switch. Now all those "wothless" Wii U games are amazing and they all need to be ported over for their benefit. After all, they Wii U wasn't worth owning anyway. This is despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the games switch owners enjoyed thus far were Wii U games. It is all about marketing as people are nothing but sheep who follow common opinion without thinking.

Belmonts in Smash and maybe Frog Suit in Mario Mario, that are literally the ONLY reason I MIGHT buy one

>Less powerful than a fucking 360
>Fuck all storage space
>Too many AC adapters to charge shit
>Portable hard drives a massive pain in the arse to connect to it requiring a dual fucking USB cable if you didn't go for SSD because the console is literally too fucking weak to power a fucking portable hard drive
>Gamepad loses signal if you dare to go into the next room with it
>No games
>Absolute bottom of the barrel shovelware on the eshop because no one wanted to develop for it.
>No Gamecube games on the eshop as if Nintendo don't want to acknowledge the one good era they had.
Fuck off cunt and I say that as an owner of one.

>Every Wii U game ported
>Unnecesary tittles like NSMBU & Cptn Toad
>Still not W101
Still pissed off even if they ported the other of the two tittles that matters from the Wii U (Freeze Dong).

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shut your whore mouth, capt toad was great

The way that Switch fanboys eat up and CONSTANTLY beg for ports is absolutely disgusting.

>nintendo has no 3rd party support!!HAHA

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>the Wii U is still the best console of its gen.

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Don't forget how it also pissed off and soured actual Wii U owners, like me, who actually bought the system and the games, only for everyone who didn't buy one to get updated Complete editions on their Switch, basically making me feel like I got scammed.

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>gib 101 copies sold
why would you spend money porting something that no one wanted the first time?

How does porting your 1st party games from another system make up for a lack of 3rd party games?

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How about games that are coming out right now like Resi 2 and Sekino Shadows Dab on Tendie

>No games
Where you under a rock? Nintendo was the only one releasing games for their system like a madman.

4/10 overall. Good and interesting concept imo.

Because it is a good game. Or you want shit games on your system? Because for that you have PC and vita.

what lack? I just bought nuclear throne and FF7

Hacking it and turning it into a freebie machine.

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>all these ports
>no Fatal Frame 5 port

What the fuck

>What's the point of a gaming tablet with decent controls and native support for console games

There are "people" who legitimately don't understand this

She's one of those girls that got a big fat head. You'd think nothing of it, until the first time you made out with her, and your hands went up to grab her hair and stuff, and suddenly the only thing you'd be thinking about is "Damn this bitch got a huge head". That's trouble. That's the potential to be a 260 lb 50 year old.

Buying the switch is a pointless expense, the kind of choices in life that leaves a man poor.

The PS4 and Xbox One weren't very strong competition. Its still probably the worst Nintendo console yet, but that doesn't mean it was worse than the competition, at least it got some exclusives.

>wow, everyone already played these wii u games fucking nintendo
so which one is it?