Do you own any vidya merch?

Do you own any vidya merch?

Attached: dolly.jpg (712x949, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

onaholes count?

...that face... It scares me

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I got a Final Fantasy jacket for Christmas a few years ago.


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Do vidya discs count as merchandise?

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I own 14 Migus and am glad that isn't one of them.

can you fuck that?

Isn't this that haunted doll that blinked on stream?

Nigga get that thing away from me

Attached: CALIF-COP.jpg (860x860, 40K)

OMG she's kinda hot. She has that human alien hybrid thing going on. With a pinch of Momo. Nice....


But can I sex it? I want to sex it.

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Attached: e94.jpg (947x734, 122K)

Dolls are normally creepy but the expression actually appeals to me

Nice try, fag. She's hawt af. I love it!

How do I get into the Japanese twitter cabal? I tried following a bunch of people but not a single one approved me. It seems some of them won't add you unless you're making content yourself but most don't say anything at all.

Anime girls with circular irises are unequivocally the best.

Actually if you think about it god is the biggest perv in existence. It says in the bible that we are made in his image, so our wants roughly translate over to his wants, meaning he basically has a fetish for everything.
But then we became enlightened by eating the forbidden fruit and god was like "Oh shit" and kicked us out of eden so we wouldn't realize he was getting off on us the whole time.

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I'd fuck it


Based and creepy dollpilled

What's wrong with Kirby? Did he swallow something bad?

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Fucking hell that thing is creepy as fuck
I mean yeah I'd fuck it but still

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spooky waifu user



I genuinely think she is cute as fuck. She seems to be giving her best to look terrifying so that others won't bother her, but that deep down she wants someone to give her a hug.

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go back

have sex

Show me your vidya merch user. It can't THAT cringy.

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are they onaholes or regular dolls?

Attached: e18[1].jpg (500x502, 28K)

I wanna give this dork a headpat!

I've got a 4-inch nel Megaman.EXE and an little Amazon too. Only pic I have on hand of Jam is when I was unboxing her, but that's it.

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a couple of shirts, yeah

Attached: Fighting in the Sheet.jpg (540x960, 119K)


Take it ez babe

Post more lewds these are great.

I wanna show it my dick

neat that you like the 1st one, but not something you'd want to wear out

2nd's my favorite, the first just makes for a better shirt.
i wear it outside all the time. it's got that retro charm.

Those dolls are fucking expensive

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That blanket is fucking sick. Where'd you get it from?

And how the fuck do I consistently deal with the huge wrestler dudes?

this is nepgear

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Dolljoints are my fetish, and so is the uncanny valley, so this shit gets me diamonds.

Doesn't the fabric make it hard to clean them when you jizz all over them?

Cute doll

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Hello Nepgear.

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Ahh la mikuwoki

you don't want max on your shirt?

jump kick is the cheese strat. either than that, get good


Where can I get one of these?

Are you implying that my dick is being ironic, user?
I'm not someone who gets ironic boners.

>tfw no Tanya bjd
Feels bad

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Attached: take it ez.png (1080x510, 443K)

Somebody get /doll/ on the line

2's shirts are either the boxart or the title screen, neither of which are that great.
got it from Sega's online store a while back, don't think they sell it anymore.
when all else fails, abuse infinites.

Sweet jesus get that thing off

Attached: CCF9598F-EB21-485C-B619-0C26EF81316F.jpg (445x503, 31K)

>google BJD
>buy BJD
>be poor

The fabric is usually custom made.

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She looks familiar.

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Where in the fuck can you buy this Miku? Is it custom-made?

I actually didn't know about the origin of that drawing.

So what actually is the doll? I almost wanna get one so I can pose it and take silly pictures.

You don't. Yes.

Did you make it, faggot?

Ball jointed dolls.

I learned about it looking for pictures of Neptunia characters.

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But why aren't they life size, how are you suppose to cuddle with the doll if they didn't make it lifesize, and how is it suppose to properly strangly you in your sleep, if it doesn't have human sized fingers to wrap around your neck.

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that's fucking cute

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My life is ruined.

Uncanny resemblance.

Cute dolly user

Do OST's count? Cause I own a bunch of those.

Several art books as well

It stops being creepy if you think of it this way:
>Miku: Do you want to put THAT in ME?!
>Redhead: It's ok. You'll get used to it after a few thrusts.

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I have a Titanfall 2 poster, a Sonic nendo, and a Cacodemon plushie.

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I'm too much of a jew to spend money on plastic dolls.

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I'd like it more if the mouth was actually that wide and not just drawn as such

In that, "I'm special don't make fun of me or you might wake up in a bag, to the sound of chainsaw." way? I guess.

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or shoot a good wad of cum on its face

Life size ones are like 10k and you really only see them in contests or promotional events.

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Is porn vidya merch?

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why do I want to fuck this thing

That face is awful.

Only physical copies.

No. I don't buy merch of anything ever.

They kinda cheaped out on the Neptune one.

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Oh, I'll get it off, alright ...

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We have legions of women so popular they live off donations and legions of men so lonely they spend thousands on non-living surrogate wives. The sexual revolution was an immense mistake.

Very cute miku

Attached: IMG_20190416_022251.jpg (2976x3968, 1.59M)

I don't collect shit and your doll is creepy as fuck

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Since there are a bunch of dollfags ITT, I gots a question for you guys. Maybe you can help me out.
A while ago, I was perusing a gift shop and came across these really cute china doll keychains. I don't remember if they were real porcelain, I'd guess not since they were a novelty item. At the time I was too embarrassed to buy one for myself and figured I'd just remember the name and get one online. Naturally, I forgot the name, but after much research and googlefu, I managed to discover one wholesale site that sold something similar, but they're discontinued. The gift shop went out of business, and I can't find anything else like them, despite much searching.
They were just simple little western style 3D porcelain looking dolls on a keychain, with fabric dresses in a small variety of primary colors. If any of you know of something similar, even with a different aesthetic (anime would be cool) I'd be glad to hear about it.
Thanks. pic not related

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Stop posting.

Those crazy eyes, and that smile. Cute and creepy. She may kill you in your sleep, or love you deeply. I'll take the chance.

The only doll I ever need desu senpai

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Okay. Sorry for bothering you.

Might wanna feed her. She looks like she's about to die of malnutrition ... and promptly avoid death by killing you and eating you.

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I wish I was rich enough for a hobby like this. I've got the degeneracy but not the money

>Delicious doll joints.

The first drawing isn't too bad, but you need to draw shorter necks.

DESU and DESUpilled

>cute and creepy
best combination

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I bet she wouldn't even help you shave your balls.

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based anime dolls

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Weird knees, show feet

I have a little bit

There's a suiseiseki hidden in this image

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I've got the degeneracy and the money but not the privacy.

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>When user leaves the house for more than 12 hours.
You didn't forget about her did you bro?

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>legs up
Post her ass

Is that the Boston Dynamics robot?

So, what's the best doll brand and model if I want to have a little doll that looks like my vidya waifu?
Do male models exist?

Bottom right.

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The doll can take care of them, user.

Attached: Soon.jpg (700x394, 41K)

Dollfie Dream in general, other brands lack the clothing options and are typically smaller and less articulate, like Azone.
They introduced a male model a while ago with Len but you're not going to end up with anything at all manly looking.

Ahem, those are action figures, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Dolls are GIRL toys, okay, don't you go calling MANLY toys, dolls, mmkay?

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>Freakily Charming

>look at site
>42,000 yen + shipping fee
What in the fuck!

>think Azone dolls have cuter faces than Dollfie Dream's
>apparently they're worse
>you're not going to end up with anything at all manly looking
It's ok as long as there is a company that produces shota dolls.
Also . Is there a brand for cheap fucks like me?

Thats actually cheap, I have spend 80 000 yen (without shipping) for sealed Yui doll. Please stay away from this hobby, for your wallet safety.

Azone is cheaper.

I'm checking Azone's site, but I don't understand moonrunes. Can I order a custom doll or do they only sell premade ones?

where can I buy these?

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I wonder how poorly the Akihabara stores would react to a white gaijin looking around in them.

They'd be surprised since most would just frow/have a giggle and go on their way.
It's not like TGS where gaijins are pushed away from the lewd stands to avoid hurting their moral and start a scandal.

>TGS where gaijins are pushed away from the lewd stands to avoid hurting their moral and start a scandal
Story, now.

>gaijins are pushed away from the lewd stands to avoid hurting their moral and start a scandal.
But then I guess most people probably don't see dolls sexually.

Heard that from my man greg.
I think it was for omega labyrinth Z or something.
Basically if you're white and go to the Tokyo Game Show you'll have a limited access to the ecchi game stands, the staff will pretend to not understand and politely make you go away.

Okay that face is cute

where do you get one?

Read the thread.

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ah dammit hopes are gone

Yeah I own this statue, it's pretty dope.

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I have an Aigis Figma and a Slutmika Figma. They're both pretty shit, Figma sucks. Aside from that I just have a bunch of gunpla and the map of Celceta that came with Ys on the Vita.

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They can't win can they?