This is the end for you user!!!

Attached: MirrorForce-YS18-EN-C-1E.png (479x699, 503K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1539567098904.png (539x775, 54K)

>not raigeki

I haven't played in decades but I still have an original 1st ed MRD copy of that card in a binder.
I should really sell it.

Attached: 6EC93F5E-B87F-44E6-A98D-2B66486AF6C1.jpg (1334x750, 140K)

Jokes on you, my wincon is thick thighs. Now take your 7000.

Attached: Lunalight Leo Dancer.png (537x797, 722K)

Sorry OP but I attacked in defense position.

Attached: TDS.jpg (274x400, 37K)

This card was always so cool to me.

Attached: four.png (447x668, 708K)


Attached: card destruction.png (392x572, 362K)

Attached: reincarnation.jpg (308x450, 35K)

>tfw one time I managed to summon Sorcerer of dark Magic
>feel smug and proud and think trap cards can't stop me now
>opponent flips Solemn judgment
>debate it at first but apparently it's legal
years later and I'm still mad

Gotta learn them spell speeds, nigga.

No matter how shitty the card game gets at least we will always have these...

Attached: ygogw_70.png (4150x1116, 2.98M)

>Mai instead of Tea

Shit picture.

Not so fast! I'm sure you know what this card does

Attached: 23.png (500x726, 792K)

>dub names
Kill yourself 4kiddie bitchboy

just use monster reborn lmao

What does it do?

>he's such a zoomer that he had the option to watch subbed anime because he had the internet.

monster reborn puts the monster on the field bud, exodia can be activated in the hand

Attached: attention duelists.jpg (480x360, 12K)

love tthis deck.

Fuck off faggot. I've been watching subs since the early 90s. You have zero excuses.

Fur Hires are fun

DM and GX are better dubbed.

The subbed anime has been available online since the mid 2000s you fucking underage twat.


Attached: d3c8b585923cf2920bdbf3266b71d9a138233c20_hq[1].jpg (540x795, 68K)

Same here. I liked to pair him with chorus and axe of despair for fun. I actually had a funny memory back in the day where I was down to 1000 LP or so and a single face down. My opponent had a tri horn dragon and thunder nyan with 200 LP left but I used castle walls to boost him another 500 when he attacked and made him lose. Dude went apeshit after that. It was kinda funny.

Attached: 500.jpg (200x285, 24K)

>exodia was in your graveyard

What the fuck

Imagine having taste this shit. Take off the nostalgia glasses stupid 4kiddie

The only sub I could find in the mid 2000s was the shitty Hong Kong dub

Kids these days with their growing up with internet access. How easy you guys have it.

Check again, kid.

Attached: 61SadFMGfGL._SY606_.jpg (409x606, 41K)

>not watching both

Whats the go to yugioh game on pc? I just got one,so before I was playing Legacy of the Duelist on ps4 on and off

I only remember those yellow colored font subs being unironically worse than google translate.
Also I liked the dub sound mixing better. sub had 2 or 3 good tracks that they kept repeating without any real sound editing. 5Ds largely improved the soundtrack and now it's unironically my favorite music from the series.

I watched the entirety of original Yugioh and GX subtitled as it was airing back in 2006-2007. Not my fault you were too retarded to find it.

Yugioh Pro

LoD is on PC too

>Wanting to watch a butchered dumbed down version full of censorship, inferior music, voice acting, and awful OPs
Just because you grww up with it on TV as a kid doesnt make it good you faggot.

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

Back at class they never taught us this. Some things you got to learn, hit or miss.

Card Destruction was played. Follow the sequence of events, user.

It is your fault. Why didn't you tell 15 year old me where to find it, user?

>playing trap cards in modern yugioh

I laugh

Attached: link faggot.png (337x496, 488K)

no more trick

>oh no my artistic integrity for a card game commercial!

I had internet back in 2003 because I didnt live in a 3rd world shithole like you.

no one plays exodia

>I had internet back in 2003
This rich motherfucker. I bet your parents love and care for you too, faggot.

oh I forgot OPs, those were GOAT 2bh. But the 4kids sound team is based m8

Such a specific card


Attached: 61nvr3XZ-jL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 71K)

Exodia got new support not to long ago, so people play it

Attached: 51prO3rFM5L.jpg (341x500, 63K)

Oh shit, that picture instantly made you correct and discredited not only me, but also my character!

How is the sound any better in the dub? The music is way worse and the sound effects are the same. The only song I remember from the dub is the Kaiba hacking song. Everything else was sit compared to the japanese version.

konami loves memeing pot of greed

Attached: oYJ8lBZ[1].jpg (500x500, 58K)

I had internet in 2003 too and my family was pretty middle class. Hell, that was the year my grandmother bought me my first computer.

The salt response is real. If you respond to his statement that strongly don't you think that maybe your series is actually a card game commercial?

That doesn't look even remotely worth running and you might as well stick to 35 card solitaire.dek

t. guy who didn't have a crew to chill out with at the schoolyard.

This card doesn't seem that good. Decent, but not good.

Speaking of OP's
I love the Japanese 4th one

So good

Attached: Hisoka_1999.png (387x480, 182K)

>his grandmother loves him as well.
I bet she bakes you cookies and took care of you as a kid so that your parents could take some time off to themselves too, faggot.

Not him but the only track id argue that was better compared to the sub was the egyptian god theme. Made the summoning of slifer and obelisk more menacing.

back then this was the only sub available

I guess. My grandmother kicks ass.

of course, listening to individual tracks the japanese OST is way better and still holds up today. What I'm praising the sound team for is the mixing and editing work they did for the episodes. They made tunes that aren't really memorable on their own, but perfectly fit the atmosphere, such as when kaiba summons Obelisk against Yugi, or when little Yugi btfos Bakura, etc. When 5Ds came around I stopped caring about the dub altogether.

The fact its a commercial has nothing to do with anything. The dub is factually worse than the japanese version in pretty much every aspect. The only reason you faggots like it more is nostalgia. It has nothing to offer over the original version. Youre just using MUH COMMERCIAL as a crutch because you have no argument for the dub being any better.

If you're playing in a format where Pot of Greed is legal it's not very specific at all

Are we posting best OPs?

>3500 ATK
>attacks twice
>blows up the front row on a successful attack
>archetype supports it by doubling its ATK, reducing an opponent to 0 ATK, or blocking opponent response in battle phase
Catgirls are bestgirls

Attached: tumblr_o0ms49oShR1sdlexoo1_1280.png (1280x985, 1.2M)

Why is Yu-Gi-Oh! so fun compared to other card games?

for me, it's their best animator coming back for one last OP but then leaving to work on Death Note

It's still super specific as it counters one card and only specifically that card.

>Floodgates: the game

I'm not pro-dub, I'm unrelated to the entire conversation in general. I'm just commenting specifically on the fact that the response to having the series being called a "Card Game Commercial" (for which it is. To deny that is to deny the reason why it has so many seasons) is to get that salty tells me that the other user struck a nerve.

Battle City had the best ops in my opinion, Shuffle still sounds amazing

Were you the same subfag sperg in the Digimon thread the other day? You have the same argument of "OBJECTIVE QUALITY ONLY STOP ENJOYING THINGS IRONICALLY REEEEE."

For me, it's 99%

There are a ton of cards that offer graveyard set-up which can net you an automatic Necross with the help of incarnate

It's no worlds deck but it's viable

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x522, 134K)

how is yugioh even played live
litteraly every card has a paragraph of text and theres like 1000's
like how

Yeah, in a sense. In another sense since it applies to every single opponent's deck it's not particularly specific at all.

>implying i said anything about nostalgia
Stop projecting user. I enjoyed watching both for what it is faggot.

giving EDs some love too

>playing trap cards in modern yugioh
Why yes. Yes I am.

Attached: InfiniteImpermanence-FLOD-EN-ScR-1E.png (481x700, 758K)

>he can't match the effects to the pictures after reading it more than twice max
I think the problem is on you, m8.

Only a select few cards actually get played so you get to know what is currently meta pretty quickly.

>exodia necross
You're better off running the shitty level 10 from GX

>I enjoy it ironically!!!
Yeah thats called having shit taste. You like shit, and by your own admission of liking it ironically you know its shit. You yourself are shit as well.

>exodia necross

What the fuck

Fuck Sho, that backstabbing midget cunt.

GX is awful

Here's some actual kino Yugioh ED

Attached: zzzzzzz.png (1397x778, 2.12M)

Just because everyone plays pot of greed doesn't make the card unspecific. If you draw Jar Robber and your opponent somehow never draws Pot of Greed then you are basically -1 for no reason

If you've ever enjoyed Baneposting, LOL threads, or kino memes you are the exact kind of shit you accuse me to be.

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread

Attached: candy shota.png (453x413, 268K)

>uhhhhhhhh implying everyone uses the same cards
uhh okay... u probably will only see same card few times

>>implying i said anything about nostalgia
It 100% is nostalgia. Anyone who watched the dub watched it as a kid back in the 2000s when it aired on tv. I watched the dub that way too. Thats how I got into the series in the first place. But even I know it fucking sucks and I would never watch it again dubbed when i could just watch it subbed.

>GX is awful

Attached: 27fb4ed657225724fc1419493b7e6387c7d35bd2.jpg (511x554, 70K)

that actually seems really lame and really boring whats point of having all these cards if most no get played
no fun if everyone doing same thing huh
based schitzo

_ ____ __ ____ _____ _____!

You think this is a fucking joke?

Attached: end you.png (784x509, 632K)

you take out your pen and paper and attempt to recreate the images of 2 cards in your hand from memory

BASED what the fuck took you so long?

that's also one of my favs desu

>implying everyone uses the same cards
That's not what I'm implying at all, I'm implying that if you play TCGs at all, you should have the ability to match the effects to pictures, even if you've only seen it in action once or twice.

>Witch of the Black Forest at 3

I mean, kinda.

Yeah, that's definitely a joke deck

I guess they just learn the viable ones

>If you've ever enjoyed Baneposting, LOL threads, or kino memes
I never liked that trash, but it looks like you certainly did.

how is magic even played live
literally dictionaries worth of keywords for cards and theres like 10,000
like how

Not even 500 cards are viable at any given time. Yes, there's lots of cards with really long effects but just having a long effect doesn't make a card good.

Someone who regularly plays will learn what the most popular decks do, and if there's ever a card that you don't know you have every right to pick it up and read it

>50 card deck

Attached: 3b6.jpg (353x400, 20K)


t. hothead

>">50 card deck"

found the boomer, i guess?

The blue ones are extra deck, user

who's the artist?


10 of those are Links, my dude.

The bottom row is your extra deck user

It seems you were the unga today

When will Yusaku bang Aoi bros? Why is Yoshida such an incel


Attached: file.png (223x310, 110K)

also go make ur own thread loser

Attached: 1537934206781.png (800x800, 218K)

>make decent support for a fun deck
>go ahead and make an entire sub-archetype of new shit mere months later
It's Carly's time, bros.

Attached: Carly-Carmine-yugioh-5ds-32939654-764-434.jpg (764x434, 39K)

>what is an extra deck
seems ur the tard here

Jesus I remember when this girl got blasted out of the top floor of a skyscraper and fell to her death. And then she came back as a satan worshipper or some shit. 5ds was dark as fuck.


Attached: 1543652139851.png (1560x900, 775K)

How can such a cute monster be so degenerate?

Card games are pretty much memorizing what's in your deck and what's meta.
You learn to associate the effects with the pictures very quickly

arrested for occult crimes

So I've been out of the loop for a while but why has YGO gone down? what's the best alternative for it?

You should watch GX post season two for some friendly family fun then.

I dunno lol ask someone who does

let's post an OG track for once

>why has YGO gone down?
Yugioh has gotten bigger.

ah i see so most the cards are pointless
what a stupid game
imagine having a game with 1000s of cards but
only 1/20th of them are usable thats actually really bad
shame shame

why is it a quickplay magic? you cannot trigger it on your turn when you draw it by any means

That applies to literally every trading card game ever made.

So every card game ever except magic because magic has different formats so you can use your shitty pack filler?

Hey bud, try formatting your bait better next time so you don't
just have your post
leap spaces without rhyme
or reason with piss poor grammar

That's literally every card game

Are you seriously implying cards like all the normal level 5 monsters with 1500 ATK from ages ago should be played? Because if you do you're a special kind of retard

You could become a big boy and move up to Magic. Or you could stick around with the filthy webs playing Cardfight Vanguard.
If you're looking for something nobody plays, you could do either DBS or FoW, which I think a few stores still host

There aren't very many cards in magic that are straight up unplayable in every format. YGO doesn't really have formats though which is its biggest flaw

I was actually referring to ygodevpro not the yugioh card game itself


Yu-gi-oh is the most fun when it's a single player experience

Attached: yu-gi-oh-reshef-of-destruction.jpg (500x500, 71K)

You forgot
>it‘s another „why can‘t konami make an actual good yugioh online game anymore“ thread
>but le duel links and ygopro is so good

>imagine having a game with 1000s of cards but only 1/20th of them are usable
welcome to every TCG ever. gotta pad them booster packs with garbage.

Ygopro Percy has always been the most popular. Then Ygopro ES, then the Nip/Chink versions of Ygopro.

Some of those old ass pack filler fusions are worth half a damn now thanks to Instant Fusion.

spoiler: i dont really play card games lmao besides yugioh on the 3ds sometimes lol

Who the fuck ever said that Links is good? It made money because of genwunners reeee'ing over white and black cards and now that they added those the game is slowly dying.

Tournament attendance has literally been increasing.

It only added synchros and people are really only reeing over Shi En because for some reason removal options in DL are just not there or some shit.

Some of those fusion cards are actually very useful now.

Magic isnt comparable to yugioh though. Magic only allows you to use a small amount of the total cards that exist in the standard format. Yugioh lets you play any card thats not banned at any time. Which means yugioh has like 10 times more cards available to be played at any given point than magic does. In yugioh it doesnt matter how old a card is or what set it was printed in, if its not banned you can play it.

Talking about Duel Links here.

Can you explain what you're implying by >file.png

Realized mistake after posting, but there was nothing I could do about it.

I miss you, based Candy Shota.

I imagine that the early yu-gi-oh sets might have been pretty fun sets to draft.

I stopped watching EGAO when the Obelisks crashed the tournament and Reiji killed people by enforcing an intrusion penalty so some reason, did candy shota ever get to do anything?

What forgotten generation 1 yu-gi-oh card do you want a archetype made out of it?

Legacy, Vintage, and EDH allow just about every card ever printed, and modern goes a good ways back too.
Standard is the only format that requires you to play what's in print

Holy nostalgia

Is my nigga still viable?

Attached: RedEyesDarknessMetalDragon-DUSA-EN-UR-1E.png (689x1010, 1.44M)

Oscillo Hero.

And standard is the most widely played format. Also if you take the other formats that let you play any card then the same issues as yugioh arise. Where 95% of the cards are garbage that are severely outclassed by the top 5% of cards. Thats just how trading card games work. Not every card is created equal.

The most widely played format is kitchen table.

he is viable to fuck me hahah

Duel links could have been great, but konami kills it. I don‘t get it, look at magic they succesfully launched arena, which makes them fucking good money. Even Pokemon has it. Meanwhile we have konami, who can‘t fucking launch a good online client/game. They could make the new switch game, the online thing with dlc and season passes and add steam crossplay but no.

Actually the most widely played format is your moms ass.

This copypasta is disgusting and moldy.

Fuck this thing and Prime Material Dragon.
t. Chain Burn player

Always liked this random cunt.

Attached: AncientElf-SDY-NA-C-1E.png (400x580, 618K)

>being an elitist
>over a kids show
Get a grip user

Nah fuck you. You like shit and Im gonna let you know it. Go fuck yourself.

Can’t tell if his eye is closed or is open with dark circles underneath

This card always weirded me out because the flavor text says "he" and yet I see a boob plate there, clear as day.

>not knowing elves dont have to follow ur gender restrictings

I was just about to say that.

They're half-lidded.

Same, kind of wrote it off as improper translation. Funny thing though, I couldn't remember the card's name but I sure remembered the weird 1450 ATK

Building off of this, Elf should be an archetype if only because there were some real qts like Gemini, Dark and of course Mystical.

>Posts the worst game

>GX is awful
No user, your taste is

So viable he got fucking BANNED.

Ah yeah. An Elven Kingdoms set or something would be pretty neat.

It never was

They do though.

Are you dense? Are you fucking retarded?

seriousfags probably hate it for what it is and that's why they like 5Ds more, if you don't mind the silly stuff it can be fun

Attached: gxkino.webm (480x360, 2.6M)

Doma the Angel of Silence

It's not fair, bros.
How could they do my boy dirty like that.

Attached: fwd.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

This is bait right? Dr.Red is one of the best monsters in the entire game. He recently got banned in japan because he was too good. and hes limited to 1 in the TCG.

>tfw used to win all the time with cloudians back in the day
>tfw they didn't receive any support
>tfw still love these fuckers
>tfw they received a SINGLE card a decade later
Life is suffering

Attached: CLOUDIANEXTRALINK2019-deck-32001.jpg (800x445, 338K)

It had the best character development of all the YuGiOh cartoons

It's the silliest and darkest, depending on which episode you're on.

That's how I feel about Gustos

Attached: latest[1].png (544x544, 597K)

This mtherfucker, right here

Attached: Chpher Bro.jpg (1000x1000, 135K)

Imagine being you, holy shit

You jelly? Its pretty great.

Splash a lil bit of this, then just a pinch of spikeshield and voila, perfection

Attached: 103029.jpg (251x364, 34K)

You mean for Judai's academy friends and friendly rivals right? I think their development was brought to a nice closure in season 4, but I don't recall much of them in 3.
In terms of pure character development, nothing really trumps Atem, AIBO and Jonouchi for me.

>he actually played jewgioh



this nigga

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 73K)

Most non-archetypal cards are either simple, or commonly played.
Most archetypal cards will have a big chunk of that paragraph in common among most members of the archetype.

But that's Joey, you nigger

Attached: 547_20190411072524_xLYetcRfFqeaesiUSqJpyhEYzWAk8QUvbqQIJflMJEmmwI6FyDsmjxBYH96DNRzo.png (489x986, 1.03M)

>Doesn't know the Japanese name was Jonouchi
Well, now I'm not sure if that's a positive or not

Curse Necrofear
Level 8 DARK Fiend Special Summon Effect Monster
2800 ATK / 2200 DEF
-Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by this card's effect.
-You can only use each of this card name's (1) and (2) effects once per turn.
(1) You can target up to 3 of your banished Fiend monsters; Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, shuffle the targeted monsters in to the Deck.
(2) During the End Phase, if this card is in the GY because it was destroyed while in a Monster Zone and sent there by an opponent's card: You can Special Summon this card, then you can destroy cards your opponent controls up to the number of Spells/Traps you control with a different name.

Attached: 547_20190411073000_img_1_Es8zfLoo8tUSL74laO2hObeHwug0wXPyFLnlUQNS9flJadu1rnW5E0AyifnU22H6.jpg (407x593, 179K)

Why is Yu Gi Oh fucking insane with overexplaining weird effects and absolutely FILLING the card with these convoluted moves

>being a weeb
Now that's a real negative

Yeah, must be. So great that you've reduced yourself to arguing about subs on a Cambodian kite flying messageboard and allowing 4kids to live in your head rent free.

Dark Spirit of Elimination
Level 3 DARK Fiend Effect Monster
1600 ATK / 0 DEF
-You can only use each of this card name's (1) and (2) effects once per turn.
(1) At the start of the Damage Step, if an opponent's monster attacked: You can send this card from your hand or field to the GY, then target 1 Level 8 Fiend monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but negate its effects, and if you do, change the attack target to it and perform damage calculation.
(2) If a Level 8 Fiend monster(s) is sent to your GY while this card is in your GY: You can add this card to your hand.

Attached: 547_20190411073000_img_2_Es8zfLoo8tUSL74laO2hObeHwug0wXPyFLnlUQNS9flJadu1rnW5E0AyifnU22H6.jpg (407x593, 191K)

Dark Spirit of Malice
Level 3 DARK Fiend Effect Monster
1600 ATK / 0 DEF
-You can only use each of this card name's (1) and (2) effects once per turn.
(1) When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand or field to the GY, then target 1 Level 8 Fiend monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but negate its effects.
(2) If a Level 8 Fiend monster(s) is sent to your GY while this card is in your GY: You can add this card to your hand.

Attached: 547_20190411073022_img_1_TGExOgyEmQUyduDFJdI4vup7TFlT1j8KpA53gr5G8P4ZA8fHblBKWoFnrq7iP3q4.jpg (407x593, 185K)

Idk sounds like he just knows what Yu Gi Oh he likes

>Bakura support
>Works pretty well with Lair of Darkness
Hope I can build this as a cheap petdeck.

Dark Occultism
Normal Spell
-You can only use each of this card name's (1) and (2) effects once per turn.
(1) Discard 1 card; add 1 "Destiny Board" or Level 8 Fiend monster from your Deck or GY to your hand.
(2) During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish this card from your GY; place any number of "Destiny Board" and/or "Spirit Message" cards from your hand or GY on the bottom of the Deck in any order, then draw the same number of cards.

Attached: 547_20190411073022_img_2_TGExOgyEmQUyduDFJdI4vup7TFlT1j8KpA53gr5G8P4ZA8fHblBKWoFnrq7iP3q4.jpg (407x593, 145K)

>You can draw up to 15 cards off of the (2) effect

Up to 18, actually

Doom Judgment
Continuous Trap
-You can only use 1 of this card name's (1) or (2) effect per turn, and only once that turn.
(1) You can target Fiend monsters that are banished and/or in your GY to the number of "Destiny Board" and "Spirit Message" cards you control; add them to your hand.
(2) You can send this card from the Spell & Trap Zone to the GY; place 1 "Spirit Message" card from your hand, Deck, or GY face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone. (This is treated as being placed by the effect of "Destiny Board".)

Attached: 547_20190411073121_img_1_GZjPBnevFX7QvBA4AyVSyNBGXdl8EG7KffZfI2QLPMcBNa3LMNbAacFv5ot8vpIQ.jpg (407x593, 168K)

How? 3 Destiny board, and 3 of each of the four Spirit Messages.

>Dark Occultism
I don't know if DB or SM are limited, but if they are not or you are playing casually, just pop 3 Dark Occultisms in a row and if you have 3 of both DB and SM, you basically draw 18 cards

>cards from your hand or GY
Shit, I am a retard, never mind

Thunder was one of the very few characters in the franchise who actually had a character arc and grew as a person.

Wrong card
This is the card.

Attached: 11145f1f783b67ce1dd1fe81662140bf59b4274b_hq.jpg (750x750, 144K)

No Red-Eyes card has ever been good.

>main antagonist
>only win he has is against a side character

Literal perfection. You may not like, but this is what a peak boss monster looks like.

As the Pokemon only exodia player I have ever met at tournaments, no, no one does. But the rare time I can actually get exodia out, everyone has fun with it because it's so rare and novel that losing to it once in a blue moon is ok.

>tfw all of these just remind me that we never fucking FUCKING got the full Hopeless Battle track officially released and this is the best we will ever get

God ddddddddddaaaaaaammit. What is wrong with Konami.

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You think you can beat me and my blue eyes you little fag?

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The only deck I keep current and I don't play. It's just my favorite card behind this guy. One day on a free weekend I'll go to a tournament and get fucked but maybe I'll get win a match.

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I woulda came buckets if this was cannon.

Aki is my wife and I love her lots.

i wana be aki

How could they just powercreep Celtic Guardian like that?

Whats better?

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does yugioh have anything like those silly cards in magic?

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The handshake card is probably the closest thing to this.

We do get occasional intentionally bad joke cards that are usually inverse effects of ban cards, but Yugioh is so ridiculous already that its hard to do.
Awful pun names like Toadally Awesome or shit like Hey, Trunade! are normal in this game.

I mean, there's Summon Sorceress who does more or less the exact same thing.
Except, she's not a joke card and one of the most broken legal cards in yugioh.

Most joke cards in YGO are just bad versions of OP cards

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Felt like posting this here for no reason, maybe Yea Forums will get a laugh out of it.

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Hand Slap should be a quickplay

>tfw pulled two of them from my Duel Power boxes

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>ach! Hans, run! It's the Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental!

The only thing better the subbed had was the soundtrack.

I summon a bath

Is linking WatchMojo even worse than linking Kotaku or Reddit?
Cause I feel like its worse.

The art and absolutely crazy effects that allow you to figuratively curbstomp your opponent in a satisfying way.


I can never tell what I'm looking at there? Is meant to be headless? And this card was one of my main gimmicks

I remember Stair Way to Duel made this card look like a decapitated corpse stabbed with several swords

In thunder dragons, yes.

>Fucks over a very common card
>Even if not, it can be used as disposal for discard from your hand card effects


look we get rid of summon limit and there can be only one trap and it be good times again

They might as well erase Painful Choice from existence.

tfw your a blackwing chad cumming on everyones faces with 15 birds at once and getting new mostly shit support every year tho the last lot was gud

Wasn't that banned?

always wanted to kinda fuck her

Am i wrong.


>Fucks over a very common card
Pot of Greed has been banned for almost 15 years user, it was probably already banned when this card came out.
>Even if not, it can be used as disposal for discard from your hand card effects
You mean like every other card in the game ever?

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But why? it synergises well with Thunder dragons.

>That time Yugi fucking murdered Weevil

Have you looked at what type Thunder Dragons actually are?

So it's no worth it for the banish and free summon, then?


user, people have been mixing Thunder Dragons with Guardragons for quite a while now and getting great success with it, and REDMD is the key monster in any Guardragon deck.

>not dragons

>he isn't aware

Attached: ToadallyAwesome-MP17-EN-ScR-1E.png (476x694, 762K)

Show me these tops then

>this is the best we will ever get
Shame on you user, here, you don't have to thanks me

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>Pot of Greed has been banned for almost 15 years user, it was probably already banned when this card came out.
it was not

That is because in current yugioh opening Painful Choice means that you just win, no matter which deck you're playing.

Damn sex cults ruining everything.



Not really but yeah, the soundtrack is much better

Would smash

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It was so popular you'd be a melvin if you didn't play. In fact even our poor gypsie who pretended to be cool, strong and whatever one day brought the cards to join us. Though they were all bootlegs, I kinda understood the situation though so out of pity I said nothing in particular. The others didn't really catch the drift though and pointed it out.
Also he baited us by bringing a shitload of snacks and giving them to us during recess.

I hope that dude is doing ok even though he probably isn't, he was a nice kid but sadly he was forced to go play the accordion/violin on trains at the age of 7 and he was clearly lonely.

The granddaddy of superheavy samurais

Will there ever be a scene that'll top this kino scene?

Not an YCS, the most recent ARG circuit as on by Danged/Thunder Dragon/Guardragon build.


I use Hot Red Dragon Abyss effect to negate your mirror force.

Attached: HotRedDragonArchfiendAbyss-DUPO-EN-UR-1E.png (684x998, 1.73M)

REDMD is a brick in the GD/TD build, it doesn't even extend well, because you have better targets for your Eclipse Wyverns in the 2 hand loop dragons and the prize card and summoning it of Elpy is suboptimal most of the time, since the only thing you'll be able to consistently get out with it is the Wyvern you sent to make the Elpy. And if you don't have a target for it you're out of luck, since the next thing you do is use it for Agarpain/Skulldread.

It's not that good.

>t.doesn't know how to play YGO

That is a legal play, user

Not in this timeline.

It's a quick effect, mirror force is face up when you activate it.


Step off!

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How has it not gotten a psychic type retrain yet? It's the foundation for the type!

Nobody uses trap anymore so there's no point.
Now watch as they're gonna retrain the Gearfried line next.

get gba emulator and play yugioh gx duel academy.

So how do you guys organize your cards?

Oops, forgot pic.

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post your favourite boss monster
i was a koa'kifag before they were op in duel links so you have no right to call me rude names

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Still my favorite deck and it is almost unusable in todays yugioh

Is he right?

lmao not gonna give that faggot any views
refers back to the candy shota pasta


Unless it's in nearly pack fresh condition (it's not even if you sleeved it immediately and never played it) then at most it's worth ~$40.

I miss ygo4realmen.

>duel links

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>Ally of Justice
Is there a more pointless archetype?

I miss old shitty gimmick decks that could randomly win. Like a bunch of removal and +2k def monsters plus Unity.

Catastor was pretty dope.


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Synchros are 10 years old, user.

Never forget

I had an Agent deck that focused on Mars instead of Hyperion. Shit was so cash when you gained a jillion life and smashed your swole Mars into someone. .

I unironically ran that in Superheavy Sams because if you win at damage calculation sho gives a shit if you have a single spell in your Graveyard.

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Are final countdown decks still viable?

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Catastor is part of an archetype?
>Chaos Max sucks and so do you

>20 turns


Boy I wish, duels last less than 4 turns now.

It never was viable.

>modern YGO
>20 Turns

You are lucky if you get 7.

It unironically was for a long ass time because stall was viable. Stopped being so at the end of the Synchro era when OTK became the standard playstyle and not a gimmick T2 and lower decks could occasionally pull off if they had a magical christmasland hand.

Are there any alternate winning condition cards that are viable in modern yugioh?

Summoned Skull, Attack mode

Attached: summoned skull.jpg (235x350, 50K)

>stall shit

Hopefuly never

Exodia sees fringe success from time to time but most other win conditions are too shitty to get much success even in casual play.

Suck my UTR frosty cock

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Exodia decks are still viable. I'm pretty sure there's a few decks out there that involve attacking your opponent's deck and force them to run out of cards or just fucking up their decks entirely.

That was only really ever a thing pre-links if you were playing Synchro masturbation and took the Max C challenge.

okay this is actually pretty based
thanks rata


>Exodia decks are still viable.
Nice lie fag.

I miss the old YGO

Chicken Game is gone, you cannot play Exodia anymore.

How is a fat snake degenerate?

They're not exactly "win condition" cards, but there's a bunch of alternative win conditions.
Topologic Gumblar Dragon (when it was legal) looped 4 cards out of the opponent's hand turn 1.
That's basically winning the game.
Number 86: Rhongo (now banned) locked the opponent out of summoning for a turn. Which is also win condition, you OTK turn 3.
Summoning Outer Entity Azathoth on your opponent's turn to make them unable to use monster effects, then OTKing turn 3.

And then there's the whole last year which was burn decks dominating everything.

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Been needing to ask ya Yugioh guys, what's ya thoughts on Dragon Ball Heroes?

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Seinaru barria: Mirra Fozū!

Jesus Christ it’s a television show what the fuck is wrong with you? It’s not some magical experience it’s one faggot who gets taller and shrinks and plays a card game. GO OUTSIDE FOR ONCE AND MAKE FRIENDS THERES MORE TO LIFE THAN ANIME

>Tfw a ruri raptor fag
>Tfw no support except for god awful link monster

>traced Goku

Not a real trap, can be played directly from the hand.

it's practically a quick play spell.