Paws the controller, bro

Paws the controller, bro.

Attached: pink beans.jpg (415x411, 30K)

Not right meow.


what would it taste like

Attached: pass the controller bro.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

no! the last time i let you use my controller it was a catastrophe


Imagine if your hands weren't your own hands but someone else's body was attached to them. Could you still touch and see? A lot of these things keep me up at night.

I don't know about paws specifically, but cat tastes kind of like rabbit, except tougher and more stringy.

how do you know?

based and redpilled

What the fuck are you talking about?


I have questions.

Attached: 1553015298161.jpg (249x250, 6K)

Me? Oh of course I use the claw grip. How could you tell?

Attached: 2675B5A0-2DD5-4EEE-B26B-AAB1D7CE67B0.jpg (554x554, 31K)

He is le high

Chinese food.

winnie the pooh

Litter. Or dirt.

really? what does this taste like then?


Attached: IT'S MY TURN.jpg (600x800, 285K)

>Mom said it's my turn to play.

Attached: 20190314_163000.jpg (4032x3024, 3.33M)

That was a dog user

Fun fact, if cats weren't cute you would be eating them without any issue.

Dad says it's my turn to play the Switch.

Attached: 1530895160341.png (783x495, 555K)

that applies to all animals ever

Although even then it's hard to say...people love farm animals and think that they're adorable, and yet we have no problem with eating billions of them

brain parasites

No shit genius.

Cows are cute

Tienanmen square massacre
June 4th 1989

Cows are adorable and delicious. The reason cats aren't farmed probably has more to do with the taste of the meat, and the fact that a cat farm is just a practical impossibility.

we wouldn't because thy have almost no meat and fatten them up wouldn't be cost efficient

We probably would've bred them to have more meat.

Pigs are cute and I still love me some ham.

Attached: 1553901012066.png (779x589, 466K)

It's not just that, but carnivores in general have lousy quality of meat. They're more prone to have parasites and diseases that prey animals don't get. Eating carnivore flesh is simply a biological risk. In the case of cats? Toxoplasma Gondii parasites that attack the brain and fucks you up mentally. I don't even want to imagine how infected and terribly mentally diseased China is because they eat those vermin animals.

Cats should NOT be killed and eaten. Cats should just plain old be KILLED.

Okay, retard.



Attached: 1528641540861.jpg (720x958, 51K)

wow you showed him huh

you still don't get to fuck my dog, Adam

I wish there was words for the thoughts in my brain tonight. Like a brand new colour I could vomit on a canvas for you all to see. I thnk it would open your eyes. The ideas are all so intangible but still clear and sharp. Like 1,000,0000 screaming whispers. It;s horrible how I'll nevr be someone else, even for a minute.

If you get a different dick sewn on and beat off is it gay?

oh god no

Attached: IMG_20190414_135306.jpg (540x304, 17K)

lil bitch

Attached: pffffffff.jpg (233x216, 5K)

You should write all of this down
it sounds like you're having a breakthrough

Attached: cat of duty.jpg (1200x1600, 311K)


Shut up, you ching chong incest.

Attached: 1536641911328.webm (638x360, 2.95M)

I'm writing a creation story, origin of man. I spend a few hours in sensory deprivation then write down my stream of consciousness while I'm sleep deprived.
So far what I have is basically that we're a conceptualization of what could potentially be real made up by some giant man baby in order to explain something that happened at the end of time due to it not witnessing the things that happened prior. Then a bunch of stuff about math and I briefly mention my dick

There's a good reason why the saying "like herding cats" is a statement of impossibility.

Last I checked, people were eating rabbits.

r8 my fucking cats!

Attached: IMG-20190202-WA0001.jpg (1600x900, 103K)


wonderu who courd be behind thisu postu

drink piss

such as?

fun fact I fucking love cows and pigs, and that includes eating them, despite their cuteness

Kitty litter. Don't worry though, your friend will make sure to walk on your face while you're trying to sleep.

Black cats are based

Attached: 20190412_085945.jpg (4032x3024, 3.24M)

Rate my dog.

Attached: DSC_0071.jpg (2204x1239, 355K)

Would give tum rubs/10

cute fella

Can I be your pawslave?

She's not a nigger, she's from georgia! (The european shithole, not the US one)

Is that a pig?


thank you

He looks like he could win a fight.



Attached: 1491396660854.jpg (880x575, 79K)

Do you see that nose? That's a dog. The fuck kind of third world country are you from?

I love all animals that don't try to kill me. The only reason I even eat meat occasionally is because there's no way in hell humanity is getting off of it and I'd rather what's already done not be in vain.

I can only hope a synthetic meat that isn't pure cancer happens soon.

what a shameful attempt at kitten sorting. they weren't even in alphabetical order at the end.

Attached: oeqTY.gif (285x214, 1.99M)

How do you guys feel about having a pet pig while still enjoying bacon and ham?

Squish squish

I'd love it if synthetic or lab-grown meat got to a point someday where it's indistinguishable from the real thing.

r8 my cat

Attached: 20190108_144953.jpg (2576x1932, 1.69M)

Well I'm not eating MY pig.

Pet piglets don‘t stay that small. You‘ll have a fat swine in a few years.

Imagine one of those things is right under your desk and could plop onto your legs at any second right now

Cute cat. Why did it become such a meme to fear spiders?

i actually dont. not only is the give of biting into pork repulsive to me, but they're just too smart to eat. it feels wrong

bruh I don't know how to say this nicely so I'll just say it. That's not a cat.

dont be racist

chillest little murderers on the planet

Good enough I guess.

I would have no problem eating you. Guess why.

That's like asking how I feel about slavery when I'm a human.

black cats are chill as fuck, red cats are usually assholes except if they're male. I've never met a tomcat that wasn't a total fucking bro

Absolutely gracious beasts.

Attached: D32E7270-B595-4980-82C3-710EE2FB690A.jpg (552x555, 27K)

Are assuming my species?


Attached: 6591D43D-475C-4F90-930C-4BDE5C00F459.jpg (280x185, 15K)

I found this bigass stray tomcat one time. I coaxed him into my house and he ran into my housecat. He immediately started putting her in her place and I tapped him in the butt with my foot and said you're not doing that. He stopped and never even looked at her again. Just came home every day do eat and get belly rubs after kicking some other cats ass.

Insects evolved separately from us mammals. They are truly alien.

What is that thing?

Judging by your attitude which I can only describe as "australian" I think I know exactly which species you are, bird.

Attached: 1547336417530.jpg (1294x890, 644K)

why go to the trouble of farming a carnivorous animal when you can cut out the middleman and just eat the animals it eats, like rabbit

Attached: screamsinternally.gif (250x250, 1.22M)

>Calling spiders insects when they're completely different from one another

brb smoke break

Attached: 1548289206309.png (540x527, 335K)

A sub-group. Same fucking exoskeletal thing.

Cats defended granaries from pests. When medieval eurpoeans made the inexplicable decision to hate cats, the consequences were never the same until they realized the cats were the ones that slowed the spread of disease.

Attached: 1549500488406.jpg (1080x1062, 359K)

Spiders don't have a chitinous exoskeleton like insects and no, please don't post that gif.

It's steel, that's been hammered to look like a hand.

>Dumb segmented invertebrates
>Limb spam - The animal
>Most diverse animal on Earth
Fuck no, they only look weird because most cube dwelling humans barely even see anything besides a computer screen and crude drawings during their lives. We have nothing to do with your lack of information about your own shithole.

I guess you could say the chinese have a chink in their exoskeleton.

Attached: 1434015969951.webm (480x360, 2.94M)

I like how when my cat does that shit to me I'm supposed to just sit there and take it but when someone does it to them it's not funny anymore.

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Attached: doggo.jpg (670x394, 46K)

Yes they do, they're still not insects though.

I would hit you cat with a brick.


I can never understand two different species having a non predator-prey interaction. I wonder what sort of rudimentary thought process is going on here.

ughhhh that post stank of tumblr
i think pupper and hecking are cute words
also doing me a frighten is kinda cute lol
but that post is just going way overboard

My mistake.

animals arent inherently violent they just dont attack on site
most only will if provoked some just dont care though

Ok what should we call them then? Juvenile felis catus?

>i think pupper and hecking are cute words
>also doing me a frighten is kinda cute lol

Attached: tendle.png (587x517, 51K)

please be in london

What a purrfect pun.

Attached: Cat (211).jpg (768x1024, 73K)

nah thats what marriage is

a cat, redditor. also cats are for women and soibois

Hey mods when you come by don't delete the thread, just ban this guy.

Attached: asshole turtle.webm (406x720, 2.52M)

ssoy boy

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you got me

Attached: 1539221203579.jpg (711x718, 64K)

Cats are inherently assholes though. And I love them for it.

Christ, what an asshole.

>ywn be this comfy

Attached: 7B7E18FD-E87B-4CD2-AD22-B3312669EECD.jpg (637x481, 20K)



Attached: 1553565513596.jpg (1024x683, 426K)

What a scumfucker.

What was his fucking problem?

Call of duty? Meow like paw of duty.

Attached: 1547946723852.jpg (790x767, 157K)

mammals are the only thinking things.

the turtle is trying to court the cat
poor thing just wants a gf

cool normalfag social media meme from 2 years ago
these animal threads truly reveal how fucking reddit this board has become

>boss can occupy your home base

Attached: IMG_0620.jpg (3024x3215, 2.11M)

did he eat the other cats?


Attached: 1548681493713.jpg (550x413, 48K)

Horses are beautiful, and some people eat them, turn them in to glue. There's places out there that chop horse benis off cook it and serve it on a stick. Some savages out there don't even bother cutting and cooking it, they just eat it raw, for like 25 years.

Attached: High in protein.jpg (1024x768, 120K)

litteraly mew in animal form haha

A very ebin post, my fellow Yea Forums intellectual.

Attached: 1551921351192.jpg (1080x1081, 69K)

you just know...

>reddit reddit reddit

Yea Forums was never what you thought it was

>female horse

Do you feed your pig bacon?

Nature vs nurture. If a creature is born and grows up cohabitating with another one (and they are actively discouraged if they get aggressive towards it) then they will just learn to live together. I had a dog and a rabbit at the same time. The dog never tried to harm the rabbit because he had known him since I first got he dog as a puppy.

So.... you have come to challenge me?

Attached: 1529784896290.jpg (640x668, 65K)

At an early stage of the human embryo (when it's just a few cells), kill a cell. It will regenerate. Do the same thing for an insect, it will be born without a body part. Bet you didn't know that.

>when the kid you're playing Pokemon against keeps doing not effective moves and you're just stalling to see if he'll ever figure it out

tfw think my cat might have pink eye and I can't afford the vet

what do I do bros

Are cats better than gfs?

Animals fear the unnatural.

Attached: furry dog.jpg (960x960, 161K)

Says the guy who knew of said social media meme, and roughly the date it was originally from. And you're different... how?

Knock that off, it's retarded.

Attached: 1.jpg (572x621, 104K)


>Having a none mammal/bird pet
Dead giveaway of a sociopath. Literally fucking why? Other creatures aren't even capable of the most of affection whatsoever, no matter how much you anthropomorphize them. Yes, this includes fish. They're only socially acceptable, because people just buy them as living decorations.

god i wish that was me :(
tfw will never be qt gril drinking horse cum
:(((( grrrrrrr

No, I've come to eat you.

Attached: 3719162D-B2E4-4674-BFF3-8B894BE2088A.jpg (443x332, 25K)

Attached: paint me like one of your catgirls.jpg (532x710, 45K)

A stray cat that lives outside my home gave birth and brought them over to show them to me.

Do you not see its horse cock in the bottom left?

Attached: 1553103024765.gif (250x188, 910K)

If you can't afford the vet, don't get the pet

uh I dont think thats a mare on the bottom there m8

Eat ramen for a week and take your cat to the vet.

Attached: 1551712403137.jpg (858x960, 129K)

>bottom left image

Nigger, kitten is not a fucking nickname. It's literally the colloquial name of a juvenile cat.

Attached: Listen to them - children of the night. What music they make.png (604x604, 490K)

Attached: Dog1.jpg (2005x886, 125K)

>this cat is dead by now

Attached: shadow of the colossus.webm (480x480, 2.95M)

>yes-yes, skaven wins again!


Well, vertebrates and arthopods diverged when all animals were just barely multicellular, so there's bound to be differences.

Rate my kot

Attached: IMG_20190113_180607.jpg (2976x3968, 1.99M)

>tfw stray cat thats been with me for months moved to the next door next door neighbors house
why arent cats loyal

Attached: sora shiine.webm (1280x720, 467K)

Attached: Dog6.jpg (807x1043, 114K)

god i wish that was me
thought that was a penis

Well, spooders tend to have the bad juice in their bites, and this tends to spook humans. Like danger noodles, people tend to be a bit more careful around them, granted, people get spooked by roaches too, but this might be because we're thought that they probably crawl around in filth and sewers and might be really bad to touch, for sanitary reasons. bees don't really worry me, but wasps I tend to nope in the other direction from. And regardless of bug, I strive to always try to catch and release, instead of kill, since even it is a live ... except some mosquitos, and all flees. Since throwing a flee out normally runs the risk of being some one elses problem and one that isn't easy to deal with, while mosquitos I try to spare, but also worry about them spreading diseases like malaria.

Attached: 1231341751242.png (1200x630, 887K)

All cats are great but what's your favourite internet cat?

Attached: 215D0360-61EE-4F28-BC6A-0A5903A5E99F.jpg (554x554, 39K)

me on the right

Fat cats are the best.

Attached: 1551041601564.jpg (567x545, 59K)

Does Garfield count

Attached: 1555209645276.jpg (1170x2048, 359K)

you posted him, i love Jazz
longcat and that one zoomed-in-face cat remain contenders though

>mosquitos I try to spare

Attached: 1426719442415.png (358x369, 209K)

rent free

Real cats.

He's probably protecting his gf.

Attached: 1554193885923.jpg (640x746, 97K)

Attached: 1554006726634.jpg (768x1024, 192K)

Nah, do your duty to the human race and squash those fuckers. Flies, too.

I want to pet it

Attached: 153455325453.jpg (437x431, 23K)

Please help fill my cat reaction folder.

Attached: B6274216-9D87-45EA-88ED-4C9BDAA0D5F8.jpg (720x720, 28K)

Attached: heard you talkin shit.jpg (750x737, 104K)

She chose to nest in the cigarette pit, despite the nice beds I've bought for her

Attached: 20190416_030722.jpg (1253x705, 343K)


Attached: 1549671501512.png (500x232, 42K)


Attached: AYY LMAO.webm (702x1280, 1.33M)

Attached: 1487802354376.jpg (960x955, 177K)

Shaved animals are so goofy. Are those barn owls chicks?

Attached: 1555391721377.png (579x440, 292K)

Attached: sad foreskin creature.jpg (634x412, 62K)

/bant/'s kot

Attached: 1553909280167.png (638x960, 967K)

I think your dog has autism.

Attached: 1527952043843.webm (540x960, 2M)

Go ahead

Attached: IMG-20190223-WA0009.jpg (901x1600, 199K)

what a huge faggot

okay litteraly me as a cat

Attached: dog10.jpg (1429x1002, 167K)

>female horse
>female (male) horse

discord at it again

What gif are we talking about here?

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (220x165, 860K)

Attached: 1536609338456.png (218x218, 84K)

oh lawd he comin

Attached: cc.jpg (1200x900, 50K)

Attached: 1530456241727.png (218x218, 128K)

What an absolute unit



Attached: Pet Tortoise.webm (854x480, 2.71M)

If that fuck climbed onto the roof or something and jumped down onto you it would probably cave your skull in.

Attached: 1539173283234.png (218x218, 10K)

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Attached: didyouknow.jpg (298x392, 37K)

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Attached: 1554090049095.png (719x713, 587K)

Attached: pass the controller bro.jpg (962x646, 161K)

I eat pussy all the time virgin

Attached: 1538066928981.png (1242x1218, 1.57M)

Attached: 1448799445568.jpg (605x807, 80K)

Eat my boipussy

Would power its triforce/10

Attached: 1538464532200.png (1080x810, 879K)


Attached: 1526436001268.png (249x249, 74K)

>It walks on its back after shedding
>next frame its already up and looking at the molt before the gif ends
Why is this making me laugh

Attached: Catawa Shoujo.webm (640x640, 1.66M)

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Attached: 18-beestep.jpg (625x415, 66K)


I don't eat fish and they're not exactly cute
I don't eat horses and they're not exactly cute
I don't eat boar and they're not exactly cute
I don't eat crocodile & they're not exactly cute

I have more kot pics. Should I keep posting them?

Attached: 1525828552793.png (1563x1567, 881K)

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Attached: 1547803764443.jpg (1125x1358, 123K)

Attached: 1553701934646.jpg (640x640, 37K)

Reptiles are cute

Attached: 1555374583504.jpg (426x480, 32K)


Press F to pay respects.

Attached: Don't go friend.webm (640x480, 2.6M)


Very cute and smol

Attached: 1469670688042.webm (426x368, 1.47M)


Attached: 1551987140101.png (249x249, 66K)

Attached: whitesnake.jpg (788x1280, 152K)

Attached: 1509184890581.jpg (594x526, 59K)

Where the snail squad at?

Attached: Nom Nom.gif (420x298, 1.93M)

I made a few too.

Attached: 434153184320159744[1].png (128x128, 10K)

Attached: 1527646150639.png (477x479, 485K)

I remember that video, from like 2012, no? also, why do cats do that rubbing thing?

Attached: 415750751571148800[1].png (93x90, 18K)

Attached: 1534208695953.png (249x249, 80K)

Is it OK to keep a cat inside, or is it cruel? My last one got run over so I would prefer for that not to happen again but not if it would suffer from being kept indoors.

Attached: a45gs.jpg (790x526, 35K)

Attached: 1545894547488.gif (500x375, 1.98M)

Why does it have so many nose holes?

I just kinda feel bad, they're easy to shoo away, as for flies, just catch them and throw them outside. Long as you have nets, the occasional one, shouldn't be a big deal to throw out or ignore.

Attached: 1551855986264.gif (480x270, 382K)

Attached: 427876146453938197[1].png (128x128, 8K)

Nice. Saved.

My cat spends most of the time inside, but I let her go outside a couple of hours every day.

Attached: 1552291616944.png (225x225, 88K)

Ask /an/ but having an outdoor cat is pretty bad they hide under car wheels and kill local birds.

so it can give a good snoof

if anything, its cruel to keep them outside

Attached: 1127067959545.jpg (1024x768, 68K)

Attached: 462914577986748426[1].png (128x128, 31K)

We'll see if you feel the same way when I send my mosquito army after you! GET READY FOR THE BAD SUCC!

Attached: 104.gif (512x512, 639K)

Attached: 1531316337315.png (738x738, 738K)

i love cat beans

Attached: 980.jpg (640x640, 102K)

No shit. He had a keyed catflap so he could come and go as he wanted.

Attached: alterneko[1].png (850x1202, 391K)

Attached: 1524987126922.png (218x218, 109K)

Attached: catlove.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

i think my dog has the autism

Attached: 1551280707023.jpg (878x768, 137K)

Hey, don't make fun of spooder!

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (270x480, 2.91M)

Attached: caneko[1].png (863x1211, 1001K)

Imagine seeing this while drunk or high.


Attached: 1530352061566.png (1000x1000, 319K)

he cute

Attached: 1118655730305.jpg (1016x768, 126K)

Attached: 1553701936832.jpg (1242x1214, 261K)

So it can smell in infrared

I feel incredibly guilty about my own cat. Well, it's not really my cat, it's actually my little brothers cat. He loves that cat so much. I know he does. But my father is a complete neat freak to an absurd degree. He'd never let an animal inside the house so we're forced to have any pet we have be purely an outside pet. The thing is, I know my brother would let his cat stay inside in a heartbeat. He'd love to. But father will never have it.

Attached: 1507520563956.jpg (342x316, 55K)

Oh shit!

Attached: Neko117[1].png (1331x749, 391K)

Last one because it's 3:30AM and I need to sleep.
Because /bant/.

Attached: 1547926081866.png (1000x1000, 627K)

dammit user ,you got me

Attached: 1448627413549.png (500x503, 411K)

Attached: 1553536275306.jpg (1600x1276, 195K)

Rate my cat bros.

Attached: D968EF99-0443-428D-86EA-FC9884543225.jpg (236x170, 8K)

I dunno if I should user, I'd flood the entire thread.

Attached: Cat (284).jpg (750x470, 47K)

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Attached: 1532054715729.webm (640x640, 1.2M)

Attached: mosquitos suck.gif (400x224, 3.21M)

Sleep well, thanks for the cats

Attached: unknown[1].png (850x990, 1.36M)

Go to bed, E.

Attached: 1552159782384.jpg (480x480, 64K)

Attached: 20190409_153359.jpg (2497x1676, 2.32M)

Crucial pic for any cat folder.

Attached: Inbread Cat.jpg (443x719, 44K)


Attached: 9C5E8DF0-7CD5-49A7-BA8B-37A00A72D342.jpg (720x833, 27K)

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Attached: unknown.png (261x118, 45K)

Attached: neko.jpg (768x1024, 151K)

Attached: Nejiko[1].png (560x600, 74K)

Attached: IMG_20150719_190427.jpg (597x666, 55K)

Attached: 1552302312479.jpg (512x512, 23K)

Attached: catsnap.webm (404x720, 193K)

Attached: 502314841655083008[1].png (128x128, 9K)

Attached: 1553802553568.jpg (866x1311, 109K)

Thanks. I hope this thread gets archived so I can save all these pics with ease.
Have a nice day/night.

Attached: 1525206055297.jpg (600x615, 47K)

Attached: how are you feline today.jpg (712x712, 67K)