Why would anyone play this over something like final fantasy or dragon quest...

Why would anyone play this over something like final fantasy or dragon quest? Is it literally just because it's a dating sim?

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FF & DQ have been shit for over 14 years, and Persona surpassed them with Persona 3

I dunno, its currently in my backlog and yet I have no urge to play it. I know for a fact its a shitter storyline than 4

FF is now trash and DQ is for babies.

Because variety? I play all 3.

why would you play ff over this

Persona games are the only games outside of Snake Eater that truly made me care about the characters. The music is also perfect for my taste & listening to songs and remembering the sad/happy moments they are tied to is pure kino to me. idk guys, even if you dont like them, i really love these games

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Final Fantasy XV was garbage and Dragon Quest XI was pretty soulless for being as huge as it was. Persona 5 is good, but nowhere close to Persona 4 Golden.

Even the Persona 5 Dancing game is FAR inferior to Persona 4 Dancing All Night. P4DAN includes original characters, story, and has long anime cutscenes. P5 just has in-game scenes, with a sorry excuse for the cash-in.

FF is a hollow fujofag'd husk of its former self and DQ is the same shit everytime. Persona/SMT at least gained more style over the years as opposed to losing it or going stale like the former two did.

And yes it's half dating-sim for virgins. If it's not your cup of tea, either play a WRPG yet to be tainted by SJW's or a game with actual skill involved instead.

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>this dude actually cared about fuckin Akechi of all people
If he was ugly/average but was written exactly the same, no one would care about him.

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You know you’re not forced to date anybody right? Any character that you get romantic with has the option to remain as friends with. To take it further, you technically have the option to barely socialize with the other characters in general for the most part.

I like fusing personas. Damn shame about the rest of the game.

>Is it literally just because it's a dating sim?
Pretty much. It's catering to lonely men.

Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest have been shit for like 20 years

have sex

The modern urban setting is interesting.

Because there hasn't been a good Final Fantasy game in 18 years or a good Dragon Quest in 15.

I am embarassed that this is the face of persona now. The fanbase makes it 1000× worse of course.


How many hourly threads praising Persona 5 are we going to get once/if it get ported to Switch?

FF has been shit for years and DQ was fun with persona 5. It helped quenched my RPG thirst for a while which I'm happy with.

>protagonists are teenagers
>Final Boss is a god
>the teens defeat god with the power of friendship
a Cliche almost every fucking JRPG utilizes, persona games are not the exception:
>protagonists are teenagers
>Final Boss is a god
>the teens defeat god with the power of friendship
However, persona games cleverly use this cliche,by baking it into their mechanics
>your power LITERALLY comes from the relationships you make with people
The more friends you get and the deeper your relationship with them becomes, the stronger you get in combat, meaning that, by the end, when you are killing god with the power of friendship, you actually know how and why it's happening.This is why i like persona games

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Because it's fucking good?
Because both FF and DQ have gone to dogs in the past few years?

i lost interest in the part where business dad is trying force marriage on his daughter .

That is the low point of the game. Next palace is a huge step up.

Why would you limit youraelf to select franchises?
Are you some normie?

it's literally half dating sim half RPG
the calendar and social stat system is taken from games like tokimeki memorial

No I have a job and limited time to play video games


dragon quest is dogshit.
anyone who thinks it’s more enjoyable or a better experience than persona seriously has problems.

I has style. Also waifus.

yikes that's a normie

persona 3-5 are objectively better than any FF or DQ game in decades

Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest

they are shadows of their former selves

Persona by contrast actually has a unique and stylish presentation in its music, in its story in its world. Also the combat in the modern FFs and DQs is shite by comparison

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You don't have to, but it's a major draw and reason for playing. Without it you're just playing a standard FF1 clone but with a sharp vivid style to it. It'd be like playing TES solely for the combat and nothing else.

>implying final fantasy is good
Dragon Quest is ok, but it's somehow not very popular in the west.

Because I finished all final fantasies when I was a kid and DQs too

>you technically have the option to barely socialize with the other characters in general for the most part.

But I can't fuse my demonbro if I ignore the dumb tabloid bitch.

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And yet you have time to shitpost on Yea Forums. Don't bullshit, you're not spending your time anywhere near efficiently enough where you'd actually have to choose between franchises. Furthermore, it's not like these games are going away. Even if you have to wait a few months or years longer, you can play them eventually.

Because compared to FF or DQ the little gameplay P5 has is a fucking masterpiece.
