Recomend other youtube channels that review clanky games in a non-obnoxious way

Recomend other youtube channels that review clanky games in a non-obnoxious way

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is a Mathewmatosis board. Reddalore and Joseph Redditson stink.

Mandalore is the most boring Youtube reviewer. Who the fuck cares about obscure Russian PC games from the mid 2000's.


The games he reviews are actually just good games. Not the tripe we call "games" these days

I do.
The guy quite obviously singlehandedly revived interest in Pathologic recently. A game that by the way, I learned once about from Yea Forums. Back when it wasn't shit. Which may have been the single best thing this board has ever done for me.

Gman's alright. If you can get over that uptalking thing that he does.

grim beard

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Even if you're interested in those games, Mandalore has the most tepid, average, lukewarm takes on everything. There's no analysis, insight or history. He just plays through the game and describes what happens. It's like Sparknotes for shit no one cares about.

Hey hey SSeth here

for when you want all of that EPIC Yea Forums humor in your youtube videos!

i care, i like comparing his reviews to other channels that review the same games. his neutrality feels as close to an objective take as i can get which, fair or not, i use to gauge other channels.

>Spout slightly dated Yea Forums humor
>Get bajillions in patreonbux

Actually, the analysis of Pathologic he did was fairly solid. And more importantly, accessible enough to draw attention of thousands of people. I usually don't watch too many analytical videos on games because in all fucking honesty: I can usually do better than most of these people, but I am interested in the kind of impact they leave on their audiences. Drawing attention to interesting titles, making some form of counter-part of the gaming mainstream channels, while being entertaining enough for thousands of people to watch and maybe pick an interest themselves is to me a very worth-while job. That is precisely the extent to which I want to get involved in any of this drama.

I just find it fucking sad that Yea Forums today is filled with cretins who not only feel the urge to make extensive threads about e-celebs, but worse yet, that they bitch about ones that aren't mainstream enough and don't cover the big contemporary titles and flavors of the month.

Do you want your mind blown by reviews? He's just a down to earth guy.
>no one cares about
go play cookie clicker or some f2p trash

let myself be an example. I have way more interest in and respect for what Mandalore is doing than whatever the hell it is you think.

I'm here to thank the many members of the Hlaalu Merchant's Guilde

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wtf does clanky mean?

My Life In Gaming
Sega Lord X
The No Swear Gamer
Retro Game Mechanics Explained
Laird's Lair

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EU jank

Have you ever played blood omen?

lol, you talk like a fag

>literally paid shill for fallout 76

"Janky" has been overused I guess.

hey hey people...

mandalore is the only reviewer I watch consistently.
All the others are mediocre to shit
One of them

Ross’s Game Dungeon

I like Raycevick's videos

i regularly rewatch sseth's reviews and go to sleep with them playing because they make me feel like I have a friend

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Civvie 11 is pretty good though he focuses mainly on older shooters.

This. I find the Gothic II, STALKER, Kamidori, Kenshi, Elona, and Warband videos very nice to listen to on rewatch frequently and also like the Emperor video. Wish he would review Sengoku Rance and Metro series.

The problem with these two is they are more interested in sounding like they are saying something interesting than actually saying something interesting. They're the review/critique equivalent of a superhero movie trailer, saying the equivalent of:
>This... is only the beginning...
>The war... spreads...
>You don't understand... but you will...
Not those exact words of course, but words with the same purpose and use as broad, "epic" statements like that.

Raycevick's videos on the Orange Box and Metro I felt were pretty thorough and like he actually had something to see and executed well.

found him recently, i like his atmosphere. his skits are hit and miss but i like seeing him try. him and grim beard are my top before bed watch

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Kreal is pretty fun too, it doesn't upload a lot but his video are nice if you like his humor.

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I love both of these reviewers

deal with the damn mold

Whose far right?

I like Tehsnakerer

He's alright.

review jesus

Ross Scott from Accursed Farms.

the true review kino
especially his evangelion video

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So you're saying you want him to be one of those 3 hour analysis essay reviewers?

raycevick is a nasally contrarian up his own ass.

Are Mandalore and Sseth the same person for real?

You don't like Ross's Game Dungeon?

Tryhard edgy chan humor. He has some good moments but I feel like he's been getting worse lately

No, but Sseth does some Path of Exile stuff on the side as OMGItsJousis.


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Mandalore isn't a weeb. Sseth clearly is. Different people.

At least a Youtuber like Matthewmatosis has interesting things to say outside of "here's this old PC game I found. It's kinda buggy but I like it xD please subscribe!"

This. He is like a slightly better version Gggmanlives.

Which isn't saying much.

He has more important things to do

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He’s good but he’s friends with and collaborated with Joseph Anderson who is not only an idiot who can’t run in a circle in a children’s video game, but he is so up his own ass there’s a risk he may blink out of existence if he crawls any further in.

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he doesnt do reviews but he does do lets plays

Agreed. I find their presentation obnoxious. If something is interestingly written there's no need for the dramatics. I almost always prefer a more neutral tone.

When you actually use your free time to watch "video game reviews" as long as The Shawshank Redemption, you should probably rethink your life choices.

pretending to like anime to be epic doesn't make you a weeb, though i guess maybe it does at this point


What is Ross even doing? His newest review video is from last year.

playing crew 2?

this. Winback review was great

Noah Caldwell-Gervais is the best writer of any video game reviewer I've seen. I like that it's clear he actually reads and takes just as much influence from books as video games when it comes to his tastes. His very occasional politics soapboxing can get a bit annoying but the rest of his content makes up for it.

He's been doing Freeman's Mind.

He was apparently sick for a while. Also he released 2 Freeman's Mind episodes in that time.

I like youtubers that actually talk about games they give a fuck about. Im sick of listening to people make rushed out videos on flavor of the month shit for views or punching down on shit games because its easy comedy.

if only he could actually speak

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nitrorad is pretty comfy

I find Noah insightful, but his presentation is kinda boring

I like his work but I wish he played something more than western rpgs and shooters.

>Noah "What are reta*COUGH*" Caldwell-Gervais is the best writer of any video game reviewer I've seen

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In between getting the flu, and working on Freeman’s Mind, the shit with whatever Dead Games News has become, THE MOVIE and Game Dungeon, his output is bizarre. You get used to it.

i'm glad mandalore got enough popularity to justify continue making videos while getting pattybux but i hate seeing him pop up on Yea Forums because i know the comment sections of his videos are going to get slightly worse every time

>he releases a ss13 review
>several servers are now flooded and are constantly being ddosed
Fuck him.

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Memedalore brought a lot of newfigs into E.Y.E
thanks memedalore, I enjoy bullying new players

He got me into Ultimate Apocalypse so I'm happy he's doing well.

>he reads youtube comments

not QUITE the same but xboxahoy does have a fantastic lineup of videos on the fps genre and the history of game mechanics

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That's the POINT of the thing.
The thing.
The thing.
The thing.

This. I couldn't give any less of a fuck about people's opinion on game design or whatever but if they wanna gush about a game they really like I'll listen.

>Memedalore brought a lot of newfigs into E.Y.E
Yeah for all of a month. It's become hard to find people to play with again that don't lock their servers.

>literally talks about Yea Forums in more than one of his videos

I know you’re dumb but come on.

You don't like Wallace and Gromit?

Still? I mean you'd expect a spike for a week then people realize he's right and you need weapons grade autism to enjoy being a player and it thins out.

the newfags who aren't aware of him don't need to know that

>password servers
did you miss that part about bullying new players?

I don't know if you've noticed but we haven't been muh sekrit club for a while now.

lance mcdonald
OSW review

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>Video creators come and go, Google enters the picture, Youtube goes through changes after changes
>In 10 years, nothing still changed at the Ashens household

anyone with half a brain can clearly tell he's from Yea Forums

i want more gun videos from him or at least something with a similar format.



rip fitz

He didn't die he just reviews DSLR cameras now

Thats even worse

Yea Forums is even smaller than /pol/. Nobody really knows about this place. Shit, there is only like 10,000 unique Ips on during the weekend and half of those are epic shills.

Grim Beard

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I don't know how he does it


apparently doing one on level creation which should totally have Romero do a guest appearance.

Guy has time. Romero isnt giving us the final doom expansion on time.

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That’s the fucking point. Old boy over here is acting like now that he’s popular Yea Forums noticed him and that’s somehow going to change anything at all.

>makes a 3 hour video on why you shouldn't stick forks into electric sockets
>makes a 5 hour follow up video on why you shouldn't stick nails into electric sockets
ever hear the phrase brevity is the soul of wit user?

best spookums boye

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he sucks at blood, unsubbed

[citation needed]

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/pol/ is the most trafficked board on the site since the last election.

>stop doing thing because I don't like it

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I am pretty sure the top 3 boards on Yea Forums are /pol/, followed by Yea Forums and Yea Forums. I may be wrong, but I think /pol/ alone makes up half the website's traffic.

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ACG is pretty good.

what I'm saying is it's not good writing because there's a lot of it, quite the opposite

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daily fucking reminder that sseth is not just an honorary kike but a full-on thief

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In terms of threads and posts per day, it's Yea Forums followed very closely by /pol/. I don't know about unique IP visits though.

you my friend have forgotten about what the internet is for; at least half the time

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>Tries to be a "voice actor"
>Can only do one "voice" that is his normal talking voice
YouTube/internet voice actors are embarrassing failures for the most part. People think that actors like Lowenthal and Blum can only do one voice, but they have enormous ranges. It's just that directors and producers only want them to do their most iconic voices. "Voice actors" whose claim to fame is just doing a ripoff of a more popular character (Snake or Duke Nukem) are even worse.

Fucking ross's game dungeon, first I was bored but those videos kind of grow into you.

You literally cannot get Romero to shut up about doom, it's impossible. Just once I wish he'd talk about quake since level design is a lot tighter, nope, doom.

rather unsettling how unreal all his hair looks. like a mix of cgi, fake hair, and liberal sharpie use.

besides that, he was better when he did silly game videos before showing his face on snapchat

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What is this voice actor business? I think his still funny, his just gotten bored of his old content.

its cause he never gave a fuck about quake it felt like. more than 3/4th of the levels he never touched, we got the lovely ministrations of Adrian most of the time.

kinda why quake 1 is a mixed bag of fuck level wise

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He wants to be a voice actor and has had a couple parts in games. He played some grim reaper thing in some game and the voice was just him, talking normally, with filters layered over it in an attempt to make it less horrifically boring. It was embarrassing.

I wish you could combine Ross's Game Dungeon's videos and content but just have sseth narrate them. Ross's voice is just not very pleasant to listen to and his cadence is always fucked. Sseth's voice is perfect for me.

I love My Life In Gaming, but their opinions on some games suck. Try4ce was really lenient on Winback and that game sucks.

>Hey folks, research indicates
Who are some other guys that make vidya content less about the vidya and more about how said vidya relates to something? ThreadbareInc and donoteat are the two others I know.

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and ive become bored with his "new" content. some people are meant to fade with time, however he seems to have gone the way of a tumor

hey you dick up the election and now everyone has to fucking hear about it on every board.

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Recommended Playing
Four Face Buttons
One Doomed Game Critic

I only watch them for their hardware videos and RGB series.

The greatest Let's Play of all time is Research Indicates' Trespasser LP. It's less like a Let's Play and more like this slow, tragic tour through failure and broken dreams, comparing the hubris and hopes of the developers to the hubris and hopes of the very world and characters they set out to represent in interactive form.

>Yea Forums cares about reviewers now
nu-Yea Forums sucks


Their taste in games is actually Downs Syndrome dude. I only watch for their hardware reviews and setup information which is as autisticly in depth as is actually physically possible.

Ross's voice really grows into you, his like that one cool friend from high school who kept on playing games. I don't think Sseth's voice is particularly comfy.

The Good
The Wild Card
The Absolute Worst
>Chris Davis

Gvmers feels like legit documentaries with behind the scenes and not uptight melodramatic video essays, I really like that channel

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Well he has always made this shit for fun, not to be number one content creator to get pussy fame and money. And face it, his old content was funny and all but cmon it was a gimmick, it was the kind of feel when you clicked a random video on youtube about some game and there was a dude who kept talking about anal fucking in this weird voice, how long can one man make videos like that?

Sounds bad, what game?

You have to go back, ledditor.

His latest episode on Morrowind was pretty good. I think Morrowind is a great game, but far too many people view it with nostalgia goggles and forget it's MASSIVE flaws.

Really Bethesda has had the same bad habits since the series began, it's not like they went to shit with Oblivion. They've always been lazy incompetent assholes in one way or another.

>anti-sseth cucks are still seething about this
lmao losers

>The greatest Let's Play of all time is Research Indicates' Trespasser LP
Nah it's this German Gothic 2 LP.


brought this upon yourself

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>that silky smooth voiceover

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>still caring about this
>despite the fact that even the channels he used footage from were cool with it regardless
Yea Forums is pathetic

Gvmers never feels like they are saying anything important and is the exact kind of shit I stopped watching TV because of. Maybe I am just autistic.

no love for dunkey or stratedgy?

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This entire board is shit now retard. You brought this upon the website.


Sseth is the borderline of still actually reviewing the video game/giving an idea of what it's like and just total nonsense mixed together for the sake of a comedy skit as in dunkey. Dunkey does not qualify as a reviewer.

Stat is ok. His videos need more entertainment value. He got me try want to play thief though. I'll buy it eventually.

longer than i expected, i remember subbing back in highschool and forgetting him until a roommate got a huge boner over him and kept showing me his snapchat like adding him was some sort of fucking accomplishment

No love for Super Bunnyhop?

You have to actually post content to be loved.

I really like his way of speaking

I get that, though I find it comfy personally. I put it on to go to sleep

I do wish he put out more varied content (and more content in general). But I love his more obscure topics, like the Clive barker games or the Outpost series.

I disagree, he's not really going for snappy, witty writing. I think the slow pace allows him to give a more literary analysis of the games he's reviewing. Though I will say the last few videos he's done have been disappointing in how they present really obvious points as if they were revelations. If that's what you're going off of then I can understand your position, but I'd recommend watching his older videos.

Don't even enjoy this place and yet you still come here, absolutely pathetic. Don't reply to me again you battered wife bitch.

True dat

Meant the second one for:

I don't remember what game it was but he featured it, to my memory, on his channel.

user please. Noah has always been about talking for as long as possible about nothing.
he's like the fucking NPR of video game channels.

his actual reviews often show off his stance on a new game that is often broken these days, and he is honestly a funny guy.
i like his techical breakdowns, they mirror most of what always felt off about something. Yeah he could be more light with it tho.

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Yea because review #637,583,023 of Sekiro is so much more important.

I'm liking this, I'll subscribe. Thanks for finding me a decent channel to watch in the background. I also recommend Civvie.

iDubz? yeah he's my favorite gaming channel too

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>tepid, average, lukewarm
You know those words mean the exact same thing right. When you use a thesaurus you're only supposed to pick one word

Don't tell me how to use a thesaurus you stupid foolish jerk moron nincompoop.

>Not utilising, using, employing, applying, exploiting, operating or manipulating as many synonyms as possible to expand your word-count


It's called emphasis, user.

what kind of fucking dinosaur is a thesaurus?

ladys please.

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nigga looks like a klingon that had his 4head ironed

you think he browses Yea Forums ?

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Can you pay a video game reviewer to say your name for everyone to hear? Thought so.
Twitch:1, Youtube:0

>le phone is ringing?!!!111!1
>i am le edgy 14 year old!!!
real great reviews

i'd say he's king of Yea Forums considering our likeness to limbo

Sseth videos are shit because they're not funny and they say absolutely nothing about the game other than maybe some of the dialogue being applicable to jews


I'm a lonely British guy from the north of England would you guys listen to me talk about why Ragnarok Online was fun for twenty minutes?

I really like when he uses that funny sound while electrocuting someone

genuinely good post user, you're effort is appreciated

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How stereotypical is your accent?

what was the name of this retarded "game" again?

No, Ross and Manny make reviews. The Yea Forums meme spouter does not make reviews.

One of the few good scenes in home alone 2

Are you the only British guy on that sad island still not doing youtube video game reviews? With the amount of british guys doing reviews I got the impression the entire island just lives off Youtube bux now

This user brings up a good point. As long as it isn't like every other youtube commentary british accent it'll be fine. I don't know what it is but I can't fucking stand 99% of british youtubers. They all talk with the exact same inflections and it drives me nuts.

Why not i have nothing better to do,


>that one butthurt faggot that shows up anytime sseth is mentioned and spams the thread about how much he hates him showed up

limbo of the lost
it's like some right of passage for streamers and youtubers to be "funny and relevant" or at least it was years ago

Here's a recommendation: play the fucking things instead of watching other people doing it, you unbelievably lazy cunt.

Does he have gachimuchi hidden in every video or did it only start at a certain point?

>Just spend your money on a game that you don't know will be good goy

>>Has always been
>Only has one recent example

I'm from the norf

There's nothing butthurt about my post. Sseth doesn't make reviews. He makes mashup videos, mixes it with "le 4chin may-meys!1 xD" and people watch them purely for entertainment. Even Ssethfags themselves have said that he doesn't do reviews.

I'm not the seond person you quoted. You on the other hand do seem bothered that not everyone worships Sseth.

This is my favorite Sseth review.

You have nothing to lose.

kill yourself

Then just pirate it, you fucking simp. Watching games on youtube isn't a substitute for playing them.
The board is for video game players, not for footage watchers.

One of his earliest videos, now deleted for some reason, was a celebratory tribute to Yea Forums's glorious victory in the Shazzbowl

It was copyright shenanigans. That and his tortanic video kept causing trouble for the channel so he privated them.

one of his first videos was about tortanic, full of Yea Forums shit

Why are you in a thread about things you don't like? Do you have autism?

>tells you the story of the game in painstaking detail for the majority of the videos length and spoils the ending
>says that you must definitely play it

Why do so many channels do this? I don't want to hear the game's story reiterated to me for 30 minutes and even if I didn't know the game already, what is the point of telling me everything that's happened in the game, revealing plot twists and ending and then telling me to play that game?

He gives you the timestamp to skip spoilers for a reason.

Why are you on a hobby board discussing off topic shit? Can you read?

>belittles viewers who skip spoilers because they didn't play the game but want to

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So the answer is yes, good to know

So you're a moron who doesn't play games wasting board space. Gotcha.

Go complain in a waifu thread then. They get posted constanly and it's nothing but cringeposters talking about their favorite vidya waifus.


I think Josephs last good video was the Odyssey one, after that he went off the deep end of sanity

Yeah Noah is
*Coughs, ruins take, keeps reading*
Well spoken
*Fumbles line again*
And quite
*Defends japanese war crimes*
*Thinks hotkeys in SC are the devil*

Fucking based

>Yea Forums

>That 7 hour retrospective Noah did about why Nanking was justified
That was a bit far honestly

I do.

I was with him until he mentioned that the holocaust never happened but it should have. Despicable human being. Who would lie about such a tragedy?

Maybe that was the one time he should've done a bit of editing

his house was more mold than house

>haha mold so funny guys
Can you really stop with these shitposts? It's a fucking old meme by now, Ross is fine. A little fucking mold never hurt anyone, he was being a big pansy bitch. It's really fungi that you have to worry about, those fuckers get incredibly resistant to everything and make it much harder for us to grow. There is literally nothing wrong with mold.

t. leader of the Mold Defense Force


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>There is literally nothing wrong with mold.
Sure, in a blue cheese. A building is another story. Maybe move to one that doesn't fucking leak?

>and they say absolutely nothing about the game
Humor is subjective and you are allowed to think it's not funny but he does discuss the games he talks about, you might have missed it because it was buried in unfunny memes but it's definitely there.

based and grimpilled


I love his self deprecating humour and music

This guy is alright when he's not aping Plinkett during his skits segments.

People still do that?

Glad to help.

>literally says not to play it

Should I really care? /vg/ needed the pop badly, anyway. I'd rather weather this storm of retards than share company with a handful of metafriends and waifufags as the round drags on for 4 hours of braindeads filling the halls so a few autismos can perfect their craft.


>not his magnum opus

Attached: for my channel (large).jpg (900x900, 161K)

His second channel.

>Mandalore has the most tepid, average, lukewarm takes on everything.
>i.e. very neutral and doesn't railroad your expectations or shovel ideas into your head
So he's a good reviewer.



go to bed friday

He's literally from Yea Forums. He was with us during Tribes Ascend against Reddit. Same as Holden.

Shammy would be alright if he uploaded a video every so often.

In the particular use case you're referring to: unweildly and/or run down, i.e. janky. Originally comes from the onomatopeic word "clank" which is a metallic sound. Some machines get clankier as they get closer to mechanical failure. Clanky cars are seen as unreliable. I guess that's the connecting thread.

Ive been watching

Pretty sure he browses

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They're literally pretentious.

>he privated them.
I'm pretty sure it's just unlisted. I remember watching it again last year, reminiscing about fun times and gattocake.

mandalore is old Yea Forums he was around before mathew showed up i bet you dont even know who the fuck clemps or fitz are
>Who the fuck cares about obscure Russian PC games from the mid 2000's.
people that aren't normalfags that exclusively shovel current mainstream garbage into their faces, he reviews good games with character
he just puts down his thought and its entertaining to watch thanks to the editing, not every youtuber needs to be a pretentious faggot

>house is mold
>gets flu
He's turning into a molded.

>Who the fuck cares about obscure Russian PC games from the mid 2000's.
intrinsically more interesting that most games released this year

>only guy who did videos on the Xenus games

Mandalore's voice is obnoxious though.

Gaming Pastime if your into short videos.

Mandalore’s finest work isn’t even on his channel. If you look closely you’ll see EVE ships that he edited in to the video.


The problem that I have with many youtubers is that their output is too rare. I need to have new videos constantly. And I dont mean that I need daily videos, but most people I'm subscribed to put out one video every two or more months. My only option is some trash lets players if I want shit even on weekly or semi daily basis.

Have you tried playing more video games between watching youtube videos?

Not him, but I need to kill about an hour or two per work day.

I already do that. Sometimes I just have times when its not that beneficial to play a game, for example turning the game on for 15 minutes before I have to quit to do actual life stuff. Instead of disrespecting the game like that, I rather put on a youtube video.
This is also accurate. Sometimes I'm doing stuff that isnt video games so I like the background noise.

Wait a second, i recognize this cropped part...

>no results


New Sseth video just went live

I liked Mauler for awhile but then he stopped talking about videogames.



Meme videos age like milk. I hope everyone dumb enough to give Sseth money to make meme videos feels like an idiot after a year. Imagine paying actual money for dogeposting or some shit.

jezus also
>the GAG quartet

Hy я кape
Пиздeц, ди нaхyй гaмбypгep eбyчий

Sorry, posted the wrong link. This is the right one:

I don't usually like to see people talking about the "good old days" on Yea Forums, because usually the good old days were just as bad as the current days, but when you consider that a few years ago the Yea Forums youtube darling was Fitzthistlewits, which was original scripted comedy... and today it's Sseth, which is just memes and """ironic""" /pol/ jokes, wojacks and LE FUNNAY ZOOM IN ON FACE xD and jumpcuts, it really does feel like there is a zoomer generation here and they're all fucking retarded.

>listening to Kamiya purist
Flock off featherface

He just drools over capeshit now

>My shitty e-celeb was better than your shitty e-celeb.

>not recognizing copypasta

you forgot to mention people even pay him money to make those videos
well, with mom's credit card at least

But he was. Much better.

дa ты oхyeл

>"0/10 it's not DMC"

Indigo gaming is okay

it's not pasta
how much of your parents money have you spent on meme videos so far user?

>it's not pasta
I can't be fucked searching the archive, but I swear of seen that exact text a couple of times

>how much of your parents money have you spent on meme videos so far user?
Nothing? I find his stuff somewhat enjoyable, but it's not worth paying for.

Attached: raycevick.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

>that last video

Goddamn did he suck Wolf2 cock and tickle its balls holy shit

I do sometimes wonder what those idiots tell themselves to justify giving money to something like this. Helping fund something with real creativity, an original work of some sort, be it a game or artwork or music, I understand. But how do you watch meme videos and think "yes, he needed my help to do this, and this was a worthy investment"? I'm not even anti-patreon but I cannot imagine spending real money on low effort shitposting videos

>it's not pasta
I've saw it the yesterday you lying piece of shit.

Here you go, here's the archive so you can check for that exact text

You're just a faggot.

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Eh, it was fair enough. Though he should have been more critical of the awful SJW cringe writing.

Imagine whiteknighting for an eceleb on Yea Forums. Imagine.

Imagine whiteknighting for an eceleb who makes shitpost meme videos. Imagine actually feeling burned and annoyed by people simply pointing out what they are. Imagine.

Yeah I too love to watch the hour and a half analisys of some mid-2000 eurojank

>His favourite game is Darksiders 2
Hell no

nigga that last video of his was strange. Props I guess for not just purely jumping on the bandwagon of WOLF GAME BAD, but he did it without talking much about the story.

Come to think of it has any of his videos ever been negative? As in "this game bad.mp4"? I dont think so and I quite like it, far to many negative bois that just bitch all day on the jewtube.

I don't have any friends or social life so paying an eceleb makes me feel like I am helping a friend even if they don't know or care who I am beyond getting my money

>famous youtuber bad
>obscure youtuber good (plz notice how hipster I am!!!!)

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but user sseth only uses the most UNDERGROUND memes
when I see wojack in his videos I know he's winking at me, a fellow 4channer... and normies don't get it!

like Clanky Kong

Sseth, Civvie and Mandalore are holy trinity of boomers.

Attached: cancer mouse.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>I can't be fucked
>lol here's the archive

I recently subbed

The Examined Life (of Gaming)
Love his Mechwarrior Retrospective series.

Attached: ss+(2017-08-09+at+10.24.49).jpg (562x960, 270K)

Too busy to check the archive and prove yourself wrong, but not so busy you can't reply again and again to tell us all how it IS a pasta but you just don't have time to prove it

Based grimposter.

The discord also gives me a false sense of being a part of a community, which helps fill the void. It's also fun knowing everyone there goes to Yea Forums as well, so we often scan Yea Forums for Sseth threads and defend him from criticism in them. Also when a new video goes up we make sure to post as many new threads about it as possible.

Stop watching this low-T faggot after Bioshock video where he said how deep, meaningful and full of symbolism your inability to carry more than two weapons is.

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Because there's one of two options, either that is a copypasta, or at minimum shares a similar post structure, in which case good on you for having me reply 3 times, or it isn't, in which case you typed up such a low quality criticism that it looks like a copypasta.

>the anti-sseth trannies invaded the thread again

How old is he and why does his face look like a 12 years old's but with beard glued on?

RIP MaxMoeFoeGames

post your type of humor faggot
pls subscribe

He literally already did in the post you are replying to you fucking brainlet

don't bully the zoomers, user. they don't understand anything unless it's fast, loud, and ironic.


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>these aren't reviews if they are entertaining
What faggot.
Sseth uses jokes and memes to create the whole picture of how gameplay, pacing and atmosphere blend together while avoiding generic retarded "story bad combat good graphics bad music good" shit reviewers always do.

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>I enjoy original, scripted comedy, like Fitzthistlewits
>I don't enjoy ironic shitposting meme videos

Zoomers, everyone.

Reviews can be entertaining. Regardless, sseth doesn't make reviews. You're a retard if you believe otherwise.

post the video or a clip of something you consider funny
nice taking my post out of context you raging apes

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What do you expect? We're talking about people who pay money for Yea Forums memes, of course they're retarded and can't focus on posts longer than 6 words

Here's your youtube channel bro:

I already said I like Fitz. You can look him up if you want. I'm not interested in playing this game where you demand to see what I find funny only for you to say THAT'S NOT FUNNY in response. Why on earth should I waste my time? Nothing I link would have funnay maymays in it anyway so I don't expect you to like it.

Like tears in the rain

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Noah Chad-well Gervais

you'd probably start posting the night show funny moments with stephen colberg anyway

Is there any more pathetic response to criticism than "well what do YOU like?"
It's genuinely playground shit

I think ssethfags feel particularly stung by criticism because it's always true and they can't refute it, so they just get mad and act childish
As well as the fact that they are literally children

>Sseth fan accuses someone of being an SJW just for saying they don't enjoy US 4CHANNERS AMIRITE youtube videos
Like clockwork

Ross is far right in that image
Sseth is far right in general

Are you actually retarded enough not to notice you're doing the inverse of what he's doing?

>anons express their dislike for sseth

>dissing the king of Limbo
out faggot

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Yea Forums is meant to be a Sseth fanclub. I don't know why it isn't, he uses all the memes.

>Pretty sure he browses
No shit, his jokes are word-for-word ripped from Yea Forums a lot of the time, and his twitter has him shitting on transexuals

>I don't care for these US 4CANNERS AMIRITE videos
>well then stick to your SJW comedians, faggot!!
I better not call this thought process retarded or I'm just the same as him

One of my favorite YouTubers. I wish he would release more videos. But I understand why he couldn't since he critiques every little detail in the games he critiques

You already have the accent advantage so what do you have to lose really? I wouldn't be caught dead doing that without some kind of accent.

But he's pretty upfront about being black, why so shocked

I gave you a view because I feel bad for you, but really, with your gay voice you shouldn't be saying anything, least of all doing a commented playthrough

> I don't like it, so it's not a review

No one cares that you don't like him, it's just that you're wrong.

Matt after Dark

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So basically your MO is to put false conclusions in your greentext so you can easily counter them with basic arguments.

sure, buddy. see you at 100 subs

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I actually only watch stuff like this for weird games I've never heard of so thanks for recommending a new one. I mostly only know about game dungeon.

You simply said it's not a review. No facts to back it up. There is only one conclusion since you put no effect into your accusation. Semantics are fun.

mechagamezilla is the best reviewer on youtube

I actually have more than that.

Stop shilling yourself mandalore.

And your reviews are obnoxious.

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>occasional politics soapboxing

>denounces the real games and tell everyone to play CoC(k) without any knowledge of stalker
that video is a fucking travesty kill yourself. It's painfully that obvious that he knows nothing about the series beyond le cheeki breeki xd

>mixes up gangrel and werewolves
>calls the anarchs a "clan"

why is this thread 7 hours old?
why does it have over 300 posts?

fuck you on about he said it was the worst out of all of them

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Threads with discussion usually tend to last for a good while.

Newfag pls

>mandalore space station review
>comfy and he unironicaly tells you the basic stuff

>ssethddit review
>lolol niggers loloo memes XDDD lolol stories taken from /vg/
Absolute cringe

The fact that people like sseth tells you the state of this board

same for me

He outright told people not to play it and didn't list any servers he went on.

>you put no effort in it so therefore there can only be one conclusion
More false conclusions from a dumb zoomer.
Sseth just says what he did in the game and that he had a lot of fun and therefore recommends that game. That's not a review. He barely puts any effort (to use your own words) into things like explaining the mechanics of the game, why they work particularly well for THAT game and what the weaknesses of the game are. He instead plasters the screen with le funnay memes so zoomer brains short circuit out of their critical thought processes.

I enjoyed the recent podcast with Vinny, it was comfy af. I like that neither of them felt they had to try hard, they just had a chill chat.

You make it sound like you have to pick one or something.

>Who the fuck cares about obscure Russian PC games from the mid 2000's.


Where the fuck do you think you are?

>10/10 game
Yeah, I can see it clearly now.

>didn't list any servers he went on

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1546x788, 242K)

Zoinks , if u watch ssethddit you are a redditor or a /pol/kuk plain and simple

>this is a hardcore game made only for hardcore players such as myself so you're not allowed to play it or like it

I mean he clearly explained that you need terminal autism and that byond would break if you add the weight of 2 feathers on the server load.

>he need a review to know why a game is shit or not
>he doesn't just play the game
neo/v/ is shit

I'm glad at least one person hasn't descended into making meme of the week videos

Like his fanbase gives a shit about that.

I like Chris Davis, specially his crpg videos

Anyone who "descended" into making meme of the week videos was never good. Mecha is one of the few people on youtube who only seems to make whatever interests them. He'd rather make videos about toilet rolls and obscure cereals than do the 34678239425th Fallout 76 video, and I'm glad about that.
The youtube algorithm didn't "ruin" any channels, it only exposed people who care about literally nothing other than milking every possible penny out of the system. If everything you put on youtube is designed to maximize profit with as little work as possible you have no integrity or ingenuity. And the irony is it's exactly these hacks who will cry and play victim and insist youtube is killing their channel. You can make your channel whatever you want, and Mecha proves it. The only way youtube "kills" creativity is if you didn't care about anything other than maximum profit in the first place.

Ray is pretty cool.

well said

Attached: sseth.png (932x1746, 96K)

Matthewmatosis is absolute kino and the only one worth watching. /thread

funny how we used to criticize this sort of thing but now we have posters literally paying ecelebs to do the same thing and defending it with memes if anyone dares point it out

Not a reviewer but Summoning Salt's videos are pure gold.

Matthew does the best serious analysis
Mechagamezilla does the best comedic analysis

What are the odds the two best channels on youtube would be from people living in the same place

I am glad that they are friends. The Matthew cameo in that MGZ video is gold.

>34 minuet in-depth video on Pathologic, its development, along with more stuff about the creator
>No history

Based gas lighter retard.

what is a clanky game?

>Speaking to the camera
>Focus isn’t immediately on the game from second one
>”Hey guys-“
All red flags. Why should I bother?

lol virgin

a ratchet&clank spinoff you never heard of

But that isn't what his reviews are lmao. He literally goes the right amount of in-depth with out dragging on for 4 hours of "content"

He also regularly covers things secondary to the game, like how how to get an older game working for different systems, the patches and other stuff he needed to use. Pointing out oddities like the GOG version being more update than steam, ect.

He manages to cover the games he is reviewing in detail, while also providing information of the games background, development, and technical issues or oddities. All of this while, imo being entertaining.

You can say you just don't enjoy him, fair enough. But don't be a retard and out right lie about what he does in his videos.

I hear you, but there’s gotta be a balance of quality over quantity. I managed to put out reviews every week for about a year and I was really proud of the output, but eventually my day job caught up to me and I can’t have the same output anymore. But anyway, generally speaking, I would rather have quality videos every once and a while as opposed to an okay one every week.

>dropped after one second
Well at least you gave it a fair chance, user.

Why does this cunt got his own tv show on disneyflix?

Pewds popularized it, and every single person who has done the same has been complete shit.

Have sex, incel.

I like looking at the history of the development of old games so channels like

Indigo Gaming

Are my kind of thing. I don't mind ones like Mandalore, Sseth and Raycervick etc. But they there's a lot of inane circle jerking and arguing that surrounds them.

I miss Fitz

>pewds popularized looking into a camera and saying hello
okay user

Mandalore is Reddit incarnate.


That's not even remotely close to what he says or implies you retard

>Indigo Gaming
Imaging being autistic about daggerfall so fucking much you end up being part of development team of a spiritual successor to daggerfall along with daggerfall's leads

Attached: indigo.png (1245x788, 152K)

any and all content I post in videos has been preapproved for usage by the creators ahead of time
all that drama and not once did you ever stop and ponder why kruggsmash never commented on it

Might be his worst video in general honestly
Most of his points were pretty weak

>it's a controversy when Anita uses other people's footage
>but not when Sseth does it

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His imprisoned skits are being featured less and that's a bad thing.

So why did he change his username to just Gmanlives?

Fucking THIS holy fuck. Especially Raycevick who pretty much just goes through the games history and lays out it's mechanics, he doesn't say anything new or interesting which is fine for much older games people forgot about or don't know the whole history of but he's kind of run out of that and just does more modern games and it's so boring.

Yeah he's not too bad but I find his editing really weird sometimes like there's some joke flying over my head, sometimes it's clearly edited to make a joke but other times I just don't get it.

Feels weird reading a good point being made on Yea Forums

>Like watching Matthewmatosis' commentaries since they're entertaining as hell
>Always rewatch the DMC1 and Demon Souls commentaries
>People just want him to make more reviews/recommendation videos

Those commentaries are his best works and no one gives a damn.

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Yeah matt has talked about videos he straight up scrapped because he realized he wasn't saying anything new or interesting in his script thus making the video pointless for him to making, even if it would still be likely to get good views and praise.

One of the few gaming youtubers to actually have high standards and care for videos more than just trying to make money or voice his opinion among the sea of similar opinions in video format

The fuck are you smoking, when his DF video went live Yea Forums was filled with anons sperging out about that.

>my favorite youtube channel is in copyright hell
He isnt vidya related but its still a bummer.

oof thanks, bullet dodged, not worth my time

>Kamiya purist
>best works
Flock off feather face


Attached: Hideki_Kamiya.png (475x360, 174K)

What's wrong with Chris Davis? He's basically a discount mini-matosis, sure he's not was creative, witty, or insightful but he uploads more so he's good filler

Anybody that likes dunkey is certified underaged along with people who like game grumps. Their humour is really really cringey and clearly meant for children.

Thankfully Sseth's paying fanboys were there to mock anyone pointing out this shit behavior and insist that nobody should care just because they are happy to pay for someone to rip other people's footage and put memes over it

Grow up and watch non-cringe comedy for adults, which is wojacks, /pol/ memes and zooming in on faces.

>takes a lot of work
>low views
That's why he doesn't do them often but that's fine because he seems to only do them on games he really really enjoys and it shows

Is Mandalore black?

Who does that? Genuinely don't know what channels you're talking about

>Mandalore is friends with both Sseth and Hbomberguy

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>Dumb faggots made another e-celeb jerkoff thread
Hey welcome to Yea Forums where we don't discuss videogames but irrelevant youtubers

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I like Tehsnakerer and his incredibly long reviews.

best channel on the YT, and obscure 2000s games are the best.

He hasn't posted in a while for some reason but his content is bretty good. Hope to see a new video soon.

Attached: 06157e051a07a940d186839f42137cba_400x400.jpg (400x400, 8K)

>thinks bioshock infinite was brilliant
>implying he has read a book in his fucking life if he thinks infinite was a good story

Yeah, this guy has been around since 2008, but his channel never really took off for some reason. I completely forgot about him since he haven't uploaded in a year.

Noah has a hard life

He is clearly intelligent but lack of spine has prevented him from doing anything worthwhile. Even his passion project was cut short because he can't stand up to his wife.

lol I love youtubers, thanks guys XD

>Yea Forums hates sseth now
make up your mind you faggots

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Ray has literally no taste in Japanese games and is too much of a western shitter.
>inb4 weeb
You know I'm fucking right you contrarians.

you faggots are unbearable. let me spell it out for you:
>handful of people are fans of a youtuber
>they like to mention this channel now and then, they all enjoy posting the funni memes in threads when they spot each other
>nobody really cares, but they idiotically believe that all of Yea Forums is a fanclub for this eceleb because nobody told them to fuck off
>a few months later the eceleb cant release a new video without their idiot fans flooding the catalog with new threads about it, attacking anyone who says to fuck off and acting confused at Yea Forums "turning it's back" on their favourite meme channel


>my favorite youtube channel is in copyright hell
It isn't GoodBadFlicks by any chance?

Outside of the major cities, England is a fucking wasteland. There is nothing out here. You travel more than 20 miles away from your town and the accents become incomprehensible. Surround by fields of sweet fuck-all. Your options are to take up an alcohol/drug addiction or gamble on a youtube career in hopes of earning enough money to move to someplace where the water is drinkable. Religion didn't fall out of favour in England, everyone just realised that they are already in hell.


LGR is pretty comfy
clint seems like a pretty cool guy

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Attached: Come on now.png (505x427, 90K)

no one said you should.

Nah. Its really small channel Nearly on Red. He does autistically long anime videos.

Fuck off you larping yank cunt.

not possible, Yea Forums is one person.

piss off amerilard

>has clearly never travelled outside of his city safespace

Come out to where I am where the police don't even bother showing up anymore, I may not have much but at least I'm not getting arrested for shitposting

Go away Charlie. Go back to having Clemps fuck you in your gay ass boi pussy.

Who /nostalgia wound/ here?

I like Kreal


Mandalore is so fucking shit.
He cant write a script to save his life and has the most annoying nasally voice i've ever heard.
Fuck that cunt

Nobody is you dumbass

I unironically like oneyplays

Attached: c8HyTwN[1].png (739x1748, 275K)

How can you go to sleep with that smug fag voice and horrible editing?

It's not a coincidence that Sseth was suddenly labelled as a thief after he released multiple videos where he made fun of the Jews and criticized them in public.

Normalfags found Sseth. He needs to ramp up the edge and drive some of them away.

>don't play it guys
>this now absolves me of all guilt of exposing this game to hundreds of thousands of kids because i told them not to
What a moronic excuse.

Based underagebro

Not my argument. I'm totally okay with new people being introduced, but his fanbase is moronic teenagers and idiots who can't think, not to mention its such a massive quantity of them. Fuck off, fanboy.


>Next video still a couple days out. It's going to be about an hour and 20 minutes. It's chopped down from 11 hours of shooting since I had to short term memorize a bunch of lines for the camera.

ThorHighHeels if you like Japanese shovelware and the occasional good middleware spotlight

thread still up lol

>have a population 10x larger than the average Euro country
>Euros act surprised when cherrypicking the underdeveloped parts of the nation and niggers result in finding education to be poor
>meanwhile education riots happen every single year in france, the cultural center of europe, while their nigger population continues to rise
Why are yuropoors so OBSESSED?

Because of you shilling faggots when his following gets large enough he is just going to be another generic and annoying youtuber. It happened to Linus, Pewdeepie, and so many others. Thanks for making it increasingly harder to find soul youtube vids about games.

I liked Raycevick up until his re-review of Metro where he just outs himself as a casual turboshitter because he couldn't stick to OG Metro for more than 5 minutes but still complains about LL and Redux being too hand-holdy.
Then he did a Wolfenstein series review and deliberately danced around how fucking atrocious TNC's story and cutscenes were despite praising TNO and TOB for that specific element.

I'm never sure if I should shill ThorHighHeels in these threads. I think he prefers being more underground desu.

Half of his reviews are trash (XV, KH3, Octopath, XB2), the rest are pretty solid (OoT, Odyssey, Sonic).

Who fucking cares, Youtube is going the way of the dinosaur. Every relevant Youtuber who doesn't want to be a slave to the algorithm just streams now anyways.

I feel like he tackles obscure or unpopular enough games that he'll never really blow up like Mandalore, Raycevick, Ahoy, MathewMatosis, etc.
Plus he has a hard stance against spoiling events in the games he talks about which means people can't just watch his videos as cheap entertainment in place of having to actually play a janky ass PS1 title.

also agree. If you're going to make a 30+ minute video about a game then at least go in depth with the mechanics and why you like them or how you would change them. expand on stuff instead of just giving a surface level/basic bitch analysis of a game. Give me your INSIGHT faggot.

also agree Sseth is cancer. ADHD style editing + may mays = please donate to my patreon fellow channers!

Noah Caldwell-Gervais inserts politics into everything he can. He's an ideological puppet. I'm conflicted because I don't think he's terrible (he's better than alot of brainlet reviewers like Whitelight/Racyvek etc) but he goes off into random tangents that are pretty unrelated to the game he's talking about because it's 'the impression he gets' (excuse to talk about unrelated politics or some shit) and his editing is awful. He also just drones on to the point with proper editing he could cut his videos in half.


Attached: barf-emoji-by-twitter.png (512x512, 9K)

>It's not a coincidence that Sseth was suddenly labelled as a thief after people found concrete proof that he is a thief
Fixed. No need to thank me.

you mean the reddit humour? yeah it's very epic.

boring as fuck

no you're right. they just read a wiki and gamasutra article about the history of the game development and thats it. it's just the brainlet/history channel equivalent for people with ADHD.


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*autistically reads wikipedia articles to you in monotone*
woah... based...

Do you have some kind of point? Whether you like streams or not, they're killing Youtube alongside Youtube's own terrible content policies.

>watch video about the history and depictions of certain real-world objects
>surprised when he's confronted with real-world information
Wait until Ahoy starts his series on real-world cars and their depictions in racing games.

I like him too. It's because of his critiques I played Mass Effect and Baldur's Gate. I also like Whitelight and Raycevick, Mandalore etc. Usually I just put their reviews on when I'm in bed. Their calm voices help me sleep.

>Wait until Ahoy starts his series on real-world cars and their depictions in racing games.
Woah Ahoy is gonna invent the cure for insomnia?