Why wont you just fucking admit that her game was pretty good?
Why wont you just fucking admit that her game was pretty good?
Other urls found in this thread:
what game?
because it was shit, quick reminder the game has a stupid butterfly effect as it's twist ending that basically makes all the chapters uselsss or makes the main character a cunt
I'm amazed this shit gets shilled so hard for so long but then again this pace does have some 270 million redditors vs 30 million 4channers.
Best girl coming through
if by good you mean "accurate portrayal of how immature and retarded you'd expect a couple of lesbian teenagers to be and all that many reasons to dislike them therein" then sure
I can't imagine how sedated you'd have to be to tolerate any scrap of internal dialogue in this shitheap, and trust me it's only moderately more funny when drunk
LiS has some of the best writing of any game released in the last decade.
I could eat alphabet soup and shit out a better script
eat my entire ass faggot
It's not my fault you're an emotional husk incapable of enjoying a well written and impactful story.
Try drinking less or doing less drugs you fucking loser, maybe then you'll be able to enjoy the finer things in life.
hahahahahahaa it's literally that fucking "sophisticated gentleman" kid that everyone made fun of
>interactive film
>3D visual novel
>video game
one of these things is not like the others. one of these things just doesn't belong.
As a white male I am not allowed to comment on this game as it wasn't made fore
That's not Victoria.
what are some "well written" games?
Max NEEDS to be in Smash.
when it becomes a game.
idk lol
I admit it and I embrace it. Max 4 lyfe niggas
also bae > bay
2/10 not enough hella
>well written
>copied story from catcher in the rye with a handful of changes
>choices mean nothing in the end due to binary final choice
Put some actual effort into your trolling.
Nah, it's pretty hella.
People literally only gave a shit because of possible cute lesbians.
Game itself is shit.
You're not wrong. The only reason I played this game was because of muh dick.
>every young adult fiction is a copy of Catcher in the Rye
Hella based
>Every homage is plagiarism now
>Can't criticise something with valid points.
>wojack poster with no argument thinks he's superior for an iota of a second
I tell za warudo every time I reverse time. it makes the game fun
>"I r smartered, I maded funny of them wojack instead of making pointing, huurrr"
make an argument to the original post and stop talking to me you fucking retarded shitposter with a room temperature IQ
Or, you could just greentext everything I said back to you in a retard voice
I would say this is bait, but this shit game still has a thread on /vg/
>"hurr durr, that showing him, now he wonted make fun my brain voice"
Well to be fair, it's kind of an accurate depiction of people who shit on something without a point.
>"herp derp, pls stop, its no fanni anymoar, maybe if i saying he stoopid he will stopping"
ty ty
based hipster shaka brah
Life is Strange
Just because I want to fuck her girlfriend in front of her and make her watch as a dick makes her beloved punk dyke cum doesn't mean I like her game.
smug cat
Really the only best response.
Maybe if you're a teen that hasn't played a VN before
Best kind of cat
Holy based.
Music was great and the game was immersive. Quit talking out of your ass
>not wanting to fuck Max
I think the game is good minus the plot holes, but the time manipulation is a missed opportunity. There are only a handful of cool ideas used for it, like the interrogation without consequences. I think there should have been more time puzzles. When you blow up the school door Max goes from point A to point B in space by traveling through time instead of space, and ends up going through a door that was never opened. That kind of game mechanic could be used for tons of things. Though I do appreciate being able to basically snoop around without consequences because you can rewind the production of any evidence of your actions.
>Why wont you admit something blatantly untrue
My dude
>hella gay
I love to trigger those retards just by saying Chloe is actually bisexual
>you will never softly stroke her tired and sweaty feet at the end of a long day
It hurts to live.
I still like the walking dead season 1.
Why are all the female characters in this game horribly unlikeable cunts?
Only good thing that came from the game is the sfm porn.
Because it's realistic
Dana was cool tho
Because they're teenagers. 18yos are moody bitches.
I agree with that guy, writing and dialogues in LiS were really good. And I am not talking about final twist, I mean in general.
Actually true.
People calling it cringe only say so because it's actually what teenagers say.
People complain about the dialogue being unrealistic without having ever listened to teenagers talk in 2013 and without knowing how pacific northwesterners actually speak. It's pretty accurate in my experience.
>Victoria will NEVER bully you
fucking jdimsa
Kate died in my game.
Well, it's not worse writing than Fallout 4, Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age Inquisition (GOTY2014 btw), Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, MGSV, Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs 2, Assassins Creed Unity, Assassins Creed Syndicate, every CoD in the past 10 years, Battlefield One, Battlefield V ... well, you get the point.
>Not wanting to fuck one of either Rachel, Max or Chloe in turn as the other two fondle each other while you fuck their friend in front of them
What are you? A feminist?
I kinda like it, but Chloe's dialog annoys me quite a bit. She says "hella" more than any Californian (I know it's not set in California). Goofy shit.
You have to go back and save her
So what's 2 like? Any cute girls?
>what's 2 like
>any cute girls
I think there's a friendzoned hapa girl in the very beginning of the game. I don't have the game because fuck that hamfisted propaganda shit. The second game actually is what Yea Forums wrongfully accused the first game of being.
Don’t worry, that’s just a bunch of incels that managed to fall in love with some fictional lesbians of all things
Chloe fucking sucks dick and should go fuck off and die
Kate is my wife
It’s funny because it’s probably true, Max finds fresh condoms in her purse
I want Jefferson VA to do ASMR. his voice is fucking perfect.
Incredibly based.
Beforethestorm 2 when? LiS2 isn't very good but this could be alright.
You play either as Rachel in her final moments or Jefferson until the start of LiS1. Nathan could also be a choice.
Fucking this
The Kingdom Come General died in 4 weeks but this shit is still up and active
I hate how much I ship her and Max.
Honestly anyone but Chloe would be an improvement.
"Game" aside. I liked Life is Strange Season 1 for PS3 but I wouldn't say it was all that great. I thought it was very preachy and obvious about everything. If you have a brain, you immediately know exactly what's going on once you exit the bathroom and how the game is probably going to end. Maybe because I'm a crusty old grandpa and it was clearly meant for a much younger audience.
She hinted several times she's into guys. She even finds Jefferson sexy
back to your containment thread/boards.
I enjoyed the game but HOLY SHIT you are retarded.
Max and Vic are fucking cute as hell together.
Rachel is trash. I'm sick of her story and her character. I want another game with Max.
I don't know what you could do with Max user, beside following her after the death of Chloe, there's already an ongoing comics for the ship ending, and the life of max before Lis1 was just boring according to her.
>Rachel is trash
Fuckin this! I wish I didn't play BtS. She's a gigantic, abusive bitch
the game only had two legs due to the characters being stereotypical teen females
LiS2 is absolute garbage and shows how taking away the female element impacts """quality"""
Feel bad for Frank, the fucker got played like a damn fiddle by multiple people.
Living in a big Van like him seem pretty comfy, anyone living or who lived like that?
some of the interactions with Sean and Daniel are cute, especially if you had a brother before.
but the rest is pretty bad, can't wait to BTFO the junkies again.
Agreeing with you here. Rachel was NOT a likeable character, even from a cursory, uninvolved point of view.
I feel like at one point DONTNOD wanted to make her unlikeable and manipulative, and then halfway through decided to add some dialogue to try to make her redeemable in a half-assed way.
Makes her come off as annoying, unlikeable, and very cringey.
They could explore the origin of her power. Maybe she moved to Portland or something and it's happening again.
Yeah I was indifferent to her in the first game. I didn't hate her until after BtS.
While I'm not a huge fan of the game, I have played it and most of the games made by Telltale. they're the ones who come up constantly in comparison with it and their games (at least TWD S1 and TWAU) seemed to be loved by Yea Forums. So here's my nuclear, objectively correct take:
It's 1000% better than anything Telltale shit out, everything from the engine to the character models to the cutscenes/story/gameplay and so on are a huge cut above TWD.
You can argue about whether it's "good" forever, but it's completely indisputable that LIS is better than TWD in ever aspect. Considering how well TWD did, that's reasonable enough to assume it's good and that LIS by definition is even better.
BtS was made by another company (deck nine) entirely so that might be part of the reason she's so shit.
Lesbiens are fucking disgusting subhumans.
t. faggot, and glad
To be fair user, that's because Tell Tale is/was run by Jews who couldn't be fucked to update their engine, much less their narrative devices. Literally half of their games follow the same narrative formula. If they had diversified even a little bit and brought their software up to snuff it would hardly be a contest.
this series is dogshit and you are legit retarded if you think any of this french pedo shit is relateable life situations.
try actually talking to people
I've never paid much attention to Telltale. A few days ago I saw some gameplay of TWD for the first time and it really just looks like an incredibly cheap and lazy LiS knockoff.
>he thinks people enjoy lis because they think it's realistic
lel, and he calls others retarded
Why is there one of you faggots in every thread about this game. Nobody here thinks Life is Strange is supposed to be an accurate take on real world teen relationships. It's SUPPOSED to be ironic, saved-by-the-bell dialogue novellashit. It's an artifact of what people in the 90's thought teens were supposed to be like, and that's what makes it fun. Like drinking throwback sodas or watching old movies you absolute fucking autist.
Here's your (You).
Which is funny because The Walking Dead is what heavily inspired the games creation in the first place.
TWD came first.
A perfect example of the virgin shitposter vs the chad shitposter
I know. That just makes it funnier.
>all of these chimps seething their hallway tweening sim sucks
seek help.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
You're right about their posts but your pic is the opposite. If you think virgin vs chad is about zero positive qualities on the left vs zero negative qualities on the right then you're a meathead brainlet or a self-inserting cuck. In other words a chad of a virgin yourself.
How fucking new are you faggot? Previous pic is a textbook example of the "virgin vs chad" meme.
The only part on the right that even slightly reflects the "excels despite being kinda retarded and obnoxious" is the part about wearing bright colors and the left has no parts that are pitiful but strangely relatable. It's a textbook example of someone misunderstanding the format and just trying to compare LEFT MAN BAD RIGHT MAN GOOD
I know this a meme. But please actually research something before opening your dumbcunt mouth. You literally have access to all the information in the world, a quick google search and it’ll save you looking like a brainlet.
imagien actually playing this shit as a man lmao
did you cut your balls off or something?
>Yea Forums suddenly loves/hates Life is Strange now
Well what changed your mind?
Second game came out
Yea Forums being contrarian as it is likes the first one now
BTS was better, Rachel aside
I’ve always wanted to marry Max, user. And really the hate the game gets is a bit forced.
This game is made for transbians
A game with no gameplay isn't a game.
It was always good as long as you can see past the style of writing (people in their 30s/40s trying to sound like teenagers in an unnatural and forced way). It's a pretty comfy series other than that, and I liked most of the characters.
We all want to marry Max but I just want to have handholds with her VA
but there is gameplay
>bad writing
Hello, retard.
It literally does not.
At its most interesting it is just riding on the coattails of Twin Peaks.
At its worst it's a 40 year old dad trying to talk like a teenage girl and awkwardly spouting old memes crossed with deviantart yuri fanfiction.
I want to mating press the blue haired bitch.
The fact that she's lesbian only makes me harder.
It has to be a game first.
Why would you rather rub Victoria's feet instead of Chloe or Kate's? They'd appreciate it way more than Victoria would
Say what you will about Life is Strange, but at least it didn’t have anything as embarrassing as snake and skull face sharing a quiet ride while sins of the father plays over their awkward silence.
That's my line you fucking psycho. Seriously how the fuck do you confuse your own inability to do something with someone else's?
Based taste. Also I guess being a photographer myself helped indulge me more to it. I do like when they do those moments with music and the multiple angles. I’m a sucker for artsy.
Because it’s stupid dyke lesbian fantasy garbage mainly about mundane social situations with a dose of extreme occurrences.
How the fuck could you even think for a second that this dogshit deserves this much recognition?
It was making me fucking sick.
It was worse that fucking anime.
Life is Tumblr.
Video games are about gameplay, story is second.
Alpha male detected
Because it wasn't and they were pandering to the lowest common denominator, waifufags.
/fit/ told me smoking decreases gainz. Why does based Arnold smoke them? Or is this shoped?
It's a decent VN but the choice in the end made me laugh.
>Why don't you sacrifice thie entire town to save this retarded girl that was supposed to die at first place.
Easiest choice of my life.
Smoking actually raises test. Besides, it was a different time.
People didn't know about the hazards of smoking back then.
Because it was awful.
Excellent bait, no wonder this thread is still up.
Fucking Katawa Shoujo still has a thread up on /vg/
Yeah... About that.
It's nothing like Catcher in the Rye lol
drugs and alcohol make me enjoy the finer things in life, what are you on about nigger?
This. I haven't even played it but I love to watch those bitches getting blacked.
I think her game was innovative for the telltale choose your own adventure game and a "breath of fresh air" along with Max being super cute but the story was moronic and Chloe is seriously such an insufferable character, literally only ever being good when she's fucking crippled to hell caring more about life and not being a trashy dipshit asshole edgy teen. The endings are so fucking awful, it's a fucking insult to anybody who managed to reach that point.
Seriously, SERIOUSLY, can anyone actually tell me the appeal of Chloe???? Does anyone actually genuinely like her?????????
What the fuck is wrong with you? You just jump straight to racial slurs like that?
There are no racial slurs on this board. Nigger is an insult applicable to anyone.
that bait isn't going to work on me
It was comfy.
And honestly, what more could you ask for?
You should just enjoy the fact that your incessant trash posting and waifu posting keeps your pointless general alive on /vg/ and stay there
>subplot about chloes dad spying on her and being a shithead
>turns out he's actually a pretty caring person and not as big of an asshole as chloe thinks
>doesn't actually affect chloes character
I liked the twist but it should've been a more important plot point for her development, if chloe actually developed as the game went on and based on the choices you made in the game, she'd be a lot less of a shitty character
Yeah, it was hella good
>wants to become a girl
>gets the chance to see what it's like to be a teen girl
>Yea Forums hates it
I thought Yea Forums was a tranny board?
What happened?
>dont want to finish LiS ep 2
>Dont care about it anymore, characters are bland and the focus on the main character as an emo edglelord is boring
If episode 3 dumps the hippies and makes the boys harden up and strain their relationship more as they desperately try to keep it together it will be great
Because believe it or not OP, Lesbian Navel Gazing Simulator isn’t that great.
Actually. It’s rather awful.
Only good thing to come from it is the all the SFM porn of the girls getting pounded
Underrated post.
Chloe a qt!
Is it though, haven't checked in awhile but every sfm porn I saw of it looked like shit
I am from the PNW. People don’t talk like that up here. It’s a bulldyke lesbian fantasy, probably written first as a fanfic by some chick on staff who weighs 460 lbs and has both blue and pink hair. Not sure why you would ever hold this shit up as an example of anything other than cringe.
Friendly reminder that Rachel is a turboslut.
Im going to replay LiS 1 again and make them all my wives!
T. virgin
hella stupid gun
and thats a good thing!
umm source??
the Webm of Max spanking a shrunken Chloe
Sauce now!
The game was shit. You barely make any decisions and all the dialogue is horrendous.
I remember playing the demo and taking a selfie of my self and being mocked by some dumb bitch speaking emoji tongues.
can't post that here, ask on /aco/
Literally just search rule 34 rachel and chloe you lazy fuck
Holy fucking kek
based dontnod
I definitely preferred pure Kate over a junky degenerate like Chloe. My Max was hetero though and i must have been of the extremely few people to actually pair her with Warren.
god imagine fucking chloe raw while max rides your face
It was good.
You wouldn't last a minute.
Seriously, the smell of pussy alone can drive you insane, all the pheromones and all that shit, it makes you start lick it like it was an ice-cream. I can't imagine me lasting more than 30 seconds if I was fucking and licking at the same time.
After we had consensual sex, I'd have to murder her to avoid the inevitable false rape allegation.
Nah, punk sluts like her love fucking, poor girls are just starved for affection since their daddy didn't give them any.
You just have to learn to differentiate between hair dyed whores and avoid the feminists, which is pretty easy considering they tend to be ugly and fat as fuck.
It got worse when he switched that Qt3.14 pink shirt after the first episode.