ITT: Post a game without actually posting it

ITT: Post a game without actually posting it

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Elder Scrolls Oblivion

I wanna say hollow knight?

Metal Slug?

You’ll never get this one

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Zero Time Dilemma

anything with characters designed by nomura

risk of rain

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new vegas

Rain World, of course.

>insert pic here of Link licking Gaepora's ass.png
This one should be easy

Deep Rock Galactic

itn ever rains in risk of rain
the answer is rain world

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Also it's a fucking slug. If he meant Risk of Rain he's a real dummy.

No, but it is Japanese and is tied to a specific character designer

Is that Crestfallen knight?

Oh hes good

Someone didnt get to the final level of RoR1

>To walk this earth
>That is the real curse right there

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I wonder if the passengers got medieval on his lard-ass at the next stop. I know I would've.

Ghost Trick or Silent Hill

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finish watching it faggot

>filename wasn't lying

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muv luv alternative

Based busdriver

Kingdom come deliverance.

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Pokemon Sun/Smash Ultimate

God Hand?


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modded fallout

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Easy, EYE

Earth defense force

Kek. He tricked me but it was good.

the long dark

Bannerlord when?

Ghost Trick

ToeJam and Earl

Garry's Mod


African Cowboy 2

Nier Automato

Did you guys know that "When it rains, it pours" is actually a literal description of Morton Salt? When it rains, the humidity in the air loosens up the salt, which breaks the dry clumps apart and allows the salt to pour freely from the box. It has absolutely nothing to do with the idiom that was only commonly used after Morton made it their slogan.

For Honor

Been training for so long just to find out there's no one left to fight.

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Think again

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Katamari Damacy

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please get reading comprehension