>Find my aim in FPS games isn't what it used to be and my reflexes are shit despite me lifting heavy weights 3x a week, and doing martial arts and biking
>Back when i was heavily into games like COD4, BF2, BFC2, CSS, CS 1.6, SOF etc.. always ALWAYS used to get called a hacker, people crying and trying to vote ban / vote kick me, always ravaging everyone and going ham 30/5 K/D, and in games like BFBC2 I'll go 50/7
>Now get smacked up by underage kids and have trouble staying on top of the score boards
>Get quite agitated, want to mention years ago i would have fucking smashed them so bad they would have uninstalled but i hold it in

This shit is disheartening.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's all downhill from here

20 right now i hope ill never get to this point

It will happen, you find your brain is slower, your body just feels slower. In fast paced games, you feel a little laggy because of your age.

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time to grow up and play single player RPGs, like you should have been doing all this time.

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Kek. It'll happen to you, buddy. Even worse, when you hit 30, you won't even bother with multiplayer games anymore. Because you'll have as much time to play about 2 hours per week, and you know you'll never be anywhere near good so you stick to playing Cities: Skylines and Restaurant Managers.

Same bro,i couldn't believe it when it happened, like damn people were being serious about this, i thought they were just shitters making excuses.

>spends more time doing real life stuff and less time fragging
>expects to remain at the same level forever
OP is a retard and a faggot

Yeah, i noticed it the first time in CSGO. My reflexes and speed were just so fucking shit, and regardless of how many hours i spent. It's like my speed was locked on a certain level.

Woah, when you played a lot you were good and now you don't play as much you are bad. I can't see how that is possible.

You lost your edge. I'm turning 25 in a couple of months and I've been playing competitive games my whole life. I feel exactly the same. The only thing that "wears" me down at this point is boredom from repetitiveness. I still feel like I'm getting better & that I have more potential.

>too good against new players, feels unrewarding
>too shit against good players, feel like a new player
>playing to similarly skilled players feels like im not improving at all.
>start playing single players more often and on the hardest difficulty to convince myself I'm still good at games, but deep down I know I'm only really playing against a computer, so it's not really a challenge.

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If you don't have time, you certainly aren't going to be playing Skylines regularly

t. wageslave that loves Skylines

Either drop the weight lifting and martial arts or stay shit at games.
At this point you won't be able to retain both.

I'm 34, it gets worse. You temper your loss of reflexes with better tactics but if you face someone with both reflexes and tactics, you're going to get agitated.

You will.
But you can slow it down.

OP I found that intense physical work would make my aim shit in FPSes, it's probably that

>always ALWAYS used to get called a hacker
I miss it too, OP.
I'm not quite a 1.6 oldfag but I used to play a shit ton of CSS when I was a teenager and I was so fucking good. Effortless headshots all day every day and reflexes like a cat on steroids. I just got bored of it eventually, though, and I never really got into other FPS in a big way so I let my skills fade away from disuse while I played other games. But it was sure nice to go into my usual server and be the guy everyone wanted to have on their team. I remember revisiting that server out of nostalgia a few years after I stopped playing regularly and the couple of regulars there at the time still remembered me.

I'm almost 30 now and even though I could probably get decent again with a lot of consistent practice, I just don't want to dedicate that kind of time to FPS any more. I've actually been spending a lot of my spare time learning a couple musical instruments and I'm looking to get into another campaign of D&D.

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>Be heavily invested in team based shooters in my teens and early twenties
>Be great at every one I pick up
>Mostly play solo
>get that one match where I find a team in pubs and we just click and dominate
>Have great time playing and Bantering for months
>suddenly stop enjoying the game due to stale balance
>Play more solo than with freinds because it's more challenging than just pub stomping
>Eventually stop playing all together and move on to another game
After repeating the cycle multiple times I started playing fighting games like a solitary loner since I don't need a team to play at my best while also feeling like the skill cieling is infinitly higher. God I hate how unbearable solo queue becomes in any team based game once you git gud and have played with competent teams.

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>eyes and mind can see and process what's happening and I know what I need to do to kill the other person and not die
>hands just can't keep up and I die anyway

Just take amphetamines.

Weird. I am I think one of the strongest benefits of getting older (if you still keep your edge) is that you get so much better at predicting your opponents. I find myself trolling a lot now from boredom, the thrill from winning is fading away.

>Never really played multiplayer games
>Always stuck to singleplayer

at 16 i was a legend of my DAoC server
now im a fucking 32y old loser
the worst part is I have no memories of highschool or other normie shit, only mmo stuff

I know how you feel, bro. I get more satisfaction out of out playing or shaming other players. Getting that 2-3 kill streak on one person and even though you can't see them, seeing them charge towards your previous position warms the soul. Winning or losing doesn't mean so much anymore. It's all about finding punch meat and tenderizing the fuck out of it.

Fighting still kind of get to me though. It's super high pressure and my reflex loss really fucks me there. I almost can't play fighting games anymore because it skyrockets my frustration.

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>still spamming the facebook frog
>using the board like your blog
Kill yourself, retard.

lmao bunch of shitters in this thread get good losers, I'm 27 and still on top, playing video games all day, im lmaoing at your life

If you have more muscles, then it takes longer for the signal to go from your brain to your fingertip, and those milliseconds matter.

That's why all professional gamers at tournies are skinny fucks.

I feel the same with LoL. Every year my reflexes get duller and I sometimes misclick or miss skills shots all together because my brain can't track them as well as it used to. I've sometimes had to resort to play point and click retard champs to make up for my declining skill at the game. Always hit D1 now I'm struggling to get out of D4.

I just haven't found any multiplayer games that really appeal to me.

No one over the age of 14 uses fucking frog reaction images.

Ageing gamers just need to transition from reflex, fast paced reaction styled game to tactical games where you have time to think clearly and calmly. It's just two different skill sets and I'd say in most cases your tactical thinking improves with age, to a point.

FPS games won't live another 5 years, because the only skill involved is reflex. Well, a machine has way better reflexes than a human ever could, and that is why neuralnet aimbots will ruin online fps. measuring who can move their mouse over a colored pixel faster is a brainlet form of competition and i cant wait for it to die

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Tbh I never lost it OP., and I'm 27. I can pick up TF2 or CS:GO any time and do pretty well. If you've slowed down then you probably should take some nootropics or something.

You're all shit at online games

Every single one of you from /d2g/ and /csgog/ sucked at games

I bet if I went to other generals, you'd suck at their games too

>Imagine thinking this is a bad thing.
It's fucking liberating to grow old. You give less fucks every day and couldn't care less what some random retard sperg in a video game is or does. It's a fucking waste of time trying to be 'good' at video games. Jesus Christ, be good at something real that has actual value. Wtf you gonna do with video game skills when society inevitably breaks down and it's back to survival of the fittest? Not a fucking thing. All those kids that kicked your ass in a video game will be food or rape toys.

There are top level players in every FPS game that are older than you are. There are world champion competitors in various sports and competitions that are older than you are. There are old-ass men with white hair in shooting competitions that can shoot down over half a dozen targets thrown in the air before they touch the ground. Your reaction times don't tank nearly that fucking fast and, even if they did, a huge part of reaction times is ingraining in yourself the appropriate response to certain stimuli (like a guy jumping around the corner at you) which arguably gets easier as you age and your age also means you probably have more experience if you were big into games as a kid.

You fags are literally in your prime and crying that you're getting beat by kids.

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>Wtf you gonna do with video game skills when society inevitably breaks down and it's back to survival of the fittest?
to be fair you're not gonna be able to do shit if you're a programmer making 120k a year either.
the only thing that would matter is learning survival skills which is a very particular skillset that barely anyone has

The_Donald wants it's stale meme back.

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I'm 30 and quicker than ever.
I feel at my peak both mentally and physically.
Must suck to have shit genes.

>try cs go
>do awful barely 2:1 kill death ratio on maps ive never played
>die every round
>still 2nd or 3rd from the top
>huh guess people just suck now

this. it's much more likely that anons were better at games when they were younger because they had far more time and far fewer responsibilities. I guarantee if OP dedicated a couple of hours of practice to a single game every day he'd become better than he ever was.

Similar boat OP
Beating Sekiro gave me some confidence back though.

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38 here alcoholic chef that get blackout drunk every night and eats maybe once a day, I still shit all over kids in FPS shooters when I’m sober. Maybe you just don’t care enough to maintain your skills?

>playing videogames with Yea Forums


>never had good aim or reaction times
The only thing I lament is that I can't pilot light mechs in Mechwarrior Online like how I could when I was younger.

My reflexes went to shit after I started playing MOBAs.

You deserve it

I lasted about 3 minutes. Yea Forums is cringe as fuck.

>still play well

>martial arts
Do weebs honestly think they're gonna learn how to fight from taking a "martial arts" class, or are they just trying to adhere to the "culture"?

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This. I'm 25 but my aim is still great, maybe even better than before.

You need to put in more time OP. Whatever fps you're trying to git gud at, you need to be playing 1 to 2 hours of it minimum EVERY DAY. Every fps has diffirent aiming habits you need to develop, and CoD is not one that prepares you for other fps games. You sound like you were just a cod kiddie beating other retarded cod-kiddies at your youth, and now you're trying to play games that take real aim and are failing at it.

Git gud. Play every day. Stop blaming your age.

just go play singleplayer games

no stress, just chill

>there are 17-20 year old posters right now that think 25 is way off in the future

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I dunno what those faggots are talking about I'm 33 and I've only gotten better throughout the years my ability in games peaked at 21 and it never got worse from there it is still the same.

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Its time to play quake then.

user we all used to think like that, now look yourself in the mirror

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>Find my aim in FPS games isn't what it used to be and my reflexes are shit despite me lifting heavy weights 3x a week, and doing martial arts and biking

>overwork yourself and keep your muscles in a constant state of exhaustion
>"why am I suddenly not good in an activity requiring fine control, sensitivity and precision"

gee, it's a mystery

>Get quite agitated,
You speak like you smoke a bag of cocks on a bi-daily basis, fag boy.

Ive found its less of a case of reflex deterioration, and more that im less willing to invest large amounts of time into a game to get to the absolute top. Where as before i would watch videos about a game, playing it all night, go over mistakes i made etc, now i just play co-op games with friends and more singleplayer games.

I am 27 and I started to see similar shit. For some reason my reflexes got worse. It kinda suck to play games who require epic reflexes even if still I am able to handle them. But the other hand I became alot better at planning and strategy or choosing builds etc.
I realized I became alot better at rpg-s and rts-es or even tabletop RPG-s.

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dunno what you guys are talking about

i'm turning 30 this year
still clean house in every game or pub

I'll clean your house, punk ass

that's retarded, user

lmao this

learn wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, or BJJ or something, don't learn any weeb martial arts they're worthless

>reflexes haven't changed noticeably
Either you've got a shitty monitor or you never had reflexes to begin with and you just noticed. You're way too young to be losing reflexes.

I don't even bother playing multiplayer games anymore my reaction time is shit. The booze doens't help of course.

>The booze doens't help of course.
Bullshit. It's all about equilibrium.
Being at about a 0.05-0.06 I play a lot better than when I'm sober.

It isn't your age and those kids kicking your ass have the reaction speed of a 50 year old.

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28 here, I feel like I've never been better.

haha yeah right
eat shit you dumb zoomer faggot

This. Even if you're too elderly and enfeebled to click the heads you can always become the master of counting to 25 and doing sick rocket jumps.

Cry more kid, do I have to change your shit-filled diaper for you?

you're a joke man
im sitting on THOUSANDS
want a vr set?

The 2 best aimers i've ever played with are older than 25 so i call bs. If you're not playing at least 4-5 hours a day don't complain that you're losing to people who do.

>I'm fat but I have MONEY
Use that cash to fund some lipo-suction for your fat-ass, man

>Even worse, when you hit 30, you won't even bother with multiplayer games anymore. Because you'll have as much time to play about 2 hours per week,
How badly are you mismanaging your time for that to happen? Do you have a 2 hour commute like a fucking moron?

Take up new hobbies to stretch the ol' brain.

>learn a new language
>play different games that require actual thinking
>learn new skills and hobbies
>get good basically

I'd learn a 3rd language but after subjecting myself to several years of Japanese, I just can't be bothered.

I think the biggest problems are the lack of time to practice, combined with having life responsibilities constantly in the back of your mind which hinder your ability to become "obsessed" with games like kids can. Even if you're a NEET, those guys get depressed and distracted because they're thinking of the stuff they should be doing instead of gaming.

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Sucks getting oldet

I can't play if I'm sore, fucks my aim.

I used to be LE in CS:GO when I was like 19, I'm 24 and still about the same with aim.

Look at CS:Go teams, huge abuse scandal a while back.

Why? Shit works

>still topping scoreboards
>still getting accused of cheating
Get enough sleep, don't abuse caffeine or other stimulants, eat healthy, and you should still do fine. My aim is even better at times now than it was 10 years ago plus I'm better at predictions and strategizing.

Good advice. I started making music and it definitely changed how I think.

Curious, why skip on the caffeine?

15-32 year olds have the same reflexes or somewhere around there, fix your diet or practice more, but most importantly admit when you got outplayed.

Video games stop being challenging when you understand the core concepts of the game.

What's left to be good is reaction and how fast you can process actions but that diminishes as you get older.

Play a real game like chess then cause most FPS require 10% of that brain power or even yet just play 150~ APM Starcraft then you'll at already become better than most "gamers."

Dude I drink at least half a fifth per night usually more. Fuck off with your I have 1 beer and play better bullshit.

It makes you tired after a while unless you constantly consume it, at which point you don't really benefit from it, it's just staving off withdrawal. Although I suppose small cups of green might be okay since it's lower in caffeine.

>at 14 played couls get headshots every second kill
>barely can get body shots now
I feel you, mate.

Das suks bein old

>Fuck off with your I have 1 beer and play better bullshit
Do you know how alcohol content is measured you fucking retard? If you honestly think you could reach 0.06 after 1 beer then you're a fucking retard.
You're "half a fifth" (I think you mean pint by the way, zoomer retard) can't get me over 0.13.
Go drink some fucking smirnoff ices, little boy.

I'm 34, I treat myself like garbage and my reactions are still just fine. My biggest weakness is the same it's always been: I spaz out. As long as I remain calm then I can play well, if I get too excited then I can't aim for shit. Remember, kids, hand-eye coordination is mental, as well as physical. That's the biggest blockade I've noticed most people have: they're dipshits. I'm not saying read a book, but would it hurt?

>"Dude I drink at least half a fifth per night usually more"
>"half a fifth"

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38 here. Still pubstomp any FPS game i play. Sounds like you got shit genetics kid.

>tfw I waste too much time on mobile shit these days

34, now I just like playing support roles in FPS games. I used to be a beast in arena shooters but now I'm a Mercy main. If my adrenaline gets pumping I get anxiety and all shakey now.

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this, i'm 27 and i'm still getting faster and better. enough of this doomer shit, you're out of practice.

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it s normal dude , every generation is better and better , it s called evolution

29 here
titanfall 2 made me realize I just can't keep up with the kids, my reflexes and fine precision mouse control just aren't there anymore, and I was missing shots I KNOW I would have been able to make in my prime

I was never ending up at the very bottom of the boards, but it was near impossible to reach the top any more

>always been shit at multiplayer games
>have group of irl friends I've known since middle school
>they always asked me to play with them
>I always was so shit I dragged them down and cost us matches
>tf2, cs, cod, bf, destiny, ow, lol, the list goes on
>somehow they were all god-tier
>eventually they stopped asking me to play
>they started lying to me whenever I asked if they were free to play, and I'd see them online in matches with new friends they'd made online
>I confront them, they said that I was too shit to play with them anymore
>have nobody who wants to bear playing with me
>go back to singleplayer jrpgs to wade off the loneliness with animu girls
does anyone else have this problem
I just want to not be alone, to have friends

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>Exercising every day is "overwork"

At 31 my doddering old man hands can barely hold onto a mouse without having some kind of parkinsonian spasm. I've given up gaming and do paint-by-numbers now.

Wow you have some shitty friends.

Lmaoooo thats why im deep dickin 20 year olds while u little faggots jerk off to anime toddlers

Same, except I just don't fell all that lonely anymore.
I "taught" myself not to rely on others for fun a long time ago. I also mostly play singleplayer games and some multiplayer games that are still enjoyable on your own and you can still progress solo (even where you have to group up with to overcome some sort of a challenge or whatever is not that big of a deal, I don't mind chatting with people online, but I usually avoid any attempts to make any friends)
I just prefer to do things on my own, at my own leisure and at my own pace, with no drama and bullshit attached. I haven't played a multiplayer game with a "friend" in probably 5+ years and I don't really even miss it at this point.

This but I'm 31. What the fuck are the rest of you fags doing to be elderly men at your mid 20s?

Lifting weights, martial arts, and biking have nothing to do with improving your reflexes. If that was your goal, you should’ve just continued playing video games.

>falling for the anything meme
My life is about me, asshole. My freetime isn‘t just gonna vanish as I age. Sorry you made stupid decisions and want to die now.

>better at video games than ever before

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>want to mention years ago i would have fucking smashed them so bad they would have uninstalled but i hold it in
You sound like you have a pretty fragile ego.

I never understood the thought that you lose any and all free time as you age. Not everyone has five babies, works and plays Mr. Mom. I get having priorities straight but your average adult still consumes a lot of tv and internet. If you primarily play vidya, you're not going to suddenly start fishing and working on race cars just because.

That's not true how is Rapha, CYpheR, Dahang and Cooller still the kings in Quake? The real problem is you're a normie right now and being good in video games requires at least 8-10 hours playing every single day.

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>still improve
>revisits old
Suck my dick zoomers

>zoom zooms think that 25 year is old
>Yea Forums would be so much better if everybody born after 1990 wasn't allowed to use it

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I'm 33 and I went from being shit to being above average in Birds of Steel in like 3 months...you just have to find the tactics that work and play accordingly. Doesn't matter if your reaction time goes down, knowledge will win out in the long run.

Not even just that. Its also that the bar of what is considered good was raised. I know that from mostly mobas. I used to be the top tier, now I'm still pretty good, its just that since i don't aim to improve myself, i got overtook by all the people who actually put in practice or just play slightly more, since its easy as fuck to improve with all the info out there.

Nice excuse retard, git gud

I mean that works till you meet people who have your knowledge but better reaction times. Which you will.

Are you suggesting that lifting heavy weights improves your reflexes?

I'm ok at best, most of the times I get my shit pushed in hard

There is always someone better than you bruh. Someti.es its a 12 year old and sometimes its a 40 year old

What you kids fail to realize is how much maintenance goes into keeping a home and a relationship.

An incel who lives in their mother's basement will be fine regardless of their age but anyone who owns a house and moves in with a significant other, even without kids, will find that free alone time is extremely sparse.

It's your diet. Lifting or doing any sport is fucking pointless if you still eat like a teenager.

Thats a shitty excuse, Eminem is in his mid-40s and he still raps faster than a motherfucker. You people are just fucking lazy and have muh-depression.

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moving your body regularly does prevent the brain from aging and it will help, but it's only one thing out of many things you have to do if you want to keep your brain health up over the years and retain your reflexes

>t.succumbed to wageslavery and ' muh career'
If we never make time
how will we ever get time?

>aim and reaction still top notch since I keep my body and mind in good shape

i bet you never got called a hacker bud, you're probably just shit and blaming it on your age.

im going on 27 and i still fuck and i dont even lift you beta cuck

This I stopped drinking coffee 3 weeks ago and I feel way more consistent now.

>talking fast
>the same thing as executing fast reactionary responses, in addition to relatively complex moves at a high level

>More games than ever of all genres
>Still feel the need to waste the few hours of downtime I have playing a few competitive multiplayer titles
>Majority are team focused and I just play solo because it's hard enough to get one person to play with let alone a team for multiple matches.
>Losing and watching teams turn on each other half the time
>Barely touched DMC5 Sekiro The Witness etc

Why can't I stop

ITT wagecuck/normalfag cope
You just don't have time to get good, or don't even have the drive too anymore. Move on, leave this place, and live your lives instead of bitterly clinging to the past.

>implying I will ever have a "significant other" (fuck back off to reddit btw) or kids that consumes my time for vidya
I own my house, have a job, I live alone and I have time for vidya just fine. I'm sorry for your shit life choices m8.

>be 28
>reflexes definitely slowed down overall
>occasionally have moments or rounds where I play like I’m 18 again but it’s random and inconsistent
>still manage to do well consistently though because I’ve come to rely on out thinking other players rather than brute forcing them

I prefer slower paced games for this reason now.

pretty much the same here. my reflexes have actually improved in the time between 20 and 25, possibly because i started doing programming and started using my brain a bit more.

i used to play a lot more competitive games before, but now i just can't be fucked to take a game that seriously anymore that i have other hobbies like game dev and shit. i think maybe when mordhau comes out, i'll spend a fuckload of time on it and see how good i can get at it. i have a weird knack for games like that.

the only thing i've consistently gotten worse with is being patient with retarded teammates and bad game mechanics. i used to be able to endure retardation and focus on winning, but nowadays it doesn't take long for me to get annoyed by the game not being fun, which inevitably leads to me quitting.

>play singleplayer game with puzzles
>have fun, solve problems, get enjoyment at my own pace
>play multiplayer fps
>kind of good but latency and input delay could be objectively worse than other people
>never quite sure who im playing against is hacking or not and there is no way for me to confirm it
>dont feel good when i win, feel bad if i lose, no net gain in happiness at all


>not peak human age

First non-retarded user in the thread. Practice makes you better. What a strange concept I know.

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Lol at all these normie zoomer doomer gen xyz 20-30+ somethings losing their skills to wagie cuckdom because they are out of practice.
Stop playing on ancient shit 60hz screens

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why would classic wow fail when retail wow still exists and continues to exist

>despite me lifting heavy weights 3x a week
No shit, you are using your precise gaming instruments to move useless weight. Its like using a phone to drive the nail in, then wondering why it does not work so well anymore.

Not true. Been with my wife for 6 years and i dont need to be up her ass 24/7. Maintaining property can keep you busy but you're exaggerating.

Map awareness > reflexes
If you already know where to look and where to aim you don't need lightning fast reflexes.

Your brain gets slower because you stop using it. Once you get into the wageslave loop and if your work isnt 'rocket science' it will numb your brain. Its ironic how some people think that video games make you stupid but it is quite the opposite unless you stick to a one game only where it becomes its own loop with nothing new to think about.

Half the faggots here would leave and quit vidya the moment a roastie showed interest. We need more old non virgins here

>>always been shit at multiplayer games
maybe the reason you're shit at multiplayer games is because you are a fatalistic wet noodle. did you ever try to practice for longer than until you felt like giving up? did you ever record your own gameplay and try to analyze your mistakes? did you make sure you were using the right sensitivity? did you optimize your settings to get a better framerate? did you sit around in an empty room, practicing flick shots for an hour every day before even starting to play?

the thing i've noticed among all my shitter friends is that they are all just despondent and crestfallen over their own shitness. they show their emotion and erupting negative energy when they lose in a lot of ways: they use it to swear, cry and bitch, but they don't use that negative energy to motivate themselves to improve. i personally live for that shit. i fucking love losing. that burning sensation of shame and defeat is what drives me to improve.

i know i'm writing like a sperg but your faulty line of thinking will follow you everywhere in your life. if you can't use your negative energy to improve at even fucking video games, then you are likely going to be dogshit at everything else as well. you should be welcoming failure and enjoying the challenge, not crying about it like a bitch

>be 25
>reflexes haven’t diminished much since teenage years, able to shitstomp on COD or R6 Siege on the regs
>can dodge and royal guard on DMC perfectly, get dat sweet all-S DMD
>can still play fightan games decent, was never autistic enough to play enough to be high level player

I don’t want it to end bros

This, and also post-Halo fps games have really gone to great lengths to de-emphasize the importance of good aiming in order to accomodate the shitty controllers by introducing auto aim, aim assist, and tuning weapons to be really lenient when it comes to registering hits.

As a result, you can't really rely on "brute forcing" your way out of a shitty situation in modern games by superior aim and reflexes. Hence, using your braind and map awareness > reflexes.

28 here it doesn't end just get good sleep and excercise.
I find when I get depressed and sick stay sedantry my gaming skills go to shit

Wow nenevr required skill or reflexes

Not everyone makes shit life choices, user

god damnit that image

32 here
I can react to ~350-400ms attacks online but beyond that, no way fag

>hands now have a seemingly permanent small 'shake'

Video games are hard bros

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Here's my original oc
I can't shop for shit

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32 and beat Sekiro without problems ;o)

>my reflexes are shit despite me lifting heavy weights 3x a week
The fuck does that have to do with your reflexes? The other ones arguably do but I'm not sure they are enough to train your reflexes

28 here, and still as sharp as I was at 18. FPS is my staple. No idea what's wrong with you.

Assuming you've switched computers at some point, make sure you've disabled mouse smoothing in-game and in the windowsd control panel. It really fucks up your aim.
In the mouse settings in the windows control panel, disable "enhance pointer precision". It does the opposite in FPS games.

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