Let's rock
UNIST Thread
Pass is vee
Friend sent me this today and I can't believe I'd never heard it before
Did you hear the UNI version of Sion's theme with vocals then?
Actor's Anteroom cover when
Whew, the room filled fast.
Out of curiosity how often do you guys hit the lab? I've been neglecting training mode for quite some time.
I played a little bit of Uniel and a lot of Melty Blood. I'm interested in picking this game up and going for Enkidu, since the dude reminds me of Kouma.
Does he handle similarly at all?
Maybe once or twice every two months.
Really depends if I make the time to watch VODs and try and find new shit that I don't already incorporate in my gameplay.
PC Lobby up
kw: pclobby
Every week, to see how to counter stuff and grind some combos that I never end up doing in a real match for fear of dropping them
Usually after every set or at the end of the day if I'm just doing ranked or something.
Not at all. Kouma has a command grab and non-gimped buttons.
Enkidu has counters instead of command grabs and they're pretty wonky to use. His overheads are pretty easy to spot too.
Depends on how much I have to lab and how focused I am on improving. Usually it's if I want to try something new. I grinded like hell last month and did it daily to train for a big event at locals, but haven't touched it in the last week since then.
Well damn. I'll still give him a try, but I'll probably end up defaulting to Carmine, Akatsuki and Byakuya again.
Time to finally check out the PC lobby with no peripheral issues, just my own dumb mistakes.
Once every week or two these days because I've been both busy and unmotivated recently, but I noticed top players all hit the lab regularly. I'm planning to get more serious in a month or so.
Pretty much only when I'm given a combo to study. I don't know how to recreate situations I get stuck in so I can't exactly practice that.
He's functional, but he just takes a lot of match-up knowledge to really play effectively since he's got ways to negate projectiles but long reaching physical attacks like Gord scythe and Yuzuriha slashes from a screen away will be hell.
I play him because the weight and feel of his attacks feel amazing, probably the best out of the cast actually.
Sometimes you just have to make the risk if the combo is that much more rewarding. Sometimes I spend entire lobbies trying to fish for that one confirm to do a specific combo, I don't even care if it costs me the match.
>His overheads are pretty easy to spot too.
Maybe I'm blind, but I feel like Enkidu's 5[C] looks super similar to his 2[C] startup. 6[C] I agree is a very obvious animation though
What ever happened to Merk? I never see him in these lobbies anymore.
>Steam detects my controller but not UNIST
Clearly I spoke too soon. It worked the last couple times though so I'll go restart the game
Its fights like this that make me hesitate to press any buttons.
Wasn't he here last week?
Also think I'll try PC lobby tonight if there's room.
If that's the case, then I'm willing to learn. Watching some footage of him, and he does look pretty damn satisfying.
Oh wait, it's working again. This is so dumb.
I just make a second one since it filled up. Pass is vee.
can yuzu's counter work on an azhi hit?
Looks like I joined in time, I think you can come back (unless you want quicker turns, up to you).
He's rearing back for a punch but 2C has a way more noticeable pose. 2[C] in particular is a risky move anyway since you won't be able to reverse beat into anything else and the only thing you can potentially do after is to play the delay game like a god and catch someone mashing out, which you shouldn't, because 2CCC is the only thing he can default to afterwards and the entirety of his 2C chain is unsafe.
So basically, no one has any reason to 2[C] aside from showing that you know how Havoc-only combos work
I usually don't like waiting in full rooms. This'll give me time to re-read notes until someone joins anyways.
Merks been busy with work hours I imagine, that and he's been cultivating the local scene near him. He shows up from time to time though although not as frequently as before sure enough.
Just be ready to deal with some extremely jarring match-ups. Plus nobody still knows how to fight Enkidu properly because good ones are rare to find.
Work hours have made coming to lobby difficult but I'll be here sometime this week to at least a little bit. I'm still playing, just haven't had as much time for online recently.
You had quite the stacked bracket at MM I saw
Guess I'll enjoy that while it lasts.
I didn't know pho's 66c was invincible when charged.
Yeah just wish I could have at least lost to the best players in that bracket. That said I had a great time, I'll post about some of the more interesting stuff later in the week when I can actually play.
it isn't completely invincible
9~13 on the feet and some unimportant time later for her head
it does low crush though
nice work with the mika head
I don't really understand what that means. It basically just tells me to not press 5a and just go for 4b.
sure if you want to roll those dice. uncharged version low crushes too and starts up before 4b though.
>They announced this year's Climax at Night at MM
I mean if it weren't for EVO, I'd probably be dying to go
Thanks, glad to see someone got a kick out of it
All I do is roll the dice. After a year and a half I still don't know what's going on in a match 3/4 of the time.
How many of us are planning on attending EVO? I figured if I ever go this would be the time but..
how often do you guys play ranked matches? everyday or is it mostly just playing each other here?
I have almost 10k matches played and I've never touched ranked. It scares me.
I'm going next year no matter what. No way we don't make it.
I only play ranked matches when I want to fuck around and try stupid things. Most of the time I play people on discord and that I know irl outside of here.
that's a name I haven't seen before
At least 5 of us so far. Which is around the same number as last year. This is THE year to do it so it made sense for me to go again.
They're my warm-ups, maybe get like 10 a week while waifu, who probably plays primetime, gets like 50 ranked matches a week last time I checked that network ranking screen.
Lobbies are our primary method of fighting each other of course.
Saw these threads and decided to join in, hopefully a couple days practice is enough to start scrapping
Now, since I haven't had much time for lobbies, I think I have about an even spread of rank games and lobby games. I do play lobbies outside of normal Yea Forums hours too.
I play ranked almost exclusively. I rarely bother joining lobbies, but when I do I come and get my ass kicked in the Yea Forums lobbies
I never play ranked because I figure I'd get saltier than I do here and I don't need to piss myself off like that.
>back to back 4ks
Melk is playing out of his mind right now.
I don't play ranked all that much. When I do, I marathon maybe 30-50 matches, especially when trying to run into a good player again. These lobbies are easier to fit in since its a set time.
>I'm going next year no matter what. No way we don't make it.
I question next year's EVO spot.
But then again, what even is coming out in the fighting genre that aren't the regular titles and that granblue thing
look at the entrants we have before registration has even closed. more people will see the game at combo breaker, then again at evo. assuming there's additional content I really doubt that there isn't going to be a comeback.
>I'm going next year no matter what. No way we don't make it.
Meleefags probably said the same thing. Nothing is guaranteed.
>Keep waiting to stuff the Orie overhead
>It never comes
I can't tell if I'm just used too used to playing ranked or if Atic is on another level of mindgames.
I played ranked every day this weekend. My biggest takeaway was how much better the players in these threads are compared to like 75% of the guys I went up against in ranked.
I mean that's the sort of confidence Tag and DBFZ had last year, even if French Bread will probably never go through the fucking mishaps those went through this year.
I'm like 70% here, 20% discord, and 10% ranked.
Atic hasn't used overheads for at least 2 months now I think.
Ah, this must be the new nanase guy from a couple threads back. welcome welcome
Where's phrumpf when you need him.
the biggest hype around tag and dbfz was that they were brand new releases. that hasn't been the reason anyone ever picked up uni, it will probably just keep chugging along and growing.
>logistics of CRTs and space
>constant complaints about ruleset and the seeding
>disrespectful fanbase
>18 years old
yeah, no
why do you guys have these so late
No, this is the first time I've ever posted in these threads, you must have me confused.
You're only allowed to play the game under the veil of night
I hear DBFZ people are expecting to climb up in ranks after the new DLCs
Because nobody joined at other times.
Weird shits going on, room is back
Guess that makes two new nanasefags
What the hell happened with the room? Got a new error message I hadn't seen before but my moon wasn't good enough to read it in time.
Guess we might have two new Nanase players then. Somebody was postin glast thread.
PC lobby is pretty great tonight. Lots of people sending me to the cleaners. Here's hoping I can pull out 1 win tonight.
Empirical evidence proved that people don't play this game any earlier. If they do, it's a small handful
You know how the regular Yea Forums crowd is, they'd rather talk about lewds than actually play.
There's incompatible connections sometimes where people can't get into the match.
Then there's times when people do get into the match and I, as the room host, can't auto-spectate the game for whatever reason and the room blows up, it's rare but it happens.
Too bad this game doesn't have Chaos Code's netcode. I was playing that earlier against somebody (WC vs EC) and it ran pretty smoothly throughout all of our matches.
Well hopefully they both have a lot of tech for me to steal, I got a lot of catching up to do by the looks of it.
>those earlier threads
Makes me wish even harder that I could learn someone other than mika
I don't know why I'm trying the antiair OS on Vatista when I don't have the non-CH conversion down let alone the consistency with it.
I stopped myself from using 6B in netplay. I mean I can mix them in again if you want, it's actually fairly important against Vatista to force her to test her reactions and make her lose her down charge whenever she's too slow to react with flashkick
Mine exploded just now.
Arcsys handled Chaos Code's netcode right?
Don't know what their excuse is if they can't keep it similar.
Pretty much this. For example, the daytime threads we've had the last two days.
At the least I got the chance to give advice to another Linne player in the one last Friday.
man playing blazblue earlier today and dbfz yesterday really did not help me adjust here at all
I'm sure you'll get one if we get matched up. I'm having one of those "full screen fully charged 236B counts as neutral, right?" kind of nights
>Keep pressing D to shield
>Throw is FF instead of A+D
Those fucking random BB threads are making me want to play it again but I know nobody on Yea Forums will join if I do something like this whenever I see one.
there is any lobby up?
>no airblocks
End me this is the worst part i keep forgetting
Oh wow, it's like I joined another PS lobby
Phonon gained some weight
When I have free time and nothing better to do. Thats the time to figure out the funkiest punishes for the most specific situations.
When is there not
wish more people would play CF, but it looks like most people moved on to TAG. I just couldn't enjoy tag when i played with a friend, it moves way too fast for me and i dont do well in tag fighters
what the fuck am I looking at
i cant join i put the pass on but i cant find it
wew I laughed a little too hard at that
I was interested to see how this would play out. Did you guys play orie/vat yet or just orie/Nana?
deska we need to stop
TWO new nanas?
Maybe I'll jump back on in a bit
It's flat out impossible getting delayed rekka chain off a throw, blue.
I can respect trying to build a more solid foundation. I'll just swap to Nanase for this lobby.
Karten needs to finish his Linne doujin already.
One newcomer, the other one who posted in a previous thread has yet to show. Guess his beginner training arc hasn't ended yet
I knew that in my head but not my fingers
that was a nice punish
As someone mentioned I've already been playing with this self-restriction for months. This is a long-term project so play Vatista if you want, not forgetting how to dashblock and not thrusting right into a gem setup is also solid foundations.
Damn you TK 236C
GGs guys, neo-nanase out and off to get better combos.
Ggs dude keep at it and you'll be getting games off us in no time.
>66B attempt accidentally came out as 6B and won the round
Well fuck, that felt dirty
>Sha has returned to purple square land
Been waiting for my chance at a rematch.
Sign up for evo
Is Sha going to EVO? I'd like to meet him and have him beat my Yuzu offline.
I can never tell if someone is messing with me in a fight or not.
is pc lobby full
I met him there last year
GGs X. You kicked my ass for sure. I'll have to grind out some of those combos to confirms. Can't keep relying on the same hammer over and over.
It is now. Just filled up it seems.
>not reacting to Hyde FF
yup, I deserve that one
I suppose I'll make a 2nd PC lobby again then if one isn't made already.
You better believe im gonna be back at EVO
It was, just put vee back up
It was fairly even the whole time. I felt like I was on the back end since your 66B/C mixups got me every time. GGs
Actually, looks like we got 1 already. GGs Lobby 1 PC!
>repeatedly fucked up my combo multiple times
one day I will get my combo off properly
I'm right there with you. I really need to open the game and just lab daily for a while because I don't have any excuse at this point, even my wins are all a mess.
ggs bro
I think I need to reset my Yuzu. Nothing works anymore. I need to go back to step one and relearn.
>It was fairly even the whole time.
Ehh, I felt you had my number more often than not. That and, before the internet on my end shat the bed, you were in the lead 8 to 4 in terms of wins. Might have killed the momentum?
>I felt like I was on the back end since your 66B/C mixups got me every time. GGs
I think you started to adapt to the mix ups and started punishing them accordingly. It's why I started playing more passively in the last few rounds and countered when I thought I am able to mash the buttons safely. That and fly around the stage to fake out responses.
I hate that my colors aren't set to default. Almost want to temporarily close the lobby purely so I can set them back.
Awww shoot that was a close last game. ggs PC lobby fun games tonight
GGs my dude
ggs bro
He's brought the stylish shit too
damn that dash block under my assault in the corner round 1 was too smart Sha, I rarely ever try to go for assault j.a cs either
That was supposed to be an EX Hien.
Congrats on the purple Dia. You earned it, though it's gonna take me another year to hit purple.
Ya did it
No matter who plays enkidu I can never block 5[C]
My blockstrings are also still really weak which is why I wasn't able to lock you down too much when you started playing like that.
How dead/alive is this game in EU?
More alive than dead or alive
We're NA so not much to go on for information.
good stuff Dia
You cheeky breeki, here's your (you).
Aw shit, I missed Dia's entry into purple?
Thanks! My goal was to get purple exclusively from the lobby, so that's one step forward.
Not really. I've been streaming the lobby this entire time. ( I forgot to mention it) So you can always go back and watch it happen.
>not one but two Chaos players in the PC lobby
What on earth is this strange land, guess I should never bust out my ghetto Chaos here and embarrass myself
how the fuck do you fight phonon?
by playing chaos apparently
Air Shield j[C]
Well you certainly surpassed my goals very quickly. I tried to get red rank all though 2017 and 18 but never did it. You were able to hit red and purple in like 6 months.
block low
Ggs lads. One day I'll be able to tech throws, but I don't see that happening in the near future. Also congrats on the purple square Dia.
my faithful OG PS3 just chugged through it's last lobby, I guess I'm gonna be PC only for a bit guys
Still haven't worked on those gif requests but I at least got a kick out of this one.
That first round comeback was godlike hippie
GGs all
Ah, looks like I'll have to watch the replay as well. congrats on purple Dia!
Also, it seems GonD has really stepped up his game with some new combo routes.
No one wants to play?
Sorry boyos, it's Tuesday morning and I need to be up early.
GGs, hold that comeback spiderman
ggs amigos, a pleasure as always
Dropped combos cost games mayne...
I'll hold that all day
Are you on PC? There's still a lobby here.
ggs. Glad to have reached purple for sure. I look forward to losing it immediately this week like I did when I first hit red.
Also, I really shouldn't have tried shielding Sha so much, especially at 5 frames, but I couldn't resist trying.
If anyone wants to join my lobby on ps4. There is a really good yuzu who joined. He was watching the stream I guess and wanted to fight hippie and Sha./
Some sick shit you pulled off though. Not the first time I've seen it but having it happen to me was an experience. Good shit
What's his psn?
I know, I know,
>caring about stories in FGs
But are there any canon romantic couples in UNIST's story? Or canon crushes/love interests? Does Linne want Hyde to impregnate her?
If it's sankt, that's just icey with his name changed
pie with numbers at the end of his name
nanase and orie like hyde
Oh I know the dude I played him quite a bit in ranked, personally I think your Yuzu is better.
I think I'll leave you to play the cursed Yuzu mirror. I'm already cutting into my sleep tonight so it's time for bed.
Linne has foreign little girl feelings for Hyde but she herself views him like a little brother, Hyde similarly just feels really indebted to her and equates her to a sister and grandma.
Hyde's got the hots for Orie and vice versa. He's also got lingering feelings for Yuzu too.
Nanase is tsun and Hyde wants none of that.
Go watch the stream
You're wrong
goodnight pc brothers
I meant to pass
I just found out that sideswitch thing was just using 236B2A after FF. Huge relief since it was bugging the hell out of me, but turns out I'm the only one who had trouble blocking after that so its not as useful as I thought.
not sure why it didnt work since we played before just fine
hopefully I can pick another one up super cheap, I really enjoy our games even if I can still play some of you on PC
Not him. but I also think your Yuzu is actually better than most, including one I lost to in bracket at locals. You just need to incorporate better oki and close up pressure in general.even if you feel more comfortable far away. I get thrown off when Yuzus actually use stagger pressure.
Good night bro.
can I add you to play a set sometime? I have no idea how to fight chaos
Well, I'm impressed with your discoveries. Keep up the good work!
sure, hit me up any time
>Hyde's got the hots for Orie and vice versa. He's also got lingering feelings for Yuzu too.
Hyde is a fucking slut. He needs to be a good boy and settle on one woman.
I try to do stagger pressure but it never works and people just wait for me to finish then punish me. Yuzu just isn't good at it and ends up getting her killed. Yuzu is only safe from the furthest distance.
ggs pc lobby, one day i'll take a round off someone
Childhood friends are hard to leave behind, especially when Yuzu was really touchy feely when they were younger.
Nice CVO!!
Alrighty. it's about to hit 2:30 so I'm gonna close the PC Lobby when it rolls back around to me.
>that random unintentional VO
At least my stupidity largely seems to accumulate all at once into already lost rounds.
ggs everyone
what character do you guys want to be added in UNIST 2?
He's kinda like F Kouma that his 5C and 2C feel similar and he has a rekka, but no command grab, command dash, separating the armor on his stomp into a separate parry move.
If you enjoy him for the martial artist badass archetype beating people down though, he will satisfy you in that regard though.
Oh...I didn't realize we were down to 3. Makes that statement seem kind of dumb now.
Someone that'll make that shitty image go away
I've realized that one of byak's biggest strengths I wasnt capitalizing on is that he can do big kid damage if he feels like it. I've been grinding a lot making sure I have a combo route that hits at least 4k ending in 623c from every B/C starter in vorpal, and then the damage on that can be jacked up anywhere from 4.6~5.6k depending on resources. Next step is to make more active decisions on when I spend meter as opposed to auto-pilot 623c ender, but I'll get around to it. I wanna be the byak with the most consistent, highest average damage in the business.
Well I'm glad that worked out.
FB pls
Not him, but it is a great pic.
He's got those LN protagonist genes.
>focus on tightening up a part of my confirms that I usually drop
>start dropping a completely different part that I could do since day 1
really makes you think
cool, I'll do it after the lobby closes since I don't have borderless running
isn't this just elphelt from GG?
Could be. Only possible indication we have to her playstyle is them not wanting to make her like the usual anime fighter gunslinger.
>the usual anime fighter gunslinger.
besides elphelt, who?
other guy here, it looks sloppy.
and I don't really get how it's funny
noel, petra, that one from E's Laf, luna from vanguard princess.
>realizing that I lost all of my saved replays from my PS3
I don't care about the cost of a new one, I can never get those back
it's cute tho
This is just me complaining because I suck ass at it, but Yuzu's cancel window for her normals is really short, making it hard to do stagger pressure in the usual way. Doesn't help that her 2A is shorter than even Akatsuki's
Use your ps plus save data and get them back?
How do you avoid getting into the autopilot mindset? I spent most of the night just going through the motions and hoping someone would eventually get hit by what I threw out.
Salt powered decisions I can understand but this was just apathy.
Something about frankensteining existing art together like that is too distracting.
is it completely bricked? You can transfer data from PS3s to other PS3s.
Sometimes autopilot nights just happen. As long as you're working to minimize their occurrence and get good enough that your autopilot is generally solid whenever it does happen, I think it's not something to worry about.
user, I...
I'm not sure what happened, I played a game in the PC lobby, switched my monitor back to hdmi1 and it was just a black screen
Might want to get it checked if it's still living for a transfer to happen.
okay complete beginner here. I maybe learned about linking and want to play. Is everyone just going to cream my cheese?
Nice CVO!!! (again)
No mercy
Coddling gets no one anywhere
Like 95% of the people will will take your name and repeatedly stomp on it until you clean it off yourself.
What platform are ya on?
>j.c to 5c into a combo
Was I looking at that right? Looked pretty neat if so GonD.
Sure but hitting me with things and moves and concepts I don't understand won't get me anywhere either. Maybe just if someone could explain what some common strategies, mindsets, etc. I'd appreciate it
>Maybe just if someone could explain what some common strategies, mindsets, etc. I'd appreciate it
If you got questions then we'll answer, we're not just going to leave you in the dark.
I've been trying to mess around with different moves, but j.C seems to give a lot of room to make something out of an awkward hit. I've been feeling more confident in converting a lot more stuff into at least a knockdown.
My number 1 question is how to time oki? How many seconds do you count before doing an action.
Are both of these random purple squares in Icy's lobby there from watching the stream?
Also I can't believe pie is still getting hit by Icy's IWEXS, it's reinforcing bad habits all over again
That's dependent on if the opponent is teching immediately or delaying their wake-up.
It's not really about counting the seconds for me, it's just about timing and reacting to their recovery.
I know pie but I don't know who the other person is.
expect to be bullied, but plenty of people here can probably help you if you ask about something due to our fairly significant diversity in mains/subs
you can meaty on reaction pretty easily, just set the training mode to wake up randomly and feel it out. just wait for the green flash or learn the timing for delayed wakeup
>going with B Hien to ex Kuuga as the combo ender
Huh, neat stuff lektr1c!
The other guy is a Gord player if I'm not mistaken.
Yuzu mirrors are such an incredibly blessed matchup
Oh fuck off hands, don't do this to me now
They make you fully aware of how annoying Yuzuriha is as a character
Who are you maining currently? Out of curiosity's sake.
Thanks, it's A hien I believe to 6CCC (which refuses to land half the time, not sure the timings yet). Gotta stop jobbing though.
>comboing straight out of A Hien
Might want to fit another normal in there before 6ccc
I know Pie isn't in the thread but I appreciate the mirrors. He showed me a lot to work on. If anyone is interested in watching them the video will probably be up in an hour or so after Youtube finishes processing it.
Is the only way to get good at this game getting bodied? I feel like no matter how much I get stomped I'm not improving at all. Should I try facing people closer to my skill level first before facing you guys?
Gonna let you 2 have a few more if you want then call it. Those enkidu matches helped a lot with looking out for 5/2[C]
It's like building muscle. Start off smaller or you're just going to frustrate and break yourself.
I honestly have no clue. When I started learning how to play and play fighting games in general the only people I'd fight were hippie and merk and they were fucking ruthless, especially merk. I didn't win a match for 3 months against them.
>Is the only way to get good at this game getting bodied?
Yes. It's the same with any fighting game. If you want to improve faster you need to actively think about what you did wrong during a match and what options you could have chosen instead.
>Should I try facing people closer to my skill level first before facing you guys?
It helps with frustration.
Maybe post one of your matches here and ask others what you could improve on?
this is the guy from phoenix right?
my mate knew him. apparently he drowned in a lake cause he was too stupid to drop the sword
Here's a pretty good example of how to self-reflect during a match from a day 1 UNIST player
He did the right thing to die with his sword.
This makes me wish I had a good linne to work with. You guys are troopers for sticking it out with her.
GGs pc lobby. Started spaghetting all my confirms and inputs near the end but it was real good practice.
GGs dudes.
Thanks for all showing me all of those neat Mika plays GonD. Hopefully I can learn a thing or two of those! Thanks for hosting!
Also, nice progress lektr1c I can see you landing your combos much better than last night on PS. Looking forward to our next bouts for sure, Linne mirrors are fun.
Also to whoever were the yellow square players tonight, thanks for the fun matches (somehow I got ranked up to Orange)!
GGs Lobby 2!
why is this game so much better than gg and bb?
1. it doesn't overwhelm you with systems (compared to those 2)
2. reverse beat
Wait are you sai on ps4? Or someone else
Gonna hit training for a while before hopping in tomorrow, ggs.
Yeah that's me, ggs!