You wouldn't a cyborg would you?

You wouldn't a cyborg would you?

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With a body like that? Yes, she meets the requirements of not being an ugly meat bag

can she still give birth?

>make a huge deal of how Fiora's body is failing in the last third of the game
>just ignore it in the ending and magically restore her original body
Why is Takahashi such a fucking coward? I'm happy she didn't die though.

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I want to BE the cyborg.

Of course

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Does she have vagene?

Don't fist the robots

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>you will never pound Mecha Fiora's fat butt
Made for human cock

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Why is there no porn for mecha fiora but tons for xenoblade 2?

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There's porn. You just haven't looked hard enough.
And aside from the difference in volume of fanart overall, it's because she's a spoiler that shows up 40 hours into the game, while the characters from XB2 that get the most porn tend to show up early on.

Because one game is more successful/popular than the other.
But then again, there's next to 0 poppy lewd.
And that's a good thing.

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No, because Sharla was hotter. Hell, if I wanted to fuck a robot I'd fuck that one big-tittied machina chick or KOS-MOS.

This is a big part of why I couldn't care about Fiora much. They go through so much effort to make you feel sorry for her and admire how strong she is for dealing with it, but every bit of that falls apart since I couldn't for one moment believe that she wouldn't get a golden ending. And as you said, she gets her original body magically restored and lost absolutely nothing. If there were some consequence at all I'd have cared at least a little but there wasn't.

Compare to Melia who lost everything, to a point that you might could argue the only reason she's even able to go on is out of obligation to her dying people.

I would the Qtpi tho

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I would definitely a Fiora.

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Vanea is perfection. Take your dumb blonde roastie elsewhere.

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The restoration of her body is talked a couple of times and then completely dropped. Bizarre, but I was already expecting that went the ending cutscene started.

>The restoration of her body is talked a couple of times and then completely dropped.
I've heard that it was originally going to be a sidequest, but they didn't have time to add it and so the story just ended up in the artbook instead. Not sure how true that is.

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human fiora? maybe. mecha fiora is literally impossible fuck you idiots