Since SFV is pretty much done what kind of future do you want for it?
Street fighter
We will find out in a couple of hours
Imagine how big her shits are
Sauce? Reverse brings nothing
Need more of those thighs
how so?
Why do so many people like exaggerated proportions?
post the webm faggot
>real life human womn
Kill yourself you seething roastie
hmm too small
asian-brazilian race mixing is saving the world, lads.
Humans can glorify every part of the human body except the penis. Can't change the penis size, and it's also the most camera-shy body part. All the phallic imagery in history but very little emphasis on actual penises in modern day. #penispride
Super high heels play tricks on your mind.
through that shit on yandex's reverse image search and you're bound to find it
Not him but why is /pol/ obsessed with this as an insult, what does it even mean? Is it making fun of dark skin women because they have "roasted" skin?
No way that's real.
Jesus, this is one of the most embarrassingly newfag posts I've read in a while. roastie has been a buzzword around here for years, and you're only just now questioning what it means?
Yeah, you got us. Show's over boys. Racism lost.
The one Capcom gave to Megaman without deserving it.
This, it's about posture
roastie is literally from R9k you newfag
Too bad she's wearing tights.
I prefer a pretty face over any other feature t b q h. Not fat obviously.
But it's real. If you're just posing differently it's not really exaggeration so much as your natural body.
Also because we already exaggerate and emphasize in our minds, this is simply reality trying to meet us half way.
Holy shit