BANG BANG PULL MY DEVIL iron man and black widow die

BANG BANG PULL MY DEVIL iron man and black widow die

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go fuck yourself

fuck off with your capeshit

Solid kek from me.

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Fucking lol'd

get fucked, capeshitters
this is what marvel gets for meddling with infinite

umm.... CAPEKEKS????

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really? that's kinda ballsy, maybe I should watch these movies

That's okay. I never liked them anyway.

what about cap?

Why would they kill the character played by the only actor in the entire cast with some modicum of charisma

the fuck is going on in that pic?

based and bump

do they come across a fury in fucking hell and hell mode? i just lost 200k orbs cause i had a faust on an empusa queen and she landed on me.

That fucking toy was actually a spoiler holy shit.

N o fap November


Iron Man's nanites go haywire and fuse him and Black Widow together. Like CatDog, but it's fucked up.

Because theyre white and toxic to film

What am I looking at?

SHold have just been Black Widow with Tony's dick.
When's the movie coming out? I wasn't really paying attention.


Scott, Hulk, Steve, and Tony travel to the battle of New York to retrieve the mind, space, and time stone. Steve fights his past self.
Thor is living with Korg and Miek, getting drunk and not caring about what happened. Hulk and Rocket go to get him, and his beard and hair are messy and grown out.
Hulk tried to wield the Stark gauntlet, but it appears to be too powerful for him.
Steve dual wields his shield and Mjolnir, it’s unclear how mjolnir comes back. Thor still has Stormbreaker, possible meaning he’s become unworthy due to him neglecting his duties.
Sam is the first dusted avenger to come back, we hear him say to Steve “On Your Left,” then we see T’challa and Shuri coming out of a portal, and Sam flying out.
Big scene with all the Avengers, including Wasp, the Guardians, Spider-Man, vs Thanos and a revived Black Order. It looks like the big fight in Ready Player One, but we actually care about the characters
Stark reunites with Peter and gives him a hug
Carol gets the short hair she has in recent comics, and Peter Parker gives her the Stark Gauntlet

Thanos dies to Thor before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the stones. The rest of the movie centers around using the Quantum Universe to retrieve the stones from the past timeline. Stark builds a gauntlet to wield the retrieved infinity stones to reverse the snap.
Natasha and Clint go to retrieve the soul stone, with Clint sacrificing Natasha to access it. Hulk, now Professor Hulk, tries to wield it and fails.
The dusted Avengers return, including Parker, who gives the Stark Gauntlet to Captain Marvel.

hulk trying to wield stark gauntlet

Wtf is stark gauntlet? Bootleg version of infinity gauntlet?


>capeshit spoilers


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What an awful film

haha loser watches movie for babby

kek fucking based
