Are online games dying?

Are online games dying?

Dota, CS:GO, TF2, Diablo 2/3 etc are dying and there is nothing to replace it. What the fuck is going on?

Did the battle royale genre kill online games?

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God I want to fuck Kuro so much lads.

>battle royale games aren't online games

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>Kuro with tits
Delete this

It's a grown up Kuro
She won't stay flat forever she has to be hot as an adult too.

There's no community in battle royale and it feels like you're playing against bots because there is no interaction. H1Z1's battle royale allowed you to have some interaction with voice chat if you were close to each other in the game but that was it.


>She won't stay flat forever
>she has to be hot as an adult too.
I completely agree with you on that though.

sounds like what you really meant to ask is
>are in-game communities dying out in online games
in which case yes. Discord/Reddit are now the preferable way to engage with game communities over using the games themselves. Discord for example has completely hijacked guild chat in mmo's or any game with lobby based matching.

On top of that forming connections with people online through games is no longer interesting/special due to how much modern lives revolve around social media.

Dsicoee didn't necessarily kill lobbies. People used Skype/Slack/TS3 before.

I'll fix this!

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OP those games have been dying for years. old ass TF2 came out in 2007 and is STILL in the top 10 steam games. Plus CS:GO got a big jump again after it went F2P, it's not dying any time soon.

People love to shitpost on games they've always hated for their popularity or ragequit long ago, but dota, csgo and tf2 will still be 'dying' 3 years from now but still topping in the steam top 5. just because they're not number one for zoomers and normies doesn't mean they're dying.

Dota 2's main demographic is full of zoomers now tho

I love this chocolate semen demon

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All of those games you just listed are 5+ years old, most of them even twice that age. No game is fun forever. No matter how good it is, people are going to burn out eventually.

Now post more Kuro.

I'm just gonna pretend it's the Kuro version of Irisviel.

Black Illya isn't good



Even though Kuro is only one third of the group she commits 100% of the crimes.

That does explain a few things.

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youre right, shes BAD

Her name is Chloe you fucks.

It's black, idiot.


>CS:GO is dying

Playerbase and viewership says otherwise.

Both these games broke their all-time player count records within the past year.

Dota I can understand because of autochess.

But TF2? Really?


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>online games
>post a bunch of garbage that hasn't been relevant in years and whose numbers are being held up by 3rd worlders and chinks
No, people just moved on.

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I like this black Illya.