Why do FPS games suck so much fucking ass now? What happened?

Why do FPS games suck so much fucking ass now? What happened?

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the problem is you're playing on a console

I'm making a great one now. Unfortunately I can't talk much about it yet

consoles happened

Memes aside, BFV has great shooting mechanics.
Try Domination/Deathmatch on PC and tell me if your experience sucks, the infantry game is top notch


kill yourself, EA shill. and take the worst BF game with you.

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Online Multiplayer

Holy shit are there actually EA shills here or is it 4d chess trolling?

Bf5 does have great shooting mechanics but considering the series is nearly 20 years old no shit. But the issue with Bf5 is that it's trying to hard to be a teambased game and horribly does it.

Nah I'm the user that said the shooting mechanics were great, don't know why that idiot decided to insult me (someone who clearly doesn't play FPS or has even touched BFV)
I agree with you, it could be so much more but it was clearly rushed to the market.



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>pic not related

Paperclip continues to be my favorite part of this.

Apex's HUD is completely clean and simple, though. It has essentially no extraneous information, and the information it shows it does so in an uncluttered fashion. The killfeed is the only thing there that could be considered extraneous and cluttered, but it's very easy to disable

Not really, timesplitters and red faction were fine as console games but CoD and clones appealed to the casual crowd.

The older the games are, the better it seems. I think, maybe nihilists that want to make everything shit?

i hope you see it through, user.

Ive started as well, had most of the controls and feeling of shooting down but then realised the scope is simply too big and would take me alone about 10 years.

also, despite being able to do it, I really hate programming. its the most unfun thing Ive ever did

stupid shill

You are now manually remembering Battleborn.

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the is currently kicked up by the recoil right? It's not always is in this position?

BR genre sucking dick aside, apex gunplay is great

Been playing FPS games since '04, 25 years old now. Even when i was a kid i could not fucking stand futuristic games, with jet packs, and all that other shit. To me, FPS games should be simplistic, yet fun, strategic, and skillful.

I guess playing CS 1.6 / CSS for about 12 years, ruined me. I haven't found a good FPS games in a very long time now.

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Play Killin Floor 2

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they've always sucked ass. you're just seeing it for the first time.

ecksdee based fellow /r/pcgaming users

Because they have always sucked ass and, TPS have always been INFINITELY superior to them.

it'll never leave the prototype stage

Halo and CoD killed dedicated servers and their communities.

Well let's see
>generic future weapons and world that have use over and over
>graphic over gameplay
I think you might get the point

Hope you don't spend years of your life figuring out why it's a shit idea to remake doom with a one person team.

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No immersion.

Look at that fucking HUD, look at it, all over your fucking screen, no subtlety at all. Its there because thats how everyone else does it rather than asking SHOULD we do it.

You just have to go back to STALKER to realize modern shooters are the worst dogshit of all time with no originality or creativity at all.

Because you choose to play the bad ones.

>>graphic over gameplay
Graphics look like shit though.

name ONE good one made in the past 2 years

There is no fucking way people play this game longer then a month at most, then again people have played Overwatch for years so that demographic exists.

Shadow Warrior 2

Halo and Call of Duty ruined FPS.

2016 was 3 years ago, user

Jesus Christ. Just kill me lord.


I just play Titanfall 2 from time to time I feel like I can play that game for eternity.

Wholeheartedly kekked at this

Respawn is notorious for this shit, unfortunately.

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Because you're a stupid boomer suffering from a terminal case of nostalgia and refuse to move on from your antiquated design

Does anyone else think the aiming is fucked in Apex? Any other FPS I play my shots are on point and I can whip the mouse to jolt target to target and track just fine, but this game gives me problems.

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>Not turning all that shit off

It doesn't make that much of a difference desu

Bullets are slow as shit so you you have to lead literally every single shot even when the enemy is right in your face.

FPS games have pretty much always sucked. maybe they weren't terrible when they were brand new but for the past 20 years they've all been boring and awful and only normies and brainless retards play them.

rising storm 2 vietnam is great

Halo and call of duty

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Were great.

It's updated regularly and provides more FPS satisfaction then most.

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Kill yourself

Reminder that Titanfall 3 died because of a niche BR game that will be forgotten in 3 months or so.

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It's TOO FUCKING SLOW. Seriously though, fuck sprinting. Whatever happened to bhopping and strafe jumping?



Playing that shit right now, Dead Air mod. I alt+TAB every now and again to see what Yea Forums has to say. I totally agree, Stalker is one of the best. As old as it is theres lessons for devs to learn with this game.

I hate games with radars and motion sensors. I press "M" to see my map.

All games fucking suck ass now. It's been a sharp downward trend since the mid-90s and dropped off into complete shit in the early 2000s.

Why do you tiptoe so daintily around the term "normalfaggot", redditor?

Dead Air is shit in my opinion. Autumn Aurora will always be the best modpack.

Titanfall is way more niche than BR games.

Do you work for ID Tech?

You realize that is the source engine right?


HL2 became popular and well regarded.


>Even when i was a kid i could not fucking stand futuristic games
>FPS games should be simplistic, yet fun

So you're a casual Zoomer who hates complexity and fast paced gameplay in favor of tacticool 'realism'.

Apex has bunny hopping and slope boosting, it feels more old school than most shit being released now.
Doesn't change they took all the Titanfall movement options out to "promote team strategy."

But Siege is perhaps one of the best FPS games I have ever played. And Titanfall 2 is not bad if you want a more casual shooter.
The problem with every battlefield game, moreso now. Is that literally nothing you do matters.

The Bhopping is extremely gay and not worth it 9/10 times and you know it. What is slopeboosting?

>CS/R6 is Zoomer
>CoD/Halo Gen bullshit is somehow not
You are fucking retarded.

>Le consoles boogieman. XD
Seeing PClards squirm every time they're not pandered to is absolute gold.

>Bhopping is not worth it
>He doesn't bhop heal or bhop with an aimed peacekeeper for lulzy pushes

Doom Eternal looks promising, and Ion Maiden looks great.

I want more combined arms FPS like (old) Battlefield and PlanetSide.

Literally just crouch sliding down hills.
And yes it's mostly gay, sorry to lead you on.

TFT monitors and console gaming

>Comparing sliding while jumping to go the same speed as sprinting with strafe jumping, rocket jumping or actually bhopping
How is that fun in the slightest? Seriously, it fucking sucks and isn't fun compared to the movement in Quake (Not champions, that game is shit) or even Tf2.

Play the new Stalker standalones (Anomaly, Dead Air), they're free and they're fantastic

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>every new multiplayer fps is a battle royale

What the fuck happened man. How the fuck is TF2 still the best multiplayer fps out there? And even that game is shit now.

> CoD is a great arcade twitch shooter. Low TTK, trilanes, going fairly fast. It has its audience, calling it bad is imho wrong. I'm not the main audience (ADHD) so I prefer last, slower games (WW2 was great).
> Battlefields are for immersive multiplayer. Never found them satisfying but have to agree about audiovisual spectacle they bring.
> Squad, ARMA, PUBG all offer decent milsim experience. Squad is great for its teamplay, ARMA for simulation and PUBG for tension.
> Titanfall 2 had one of the best solo campaigns ever. Multiplayer was shit due to bad maps and balance issues. Hitscanners, Tone and lack of build diversity killed it for me.
> We also have games like Doom 2016, Metro, Wolfenstein (not 2), Destiny 2 which are all good in their respective way.
> There are some great retro games like Dusk and Ion Maiden.
> Trying to revive CPM in form of Reflex failed horribly. Nobody cares about arena shooter if it does not give you nostalgia points. Midair was doa.
Things are not "ass" nowadays. Of course if you take "best of last 20 years" list of games with Doom, Quake etc. it will look better than games released in last 3-5 years you idiot. Habdpicked classics vs recent releases is always like that.
If you only play old games, it means that either
> you care more about internet opinions than your own fun
> you are autistic manchild who can't move on and try something new
> you are angry teenager who's all "bohoo my generation sucks"
In any of these cases, off yourself tranny.
You guys sound like back in the days you only played classics. Today you expect every shitty game to be the classic. They are not. There are great games, average games and shit games. But that's not a reason to stop looking.
> I just bought Far Cry 5. I hate Ubisoft and I only played FC1-2. But I'm giving it a shot as apparently gameplay loop has matured in 5.

is this a new pasta

>Sliding while jumping
No, it's legitimately bhopping. It's the same thing as playing surf maps on Counterstrike. It's because it's literally the same fucking engine.

Who cares that it isn't Quake? There's plenty of games better than Quake. Just because the movement is good doesn't mean the rest of Quake's gameplay isn't boring dogshit.

And why even appeal to you retarded Quakefags anyway? The second it's not a 1:1 port of Quake 3 you people will fucking leave it for not being Quake 3. If they make it the same though, then no one plays it because "But I already have Quake 3 DURR" You faggots are literally the worst community in the FPS genre by a mile.

No, I was taking dump and channeled it together with shit.

>Legitimately bhopping
>Having to do it while sliding to go as fast as a sprint best case scenario
How braindead are you? Also, i'm not saying it needs to be a quake 3 clone or the rest of that retarded rant you just went on. I just want something actually engaging to play and has fun skill based movement, like say TF2 with it's rocket jumps or old CS with real Bhops. Holding the sprint key or the slide key doesn't do it for me because literally every person can do either of those things without practice or mastering the movement system, kiddo.

don't tell me to play two games tell me to play one

Play Stalker Anomaly

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>Having to do it while sliding
Uh, no. You don't. Holding the crouch and timing the jumps every time you hit the ground continues momentum, and you can build it by strafing. Again, stop being fucking retarded. It is EXACTLY like CS surf mechanically.

>I want something engaging to play
So Apex
>Fun skill based movement
So Apex
>CS with real bhops
Again, IT IS THE SAME FUCKING ENGINE you retard. Jesus christ. It works the same way because it's the same fucking engine exploit handled the exact same god damn way.

If you don't know what you're talking about, please shut up or kys I don't care which at this point.

So it's exactly like Bhopping except it isn't because you can't break the movement cap of just sprinting by doing a ton of extra work and you can only do it while sliding? It may mechanically be similar but in practice it is completely outclassed by just holding shift. Holy shit man, i can't believe you aren't trolling right now.

What if I don't like BR shit?

What? What the hell are these?

Complete rework standalone games. Not amazing but if you really like stalker give them a try.

this but unironically

Except you can't aim down sights, heal, and various other interactions while sprinting you retard. Plus running in a predictable path with a full exposed body still means you're more vulnerable.

I can't believe I gotta spell out the fucking obvious. But apparently you're too good damned inbred.

Cool, I will

I've played all the official Stuff related to Stalker, what's good with Anomaly and Dead Air? Really curious about new stuff

Before GSG dissolved they released the source files for STALKER and people have been making mixmaster builds ever since. None of them are particularly amazing but they do interesting things sometimes.

xD based console bro!

Ok, so you admit it isn't exactly like Bhopping? Was it really just that hard for you to say that in the first place instead of writing paragraphs trying to explain it is EXACTLY like bhopping? On top of that, you admit it only has very niche uses compared to real bhopping, rocket jumping or strafing? Happy we're on the same page.

Dead on arrival

It is exactly like CS surf hopping, again, the same engine. It's carried out mechanically the same way and has all the same benefits.

The only reason not to do it everywhere is because it's a BR and there's lapses in combat. The second a fight starts, bhopping is the name of the game. A choked peacekeeper push a chain of hops to escape a firefighter while healing, or moving with a weapon that normally limits your movement ala LMGs and Snipers, all subsist off bhopping. And of course it's not the same as rocket jumping, I never said it was you retard.

You said CS bhopping, and that is exactly what it is. It. Is. A. Source. Engine. Game. KYS.

Controllers are not meant for aiming.

the weapons are so ugly.

Not what i said retard. I said
>it only has very niche uses compared to real bhopping, rocket jumping or strafing?
I don't think you are getting my point when you have respawn's and EA's dick shoved down your throat. My point it it's extremely niche and not as fun as any of the movement systems stated above. Also, it's a fucking battle royale. Literally every game plays out the same way after a while and it gets stale. Probably why it's user base died off after the millions spent on streamers to get them to play dried up.

>Healing, moving, and shooting is niche in a BR
Yup, I can't fix your retardation. But I can prescribe something that will: a noose.

>play stalker for single player
>overwatch/paladins for multiplayer (I'm lonely)

I hate myself. Stalker 2 and TF3 fucking when.

They're basically CoM but with a ton of new features and improvements.
Anomaly feels more like a "complete" version of CoM, with things like many new main quests and side quests, a self-repair system, a disguise system, and a lot more stuff. And it runs on the X-Ray 64bit engine so it rarely crashes anymore. The difficulty is also very adjustable so you can skip a lot of CoM's bullshit.
Dead Air is closer to Misery, it focuses heavily on atmosphere and realism. The AI is pretty much the best it's ever been in Stalker. It's very punishing however, you pretty much have no gear at the beginning, though you can select perks for your character at the start of a playthrough. You can only trade items with other stalkers, there's no currency unless you're dealing with traders. There's a feature called zone degradation where the amount of stalkers decrease and amount of mutants increase as the game progresses.

>in a BR
Have fun searching for the same 2 guns and dropping on the same map continuously. Don't forget to buy the season pass and Apex coins for some sick skins bro!


TF3 probably never sadly. Stalker 2 2023 i would guess.

As someone that's played from 2 till 5 and all the ones between, rather get BF4 on the cheap.

tribes and dedicated servers died. no more fast, no more ability to choose the server you like(or police them)
enjoy your map DLC goy, rent more servers or fuck off

Every FPS is a battle royale now

They don't, you just can't be pleased.

Halo tried to be like other games.

Thread should have ended here.

You can only turn off the weapon level, t he little baadge in the middle, the subtitles and the player cards on the left as well as the obituaries if that's your speed. You're still stuck with the big killed message, the + Score message and that AMPED WEAPONS AVAILABLE message.

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No mention of Unreal Tournament goty...smfh young faggots

Unreal is still a thing on the epic games store. But it's shit. I can't believe how badly it's been treated.

A couple exceptions don't excuse the hundred of other pieces of shit.

and every pc only fps is a masterpiece?

Why bother coming in if all you have to share is your utterly shit opinions?


MW2 tacticool hyperfocus brain net

dont want all the prisoners feeling free and having fun gaming now

>fingerless glove meter
Every time

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Why bother coming in to a Japanese culture forum to talk about Western garbage?

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Devs need to make FPS games with gameplay in mind first if they decide the game needs to have a multiplayer component.

A core gameplay loop that is fun and exciting and interesting level design can be more beneficial to a game than a grand story with shoehorned in multiplayer can ever be.

Looking forward to Doom Eternal, Halo Infinite, Borderlands 3, whatever might be next for Destiny and hopefully in time, Titanfall 3.

There's been a few good fpses like Dirty Bomb and NS2 but those were utterly ruined by running poorly or being owned by nexon. Honestly Dirty bomb was too good for this world.

>cod now with wall running and console hitboxes
I always assume underages praise this piece of shit game. Its like they wanted to make a fast game but then made it as casual as possible.

it actually requires you to be precise and learn specific bullet lead
every gun handles differently in their fire rate and how the bullets fly
would recommend going in training for a bit and sitting down to find a comfortable sensitivity and challenge yourself on the targets

Titanfall 1 was better than 2. I don't understand why 2 gets so much praise. Titanfall 1 had
>better maps
>wall run is faster
>first persons animations felt so much cooler
>titans actually felt like fucking titans
>it took a while to get titans
>no shitty abilities and gay shit like ninja stars and throwing bombs (Respawn really needs to stop trying to capture the zoomer Overwatch audience)
>had a nice and simple gritty look - no retarded lens flares and bloom
>awesome customizable OS voices for your titan
>burn cards were fun as fuck
>titans are over complicated in 2
>The rodeo system is infinitely worse.

2 is just a more casual shittier version of Titanfall 1 - I don't fucking understand all the hype. Although 2's campaign was fantastic 8/10

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The fuck are you on about.

was this run by a bot?
every movement looks intentional like a e3 stage gameplay
cool cinematography though

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This is a good list I'll also add developers are terrified of developing any sort of movement styles beyond the basic running with maybe some wallrunning/grappling. I think the only way to live past this is unironically the adoption of VR by the mainstream which I'm still not convinced will ever happen

they said more titanfall was in the works

We still have the best shooters nowadays like Tarkov or Insurgency. The gunplay is pure porn.

>point and click to kill enemy, wow
>do I go left(dead) or right(enemy around the corner)?
>gotta get those power weapon, better preemptively throw nades and shoot rockets everywhere
>full with cheaters
>only appeal is shooty boom boom which reflects in the quality and mental development of your teammates
Here's your reason why quake is dead(you did your part) and the popular stuff is cod tier.

None of those are deal breakers and Titanfall 2 just has more content.
Also I can‘t live without the slide anymore.

I just want Enemy Territory to be out on Steam. Is that so much to ask?

Can‘t wait for the Titanfall card game.

>there are actually people who play fps games with a controller

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>None of those are deal breakers
Well I mean they are, that's why I listed them, but that's just my personal opinion I guess
>Titanfall 2 just has more content.
Yeah but it's just content for the sake of content and that content didn't even keep people around anyway
>Also I can‘t live without the slide anymore
Because sprinting and wall jumping is nerfed heavily in 2. Seriously play Titanfall 1 and feel how much faster it is

I think Siege is the best FPS since TF2 and most people are just unwilling to give it a decent try,
Dirty Bomb and Titanfall 2 were also great but failed to get massive numbers because of some silly issues.

You've also got indie FPS games like Dusk and Ion Maiden plus AAA Doom and AA games like Ready or Not on the horizon
FPS have more variety currently than the past decade but post/vg/ Yea Forums just wants to doom post everything.

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Titanfall was trash but Dirty bomb is one of the best shooters of this generation, don't even put them in the same category.


There are still plenty good FPS on PC.

Fuck off EA nigger shill.

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This is what console has done to shooters.

(Found this webm in a webm thread earlier)

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The way SplashDamage/Nexon handled Dirty Bomb puts it next to Titanfall for me personally.
Felt like they were just enjoying watching that project slowly burn down around them.

Timesplitters, Perfect Dark, Black and Darkwatch say hello.

This is bait, right?

Prey was great
Fuck every other modern shooter though

Prey was a snoozefest.

ok zoomer

Only boomers hate that.

but the button inputs at the bottom are keyboard keys

Only boomers dislike Prey.

Nigger I'm 28.

Give some examples of good fps games on pc

Hard Reset
Day of Infamy
Killing Floor 2 (on console too but why would you play this on console)
Rising Storm games

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not an argument

play Post Scriptum

The Prey remake was great. 2016 I believe? The original was just Doom 3 but guns shoot literal alien shit.

They all want to be the same thing

insurgency is just pretentous CoD, but the rest on point

>has literally nothing to do with the first game

Those would all be better on PC and I would kill to have them there with a substantial playerbase to play them with

Remake is just a social crutch put on for marketing In Example; stupid people and 30 year old neck beards. I hate Prey from 2006 almost as much as I hate using the word Remake.

As one of the best Titanfall 1 players in the game, I understand exactly why they made the choices they did.

TF2's classes and ESPECIALLY Titan loadouts keep the game balanced. My 8.0 player k/d in TF1 dropped to 2.5-3.0 in TF2 because I couldn't do all the ridiculous bullshit I could in the first game. Smart pistol spam. Anti-pilot titan loadouts. Really those were the two big things. Factor in that the classes have really minor bonuses/abilities and it was a good experience. Like how much did the gameplay actually change whether you had a stim or a scanner pulse?

I was world class at TF1 but TF2 is the game I still boot up and play because it was balanced and fun and oh god please do it again and bring me more of this franchise

Yeah I'm not saying 2 is bad I'm just saying that's it's over-praised. I had a lot of fun with it it's just when people post about it being the greatest FPS of 8th gen I'm just perplexed. I like the simplicity and fun-ness of the first Titanfall

I really hope Titanfall 3 mixes both parts of Titanfall 1 and 2 and hopefully bigger battles

Hell yeah brother.

They too would have been better on pc.

Doom wads exist

>BFV has great shooting mechanics

how does it differ from every CoDclone we've had in the last decade?

All what you see on Apex's hud is importent information (even the kill feed ao you'll know what's going on and when to engage)

Unless you have a counter argument don't (you) me

They worked on console, which was the point.
Before CoD shooters were centered around map/arena shooting and not story power trips. Regardless of platform.

Are there bigger cucks than battle royal players?
>spend 20 minutes hiding and looting like fags
>random enemy player kill you because he have better gear or happened to see you first.
>b-but you can be lucky too
So yeah to stay until the last 3 teams alive is mostly a matter of luck for an average player
>b-but there is luck in all games
Most of games don't require you to test your luck against 60 players while wasting around 20 minute.

Pressing the jump button at regular intervals while swinging your head around everywhere is not fun.

There aren't all that many alternative ways to move around the world other than that. Tribes Ascend was a truly unfortunate loss but its design is as niche as they come and it just can't apply to the intent of other games very well.

BR is the pinnacle of casual gayman because even the shittiest player can get some kills as long as he finds some decent loot.
If you find a sniper or other powerful long-range weapon for example in any BR game you've pretty much already won the round.

COd happened

>not getting gud
>not dropping in places packed with action from which you either continue victorious with well-earned loot or die so you can get into the next game fast
>not always instantly heading to distant combat sounds so you ambush others instead of getting ambushed
>not abusing mechanics and shitting around with your mates
>all that team banter

I am not talking about Fortnite, fuck building blocks. Some people just enjoy basic BR things. Some don't. Some only enjoy the next japanese "WA-HOO *PLINK* LET'SAGO" - Coin Collecting Simulator. I enjoy both though.

>TFW we could have had a spooky four armed witch wife
Why did you fuck it up gearbox? All you had to do was postpone release after OW and spend more time developing.

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casuals consoles happened