3 facts about Joker!

3 facts about Joker!
>Joker is cute!
>I love him!

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Fair-skinned people with curly hair have an unfair advantage in life




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Oooh does that mean I have an advantage?


>Ugly hair
>Absolutely no fucking personality what so ever

Joker likes HAGS

Two of those "flaws" are related to the fact that you are behind the wheel of his character though. Of course he has a personality, you decide what his personality is.
Also his hair is beautiful, shut up.

You don't decide what his personality is and you never do in JRPG's, they're just always very loose and boring responses purely there to further the other characters dialogue instead of say anything meaningful.

good taste desu

You forgot to mention that all discussion about him and his game will soon be impossible because he got into some shitty toddlers game on Shitch. It will all just be Smashtoddlers and portbeggars that can only afford a garbage plastic tablet without games instead of a PS4 Pro.

>no personality
>ugly hair
FUCK you

He fucks older ladies

>Minato Arisato sounds better than Makoto Yuki
>Makoto Yuki becomes the canon name
>Souji Seta sounds better than Yu Narukami
>Yu Narukami becomes the canon name
>Akira Kurusu sounds better than Ren Amamiya
>Ren Amamiya becomes the canon name
It's not fair

>More... MORE!
So he is kinda psychotic. He always seemed that way with the smile he gives in his All Out Attack pose. Wonder why they cut that.

It’s not cut. It’s voice lines for the DLC Personas.

>Souji Seta sounds better than Yu Narukami
what the fuck is wrong with you

Minato Arisato is too rhymy and Kurusu just sounds awful as a part of a name. I’ll give you Souji Seta though over Yu Narukami though.

Ah, that's why I never heard it. Thanks. Just heard that they cut a lot of dialogue and assumed those were part of it. Cool because it actually shows there is somewhat of a character in Joker, it's just that you can mold him a bit into what you want him to be.

It seems like we have a girl in Yea Forums.
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I’m on my phone! Can’t you tell?

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