Quake was and is a good game.
Quake was and is a good game
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Quake was a tech demo.
So was Wii Sports. Both are still good games.
Better than quake 2 if that's not stating the obvious. Not even just atmosphere-wise, gun switching is instantaneous. Swapping guns in 2 is relegated to turning a corner because it takes for fucking ever for the gun to actually come out.
that's the most retarded thing i've ever read
I played it for the first time a few weeks ago. It was fun but the shotgun is sort of bland not really satisfying.
All Quake are good Quake, even 4 and Enemy Territory. HUH and TEAR.
>quake 2
Quake 4 is the only major Quake game to date with zero players online. That's really odd when you consider it's a newer engine than the others and thus should have better graphics and have more players. Anecdotally speaking, aside from its terrible release and taking too long to fix problems, I dislike Quake 4 because it feels like Quake 3 only clunkier and uglier. I don't really know why. Very similar physics but the game just looks and plays worse. I feel like something is just very off about id Tech 4. All the major Quake games had their own distinct flavor but not Quake 4. Just feels like a worse version of Quake 3 with worse aesthetics and crouch sliding added in.
good doesn't mean shit nowdays, look at the world you nigger
What are you even trying to say?
Everyone would probably agree with you, including me. I think it was just a vain attempt at re-selling Q3 with a half-finished engine.
If they'd spent more time optimizing the game for tournament play and adding different game modes and a proper SDK people might actually know there was a Quake 4.
become an astronaut
How do I go about doing that?
Pour pop rocks and coke in your ass
Crouch sliding is pretty comfy desu. Slash's movement system in QC is the most fun out of any game I've ever played - including Tribes.
Watching Toxic or Dahang play her was really inspiring. There were several good up and coming Slash players back when the game first launched and Sacrifice was being pushed as the main game mode such as Yenom and Aurra, but the game died too quickly. I wish that someone would take the entirety of her slide mechanics and put it in a good game.
at 320x240, I still think Doom looked and was better. never did get into it, but I've heard lots of players loving it, but child me missed out I guess.
no thanks
that entire video is mesmerizing holy shit
Quake 4 had plenty of mods. People definitely knew it existed. People were still playing Quake 1-3 at the time and after the fact. Quake Live became more popular than it. Quake 4 just didn't feel right to play. Dunno how to describe it exactly. I think maybe Carmack lost his edge after id Tech 3? I mean you could point to Quake 4 being outsourced and that probably has a lot to do with it but it doesn't explain precisely why. And I don't know exactly. Game always felt off even after it was patched years later.
ET was id ech 3
QC is a joke and its player count shows it, game is broken and dead
Yeah I just realized it was Quake Wars I was thinking of and that game was pretty ass. I'm not a fan of any games based on id tech 4. Prey, Brink, Quake Wars, Quake 4, Doom 3. None of these games tickled my fancy. I think maybe id Tech 4 was just shit.
so much so that i still have my big box copy and a Mac copy too
It's also really fun in VR.
And it's still more alive than any other arena shooter, welcome to hell.
what does that have to do with what I said?
Quake 2 is great, has full on coop aswell.
Also stop playing on console you fucking dimwit. Swapping weapons is hardly an issue.
>quake champions
>it doesn't even use idtech
>Also stop playing on console you fucking dimwit. Swapping weapons is hardly an issue.
Fuck off right off, i will not tolerate Q2 apologists bitch. In Quake 1 you can unload with the needlegun, swap to the shotgun, and quickly toss some fucking missiles all back to back. In quake 2 you even shoot the shotgun, it has to fucking do a reload animation. You pull out the grenade launcher, you wait 3 goddamn second for the thing to come into view, then you have express permission to shoot the damn thing.
There are so many things wrong with this text.
When did I say it used idtech? Did you just see the abbreviation QC and sperg out without reading the comment chain?
yes, its an abomination of a game and you should feel bad
I already stated that it was a bad game, but at least you admit that you didn't read anything and just sperg out over things.
have a nice day user
Any good color mods? I don't want to look at brown
you too
*tips fedora
This post was not made in good faith.
What the fuck are you talking about
I like the slow weapon switching. It forces the player to commit to the weapon and not try to cover poor play with quickly switching to another. This forces the player to have better movement to avoid getting hit while they switch weapons or reload and enforces good weapon selection. It enforces map knowledge and awareness. Going around a corner blind with a railgun like a dumbass? Well you can't quickly switch to a rocket or rail to cover your ass. I like that Quake 2 has this extra element of strategy it's nice for a change and I like that I can play Quake and not have it anymore if I don't want it or better yet any one of a number of mods for Quake 2 with quickswitch like Lithium or Rocket Arena 2.
My understanding is QC uses a hybrid of saber and id tech
lol, this reads like something written by someone a Carmack-like tech leader fired for not understanding the importance of gameplay over shit like narrative and progression mechanics
this is 100% true
I like it for dueling since I'm a gold pleb and QL boomers mostly annihilate me.
All I want is a new quake sp with a new reznor ost
>no citations
Shit book.
I hadn't played this since I was stupid young. Ended up playing exactly how I wanted NuDoom to play: fast with no bullshit.
It felt kind of short but that's probably what happens when you don't pad out every fight with multiple spawned in bad guys.
is this the same guy who bitched about how controlling an fps game with a mouse is impossibly hard and that nobody would ever switch from using full keyboard for fps games on pc
Considering he likes COMPUTER UPDATED and calls Quake 3 a tech demo, probably.
>Using a mouse and keyboard is hard
dude i swear ive seen this rant from like the late 90s being posted on Yea Forums about how using a mouse to aim in quake is "inaccurate" and how its way to difficult to use and that itll never take off.