Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Adds 1014 Years Old loli Kanna

>DOA is dea-

Attached: 1014 years old loli.jpg (576x576, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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So she's 14

So what you're saying is that she's 14

>naming her Kanna
>aksuhally shes thousands of years old
>has horns
Not a ripoff at all

does flat chest=loli now? that's clearly a developed body.

>don't add DoA girls to VV
>make new girls for VV instead
>don't add VV girls to DoA
>make new girls for DoA6 instead
>don't add them to VV

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it is in australia, you could be 50 years old, you wouldn't be allowed to do porn if you're flat because it appeals to pedophiles

Put her in DOA6, you fucks!

This is not the body of developed female.

Attached: Dead-or-Alive-Xtreme-Venus-Vacation-Kanna-3d-model.jpg (599x1024, 363K)

Yes it is, even I look like that.

Why did they put her in this and not DoA6? These retards are so fucking stupid.

How come every loli is named Kanna
>that anime shit maid
>now this

it is, especially in Japan (heck she'd be smaller even if 30 years old)

That's a dude

God damn. 10/10 design and feet

Also, Asian women do look like that. Stop comparing the world to "thicc" American land whales

I think the VV girls are some exclusive DMM thing going on.

There's loli in another Team Ninja game named Canna as well

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Why does Yea Forums not know the difference between petite and loli?

You call this the body of an adult?

Come on guy, they aren't even being subtle.

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Yes, my body is very similar and I'm 19.

I certainly don't call it the body of a child

I'm not clicking that, but there isn't a single body type for an adult. The only people who have a problem with this design is Americans who are high strung as fuck when it comes to women's bodies.

That body type is not uncommon around the world.

Nop. They are just plain trolls. And I like them for not giving a shit.

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need to tongue her asshole desu


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>inb4 LONDON

>1014 years old
We all know the last two digits are the only ones that matter. What was Marie Rose's original age supposed to be? 15? They're getting physically younger. How long until they add her 2009 year old "older" sister?


>my sexy girls are too young! i need to see the birth certificate of this nonreal person else its criminal
american problems

Do you like eating fruits when they're ripe, or once they've developed into rotten mush?

Probably the next game, and people on Yea Forums will just say that most women outside the US look like this and they definitely are not attracted to pubescent girls. I miss when people would just be like straight up with this shit. Y'all like illegal jail bait, deal with it.

Asians are the most pedomorphic race. Thousands of years eating nothing but rice stunted their growth.

>one of the first events on steam venus vacation a pvp one
that is one way to make people buy those 120 dollar micro transactions

it's the easiest way to spot someone who should be on reddit

FFS, give us more tiddy monsters

Where's the loli?

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I didn't spend anything, does that mean I am fucked and getting no rewards?

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They want you to buy both you retard. Only way to do that is to have "exclusive content"

Can you provide me with links for nude mods and/or breast size about the girls? Or at least point me to one. Lovers Lab for example?

top 5k is fine if you didn't get a single event SSR, just keep using the vollyballs on SSS matches and you will get like 30k a match from those with reasonable swimsuits

basically the event is under the assumption that you already have 2 ssr and that you can get at least 1 event ssr if you want top 1k. so luck or money

>rank 861 when I slept a few hours ago
>wake up 10 hours later
>rank 1200~


The design is fucking on point, it shows shimbori left. marie rose, honoka and the other venus only girls are garbage.

>Not even monster girl accurate of a red muscle woman with abs and tits
One job and you fucked that up

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>calling that a loli

Fighting games are dead in general the only franchise that has a huge following is smash and street fighter is popular as easter egg you see it once a year some turd being a champion and that's about it


because it's like Cunny

Hang yourself

Ripoff is too kind a word for something like this

Only when they're actually ripe as opposed to tough and unripened

I don't have any SSRs.
Fucking RIP

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>young oni

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just try to get as high as possible, you get ssr coupons for a high enough placement and 8 become a ssr voucher, top 1k get ssr vouchers

If it bleeds it breeds.

What is it ripping off?

Should you just go for one rank or go as high as possible?
Like focus on E until you're high, then go D etc?

Why did they make Irene look so ugly?

if you haven't been doing the event so far just focus on the dailys and ranking up since its the last day for the event. the higher rank you are as an owner the more points you get on average so blitzing rankups is preferable

already ported and modded and can be fucked

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also I should mention you get a retarded amount of stones from hitting bronze trophy threshold which you should save for the next event unless you are in dire need of normal SRs

Fucking post more what the fuck are you sautists doing

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She costs money.

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I know some of you fags are whales
SFM is trash and full of nothing but 7second loops, miss me with that partner.

Sweet. Do the Bronze trophies hold over for events or should I spend them on poses before the event shop closes?

spend them, they are just discarded a few days after the event ends


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I just wanna fap bros

>Pants designed to funnel cum directly to the navel

Well, not this user, but it's either that or the HS/TK17 "do-it-yourself" options.

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Take your fucking pick RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Kanna or NiCO

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>voiced by Satania
I already like her.

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Kanna on my dick, Marie on my face.

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That's nice. Let me know when they fix loading times and add a responsive UI.

or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation

>>aksuhally shes thousands of years old
>The flower canna (カンナ) often means "eternity" and Kanna is also a Japanese name
Probably just more of a case of unoriginality than being a ripoff.

There's a cheat engine script for changing breast size posted in the big thread for this game on loverslab. I'd get you the link but I'm taking a shit. Sorry. Search for something like cheat engine oppai.

kanna kamui is named after an existing god from ainu lore tho.

>identical bodies
c'mon lads

this smhtbhfam

I'll do it.
But I think I found something similar:

Unless this cheat makes them even bigger.

A daring synthesis

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>Steam version no longer censored
>mods for dmm version work there as well
Yea buddy

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When the voice isn't how like I imagined it just fucks up my waifuism. Same with her personality. I thought she'd be more of a brat.

I understand that 90% of the women in your country are obese meat blobs but come on she doesn't look like a kid

Fucking really? I kinda shot myself in the foot staying rank A when I could hit S


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also if you were S during the event it increases the average rank of the people you face

Figured as much, I never saw SS fuckers to use my balls on. Oh well, know for next time.

It really suits her.

>Face is ugly as sin
>Ugly feet
>No tits to speak of
>Disappointing ass
Why do people care about her, again?



Opinion discarded.

So let's pretend I'm a total retard, how do I get around the region bullshit in Steam to dl this?

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Use a free VPN

Use the link in browser to "install on steam"
Make sure steam is closed when you start the VPN and the browser

-d, and Team Ninja have lost the plot.

What a gay