Outsource EDF to another company in an attempt to make a spinoff that appeals towards a western audience

>outsource EDF to another company in an attempt to make a spinoff that appeals towards a western audience
>it's actually good this time
>don't say a fucking word about it so your intended wider audience doesn't know when it's out let alone the EDF fanbase
Seriously this game came out of nowhere and the last three days I've been playing online I've encountered maybe like four people who weren't Japanese online. Even 5 had a more active playerbase at launch despite being a PS4 exclusive that was digital only outside of Japan.

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>ps4 exclusive
Interest lost

I haven't picked it up because I'm too busy to do EDF bro-op at the moment.

But I have one very important question about the game: Does it have an EDF song?

I didn't even know the game had an international release until the day afterward. They really aint playin this one up

Unfortunately no. It keeps the same core EDF gameplay but changes a lot to give it its own identity.

>Finish game
>Read through credits
>Like 10% of the people are japanese and the rest is a mix of chinks, gooks and pajeets
That explained a whole lot about the game.

The only reason I knew it came out was because I was already aware it was a thing and was curious if it had a release date only to discover it was the previous day. Doesn't help they're charging $60 for it.

>no song
Fuck that noise, I'll stick with ED4 4.1 until 5 comes out for PC

5 has songs but they're shit compared to the ones in 4. It's like the one thing 5 wasn't an outright improvement on.

Sure as fuck explains the currency system to obtain weapons that feels like it was gonna be for microtransactions in a F2P game until they backed out at the last moment.

>>it's actually good this time
It's worse than mainline in every way.

He didn't say it was better than the mainline games. He claimed it was better than IA, which was boring as fuck.

>t's actually good this time
It's pretty good despite the fact it has too much appeal to dudebros
Good game. It's a shame dudebros won't buy it though

While I don't like it as much as the 2017, 4.1, and 5 it was still enjoyable and a big step up from Insect Armageddon. My biggest complaint is UE4 means they weren't able to fit as many enemies on screen as 4 and 5 did along with the new weapon progression system being fucking retarded. Their attempt at streamlining it somehow made it an even bigger grind than farming certain missions for a drop you'll want.

D3 publisher said they had to hire devs that were good with graphics otherwise all reviews would bomb
That's true. See it got 7.5/10~8.0/10 because of good graphics. If this game had EDF 5 graphics they would rate 2.5/10

does it still have slow down from the amount of enemys where you have to destroy buildings to help improve the game (like past games)

>IDK a game is released unless its advertised by gaming news/sites


Who the fuck cares , I only want 5 on PC

When your game is an attempt to increase the size of the playerbase and there's absolutely no word on it prior to or even after release not even from the core playerbase that's not a good sign. Shit I just went to play online and there was only 500 players on at the moment.

pc still on 4.1

Is it worth 60 burgers though?

Nah. Would've been better priced if it were around the $20-30 range.

Absolutely not
.t bought it and finished it already

I'll wait for a sale or whatever then.