How to enjoy dark souls 2?

The enemy spam just really fucking annoys me, but there still seems to be people who like this game.
I Beat every other souls game multiple times
Expect Ds2
I have 40 hours in the Scholars version, and tried several times to get into it but I just can't. half of the levels are boring, the bosses are bad tho i heard the dlc adds some real good ones, and again the enemy spam is just fucking insane

How did you ds2bros do it?

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dont lock on single enemy
use sweaping weapons
no shield, just dodge

Buy lifegems to heal damage taken from all the trash mobs.

DLC bosses aren't even that good either. It's stockholm syndrome all the way down.

Get dual caestus powerstanced and iron flesh and just literally mash L1

get ADP to 40.
Your rolls will be shit unless you get it to 40.

powerstance greatswords

I'm always surprised no one managed to mod it enough to restore the lightning it had in the trailers.
Would make the game look like an actual soul game instead of a PS2 cheap title.

i used to hate this game because of how wonky and uncomfortable it felt to play, that and the fact that i-frames are tied to your adp. but i picked it up again and im really enjoying it this time around because i took a long break from souls games beforehand
going into ds2 thinking its supposed to be the same as ds1 or 3 in terms of gameplay mechanics is gonna ruin your experience. learning how to properly zone and manage enemies is part of the challenge, and ends up being really satisfying in the same way timing dodge rolls was in ds1/3

Bone fist + Majestic greatsword run.

Trust me.

they are frustrating and broken as fuck, but of course people who beat them will say the bosses are good, because it obviously feels great to beat them

Level up as much and as fast as possible, once you start to do decent damage, can block a heavy hit or two, and your roll has a decent amount of I frames, then the game becomes more fun. If you can just grind bosses in co-op for a while.

Shitters, the both of you. Begone.

If you don't enjoy a game stop playing it you fucking retard. Why is this brought up so much regarding Souls games? People have a weird need to like every entry. Go play something else.

That's not true, just get above 90 agility

Do a co-op low level run.

You're a souls veteran and yet you spent 40 hours in this one, no DLC, and you haven't cleared it? I'm gonna humour you anyway ESL-kun. The golden tip is damage types. You should have at least one of each physical dmg type and upgrade them equally.
Do not level up ADP. It is a crutch and you will get used to lazy rolls if you stack up on i-Frames. It's 100% possible to clear every boss without being hit once at 5 ADP.
The enemy copy-and-paste only becomes a problem at newgame +s, but if you're having trouble, engage the enemies before they engage you. Use arrows, poison, exploit their weaknesses, use lightining on water foes, blunt on armored, etc.

DLC bosses are really not frustrating. Even the famous Fume just hits for half of your HP bar at 50 VIG, that's entire difficulty in his boss battle.

dont hear Yea Forums's opinoin on it
and try make different builds for pvp

I'd say that sorcery builds are the only fun thing in DS2 but then i've remembered that DLC enemies are nearly immune to ranged magic damage.
God, what a shitpile of a game.

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their hitboxes are bullshit

I'm not even a ds2 nigger, this is just wrong. Fuck off.

alonne has way worse hitboxes than fume

>You're a souls veteran and yet you spent 40 hours in this one, no DLC, and you haven't cleared it?
don't get snobby with me dude, that's not one run but multiple. I usually stop playing around at the half way point and retry in a few months. The enemy spam isn't that hard, its just fucking exhausting. Like the sunken king dlc the only one i ever started. The first room has like 4 archers in the far back spamming arrows while 2-3 dudes are in your face
and yeah if i spent the time kiting and shooting arrows back, easy. buts that's not fun theres a reason when people think of souls games they dont think magic and arrows. they think rolling, parrying, and lading big swings from a massive sword

use mace
get great resonance soul asap
cheese everything
finish shit game

stop locking on so much
play it more like bloodborne

>It's not hard
>It's just so difficult that I find it exhausting
>When people think Dark Souls they think the specific things I want them to to fit my retarded opinion of what the series should be.

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Parrying when faced with multiple opponents is viable but not ideal, since you still take 10% or so of the regular damage during the animation. There's a device in the area you're speaking of that can lower and raise bolder structures that can effectively block those arrows. Alternatively you could rush and force the archers to pull their meelee weapons, but then you'd have double the enemies following you around.

I myself am not a fan of magic, arrows or shields. I prefer an Ul. Greatsword, which effectively renders trash mobs useless in 1v1's because of the stagger. That's how I remember dealing with that area, and many others with mob spam. You are the one tasked with creating 1v1's in this game. Short skirmishes until the other mobs get to you, dancing just beyond their blades' range, etc.

Of yeah my b dude
dark souls is the game of Shooting enemies from afar with arrows and magic to cheese every room
. Then posting how good you are at it later even tho it wasn't fun at all and a toddler can do it

...What's it trying to say, can anyone make sense of it?

Say retarded shit
get told
"Lol wh....aatt are you even ta....alking about"

Why did they make the four main DS2 bosses into reincarnations of Gwyn and the rest?

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What in the actual fuck are you saying?

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Stop making these threads. You're just trying to start shit.
This "enemy spam" you speak of was actually fixed and removed for the most part in SOTFS.

Dark souls 2 the way you described it isn't fun, and its not hard. All im asking is how to play it in a way that still makes the core of dark souls dodging, parrying and swinging big weapons still fun.

if you think for a second that shooting magic or arrows at enemies from a far is how ds should be played, your just retarded.

Stop pretending sir

Zweihander or a giant gammer turns the game into easy mode
Zweihander just attacks in a bigass arc dealing insane damage and giant club (for example) kills most enemies in 1-2 hits


>All im asking is how to play it in a way that still makes the core of dark souls dodging, parrying and swinging big weapons still fun.
Use a big fucking weapon and a buckler. The "great" class weapons are unironically faster in DaS2 than in every other entry.

>if you think for a second that shooting magic or arrows at enemies from a far is how ds should be played, your just retarded.
So just don't fucking do this?

o boy actual cope
"Its not enemy spam" dude there are more guys in the first two levels of dark souls 2 than dark souls 1 period. The tree part theirs like actual 11 dudes there alone

also ds2 is considered easier by most because most of the enemy spam is annoying, not difficult

I never noticed that theme, to be honest, but that's pretty cool. It was more on-the-nose with Oceiros and Soul of Cinder.

>if you think for a second that shooting magic or arrows at enemies from a far is how ds should be played, your just retarded.

That's what that user was saying tho, then getting hardcore defensive when i called his baby boring strat a boring baby strat

So are you just going to ignore the fact that EVERY single enemy you're referring to only aggros if you walk within like 5 feet of it in a wide open area?
Just backstab them one by one before they get up.
Sounds like you're the one that needs to cope. There's a counter to the shit you're talking about and it's called not running around intentionally pulling them all and then complaining about it afterwards.

The entire point of DaS2 is that it was made to make you approach situations in different ways. If you want to roll through the game without a bow, or without a spell parry shield, or without spells, that's fine. You can pull that off if you put in the thought process behind it.

Also that first area in the DLC that you're complaining about here has an incredibly easy solution that makes the archers and one of the two Sanctum Knights useless. You can't really get mad at the game for wanting you to mix up your playstyle or approach a situation intelligently.

Oh yeah, I remember that. The part where you're supposed to use your brain and think outside of the box, raising the stone pillars to completely nullify the archers while you take the enemies down one by one.
Face it, you're just retarded. You intentionally look for the most difficult solutions to easy problems and then complain about artificial difficulty and poor game design.

Dude if i wanted to play WoW i would load up WoW
have fun for once in your life Jesus
Spamming Magic and arrows isn't smarter or more skillful.
Its like the easiest fucking thing to do that in most from-soft games auto wins you the game.
I don't want to do that, because its fucking boring

>Spamming Magic and arrows isn't smarter or more skillful.
I didn't say to do that you stupid fuck. Now you're just being a dense motherfucker.

Knowing theres a switch

choose one

aka U looked up a guide or got so fucking bored you walked around until u found a switch that made the game 10x easier
is that the state of ds2?
Should i even bother if the game requires you to be bored walking around to make some parts even remotely fun after finding little tiny switches?

Oh shit, my bad. I used a word you weren't comfortable with even though you understood the context perfectly and so thus you've nullified my argument completely because mmos or some shit.
Alright, idiot.
Remember to fight the enemies intelligently, idiot.
Have a good day, idiot.

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I just ultra greatsword'ed it up the whole game. I like dark souls 2 but its definitely the worst souls game.

you did tho
>approach a situation intelligently.

you implied not using a bow or spells is a gimped and I can get by. im refusing to do that cause its boring and easy

imagine playing an action game and be like

Im going to pull, im so smart

Its not fucking hard dude, but so people dont want to spent 10 extra mins in a room in a fucking video game

idk maybe it had something to do with the big, obvious glowing pedestals I continued to see consistently throughout the level that compelled me to strike one and see what happens.
That or the orange soapstone messages might have helped.
>after finding little tiny switches
They're not hidden in the slighest.
Are you intentionally trying to come off as painfully incorrect and stubborn on purpose or do you just not know any better?
There's a switch right after the first bonfire right before all the archers you were complaining about, dude.
Maybe videogames just aren't for you.

>you implied not using a bow or spells is a gimped and I can get by
>If you want to roll through the game without a bow, or without a spell parry shield, or without spells, that's fine. You can pull that off if you put in the thought process behind it.
You are actually retarded and you deserve all the grief that saturates your life. Good day.

>user is a brainlet but is in denial

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Maybe i'm playing a game with a dead community so there isn't any soapstones and im not randomly hitting rocks to hope they do something

man maybe relying on other players for info is bad game design or something, i dunno

pull isn't really the right term. I was just making fun of you for latching onto it so hard and ignoring the meat and potatoes of my post.
They actually just lie there on the ground and take 4 seconds to stand up while you wail on them.
Alternatively, since they literally never move unless you get to close, you can just safely ignore them and continue onwards.

Your post literally was play smart aka pull them one at a time
i dunno how you can be this defensive user, and now its instead of play the game just run by
god tier advice
Holy shit is dark souls 2 just bad?

Yeah, but you have issues with my wording, so I'm backpedaling on that and giving you the same advice for clearing that area with words that are easier for you to understand.
Kill them one by one, or just ignore them, which IS an option.

I was so fucking happy when they first came out. ‘Content that’s not the 95% of trash that is DS2! You’re GODS, From!”

Nowadays I only enjoy Shulva, it’s got a great aesthetic with cool level design. The other two are far more bland and uninspired, final boss of the snowy DLC is also sort of cool. I used to wonder why they’d stretch out their season pass content when they’re game was clearly spread way too thin, but that answer is fairly self-evident: Gotta justify that season pass, thank you Bamco

you know what i decided reading all of these posts. Ds2 is just bad and theirs no point in playing it

Half of the advice is either Cheese with magic and arrows(dark souls on brain-dead boring mode) or Pull(which I have other things to do in my time than spend 20 mins on each room pulling for every attempt) or even worse just run past them. If i just wanted to play a walking simulator, I would

You're obviously just a fucking retard and the game has somehow managed to go way over your fucking head.

I'm sorry is this basically not what most comments said? Are you in cope mode?

You beat ds2 and now im shitting over your accomplishment because i have better things to do then spam heavy soul arrow for 3 mins in every room?

>Do not level up ADP. It is a crutch and you will get used to lazy rolls if you stack up on i-Frames. It's 100% possible to clear every boss without being hit once at 5 ADP.
If you’re having a tough time, level this up. You can easily respec and the game drowns you in souls compared to the rest; dealing with older Souls hitboxes is a big hit-or-miss (haah) experience.
A higher adaptability also shortens your sip time. Leveling up my ADP resulted in being able to heal before another Smeltor Demon slam.

People legitimately gave you pointers and you're too stupid to understand both them, and the game itself, because you have an arctic temperature IQ.

I dunno i think im going to give it one more shot with an ultra great-sword build and level adapt to 95 agility

"the only way to enjoy this game is to do really boring and unfun thing"

"wait you don't want to do that, whats wrong with you?"

Why even bother though? At a mechanical level, it's the slowest and least fun Souls game to play. Your reaction is entirely reasonable. As PVPfag who spent 400 hours trying to extract fun from this game(mostly towards launch to be fair), there's not some secret you are missing. The game just like clunky shit.

>A higher adaptability also shortens your sip time. Leveling up my ADP resulted in being able to heal before another Smeltor Demon slam.

That's part of the problem also, from where I see it. You get comfortable enough with bosses that you sip in front of them and get yourself needlessly killed, when you should sucessfully avoid their combo and heal instead of attacking this time.

Let's recap:
You are too awful at the game to play it the way you want to play it. So people told you to diversify your playstyle and approach situations with numerous enemies more intelligently.

Your response was to throw a bitchfit about maybe using magic or a bow or something, and you've singled that shit out as the end-all advice you've been given, even though it was only a suggestion and not at all the only solution.

You are a fucking moron.

Not true at all. 15 adp is enough to make the game trivial. The rest is good for resistance or faster estus drinking if you want it.

its the only FROM game I feel tempted to replay

Lets recap:
spells and arrows spam
easy boring and brain dead
Fucking pulling
noone wants to sit in a room for 10 mins doing this in an action game
run past them
Lmao dude just watch a movie

Defending this shit, i cant handle DS2 Retards anymore dude

Thank you for proving my point further.

You havent proven shit dude, your just defending terrible game design and getting upset because people are calling it terrible game design

It's got the most variety I feel, in weapons, armor, playstyles, and environments. So maybe that's why. It feels more like a video game than some pretentious cinematic art nonsense like Bloodborne or maybe Sekiro. With all sorts of cool secrets and side quests.
Yeah its my favorite.

I'm not upset that people don't like DaS2. That's fine, whatever, if you don't like it, you don't like it. I don't care.

I am upset that I share the planet with morons that never learned basic reading comprehension.

If 2 didn't have SM and had better/not downgraded lighting it would be my favorite by miles.

>Enemies with shit hitboxes in MY Fromsoft game?

More likely then you think

me too pal
Keep ignoring every problem i bring up so you can snark more about how intelligent it is that the game forces you do extremity unfun shit to make it playable

I'm not saying the game is smart. I'm not saying the strategies, tactics, items, or approach to the game is smart. I'm not even saying that I'm smart. I'm just saying that you're fucking stupid, but even that is far beyond your dumb seething asshole to ever comprehend. Even with me saying this, you will continue to argue a bunch of nonsense that means nothing and doesn't solve your problem, your gripes with the game, or your perceived arguments in this thread. Somehow every single response has gone way over your head and you've devolved into a moron arguing about something no one is even talking about.

>Keep ignoring every problem i bring up so you can snark more about how intelligent it is that the game forces you do extremity unfun shit to make it playable

proceeds to snark about how intelligent it is that the games forces you to do extremely unfun shit to make it playable

wow clap clap user

>get adp to at least 30
>use a 2-handed blunt weapon (large club, etc) or rapier
>wear ring of binding if you’re dying a lot, as it reduces how much health you lose after death
>ignore VIT
There you go

>Being told to "use your brain" is a snarky high-handed and condescending insult.

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Thinking range spam, Ignoring enemies, and puling is intelligent game-play that only high iq can figure out, while ignoring its boring and shit and no one wants to do it. Thats why dark souls 2 is conspired the worse in series btw

Jesus user

Your stupidity is legitimately blowing my mind.

I think it's obvious that Dark Souls II is the best in the trilogy.

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Still ignoring that the game forces you do unfun shit to make it playable just to throw an insult

user just stop coping dood


Yeah it's a shame this game is ugly as a motherfucker. I don't care too much about graphics, but some areas, namely any with mossy stone, look awful. It was a huge downgrade from the pre release footage.

>Thinking range spam, Ignoring enemies, and puling is intelligent game-play that only high iq can figure out
Nobody said this. You literally inferred this and then through a womanly fit about it.
>ignoring its boring and shit and no one wants to do it.
People flat out said if you can't pull off using a melee weapon, try that.
>Thats why dark souls 2 is conspired the worse in series btw
None of this is why it's "conspired the worst in series". Absolutely none of what you're saying here has any barring on the general opinion of the game.

You will of course ignore everything I've said, again, and keep being a moron.

It only forces you to do "unfun shit" if you're shit, which you apparently are, and which is why people suggested other techniques. If you weren't shit, you'd just truck the fucking rooms with good positioning and clear whole areas in about 10 minutes, but you are shit, so you can't.

To justify you're absurd levels of shittery, you're latching onto random presumptions and things no one has even inferred. A general player does not need a bow to beat the game. A general player does not need magic. A general player does not need to pull enemies one at a time. YOU need to do these things because you can't git gud because you're a fucking mongoloid that's too stupid to even read words on a screen correctly, let alone pace through a thought process that requires basic position and timing to counteract the room before you.

imagine that from releases the build of the original dark-souls2 demo with graphics that are not reduced for pS3.

>Enemy spam
Imagine if people said that from Diablo
Imagine if you didn't have AoE attacks on every single weapon and tons of chokepoints to hit many dudes at once
Just imagine not being bad at video games lmao

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using your brain to solve problems and adapt to new situations can be fun, user

you still have the option to just dodge their attacks and r1 them to death

Use a greatsword and the game becomes fairly easy. I just ran around naked with a great shield and great sword and had a pretty good time honestly. I enjoyed the length, non-linear world, and variety in locations. Feels the most like a genuinely epic quest compared to the other Soulsborne games due to the scale, imo.

"Nobody said this"
Thats how this fight started the fuck are you talking about dude

dark souls 2 is considered the worse for a lot of things and the enemy spam is one PERIOD

Calling me shit when i can complete any other fromsoft game quickly with low deaths. I finished lady butterfly on my 3rd try and shes 10x harder than any ds2 boss
Dark souls 2 is the easiest one its just frustrating because of the amount of enemy spam, and the best way to deal with them is extremely unfun tactics.

Don't worry tho i'm sure one day you will actually talk about the game design and how shit it is instead of writing 3 paragraphs of basically irrelevant shit that im barely skimming over.

the problem of
do i spam magic from the other side of the room or not ?

me so smart
comparing diablo to dark souls to make a point??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I dont even know where to start with you dude

>That's part of the problem also, from where I see it.

You see it pretty oddly. Surely if he doesn’t need decent rolls or sips he shouldn’t need health or armor, right? Who’s drawing the line between “tool” and “crutch”?

Both are games where you are given tools to fight many opponents at once.

See this post right here: I didn't even make that post. It suggests that if you want an easier time, because you can't play the game like an intelligent human being, that using other damage types and maybe bows or spells, might help your dumbass get through areas.

After this you decided to go on a brainless mind-number tirade about how this advice was "snobby" and how you can't deal with a wide open space at the start of the DLC that has 4 fucking enemies, which you of course try to fudge into larger numbers to not seem like a single digit IQ dumbfuck.

There isn't a single encounter in Dark Souls 2 that requires a bow or magic. Not a single one. Anywhere. Ever.

Exepct one gives you a simple aoe and built around it. And dark souls 2 gives you magic and cheese tactics like arrow spam and pulling them into a doorway that arnt fun and clearly not amde for the game in mind, but cause somebody thought adding 50 trash mobs in a room would make it harder than ds1

>I dont even know where to start with you dude
You don't know where to start with anything apparently.

>no shield, just dodge
This. Get that rose shield(like the gras shield from DaS) annd 2 hand something while rolling to avoid everything, this is the only way to play.

He's got decent rolls already... at 5 ADP. Sips too, as long as you respect the boss as I outlined earlier. Leveling up ADP is a crutch because it causes players to rely on excessive i-frames to compensate for the precision in timing they would otherwise acquire through regular play. Health and armor exist as "Mistake counters". I have no problem with those as they don't render you invincible.

15-20 adp is fine

Play Nioh before and realise how worse it could have been.

>How did you ds2bros do it?
I used bows heavily.
The enemy spam is really fucking retarded indeed.

Dark Souls II is only fun with multiplayer


4? user why are you lying the first big room in the forest has like 10 dudes alone, and the dlc room i was talking about has about 3 archers and 3 swordsman with I think a shield thrown in.

and theirs not a single encounter that requires you to have more than 1 hp but that would frustrating and shitty if you were forced to play it in an extremely boring manner to play around unfun game design

wouldn't it?

>The enemy spam just really fucking annoys me
Did you not play Bloodborne? Every encounter is multiple random mooks that swarm you

me ignore
hah me win

Yikes user

>adding 50 trash mobs in a room
Name one instance in which this actually happens

Not to the level of ds2
Theirs a difference between 3 guys in a room and like 6 also bloodborne was more built around this with shit like rally and faster movement

"hah got you now user, you shouldn't of clearly exaggerated a bit"

YIkes again ds2 fanbase

just fucking play the game almost every goddamn encounter has 1.5x-2x times the enemies it should

>3 archers and 3 swordsman with I think a shield thrown in.
It's not, but we already know you're too fucking stupid to accurately understand reality, so whatever.

The fact that you think using a bow is as integral to the game as having more than 1 HP shows how completely off the deep end you are.

>The first room has like 4 archers in the far back spamming arrows while 2-3 dudes are in your face
>and yeah if i spent the time kiting and shooting arrows back
They don't fire at you until you're pretty close, and you can hit the pillars to raise/lower the tower structures so its not even possible for them to hit you until you're right up next to them.

You can also pop the first tower up to deal 700+ damage to all the enemies sitting around it before anything but the first archer sees and attacks you.

There isn't a single instance in DaS2 where you're forced to fight more than 4 enemies at a time.

Not to mention that you can instantly kill 3 of them from like 70 feet away if you use your fucking brain.

to everyone saying there arnt that many enemy spam

some examples right on top of my head
the tree in forest with that 10 dead bodies
tower of flame after killing a boss
The entire spider area
The entire black Gulth level
The first part of Sunken city

just on top of my head
Stop pretending ds2 enemy spam was clearly just to try and make the game harder without giving the tools necessary to deal with it in a fun manner

No one wants to range spam
No one wants to fucking pull
No ones wants to just run by them

DS2 is shit and this is 1 reason why
Stop coping like fr

>clearly exaggerated a bit
>a bit
Even when you're trying to be facetious you're a bold-faced fucking retard.

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It could just push him towards using greatshields, yeah?

I think it’s best to encourage players with what they’re comfortable with, it’s still far from an “easy” game with maxed out stats and perfect rolls.

"There isnt a bunch of enemies there user"
"there are but their are unfun ways to deal with them"

someones in full damage control

From's B team you here guys?

Jesus the ds2 fanbase, why they gotta lie to protect shitty game design

Right, its far beyond the level of DS2.

The first ten minutes has you walk down a narrow street with about a dozen fucking enemies all clumped together, walking toward a dead-end with another 6-10 enemies, some of which have guns and shoot you from a distance.

This is much, much worse than anything in SOFTS and the only spot in vanilla DS2 that's even comparable is that first big open room in Forest of Fallen Giants in which a good 10 guys get up and aggro. Even Iron Keep in both versions lets you pull/aggro the Alonne Knights one at a time.

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>Anything and everything that conflicts with my narrative is "unfun"

Stop being a fucking muppet.

30 ADP with 10 ATN is the sweet spot.
Gives you 105 agility and the same i-frames as a DS1 fast roll and 1 slot to use on 1 spell (such as warmth)

If he were to use greatshields then there would be close to no point in leveling ADP. Which is fine by me. I don't lose much sleep over how other people play their games, but I do believe putting more than the standard 5~]10 ADP points is a disservice to the game and the player's experience.

and i agree but not the extent ds2

Ds2 is a game where you walk into a room and theirs 4 guys just afk in different corners and the solution is too pull because the game wasn't designed for that

Bloodborne is a game where there are a lot of enemies but their not afk in corners at least and you have better tools to deal with them like rally

>the tree in forest with that 10 dead bodies
You mean the one where you can just ignore all but 3 of them?
>tower of flame after killing a boss
This could mean so many fucking things.
>The entire spider area
The one where the majority of the enemies just sit passively on a wall unless you specifically do something retarded? The one where you can carry a torch and negate literally every pull on the way to the boss? That one?
>The entire black Gulth level
The level where there's a shortcut that allows you to skip literally everything save for 1 invasion? That one?
>The first part of Sunken city
The place with 4 enemies, three of which you can instantly kill?

I didn't come into this thread thinking I'd defend DaS2. I fucking hate DaS2, but you are a legit retard.

i like the standard version more than SotFS

they just crammed a lot of enemies everywhere to make the game harder, but it only became more annoying

Range spam, ignoring enemies, and pulling

I forgot all extremely fun tactics

thats why everyone plays with big swords and dodge roll and parry in as many from soft games as possible tho right?

I have 500+ hours in it, you're just a fucking retard.

jesus Christ the cope dude

Just ignore the 7 guys

just know how to deal with 50 enemies in a room instantly

ignore the shit ton of knights outside the tower of flame

sunken city only has 4 enemies
yeah sure dude

just know the shortcut to skip a whole level

>tree in forest with bodies
The enemies can be killed one at a time
>tower of flame after killing a boss
The area is already completed, and you should come back later for Old Dragonslayer.
>The entire spider area
Aren't they scared of fire or something?
>The entire black Gulth level
Aren't the only enemies that follow you scared of fire or something?
>The first part of Sunken city
Stone pillar

Every single one except for the heide knights has a counter and even then it's not a problem if you actually fight them. Running past everything and complaining that everything in the level is following you? That's on you.

>because the game wasn't designed for that
Even though every single weapon, except for a few thrusting swords and a few spears, have sweeping strikes. It's not like they added huge sweeping cleaves on every UGS, GS, and Ghammer, or gave Halberds a proper spin, or created an entire weapon class (twinblades) that literally consume entire groups in a blender of strikes.

Why do people hate this game so much? Is it because Western piggus made it and "people ahouldn't be looking down in oue games!" Miyazaki wasn't writing pretentious garbage lore?

Imagine playing the universally known worse fromsoft game for that long, and think you have literally any weight in calling someone retarded

#1 - don't play scholar

the lighting system of the game is so broken that if you light torches in a room it actually gets darker

"but user some weapons have a sweeping attack that means this shitty game design was planned!"

I love that every response to you is completely ignored because you want to be an angry, embarrassingly wrong, retard.

Right, anything that isn't rushing in like a fucking moron and getting swarmed so you can bitch about how shit the game is in "unfun."

I guess you're right, because you're clearly just shitposting, and I assume you find that fun.

And the tomb, amano, and the walk to ornstein, and dragon aerie
The game often throw multiple armored shit at you that can’t be stagger. Typically 2 is enough to be hard and the game throw 2-4 of them at you frequently
Yes, you can fucking use arrow and slowly snipe enemy down at ridiculous range and avert every encounter in every soul game but it’s dull as fuck if that’s your only option.

Just ignore them
Know something instinctively
Defending black gulch
that's a yikes
know something instictiely in a game series that tells you nothing

yep ds2drone reporting in

>Yes it was.
These guys are right, you're so fucking stupid. Carry on based retard, carry on.

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Scholar fixes the enemy spam, actually.

>Why do people hate this game so much?
It's just straight up a poorly designed game all around, stop trying to convince yourself there's some weird hidden reason. It was made by the B team and it shows.

Dude what are you on about
im literally the only user shitting on ds2
this thread has been me vs Ds2 retards
i literally cant respond to everyone from the min long wait time between posts

>Y-y-you didn't even play it
>Yes I did
>HA why would spend that much time laying SHIT

lol you're fucking priceless

play the regular version and not scholar
scholar is fucking STUPID with the enemies and I'm convinced it was made basically for people who played the original and wanted more challenge

>Am I out of touch?
>No, its everyone else that is wrong.

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You don't have to pull them where are you getting this shit from? Why do you keep repeating this?
just fucking kill them before they get the chance.
Holy fucking Fucking FUCK you're completely retarded.
How are you still alive?
Natural selection is slacking off, I see.

There on full damage control

"I played shit on purpose, and i am committed as a ds2 drone to defend its shitty game design for life user"

No, you're just so retarded you don't understand simple as shit mechanics.
>uhhhh how was I supposed to know I needed to hit this obvious glowing pedestal without reading a guide
>uhhhh but WoW!
>uhhhhhhh FIFTY soul arrows!

expect ds2 is known as the worse fromsoft game

so yeah, the ds2 retards are few but there mad ?

just ignore them unless they get up then pull them

which one is it user

>D-d-damage control!

lol you can't even keep up with replies, who's controlling damage you insipid faggot :^)

tons of mob enemies and if they're not mob enemies they're enemies with exaggerated poise and or stamina. Or even worse, late game when they turn enemies with exaggerated poise/stamina into mob enemies

me playing ds2
its boring
i hit everything until shit happens

that are you think your 500 iq master for not just assuming a new area has weird light posts instead of them being actually switches

cant tell which is more sad

>expect ds2 is known as the worse fromsoft game
Is that why it has the highest metacritic score out of all the souls games :3

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still the worse from-soft game
so i win?

The shit ton of enemies isn't why its bad you just gotta do boring shit to counter it

What you don't wanna do that?

well you just don't get it

Fucking lmao if that's not considered damage control than what is?

You have the option of either killing them, or ignoring them. You, see this is a thing called a choice, user. You have the CHOICE of engaging with the hollows, or you could just walk by them.
I'm sorry this is falling on deaf ears, and I'm sorry you don't know what to do when confronted with options, but it's really not that hard to understand.
At this point you're just completely out of arguments and honestly lowering the bar for the argument against DaS2 in general. It's hard to take you seriously at this point since you're blatantly ignoring valid arguments and refusing advice. If this has all just been an elaborate troll then you're pretty good at pretending to be retarded, dude. Props.

user Are you meming I guess fallout 76 is better than average or mass effect Andromeda is actually alright

you're a shitter who is getting filtered.
happens a lot, don't worry about it.

You have the choice to either play a walking simulator and ignore every enemy or the choice to do something really fucking boring like range spam or pull

Nice one, im sure they will put that on the box

>play the easier one
do you need an assist mode?

Dark Souls 2 is an unironic 4/10

Easiest souls game
Yikes keep coping and defending the worst game in the franchise

>Easiest souls game
this, even ds1 with OP poise was harder

sure thing, shitters.

even journals could beat ds2 why do you think it was reviewed so well even tho it has no good bosses, like only two good areas, and looked like shit on release to point of needing to release a 2nd version to make it look better

Ds2 threads always get flooded by morons like this. They'll say anything and backtrack however far they have to to defend their shit game.
You're better off just playing ds3 or demons or something instead, ds2 isn't worth sticking with trust me on that.

>still the worse from-soft game
I see you haven't played most of their older games.

>om nom nom these life gems are so good
Souls games being hard is a meme

ok, shitter

it really is
sekiro is basically a glorified ryhtem game at this point

No one counts are care about those anymore but you right i rather play ds2 over kingsfield

Did you actually respond to that post and imply that anyone in this thread is talking about what he's talking about, other than him?

Still ignoring the core problems that make ds2 the worse game in the franchise just to throw a "were talking about something else yet this convo wouldn't make sense if we were so just pretend we are"

Yikers dude

DS2fags cannot refute an argument to save their lives huh?

Learn to play vidya


if people knew about vidya they wouldnt be playing ds2 lol they would be playing literally any other souls game instead

Yea. I think part of the reason that I think weapon artes as sidegrade replacement for powerstance. Sure, powerstance provides shit load of builds but all of them are revolved around PvP. Power stance itself doesn’t have much application in PvE. Weapon artes has both equal use in PvE and PvP.

I like that the first post in this thread was a legit solution to OP's autism, but he chose to instead fly into a retarded rage about bows and magic and MMOs. Funniest fucking Souls thread we've had in a long fucking time.


It's no fun arguing with brainlets.

what? it literally adds more enemies

and i got what i needed, but what am i going to do now call retards retarded?
Lol just pull, and spam magic
Jesus dark souls 2 drones

>Power stance itself doesn’t have much application in PvE.
You can't just say something like this without explaining why. I've found that most powerstance builds are great regardless of PvP or PvE.

You're right, I should stop attempting to have a dialogue with these people

Yes, please.

expect for several hours until they start to lose to the "brainlets"

>1.5x-2x times the enemies it should
Based on literally what? Every game has the player fight several mooks at once. The only instance where it COULD be an issue is right at the start of the Forest where there's a bunch of dudes sleeping. Even then, going carefully as it was intended lets you fight all of them 1 on 1.

The only other possible instance is at the Bastille where there is a literal fucking doorway between a bunch of dudes and your path so you can keep them at the chokepoint instead of rushing in like a literal toddler.

actually the first souls ranking thats just correct

>life gems
>regression in world design
>regression in level design
>shitty sound design
>soul memory
>bad bosses
>bad areas
>enemy tracking
ds2 is a shit

aight bet, im going to bed then
have a good one

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Agape Ring runs

They make the game challanging and fun

>If he were to use greatshields then there would be close to no point in leveling ADP. Which is fine by me.
He wouldn’t be getting better at dodging, which was your main point for not investing into ADP. I do agree with a higher ADP being an “easier setting” but people have to have fun with the game first before you can get good - especially the most ‘easily misunderstood’ DS2.

DS2 is great you are all anti-fun

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im anti bad game

>Easiest souls game
If you're a retard and a noob yes.

Otherwise it's the hardest. Ever tried shrine of amane on lvl30? Yeah not fun but the pay off is incredible. Not to talk Fume Knight or Sinh for that incredible crown.

Comfiest dark souls to date.

"it is the hardest
Just play it extremely under-leveled!"
Uh yeah i guess so

It's okay, a real downgrade to what we had before in terms of PvE

What weapon is that?

That was indeed my argument, but I should've clarified earlier that I take no offense in "turtling up" either. I generally feel like players get too obssessed with hitting a high ADP level as soon as possible and consequently do little damage early game. When I decided to say fuck it and spend those first 30 levels in Strength a whole new world opened itself to me.

*kicks OP's ass*

If you level up Dark Souls 3 becomes even easier. I'm just telling you DaS2 is the hardest if you actually want to have a huge pay off with it.

magic infused drakeblood greatsword. i fucked up on that character thought i could have also infused my catalyst for more magic damage but it'd break my SM bracket so w/e

powerstance heavy weapons
use the jester set
that's all you need to know


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actually ds1 is the hardest as long you play it with both hands tied and your balls in a vice

It's the easiest to save scum. By far.

actually bloodborne is pretty hard if you play with the tv off

No wonder you guys hate DaS2. You just want to be able to complete the games once, clap at the credits rolling and move onto a different game.

Pyromancy only run. I have the most time sunk into DS2 despite being my least favourite game in the series because pvp combat was great, great bows did damage and most importantly pyromancy was rad as hell with a ton of fun spells.

well really, playing ds3 using only psychic powers is pretty difficult

i want a game to make me want to replay it
ds1 does that, as does bb
ds2 is just below average as a game

i have a lot of time to clap at the end of this DaS2, i guarantee you

>implying DS3 was ever this inventive

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I was clapping for at the end a different reason than you think, buddy.

Maybe if you're a fucking pea brain like the OP is.

I also love the weapon he uses.

>Back turned to the enemy

Average DS2 player.

>How to enjoy dark souls 2?
Time travel back to 2014 when pvp was active. The single player experience has always been shit.

sorry we dont have god level esp like you, privileged fuck

>need to play single player to make build
ill just play something else

Dark Souls 3 failed hard for the invader npcs.
Literally none of them are memorable to me except for Alva and Ludo, and Alva originates from DaS2.
Meanwhile DaS1 has Mildred and DaS2 has Forlorn, Maldron, and Dennis just off the top of my head.

DS2 is harder than any other souls games

no you just suck
>life gems

>Infinite stamina
>Tons of I-frames

Having this is much better than any amount of life gems

Based and chadpilled

not really you can buy iniftine amount of healing in 2, how is that not a cheat?

but that's wrong you fucking retard, the dlc was stretched because they used all the cut shit to make it, you can even see in beta iron keep 80% of the shit they would put into iron king dlc

>Infinite humanity in DaS1
>Infinitely regenerating instant Estus in DaS3.

>Dark Souls 2 looks ba-

Attached: IMG_e747849b-44b0-4fa3-a94e-49cf8cc32ce6.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

shows extremely blurry texture to the camera
not bad

user it was so bad they had to release a new version just to make it look better a year later.

Meanwhile Dark Souls 3... More like, Dark Souls Bloom

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ds1 not infinite
ds3 can be technically

ds2 also has a shit ton of humanity and also you can buy lifegems
so it still has more healing


-is a shit game

>ds2 also has a shit ton of humanity
Effigies don't heal you and they take and eternity to use.

do they not?
Oh its been awhile
my b

Look up power stancing and do that.
Wack everything to death.

same user
Remember that forsen beat O&S first time because he spammed like 10+ humanities while wearing full heavy armor

All souls games are kind of easy if you really want them to be

user are you ok user?

Powerstance build focus on finding a combo for consecutive hit that stunlock players in pvp or making weird timing chain that is tricky to dodge. In PvE, basic R1 spam already chain already stunlock enemies that can be stunlock and Ai don’t really read moveset to dodge like human. Meanwhile, enemy who has poise simply tank through your power stance and you only get minor damage increase if you actually can get consecutive hit in.
Ds3 arte gives so much utility for PvE in comparison. Many artes has poise for trades. Many artes are fast and break enemy’s poise and force a stagger when regular R1 or even R2 can’t, which is important for single or mob. Some provides extra aoe, projectiles etc... which also help with groups. Some also provides movement options as well. I actually like specific weapon in ds3 because L1 is basically the dual wield combo attack ( some what stance-like move) for extra damage and also have artes for utility.

Bros I miss power stancing


the single good thing in DaS2

Dark Souls 3 looks like this

Attached: IMG_5d4debf3-db87-425a-8128-dc96ea3ae403.png (1920x1080, 2.93M)

Such a perfect game indeed

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