What's the worst crime you've ever committed in a video game?
What's the worst crime you've ever committed in a video game?
you wouldn't believe all the shit I did
What is this, anime Judge Dredd?
>in Oblivion so much as making anything budge is instantly classed as a crime
>in Skyrim you're free to grab and throw around anything you want so you can easily move every single object in a room into a corner to steal it all without being noticed
Which was the better compromise and is there an obtainable middleground?
freedom wars
I love how npcs have radiant ai where poor people will steal food but hate how the guards dont do shit about it. People will just scream thief and carry on.
>get muted for calling someone a nigger
>add him to my friendlist
>call him nigger again
Didn't pick up that can
Skyrims is more fun so Id go with that. A middle ground would be a warning to not fuck with peoples property or to have it be based off of the value of the item.
I did some bad stuff in Blood Money. Especially in the Mardi Gras level
>not throwing it at the cop and running away
get on my level
I went to the child porn honeypot site in GTA4.
The what now?
This one.
Hope you were using a VPN then.
The best solution would be for NPCs to have a varying degree of wariness, depending on their trust towards PC.
Strangers would follow you everywhere and not let you touch any shit, or even kick you out of their houses.
Acquaintances would somewhat pay attention to you, but generally let you be unless you fiddle with locks, take stuff, move valuable items or enter private chambers.
Good friends would leave you alone, ignore moving items and let you pick up cheapest stuff.
Also some system that implements awareness of player's presence during theft would be nice, so in case of items disappearing five minutes after your grand entrance trough the front door you would be the main suspect. But that would require putting some actual effort into theft and crime mechanics, so I don't expect seeing it anytime soon in a TES game.
I stole almost everything in Morrowind, sold it, and used the gold to fill a room in my house with stacks of gold to bathe in
If healing can be used on any target (like in fallout 1-2) I equip a weak but precise weapon and then proceed to cripple the last enemy of every random group I face, preferably humanoid types. First I cripple his arms so he can't use 2handed weapons and aim like shit with 1handed, then I cripple his legs so he can't run away far.
After every hit I check his HP with the awareness perk and heal him up good with superstims when he's near death. After that I carefully cripple the eyes and the crotch until only the head remains. Usually he has now collapsed a couple of times and can only run away a few steps per turn while occasionally slapping me on the cheek with a non-damaging punch. I unequip my weapons and pound him in the head until he goes fully unconscious. For good measure I throw rocks on his groin until he is very low on health. Lastly I go to sleep next to his body for an hour or so, just chilling, and when I wake up I see a fresh corpse some distance away, lying in a pool of his own blood. He didn't even go for the gun I dropped in the middle of the zone.
His entire body crippled beyond repair, eyes blinded, groin devastated, riddled with bullets and severe fatal wounds yet what killed him wasn't the bleeding or the shock. The superstim backlash had strangled the last life out of him just moments before he could walk out of the grid.
>trusting skyrim physics
moment something glitches out they'd probably call the entire guard
I wrote nigger on a sign in minecraft
Based and redpilled
Had a human organ farm in Rimworld, feeding human meat to prisoners and wearing clothes made from human skin
It's not even a crime per se because there are no law enforcement but it's pretty fucked up
Looking back, i probably should've use a nutrient paste made from human meat instead to save sone resources
I have killed millions
Which highschool do you go to? I'd like to warn them.
Remake of this shit when
killed hundreds of billions for the hell of it by blowing up planets or gassing them in Star Ruler
I mean my gun barrel was wider than the planet so could you blame me?
I killed someone,
but I am not their murderer
fucking based
In GTA1 with the infinite ammo code I kept killing people and blowing up ambulances with the flamethrower and rocket launcher to the point where ambulances stopped appearing. I was a kid and I thought I had killed every paramedic in the city.