DLC drops in a couple of hours. How hyped are you Yea Forums?

DLC drops in a couple of hours. How hyped are you Yea Forums?

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I'm pretty hyped. It properly took me a long time git gud at Trials, now it's one of my favorite games to play.

Same. I’ve platted a bunch of extreme tracks By now, been real satisfying getting better at the game.

Posting best song


Oh nice. I recently zero faulted a couple Hard/Extreme tracks while casually trying to beat a couple of plebs in my friends list. I got the platinum trophy a while back, was satisfying to get.

i just got it on shitch so thats pretty good timing. how do i become better

By playing a lot. It will take a fucking long time to get a good feel of the bike. One tip I can give though, is to start using and get used to the Mantis as soon as possible. Also play tracks above your current skill level to quickly improve.

>tfw no trial friends
I zero faulted white belt, but I still haven't gotten gold on yellow belt.

my inferno plat has 6 faults, I really want sub 3 faults on that track.
unironically the tutorials are fucking amazing, so play them and pay attention to the tips he gives, press the button that makes the dude go deeper into the various techniques and such.


Nah this is the one mate, this is the one. The lyrics are so corny but man I love that instrumental and hook.

You're better than me. I haven't passed yellow belt yet, but I only tried it once. It was fun though.
My best run on Inferno is 16 faults.

Fuck, I'm retarded, I meant I 6 faulted white belt, I got the platinum. Diamond is 0, although I could probably 0 fault it with some effort.

Yellow is fucking hard, CP7 is a complete run killer, I would have had gold if not for that shitter. I still haven't beaten Orange, and I'm not sure if I ever will. But I'm having a good time getting plats for now, I have 86 so far.

Is this Evolution tier or is it just Fusion trash with a new coat of paint? And how's the PC port?

Evolution tier, but unfortunately bogged down by a terrible progression system and a bad and dumb map layout.

The actual tracks themselves though are amazing, way better than fusion was. But a dumb and slow progression system and a baffling level selector, and some pretty rough loading times too.

It's a great game that has a lot of shit bogging it down. But I think I like it more than Evo even.

What's in this DLC? How much does it cost?

If you were to eyeball it, what % of the total number of tracks would you say are aimed at veteran Trials players? Is there enough to feel satisfied or are there just like 5 extremes?

26 new tracks set in the US
and then later this year the 2nd DLC pack drops which is 29 more tracks and 2 new bikes, those levels will be set in Australia the arctic and other tropical areas.

I think the season pass is 20 bucks, which isn't bad for 55 tracks,

To be honest, since I came from Fusion, the game was a boring grind fest until the Hard tracks came along. It might be fun trying to aim for good times because those require advanced techniques. (Getting plat/diamond medals)

This time there's a new difficulty around called Ninja. They're ridiculously difficult and you are amazingly good if you can beat them. The extremes are really fun to play as well, as well as most of the hard tracks.

There's 8 Extremes and 2 more coming in the first dlc pack, and 6 Ninja
tracks that you unlock by getting gold on all extremes, and plenty of hard tracks.

This game by far has the most levels in the series, and there's a lot of fantastic driving lines that make even Easy and Medium tracks fun to play, there are still some Medium tier plats I cannot get because they require some advanced fucking shit to pull off alternate routes.

>there are still some Medium tier plats I cannot get because they require some advanced fucking shit to pull off alternate routes.

It's honestly easier to get plat/diamond on hard/extreme tracks. Some jumps you can only make by landing perfectly, keeping a wheelie to make some ridiculous jump always fucks me over.

Are there actual Ninja tracks this time or are they just hidden bonus variations of regular stages?

I don't know about the hard tracks, but on Extremes, yeah, those are a lot more forgiving. Hard are pretty fucking hard to plat though.

Some of those medium tier tracks though, and even a couple of the easy ones are insane to plat.

Nope, official Ninja tracks, they even have their own unique theme and unique music. It's pretty impressive how much work was put into them given that like less than 5% of players will ever see them.

White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue and Black Belt they're called. Look up a video of Black Belt, I legitimately cannot believe that this is an official level in a video game put out by a triple A studio, lol.

I just looked up the first minute of Black Belt and it looks pretty cool, you've successfully convinced me to get the game.

Cheers. I hope you like it.

Be prepared for some bullshit though like I mentioned earlier, the great menus of Evolution and Fusion are gone, now you have this shit world map (although there is a filter keep that in mind) and progression is no longer tied to medals but XP.

I've heard that since the patch, you can progress by getting A+ on tutorials though, which I highly recommend to you, even if you're a good player, I had completed every extreme in HD, EVO and Fusion going into this, but I still learned a lot by playing those tutorials, they go pretty deep.

One thing I love about RedLynx is how much they've involved the community creating the game. Seeing FatShady walk on stage was heart warming.

Still haven't unlocked all the levels yet, fuck. The grind is real, I'm level 73 now.

Play some multiplayer, you get a ridiculous amount of XP for coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd. You can probably gain 10 levels from just 5-6 matches.

also I've heard that since the patch, getting an A score on the tutorial will unlock new tours for you.