He's right you know


>From a track record point of view, my expectation is that Epic’s investment in technology will outpace Valve’s substantially. When we look back at Steam in five or ten years, it may look like a dying store and other, competitive stores, will be the place to be.

>It takes content to move us. It took Half-Life 2 to even get us (not quite) comfortable enough to swallow the Steam pill back in the day.

Attached: randy pitchford.jpg (768x384, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So when the fuck will they add basic store features like shopping cart or refunds?

Gweilo, think about the developers.

cuck soiboi. steam is bad

Randy has a crush on Gabe and acts like tsundere, it's not even funny anymore

He'd have a point if Steam was bribing developers.

>Randy fucking Pitchford of all people talking about some else's 'track record'

You shouldn't be paying for digital distribution to begin with

regurgitated potato. you are dumb.

All Randy does is talk out of his ass.

>wanting databloat
Fuck off.

randy, your games are shit.

Randy has never been right in his entire life.

>The store with almost not consumer support will win

Randy needs to grow up

Is he implying that borderlands 3 is the half life 2 of video games?

You don't need that shit if you're a BADASS


>From a track record point of view, my expectation is that Epic’s investment in technology will outpace Valve’s substantially
Literally what track record?

Attached: 1536384557125.jpg (232x185, 13K)

Is he an actual jew?

He literally is

>Steam got shit back in the day because it sucked
>Epic gets shit on because it sucks now
So what's the argument? That epic is shit and people don't like shit? Wow thanks for confirming that randy

Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989

>Epic’s investment in technology will outpace Valve’s substantially.
>big picture
>in home streaming
>shopping cart (WIP 6 months)

would you rather he call his game trash?
having faith in something you make isnt bad

epic has a BADASS track record point of view
>unreal tournament
>save the world


>half life 2
>developed and created by valve
>developed and created by valve
>borderlands 3
>created by gearbox
>epic store
>created by tim sweeney and taken over by chinese.

Not the same Randy. Everybody is going to pirate it and play it on Steam when it's out. Fuck off.

Attached: randypitchforc.png (711x545, 752K)

I really don't know if I can listen to the business advice of a man who was robbed of millions blind by a single manservant, and left a usb stick full of "magic shows" at a medieval diner

You know this doesn't do anything, right?

I have never seen someone say something so completely ignorant to how corporations work.
If Steam is suddenly dying somehow in 5 years because of EPIC then what other 'competitive stores' will there be?

EPIC does not want competition, NO corporation WANTS competition and I can think of very few companies that would have the financial power to compete on the levels of steam and EPIC. WE Game from Tencent is not going to work out obviously and Tencent will probably only give it passing support since they'll bring in revenue from EPIC if it continues to grow. How is EPIC putting money into the industry right now? the better cut? paying out for exclusives? Whoop de fucking doo.

Fuck off with your disingenuous sugar coating bullshit, the deflection of reason and blame, and just say its about the money. Fucks sake.

eat shit steamtard

They've had refunds for 2 years and you don't have to provide shit like your SSN or other retarded shit I've seen repeated here. I got a refund for Paragon. How do these dumb memes even start? There's plenty of reason to use Steam oven Epic without "MUH CHINKS" and other bullshit thats easily disproven, or just outright wrong.

I'm sure they'll outpace Valve's hardware R&D right after they implement shopping carts in 6-12 month.

>Mandy Bitchford
Opinion discarded.

It’s interesting, I was actually considering Borderlands 3 out of nostalgia, but the Randy opened his mouth and I remembered why I dislike Gearbox

Creating the engine that 75% of games since the mid 2000s have run on, constantly adding to it, and creating a universal crossplay network?

>Epic’s investment in technology
Meanwhile, Steam is leading VR, investing heavily in brain-interfacing chips, and developing technologies to ensure games will run on different operating systems.

Attached: 1499393549794.jpg (730x780, 46K)

Stay mad, chinaman.

You're missing a massive wall of text that gives proper context to what he's saying.

Whatever. Like a user here said, people here don't have the patience to read more than five lines worth of text.

So like Razorfist once said, you deserve this industry.

I don't see his point, Epic Store has no content worthy of mentioning.

Actually, go fuck all y'all.


>I know it’s not up to me, I never said it was. But what I am saying, is that it will make the game better overall at this stage if you took feedback from the fans.
Again, what makes you think I am not listening to feedback? Have you considered the possibility that the position you have taken is, well, wrong?

>Well I mean, no. There are many reasons I think you aren’t that I won’t bring up. If it’s the position that I have taken, I feel that it’s not wrong, just like how you think the position you have taken is not wrong. We have our own opinions.
Ok, so if we both think we’re each correct in our position, which way should I go? Should one change ones mind just because someone else disagrees?

>Not necessarily. I see why you think you are correct. Why don’t you look into why I think I am correct? I could tell you if you want.
Sure, why not. I have a little bit of time right now. Start with your single, best argument. We’ll handle them one at a time… If I sense any intellectual dishonesty or an inability to reason and be reasonable, I’m going to stop - FYI.

>My single best argument? Is that steam is, and has been, better than any other platform when it comes to features, popularity, and in general. Epic games is just now starting and needs more time to develop before I will start using it.
So this point is about comparing relative features, right? That currently Steam has features that Epic’s store does not? I think it’s a fair point and I’ll be happy to look at that point with you over a few following tweets. Please don’t respond until I say “done”. Okay?

Ya but Epic Games has Borderlands 3 and Metro Exodus so checkmate.

Doesn't he have some beef against valve?

First - Please understand that although I may have thoughts and opinions about this topic, the authority here truly is in the hands of our publishing partner, 2k Games. So while I may have some influence, I cannot force anything (and this ship has sailed, so to speak).
Currently Steam has a bunch of features that the Epic Games Store does not. That’s fact. We could probably rank the priority of those features from top to bottom and while we may disagree a little on the ranking, there is probably an optimal priority to go after features.
Also, some features that Steam has may be features that are not part of Epic’s vision and some features Steam never contemplated may be part of Steam’s vision. The vision for how a store should interact with a customer and a developer and a publisher is all part of the equation.

Epic has published a near term road map. This road map includes a look into things they are committing to. If I were a betting man, I would expect that there are more things that happen than what they are committing to.
We also must acknowledge that Borderlands 3 does not exist *today* but rather it will exist in September. The store will be different when the game launches. It will become a boon to their store if they bring sufficient features to make the customer experience great for us.

Epic will suffer (again) if, by the time Borderlands 3 launches, the customer experience is not good enough. This is a tremendous forcing function for Epic.
This is also really good for Borderland 3 as Borderlands 3 will be the biggest, by far, new game to arrive on the Epic store since they launched and Epic can be sure to invest huge amounts of resources specifically for the features most important for Borderlands 3.
The forcing function of that will, in turn, make all those features available on a faster time-line than otherwise possible and this is good for all games from both the customer perspective and the developer/publisher perspective.

So are you going to stop using EGS once they implement all that shit on their roadmap, bloatfag?

>a man who was robbed of millions blind by a single manservant
I want to see the irony in a criminal getting robbed, but I'm pretty sure Randy made that story up, like everything else he pulls out of his ass.

>"Thank you," it ends. "I really enjoyed AC:M, my all-time favourite game."
t. Not Randy sending emails to himself

I could name 2 shit games on Steam too.

So now you can ask me “what if they don’t get all the features I care about done in time?” Or “but why not just support both stores - why do we care whether Epic has Borderlands 3 as a forcing function when we’re already happy with Steam?” (Or some other question...) Done :)
>But yes, what if they don’t get all of those features done in time? And also, what if those features aren’t in the interests of the consumer?
There is an important question I think is worth asking: What are these company’s values and given that, which of these companies is more likely to progress at the fastest rate on behalf of the customer and the developer/publisher?

The answer to this question is very useful to the answer to the questions you asked...
It is possible that the EGS does not successfully complete enough features for the store before Borderlands 3 launches to be “good enough”. That’s a risk. It’s one that our publishing partner, 2k, was willing to take. I’m not mad about that decision or the risk, but it’s real.
So the question on that angle is really about long game versus short game... What’s best in the long run? I hope to die in office, creating entertainment for as long as people want me to. So I tend to think very long game. Some of us think very short game - I understand that.

So the risk that not all the features are perfect by the time Borderlands 3 launches is a risk I am comfortable with *IF* I believe that in the long-run, Borderlands 3 and future games I make will be best served if the Epic Games Store a) exists, and b) is competitive.
So, do I believe that? Absolutely... Why? Track record combined with company values and the situation at the companies. I can explain all of those

the way everything is going the real dark horse in all of this is going to be discord

they already have their own store and are massively popular due to all the social features that are lacking from steam. plus discord can link with steam and advertise what game you're playing.

I could see discord store blowing up and totally eclipsing steam and epic in the future long before epic ever becomes viable

First, track record. Now, I have a bit of authority on this topic of track record between these companies. I worked with Valve for many years (20) both as a developer in the Half-Life franchise and as a developer and publisher on the Steam platform.
I have also worked with Epic for about as long, too, as a licensee of their engine and, more recently, as a retail publisher of their game, Fortnite. I know a lot about these people and these businesses.
From a track record point of view, my expectation is that Epic’s investment in technology will outpace Valve’s substantially. When we look back at Steam in five or ten years, it may look like a dying store and other, competitive stores, will be the place to be.
The competitive store that happens to be the leader in 10 years may not be Epic’s store, but it probably won’t be Valve’s and Epic’s moves right now are opening the door and paving the way for a vibrant competitive economy.

Competition in stores is going to be absolutely best for consumers and probably good for developers and publishers as well. The stores that tend to win are the stores that offer the best to their customers. It’s very difficult for customer interest to be king with one store.
One may look at other stores, like Origin or U-Play. Those aren’t real competitors to Steam. A competitor to Steam needs to have an installed base and be sufficiently neutral in alignment so that all publishers and developers who support the store can trust a fair economy.

That’s just not possible with direct stores that are controlled by publishing interests. It’s also not going to come from adjacent services that have other priorities (like Discord, for example).
Epic has credibility here because they have been supplying engine technology to the industry for over 20 years and we have all come to be able to trust and rely upon Epic’s fair play and good will.

I love how Randy still tries to pretend that moving to the Epic Store was all 2K's doing and not his. Makes that fake leak seem much more realistic.

Hey, is that the sound of a FALSE DICHOTOMY? I do believe it is!

With the engine, Epic’s technology has gotten better and better at a faster rate over 20 years than any other game engine middleware on the planet. They have tremendous credibility with how they reinvest in their technology to the benefit of customers and developers.
Meanwhile, as the quality of Epic’s technology improved, so did its success in business. What did Epic do? They used their increased success to lead they way in business terms. They reduce licensing rates for developers and created new ways to become a licensee.

They increased accessibility to the engine so that folks like you can download and learn how to use Unreal Engine to become a game developer yourself - for free. And, when you want to commercially release something, there is a very competitive and fair price for that.
Meanwhile, Valve has taken an absurd cut of the revenue - which would be fine except they have not reinvested it. This is where looking at the values of the company are important.

Also, the way the company is organized and managed is really important to this calculus as well.
Valve is a private company and, to the best that we can see, a huge amount of the value that Valve has generated has been used to enrich the handful of people who own and manage the company. There’s nothing wrong with that, BTW! My business is private, too!
Epic’s business, until recently, was private and closely held. It’s still private, but not as closely held as before. This is important to consider...

Every time Valve makes a dollar, they have to make a decision on whether to put in their own pockets or to reinvest it into technology (or whatever). Valve has made significant investments into technology, and should be applauded for the resultant innovations.

But they have also taken a significant amount of value off the table and, when they’ve reinvested, they’ve tended to put it to a lot of other activities besides the store that is generating all of the revenue.

Half Life 2 is barely a game, it's more of a tech demo
It got shit because Valve was pushing a console wannabe platform when you didn't need any client before and they charge for a download when you used to pay $50 max for a physical copy that was better than today's collector's edition. Zoomers and console immigrants allowed Steam and its anti consumer model to stay. Valve should have been boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam. Any real PC gamer switched to piracy

Out of all the old-school gamedevs that decided to stick around in the industry why does only he decide to act like the big fucking retard?

Cut yourself on that edge, faggot

They’ve been able to do this because they haven’t had to worry about it. There has been no viable competitor to Steam. They have had no external force sufficient to challenge their revenue share and no external force sufficient to motivate a sufficient reinvestment of revenue.
Now there is an external force that is real. This external force, the Epic store, is a really significant threat to Steam. Steam *must* adapt or it will perish.
Almost immediately, we saw Steam crumble it’s previously unwavering stance on revenue share. Holy shit! That’s a miracle. I think the folks at Valve are really smart and really great and they are also, probably, starting to redirect investment into their store.

If Valve is smart, and they are, they should preemptively maneuver as many resources as possible towards improving the store and preparing for Epic’s inevitable challenge to Steam from a features point of view.
The faster Valve can maneuver, the longer it can stay ahead of Epic on features. But, if I were to bet on this (and remember I’ve got a pretty good seat with a great view of this competition), Epic will inevitably surpass Valve on features and quality of service.
Epic is differently setup from Valve right now. Epic’s shareholders are *very* motivated not to take chips off the table, so to speak, but to reinvest those shares into the company. They have an incredible valuation right now, but they are motivated to increase it.
And they have the resources to really make some big plays towards that. All of those plays are going to be fed by a business that is not taking cash out of their system and putting it into individual’s pockets, but towards putting all of their cash back into theirs system.

who cares what a drug addled pervert that pays kids to pee on him says.

>Sending your money to China

No thanks.

his badass


Let me know when Epics launcher has a worthless VR mode, worthless discord lite which did nothing but ruin their completely functional friends system, worthless Linux mode, worthless streaming service, worthless music player, and worthless forum integration so I can see some slavic fuck type his stupid moon runes in response to some huemonkey asking if he can run whatever game on his Pentium 2.

Didn't this guy get accused of having pedo porn on a thumb drive?

They recently raised some money. Why did they do that? They have been making more money than they ever have made before? They did that so the owners could sell some of their equity and put *that* cash into their pockets (which is totally cool - that’s what should happen)..
But what it means is that this business is not enriching it’s owners by siphoning from it’s profits, but rather it is enriching it’s owners by increasing its value.
That is a HUGE and significant difference between Valve and Epic. Epic is motivated to reinvest 100% of its profits into activities (like the store) that will make Epic more valuable in the future.

Valve is organized such that it is motivated to make decisions about how much of its profit it should distribute to its owners and stakeholders and how much to reinvest. MUCH different.
If we only had that understanding, we would expect Epic to be able to surpass Valve, ultimately. But we have a lot more understanding than that. We have track record and we have what those company’s activities have been over the last decade.
Epic has spent the last decade building an engine (no pun intended) that allows them to grow and deploy technology at an ever increasing pace.
That they have decided to invest SIGNIFICANT amounts of the money they have made from Fortnite into the creation of a store to create a real competitive landscape is, frankly, a GIFT to customers and developers and publishers. ALL OF US WILL BENEFIT from this competition.

he's just salty gaben called his bullshit that one time

Attached: uuuu.jpg (783x1316, 182K)

Based anti-valvebro completely obliterating the vaIvedrone with cold hard facts about how bloated and useless Steam has become.

>the guy that made battleborn is making industry predictions
What a retard

No you see it wasn't child porn, it was a barely legal girl drinking piss.
Completely different!

During the competition, there will be some difficulties and set backs and shit that doesn’t go right - that’s how it goes. But, ultimately, we’re going to be in incredible shape no matter which store you prefer.
Steam will have no choice but to either give up, lose or to get better faster than ever before. This is good for Steam customers, developers and publishers.
Because Valve is pretty damn good with some awesome talent, I do not expect them to give up or to lose. They’ll fight for it. And they’ll hang on. There’s even a chance they come out on top. Whatever the case, customers, developers and publishers are going to be better off.

Meanwhile, Epic is the forcing function that is going to make this all happen. It’s really incredible, but they are the only guys who can really come along to disrupt Steam’s monopoly and help all this get fixed. They will bring balance to the force (yeah, Star Wars shit today)
And here we are... It’s a year with fewer huge titles than we’ve seen in years. It’s a year where the consoles are at peak life-cycle and PC store fronts are getting rattled.
And in a world where EA and ATVI cannot really be the ones to take the risk to help the forcing function happen, Take Two shows some balls and steps up with our game, Borderlands 3, to be the content that catalyzes this moment. Holy shit. What a world.

Because, at the end of the day, these kinds of movements in our industry are always precipitated from content. It takes content to move us. It took Half-Life 2 to even get us (not quite) comfortable enough to swallow the Steam pill back in the day.
And so we’re going to swallow the Epic Game Store pill with Borderlands 3. And some of you guys are going to hate it and scream bloody murder and you’ll even blame me, personally, for it.

Randy claims it wasn't his. the story was he was at a party with underage anal hookers or some shit

And you can bitch and moan and brigade and stalk my shit, but at the end of the day when we look back at this moment we’ll realize that this was the moment where the digital stores on PC became unmonopolized.
And we’re all going to look back and see how change happened and how costs for developers and publishers to be on stores went down and how that value was passed on to the customers.

Years from now, we’re going to look back at Steam’s current installed base and laugh at how we thought that was a big number when we add up what all the different stores are pushing together.
And we’re going to have a disassociation of features we care about (like friends and achievements and such) from the stores and we can just focus on the games. And we’ll all be able to play together, cross platform. This will take a minute, but it will happen.
And we’ll look back and realize that Epic’s decision to reinvest their Fortnite $ into this (valuable) step and Take Two’s guts to put Borderlands 3 out there in this situation in order to be that forcing function the industry needs were the pivotal moments.
It’s fucking sobering. And it’s a little scary. But it’s just video games. It’s going to be okay.

>i don't use thing

The Senkaku Islands belong to Japan.

And, Borderlands 3 is fucking great. We still have a lot of work to do, but it’s fucking great. It’s what it’s supposed to be. It’s not trying to fuck with new business models or whatever - it’s doing exactly what it should be doing to be the game it is supposed to be.
And some of you guys are going to look at the Epic Game Store around when it launches and think about how far along it’s come and some of you will go ahead and join in with us at launch.
And some of you guys will hold to your guns. Shit, some of you may hold a grudge forever. I’m confident I’ll be getting shit about this from some people for years. People are funny that way.
But millions and millions of people are going to be playing Borderlands 3 with us on September 13 and it’s going to be a lot of fun for all of us who are going to be playing - whether we’re on our Xbox’s or our Playstations or we’re playing on our PC’s or, maybe, other platforms.

>Wow. What a string of tweets. I think this conversation is really really good for the community and for us to understand why you guys and take-two decided to make the decision. But one, final question. Why timed exclusivity? I feel like it’s a bad business practice.
Honestly, that’s above my pay grade and was something negotiated with 2k and Epic. Exclusivity is important for all those forcing function goals, but permanent exclusivity was, I imagine, a deal breaker for 2k.
I’m *really* glad the exclusivity is only six months because, as an entertainer, my mission is to entertain the world and that means that I want as many motivated customers as possible to have access to the game. I was hoping for a short exclusivity window and am happy with it.

>It took Half-Life 2 to even get us (not quite) comfortable enough to swallow the Steam pill back in the day.
this guy is so full of shit it's hilarious

Attached: 1376673938984.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

>epic good, they made unreal
>valve bad, who cares about vulkan sdk, moltenvk, openvr, wine funding and making ms nervious about losing their os monopoly
Fuck off randy

I wonder if he's going to create a new story about how he and Sweeney actually go way back and that it was actually Randy who suggested the Epic name.

>Yo @DuvalMagic , not sure if you're the one I should be asking this from, but if I preorder BL3 on Epic, do I have to buy it again on Steam once it comes out there or do I get a steam key once it releases? I prefer Steam but I really can't wait to play the game.
I have no idea, but that’s going to be an interesting moment, yet? Currently, publishers can generate Steam keys to sell the product at, say, physical retail without having to pay Steam a cut. It will be interesting to see what Steam’s position there is when the time comes.
>So here’s the thing you guys don’t address here. Pc gaming becomes unmonopolized. Now customers are going to keep running into competing games going to incompatible storefronts, fragmenting is further. How the f does that help consumers? It’s fucking exclusives all the way down
A disambiguation of services and store is best for consumers. The stores will want walled gardens, but consumers want maximum flexibility. I thing in the spectrum of all existing viable/competitive players, Epic will prove actually most towards the consumer side of this.

Now read all of this you children.

Yeah no one uses any of those things because third party programs do them better or they're dead and buried like VR.

So Randy where is my benefit? Why do I only see higher pricetags and worse services and other stores like GOG cutting features to compete? Why should I care that a company with huge chinese ownership is now trying to take my money?

>vulkan sdk, moltenvk, openvr, wine funding
Holy shit who the fuck gives a shit about any of that?


Attached: 1552744466159.jpg (1125x1358, 254K)

He has the audacity to call his own PoS borderlands 3 "great". He's an idiot and I'm not gonna waste time reading the ramblings of a moron.

But he's completely right. Were you even born when Steam was first launched?

>making ms nervious about losing their os monopoly

>Anyone ever giving a shit about SteamOS.

What fantasy land were you living in where that was ever a possibility?
What in fuck possesses you to even consider it?

Lel this nigger thinks i will abandon my 300+ steam library for his sorry ass store poor idiot.

>and making ms nervious about losing their os monopoly

Why don't anybody tell Randy to just shut up? He's a living PR disaster.

Thats about the only ground he has to stand on and even then steam only grew in popularity because it ended up just becoming a regular online store before everyone else tried to do it first.

Isn't it strange how the faggots who always support "not steam" always say the same shit proceeding the eventual decay and stagnation of the platform they are pushing?

I'd rather make my own engine than using that crap, Cheng.

the most used game enigne in videogame history

He owns the company.

Sorry Randy, I don't deal with the Chinese.

Is that why most games this generation look like crap?

>most used engine

ITT coping steamtards

Attached: 6gBSXWj.jpg (3156x1488, 533K)

if this were true we'd have Badass Game Store

He already got paid he doesnt give a shit. If a bunch of chinese people gave you countless millions to make your game exclusive on their launcher it would be hard to say no.

Remember when this guy was the biggest valve fanboy ever?

>claims to have 40 years experience between two companies that have barely been around for 20
stopped reading there chief

Man, imagine if the CP shit turns out to be true, and Randy gets carted off to jail. Then maybe gearbox would be headed by someone who isn't a crazy asshole, and maybe even become good developers.

>im just pretending to be retarded


What a fucking parasite
>Tries to leach off of Valve and do Half Life games themselves
>Claims that Gearbox was the name Gabe Newell wanted but lost it in a poker game to Randy
>Now takes Epic's money for exclusivity deal and tries to make it Valve's fault

Attached: jej.jpg (828x766, 53K)

>Reddit filename
Go back

Is there actually a list of the most popular game engines?


Attached: 5123.jpg (640x565, 65K)

>image hosted on imgur is reddit

go back to whatever shithole you came out

>claims to have 40 years experience between two companies that have barely been around for 20
He's been working with both companies since their inception you fuckknob.

>yeahhh, Epic is so much better at tech than Valve. Steam will be dead in five or ten years.
Getting a better deal from a competitor is fine, that's business, but publicly burning bridges with the previous partner?
Even after Randy's previous antics I'm surprised.

Attached: hol up.jpg (500x320, 43K)

>Epic will prove actually most towards the consumer side of this.

Attached: hV4ms7W.jpg (800x800, 229K)

probably some free shit tier engine that has 1billions indie games

t. Steambaby

>vr dead and buried
Guess how I know you're retarded?

No, Randy is a pedo huffing chubby retard and I hope he gets nabbed for his cp or beaten with a baseball bat. Fuck, the guy should've already been raided after that scandal at medeval times, he's trying to act like a hero while shitting on his customer base and taking a fucking victim hood stance. We as men should've pulverized this sniveling creep for being such a weak pussy years ago.

I have a feeling Randy is actually just Gabe's oldest fangay and acting like a jilted lover.

Way to dodge the question idiot. Have you even used epic's launcher? As barebones as it is it's STILL more bloated than steam or origin

>worthless to me is worthless to everyone
Good thing EGS is worthless to me as well, and you can't prove me wrong.

Buyers remorse and sunk cost fallacy shouldn't last as long as it has with you.

>We as men
Gamers RISE UP

You post this in every Epic thread like it absolves Randy or Epic of anything. No one wants to read 10 or so posts of Randy basically begging for you to buy through Epic while trying to appear impartial as if it was all 2K and he's just a noble game developer

even if it weren't why would you willingly give more power to the slant eyed slope bastards, they already want us all dead. They're worse than zionists somehow

>redditard mad that I named him
Just go back, stop embarrassing yourself.

>When we look back at Steam in five or ten years
I'm willing to bet that in five years gearbox will cease to exist.

A hyperbolic statement but valve's linux experiments do keep MS on their toes. They can't just lock everything into the windows store because valve has a backup plan.
No one cares about steamos and never has. It has always being valve's on sandbox. What people care about is the ability to move away from windows.

>A disambiguation of services and store is best for consumers. The stores will want walled gardens, but consumers want maximum flexibility. I thing in the spectrum of all existing viable/competitive players, Epic will prove actually most towards the consumer side of this.

How will any of this be for the consumer?

dilate tranny

Yes, I too support Deep Silver investors and their larger share from the goyim, installing chinese spyware is a small price to pay

Yes I played Paragon basically everyday for 2 years. I clicked the button that said "Launch" and then killed the launcher because it didn't even have to run past that. Now tell me about what's bloated.

If Borderlands 3 somehow flops, it probably will.

>You post this in every Epic thread
Only the one thread fuckstick. In which i admitted i copied said text from one other thread. And there are no other threads which has this massive dump in them.

So go fuck yourself. Hard. In the throat. With a loaded shotgun.

Randy will find some other company to embezzle from unless the chinese outjew him

>maximum flexibility
>when every store has a shitty client that only runs on windows

coping steamdrone, they will make billions form BL3

yeah, when it comes to steam 6 months later

>What people care about is the ability to move away from windows.
No one but the diehard care about that.
Unless Microsoft commit another windows 8 atrocity, the public is never going away from Windows.

>writing this fucking essay out across 31 (thirty-one [three tens plus one]) tweets because of the character limit
Jesus christ. How long before Twitter finally dies? What a shit fucking platform.

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Calm down Randy, I know you had some personal events and troubles but no need to be rude, I understand why you shill

>guys we promise Epic will totally get better later on, just trust me on this one
>I know because monetization of F2P shit pandering to dumbfuck little kids utilizing free marketing from Twitch which was devised after a majority buyout from the Tienanmen Square Denial Champs (30 Years Running) will totally allow them to carry on in the long run with pissing everyone and their mom off
>So please buy through Epic
>but it's ok if you don't
>but you should
>but it's ok if you don't
>but please do buy through Epic
What a cuck

The piracy websites might.

cope harder, BL3 will sell 3x more on console anway

And they'll throw it all away on another shithit like Battleborn 2.

Attached: 1553093606645.png (1024x429, 527K)

Borderlands 2, on PC has more players currently playing it than Sekiro.

They'll gonna break the bank on this game regardless of what happens on PC.

?? what piracy website? who pays to pirate?

Well I'm glad you're just pretending to be retarded, but you aren't proving it by linking a list on Wikipedia.

>I'm the one coping

Grown adults shouldn't be playing games in general. What we "shouldn't" do doesn't matter

All their games have made a profit.

>It took Half-Life 2 to even get us (not quite) comfortable enough to swallow the Steam pill back in the day.
really? to "get us"?

after bitchford circulated that story about playing poker with gabe and creating the name gearbox? fuck right off randy you pathetic fucking foreskin. you lying fucking cocksucker

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I did read it. And some of the points are cogent. Until the fucking Epic Games Store fiasco I actually had a lot of respect for Epic because of what they did with Unreal Engine 4, I still think as an engine developer they stand head and shoulders above all others in the field (including Valve with Source).

There's something disingenuous about him accusing Valve of not "putting back into its storefront" when most of its tech investments have been absolutely that; he may not have noticed it because, as an Xbox-drunk dumbass, he doesn't see the value of Proton or of the hardware reconfigurator, but those things are going to have major implications for how games play and are developed in a world when (not if, WHEN) Windows decides it wants to close up shop and make everything UWP. Which is something Sweeney himself used to lament as a terrible future, but doesn't even recognize the extent to which he's trying to undercut the one market player actually taking steps to dissolve Microsoft's total control over the gaming PC landscape.

But the real problem with Pitchford's argument is he's applauding a company that has been vocal in its absolute disinterest in its own customers. Whatever else Epic does, whatever investments or upheavals or radical shifts they generate, to point to the company whose CEO has essentially said "Customers don't need to be your market. Customers are over." and think to yourself, 'this is the guy who's going to win' shows an alarming lack of understanding of how business works.

Epic is going to realize something, if they aren't realizing it already, that Valve realized years ago: you DON'T have the PC playerbase by the balls. You can't get them there. They will not respond to your insistence that they bend over and take it, because there are a billion torrent trackers and they're all very easy to use.

>I only copied and pasted it just this once
Wow so you're just a retarded parrot who doesn't understand what they're talking about like the other faggot who spams this in any thread that's vaguely Epic/Valve/Gearbox related. congrats, dipshit.

Pic related

Attached: Kermit goes Nuclear.jpg (1200x904, 249K)

Holy shit I forgot about this. Randy legit has a mental disorder.

you dont even know how greentext works you fucking retard

The publishers are the consumers for the store, you silly goy, now shut up

Working or investing? The former implies some sort of technical expertise the latter is the actual fucking truth. Investors require no technical expertise whatsoever which partially explains the lack of quality control in AAA gaming products.

>more features are bad
The absolute STATE of ebin shills.

imgur is more or less reddit

Oh I know, but clearly you're underage if you don't understand a general insinuation reversal.

well i use it to imagehost because its free and fast, if you have an better alternative please let me know

If anything this sounds like the typical blowhard vocal tendencies of Pitchford. Remember the Colonial Marines release and how he went on every game magazine to bitch about SEGA and the customer base?

>better call him underaged so i look edgy and cool

damn, you got me

>Unless Microsoft commit another windows 8 atrocity
That's the point. I doubt MS dares to commit to the rumored windows store only version of win10 because people would be fucking pissed and valve has made possible to play pretty much your entire library on linux without any manual fuckery. MS is already playing buddy-buddies with valve by releasing halo on steam.

>Epic is going to realize something, if they aren't realizing it already, that Valve realized years ago: you DON'T have the PC playerbase by the balls. You can't get them there. They will not respond to your insistence that they bend over and take it, because there are a billion torrent trackers and they're all very easy to use.
The fact you'd unironically type this despite how Steam was created and trojan horsed lets me know you never used a PC to play games before 2012

Is this guy just gonna feed trolls on Twitter all day? Dosen't he have a family to feed and a game to work on?

Attached: Murica.jpg (1748x1816, 877K)

He's been working in the industry and with both companies since 1996 since the days of 3DR.

Come the fuck on, how can people forget that Gearbox made their name on Half Life expansions.
Newsflash: Opposing Force was released 20 years ago.

>Epic's CEO has said that it's not the consumers who will decide the future of the industry
>Same guy we're meant to trust as being better for the consumer

Attached: O9VWDgP.jpg (540x390, 39K)

nice spacing

I wouldn't be surprised if Valve is paying people to shitpost and start memes like this. They're playing the perfect victim when in reality they're just as bad as any other marketplace.

Underage and Reddit.

Wasn't this thread purged like an hour ago?
Fuck off

>look mom i said the top 2 most used buzzwords on Yea Forums

Valve is notorious for sending hordes of chinese shills here. Why do you think Tiananmen posting started being a thing?

>worthless Linux mode

That's my point. Valve very much tried to do what Epic is doing now, which is compelling people to use Steam, and it was not a spectacularly successful endeavor. The idea that Valve forced Steam onto your computer when you played HL2 and THEREFORE, everyone just up and decided to buy all their games through Steam from then on is a fucking fantasy.

People (some people) begrudgingly, bitchingly used Steam to play the games that required Steam because they had to, and didn't use it for anything else. Sort of like Origin for EA exclusives, or the EGS for Fortnite. What got Steam to the place it is today as a market leader was not the shit you had to use Steam for, it was the shit you chose to use Steam for, and it took Valve a lot of fumbling and stumbling to get to a point where they acknowledged that their real objective as a digital storefront was to compete with piracy for your business.

It was the decisions made after that realization, and the changes made to the storefront over time, that made Steam into a household name on PC. It was the fact that it was developed into a value-added service that made it relevant. Not the fact that it had an exclusive title and forced itself onto your HDD out of a software install disc.

Valve's investment in the preservation of PC games by helping to develop wine and dvxk is much more important than whatever those chinks are doing

Microsoft isn't going to keep around 32-bit application support forever. They've already killed off 16-bit applications with Vista

>lets break up one stores monopoly
>by only being on one single other store to make them a monopoly
>a store only available on one OS to make them a monopoly
wow how badass of him to not also have bl3 on other small stores like GOG or available on other systems like linux to actually make his point and just one store to out himself as a shiteating retard
guess we should have known that randy likes to take money from other companies though

Attached: ape.gif (282x263, 1.18M)

The fact that Valve are paying people to make anti-china shitposts gives us a powerful weapon against Valve. Simply cite that Valve is actively being anti-china and thus racist, and the hordes of the media everywhere will descend on Valve to tear them apart limb by limb like ravenous hounds smelling fresh meat.

>Any real PC gamer switched to piracy

Attached: 1555263579975.jpg (250x241, 9K)

look fag, no one and never will give 2 fucks about linux

not even 0.1% gaymers play on Linux, now pls fuck off to the linux gaming subreddit

Since we're all here
>Post yfw not Randy Pitchford

Attached: Chad.jpg (300x200, 8K)

You unironically are an idiot.

>play free twitch game
>play free epic launch game
>hit F12. Hit prnt scrn.

WTF no screenshots

Attached: gw1_frustration.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Protip: Always do the opposite of what Randy Bobandy says

Attached: Lynchman & JohnnyBoya.gif (547x307, 2.98M)

>please pay attention to my games!

Attached: retard.jpg (553x404, 29K)

>why do you think Tiananmen posting started being a thing
Are you retarded? Epic is owned 44% by Tencent. Why would Chinese shills be employed by an American company to attack another company using anti-Chinese rhetoric? Especially since everything they do on the internet is so heavily monitored by the Chinese government.

I never fucking liked Steam, I only used it to play HL2 years ago. As time went on Steam has taken a fucking nose dive when it comes to PC gaming.

Steam now is basically Facebook but with video games. Absolute cancer.

>the linux gaming subreddit
Isn't that just five guys and a trained circus monkey?

Who in fuck games on Linux?

Attached: 1533759342737.png (645x730, 27K)

Imagine being so retarded that you'd defend epic while:
- attacking Steam - the most user friendly platform
- ignoring the fact that Epic literally cannot compete with even the most worthless platforms on the market
- Thinking epic has a future when their ENTIRE business practice revolves around trying to create a monopoly
- Completely dismissing all the negativity towards epic as ramblings of "racists", or "valve drones"

FUCK Epic.

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Imagine defending this retard

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Nobody cares about Randy's opinion on anything frankly. It's actually hilarious that Plebbit shat on him more than this place. Contrarianism is a wonderful thing.

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What investment in technology? Valve seem pretty interested in adding and bringing shit to PC, with their VR and Linux support, as well as stuff for Big Picture mode.

Is he privy to some shit that we're not?

yeah thats the joke, maybe 5 guys in thw world use linux unironically for gaming

>- attacking Steam - the most user friendly platform
You're genuinely delusional.

Don't worry, when Microsoft finally fucks Windows users hard enough for you and everyone else to consider switching, Valve will still let you use all they work they put in on Proton and Vulkan and bypassing of XInput specs so that your game library doesn't evaporate into thin air. You can afford to talk shit, you'll still inherit all the benefits.

prove me wrong, you can't

>he has to pay artists to make porn of his shitty characters

>user friendly platform
Pick one

Epic is owned 48% by Tencent.


umm are people like you retarded or something? do you think Epic just made Fortnite and got fame overnight?

I know sarcasm is hard though text but I don't think he was being serious.

this, really all there is to it. anyone who follows Randy knows he's a narcissist with a super fragile ego. I honestly think he would switch back to Steam if Gabe flattered him on twitter and say they're bros.

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>this fucking thread
Are there actual Epic shills or are they just contrarians that act like like this to stir up shit?

>giving an argument
>being a fag
you picked the latter

Is this guy literally 6? These are some ridiculous tantrums he's throwing over nothing.

Randy is such a piece of shit.

Christ I hope Borderlands 3 flops spectacularly. It's his last chance before his company goes belly up.

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Man, it's almost saddening to see how much he gets bullied. Fuck Randy, but I hope he gets the mental help that he needs.

Wait a god damn mother fucking second.
If my memory isn't shit, BL2 used that Steam thing for multiplayer matchmaking and whatnot, and they even went the extra mile and changed BL1 to work with it too when Gamespy was finally shut down for good.
So how will it work this time around? Does Epic even have something similar?
And if so, will I be locked to play BL3 with people who bought from the same store?
>implying I'll ever buy this piece of shit meme game in the first place

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UE4 has been pretty front-runner, I assume that's what he's talking about. Ironically about half of the "bonus" work done on Vulkan, for instance, was done by Epic (for UE4 and the mobile rendering pipeline) where the other half was by Valve. Epic is also doing a lot with the normalization of raytracing pipelines.

And, you know, all the other shit they've done with UE4 that's a godsend to independent developers (especially when compared to trash like Unity)

None of it has been invested into their storefront, at all, their only "innovation" there was bringing the cancer that is moneyhatted exclusives from the console landscape over to PC. But I guess if you're a developer, that sort of thing seems important.

I have a simple request before I'm willing to move to epic game store
if they can give me all the games I already have in my steam library then I will gladly move over to the new store otherwise they can fuck off while I conveniently use the store I've been using before and pirate everything else

Attached: dosed.png (100x100, 1K)

No Epic shills. A lot of people just wanna see Valve and Steam go under, because fuck them.

Which is more pathetic, Randy posting all his shit in this thread, or if not him the guy actually defending and shilling for him

And what does Fortnite have to do with technology? Its just some zoomer game that got extremely popular.

> other, competitive stores,
other stores after every game will be exclusive to china spying store.

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Does he have a reading disability? Or is this a new form of doublethink? Fuck it is really unnerving

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Hey, 1% of 15 million concurrent users is still 150000 people. And this is when proton is still very recent addition to steam.

I hear that a 2080ti can finally eclipse 30fps at 1080p in Witcher 3 can you confirm? If so this will certainly be the YEAR OF THE LINUX DESKTOP

It's shitposters. This same shit happens with anything Yea Forums likes or dislikes

>receives negative feedback that's completely civil, polite and straightforward
>"Cool, BLOCKED"

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>China spying store
>as opposed to the Jew spying store Steam

>muh user friendly

Are you retards seriously so attached to reviews and friendlists and shit that you're willing to let a single company dominate the marketplace? Did PC gaming not exist prior to 2010? Even if EGS is full of chink spies and Randy is a whiny bitch at least stuff like this will pressure Valve to do something.

Miss me yet?

Attached: Anthony_Burch[1].jpg (200x200, 10K)

oh shit; thanks, doc

This is my motivation for seeing Epic succeed. I want Valve dead for their malicious acts against us all.

>You're acting childish


Attached: 1553801479049.jpg (357x405, 24K)

yfw you aren't Anthony Burch

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I have a question: Why not use both stores?

Is there a problem? Or are people just autistic enough to not want to use two libraries?

No randy bo-bandy

I got a stable 60 with a 1060, thank you very much.

i think hes impying that Epic made Unreal Engine, the most used engine in videogame technology

No. Go away.

>I want Valve dead for their malicious acts against us all
name 3
and no, epic's success CAN'T kill valve


Attached: Gog chan.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

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That's kind of where I stand. I don't even plan on downloading EGS and if I get BL3 I'll probably get it on Xbone, but I just want Steam to eat shit.

Why do the other stores not have those features? If Steam is a single company dominating the marketplace, why does it only make up for about 20% of digital videogame retailing? Why are there so many other websites selling games, if Steam is such a dominating factor? PC gaming, according to Epic itself, wasn't a thing because everyone pirated everything, which is why Epic fucked off to consoles in the first place. Valve revived it, proving that piracy is a service issue, and now Epic is crawling back and trying to get a piece of the pie that they shat on in the first place, while filthying it with their shit-covered hands and driving people to piracy once more.

Fuck no.
Even when things are bad, Anthony Burch will still make them worse.

Attached: 5element.jpg (500x280, 20K)

>name 3

It’s Randy being a smarmy passive aggressive weiner before claiming BL3 as the messiah that will bring epic games into an age of enlightenment and features, and then spewing a bunch of self-fellating word vomit about how “epic games will totally be great in the future guys, just trust me. As usual, reading more of Randy’s words just makes me dislike him more.

based & GOGpilled

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And emulators take decades to get to the point where they can run the hardware they emulate with double the processing power, but it's still an investment in the future of the medium that ultimately has benefits for everyone long term.

I understand you don't see or realize this, because you are fucking dipshit, but the day will come when Windows forces an update to your machine that you cannot bypass, and when your machine finally restarts, you will be unable to run any program not downloaded through the Windows store. They have been making moves in this direction for YEARS and it's only a matter of time.

You're shilling for Epic in this thread, you should know, even Tim Sweeney himself believes that this is Microsoft's plan, or at least he did before the Chinese paid him to stop talking about it.

The time will come when you will have to lease all your games from Microsoft through their UWP store. They will turn your PC into an XBox. That's their grand strategy. Valve are the only significant players doing anything meaningful about it.

Epic should be competing with 2019 Steam, not 2003 Steam.

they're both pathetic, but it's scientifically proven fact that the only one more pathetic than Randy is Anthony Burch

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Does no one remember how much crap people had to throw before Valve descended from their ivory tower to give us automated refunds.
I still wish i could have refunded Rage.

No you didn't.

Nah. I'm old, frail, and tired. Soon my mind will no longer be as sharp as it is right now, and I just can't see the benefits of having to start up a launcher to see if the game I want to play is on it before closing it and looking for it on a different launcher, repeating that process until I find the right launcher to be able to play that game.

Based, but I'm afraid you will be the one to fall before Steam if Epic continues

She looks like the product of one of those "How To Draw Anime" books.

Attached: 1424742917048.jpg (317x317, 24K)

It doesn't need to kill Valve. That would be just as bad. I just want more fluid market.


Valve had competition for years. What is epic forcing them tp improve on?

What if Valve releases Source 2 for public use and makes it free to use as long as the game releases on steam.

you forgot, the most important one:
fuck Gog-chan

Attached: 1532608888949.png (1000x1000, 528K)

Remember when Netflix was the only place you streamed TV shows?

Me too.

Valve killed Half-Life and flipped the finger at the fanbase for wanting a conclusion to the story. Valve actively dehumanizing their customers also shouldn't go unspoken.

You don't get how Jews operate.

Steam has manipulated people for so long, and gotten them so attached to the service, that they will defend them no matter what. People have spent so much money on emotes and other stupid shit that they don't care how many times Valve fucks them, they will still defend them.

It's quite sad.

I never used netflix.

I could type a long-winded response but its easier to just call you the retarded autist you are copying what retarded autists have been saying since Win95

Shut the fuck up

imagine this
you have a book collection and a big shelf that you keep your books in
the said bookshelf is working perfectly and has plenty of space for any book you might ever need but then some publisher comes in and tries to force you to add another fucking bookshelf in your room which is separate from the one you already have and takes more space and has its own drama and shenanigan because "they say its better"
why change something that already works perfectly fine or split your game library into two separate things? what will change for me beside taking more space and participating in unnecessary drama of epic being shady or not
this is like asking someone why they don't install every toolbar they find in internet because they just take some space on top of the browser and you can keep stacking them

I'll give you one.
Attempting to monetize MODS.

Fuck Valve for that.

Attached: Steam-Workshop-Now-Supports-Paid-Mods-Skyrim-Gets-Premium-Items-Free-Weekend-479223-2.jpg (1607x934, 271K)

You want us to name all the malicious shit Valve has done over the years? You retard. Unless someone kept a list somewhere nobody is going to remember them all.

>will pressure Valve to do something
I don't really get why people say this. Steam is already the better service. The only way valve can "do something" is to play the same game as epic and start buying up exclusivity. That would just make shit even worse.
>muh cut
Literally everyone has said the cut has nothing to do with their decision. It's always been the epic handout as the driving factor.

Steam has a lot of contractual stuff they do with devs where they fix prices. Part of it is good, but part of it removes a lot of options from people. My point isn't so much that EGS is good, it's that blindly shilling for steam is stupid. I bet a lot of people who complain about "muh user friendly" don't even use features except for friendlists and messaging, which could easily be accomplished by any 3rd party software.

>good product
Kys Cheng

Are you for real? Are you asking why people prefer a storefront with userfriendly features to a barebone client designed only to spy? Does everyone need to take it up the ass to "open the market"? Are you that much of a shill?

Of course you are 天安门六四大屠杀事件 / Tiananmen massacre 1989


In five, ten years we will be looking at a closed gearbox.

Attached: 1531334157842.jpg (720x644, 53K)

was is gogchan not a milf?

>Attempting to monetize MODS.
It was bethesda idea

if not having a HL3 is your idea of a "malicious act towards us all" then I have bad news for you

Do you scream at book authors for their "crimes" against you when they won't/can't to continue a series?

Post your face when you are not Anthony Burch

Attached: LAZ.png (184x184, 42K)

>does epic even have something similar
similar to an infrastructure? Yes. Literally every company has an infrastructure available. EA has an infrastructure available, ubisoft, everyone. It costs very little to set up a server to host your game for the 100-200 people most games will get if you're indie, if that was your concern. How do you think fortnite runs? I'd argue epic has the best infrastructure around since they've stuck the console pub's balls in a vice to force them to support cross-platform play. That's even part of their marketing schtick if they reach out to you. Not that they can offer YOU cross-plat play, because it's probably significantly more difficult, and costly than just flipping a switch (in regards to getting all parties to agree. Not literally activating it, that is just a switch.), but that they have experience with it, and in the future it may be a realistic thing they can offer.

Steamworks is used because if you're selling the game on steam, people already have it, they're not going to need an additional anticheat (punkbuster was a popular one when games had gamespy), they're not going to need additional software installation (again, gamespy), or other extra shit that's a bit too hard to explain in 2000 characters.

Point being, yes. They do have that infrastructure. That is not, and was not ever part of the change. The reason gearbox went over is money, and MAYBE the temptation for full industry crossplay. That alone is going to give shareholders a boner, since their game will never be "dead", they'll always be able to find someone across all platforms it's on. It's also appealing to consumers because they get to play with friends who may play on pc or the other consoles they don't have.

no, it was literally Gaben's idea

based gogchan
now spread open and let me breed you

both are on the short term roadmap

>"I-I'm sure there's a list somewhere.."
so you got nothing?

if he's so right then how come he's a jew?

But guess what?
Videogame libraries DO NOT HAVE PHYSICAL SPACE.
It's literally, a goddamn click.
Just as how i gotta launch Origin to play Apex once in a while and i gotta launch Steam for other titles, it takes me no effort.

So you're bitching about doing different clicks while you're sitting on your asses.


Valve has been dominating the market since launchers on PC became a thing. They haven't faced any real competition and any improvements they've made were the result of users kvetching like autists.

>That alone is going to give shareholders a boner, since their game will never be "dead", they'll always be able to find someone across all platforms it's on.
Yeah just like with Battleborn

Valve shat on Half-Life fans. That's enough for me and most other people to consider Valve officially worse than Epic. Epic is the lesser evil.

Valve spies on everything you say and do on Steam, retard. Every chat you've had with someone, every comment you've left (and deleted) on someone's profile, it's all in a database.

>easier to just call you the retarded autist you are copying what retarded autists have been saying since Win95
retarded autists like Tim Sweeney, right?

Attached: UWP.png (890x909, 456K)

>biblical level of user backlash and outcry
>steam backpedals and apologizes
You really expect Epic to listen to its users?

also don't spread misinformation

steamworks don't host the game servers, devs and publishers have to pay for their own servers, steamworks is more like a server browser and a P2P client

Valve only host server for their own games

Yeah that's why paid mods exists on Bethesda launcher with their Creators Club, but not in Steam

Battleborn isn't crossplay. fortnite is. rocket league is, brawlhalla is.
I neglected to mention that, you're right, my bad. I was getting caught up in trying to define infrastructure that i neglected to mention how server setup actually worked.

>dude just install all of these garbage on your computer BECAUSE IT TAKES NO PHYSICAL SPACE
are you actually retarded user? did you miss the entire point of that post? do you need food analogy maybe?

Eh, personally I considered Epic's actions more unforgivable given that they actively called all PC gamers pirates and that the industry was dead during the Gears of War era before crawling back.

I use screenshots, streaming, friends, profiles, the marketplace, forums, guides, reviews, the workshop, update news, the music feature, and a lot more.

Then don't download EGS. Just because I want Valve to face more competition doesn't mean I like EGS.

>this competition isn't competition
Top fucking kek.
There is no place for improvements since competitions goes around gereedy devs and publishers, not customers

>E3 2019 rolls around
>gaben rolls on stage
>projector canvas behind gaben rolls down
>a rolling 3 passes by on the canvas
>gaben rolls off the stage
>steam steamrolls epic

>steam backpedals and apologizes
You seriously believe that's enough to forgive Valve? Fuck you and fuck Valve, what they did was a serious irredeemable criminal act against humanity, and they deserve a special place in hell.

>epic game store is a bitcoin miner
proofs please

Valve's cut undoubtedly affects devs, maybe not for this game in particular, but it has.

Attached: launchers.jpg (920x733, 157K)

Monetizing mods was a bad thing, I'll give you that.

Bringing over the console culture of moneyhatted exclusives is a much, much worse thing.

Literal early access store
>it'll be good once it's out of alpha!
>it'll be good once it's out of beta!
>it'll be good once it releases!
>t-they will patch it!

Valve has always been good about providing services to producers and consumers in the PC gaming space. Proton is a major benefit towards giving people options other than Windows for PC gaming. The new multiplayer API is free to use for any producer that puts their game on steam. Randy is just a dumb nigger who doesn't know what he's talking about and OP is a chink faggot.

Exactly this. If Randy’s overblown rant convinced me of anything, it’s that epic is okay as a villain in the sense that they can force steam to be better. But that still doesn’t make me want to support them in any way and at best makes me willing to tolerate them as a temporary force in the industry.

You honestly believe that? Do you honestly think it would have stopped there?
Do you think that Valve's track record of monetizing everything in their path would have stopped at Skyrim?
When in their announcement they were obviously planning on making more games have that option?

It's true though. But Steam went on to improve and people started enjoying it more and more. Maybe if Epic improved and didn't start buying exclusives, who knows, maybe people will like it too eventually.

This is exactly why people want Steam and Valve to fail. Steam isn't a gaming service anymore, it's fucking Facebook, and unlike Facebook you're paying for everything, right down to the backgrounds and emotes.

oh nononon delete this

Based DRMfree brother.

Attached: 1532543427914.png (654x1036, 261K)

user you seriously have reading comprehension problems

no matter how much you suck their dick you will never see any of their money

>i use all this bloatware

congrats retard

>BethesdaNet 500MB
Never ceases to amaze me.

Attached: 1470781225896.png (604x717, 814K)

Fuck off, bugman.

>You honestly believe that?
Yep, because it's the fact, you cannot find paid mods on Steam, but you can find them on Bethesda launcher.

This only works if the service being offered is superior.
As it stands right now, Epic Games Store is inferior. Nevermind the lack of features - the store seems to lack basic functionality like decent customer support or account security. Let's not even discuss their lack of refunds or their atrocious foreign pricing policy.

just add one more to it user WHAT ARE YOU LAZY????

If we're looking at commercial games? Top 3 at least, if not first place. Maybe beaten by Unity because of the shitton of indie games, but which other engine would beat it?

I already have Steam, GOG, Battlenet, Origin and Discord installed. And yes.
I also have the EGS installed.

So what kind of first world problems are you facing?

They're not features, they're useless bloat.

This. They can bicker all they want about their precious storefronts, but if they start doing exclusives to storefronts, you bet that piracy numbers will skyrocket again.

I don't support Epic though. I don't even buy video games. What's your excuse, retard?

>you cannot find paid mods on Steam
I'm something like 100% certain that there is at least SOME Steam Workshop content which is sold.

Which one is left after all of these?


>defending bloatware
Fuck off.

0.03$ has been deposited to your Steam wallet

>we're sorry twitter trannies, we didn't mean to uspet you!
GoG is the client of choice for cuck apologists.

Then post link, I will wait, Randy

Nigger, then 80% the EGS roadmap is bloat as well.

So when did this “steam is shit” stuff start? Why is every publication parading around saying steam is awful?

i support one so the other fails.

You're trying to correlate without saying it, retard. I'm not falling for it. Give me some proof for your bullshit claims.

Twitch launcher

common sense that tells me not to install garbage that I will never need to use just because my computer has space for it?

Why is the epic launcher not lined up properly?

Do TF2 hats count?

Also Warframe Tennogen content.

Steam has a decade+ of games on there and cultivated a die hard following as a result. It's not going anywhere. I'm sure an Epic or Randy shill will say "wuh bout Gamestop!!!". Well it look a shift in the way people buy things for GS and other physical stores to die out. It would need to be an innovative new way we buy things for Steam to die in a similar fashion. Epic game store is just copying steam and offering nothing new if there even IS anything new that can be done.

>you're paying
No you're not sweety. You really think games would be less than $60 if they weren't on Steam?

Not really. It all depends how it's implemented.

It's been shit for years, child. Where have you been.

So I guess you oppose most of the features Epic launcher is actively planning to add in the next few months

Game journos and fags like Randy have been seething about Steam for the last decade and now EGS gave them a hill to die on.

no matter how much you suck their dick you will never see any of their money

>valve tries to jew
>people start reeeeing
>valve drops it
>epic tries to jew
>people start reeeeing
>"it's the developers that decide the market, also gamers are toxic"
gee I wonder why people support steam over gay store

Steam has always sucked shit, the only thing it had going for it after a while was the fact every game who wanted cheap DRM put their game on steam.

Fucking baffles me that it took 15 fucking years for someone to go 'you know, steam is actually pretty shitty, we can compete with them' even if its a shitty company like epic.

>that I will never need to use just because my computer has space for it?
But user, i use them all.

Now what?

You sound like a Jew.

Fuck off Epic shill. Yeah people complain about Steam, but nobody who hates Steam can be possibly happy about EGS. It's literally a worse Steam, who's hogging exclusives.

What was the story though

funny you say THERES NO REFUNDS IN ENTIRE REGIONS like mine argie here and you cant refund even once the same is for the entire southamerica , the fact you say" other bullshit thats easily disproven" i cna refunds wherever i want on steam and have the plus better regional pricing and other features like proifile better controller support etc , the epic store is a catastrophe and is and will be the downfall of gaming on pc you dont care about our region is fine we are shitholes but we and the russians are the ones that will flood the net like the old times with torrents and piracy, better be preparing euro and americans because with the way things are going to be pc ports will get delays like mid 00s in comparison with the console versions a RDDR or GTA situation but with much more titles , you can say this is just an user seething and partly you are right but right now i v seen a big boom with facebook groups and local forums filled with links and the epic debacle is just starting i salivate to think how the outlook will be in a few years , but well good luck for the devs

>Do TF2 hats count?
Nope, since you might as well include trading cards.

Anyone who defends EGS as it stands right now is either a retard, a shill, or a troll.
Maybe in time EGS could come out as a superior option, but as far as it goes presently it's the vastly inferior option.

Epic apparently shekeled journos enough to make extensive coverage of the Fortnite store

These features are actually useful unlike most of the bloat that Valve has stuffed Steam with.

Delete this.

you must be 18 or older to browse this site

>conviniently glosses over Origin, Battle.net, UPlay, GoG, itch.io and the Winblows Store

Too bad I'm more caucasian than you ever will be

Paragon, the game that had to shut its servers down and advertised giving free refunds because the game is no longer playable. Nice example.

then go your merry way and use them?
I'm not computer police user just because I don't install flavor of the month garbage on computer and use it

>you know, steam is actually pretty shitty, we can compete with them'
>release an inferior store
Great going there, epic

yes and most of the features are copied from steam

Name 10 things the Epic Games Store is “inferior” in

Dream on, kike. Your own people don't even consider themselves white.

This doesn't work when you are under 18. Come back in a few years, kiddo.

>Add the exact same features
Fuck off, bugmen.

Compare to the thousands upon thousands of games at Valve, which were all cancelled.

nah i'm good. got anymore epic memes to hit me with?

The shills literally lack a comeback for that, so they pretend it's just about steam

Attached: 1552124454694.gif (800x352, 2.74M)

Worked for pubg. How them servers doin?

You're the type of person I want as my consumer. That's what.

All shit and isn’t competing against Steam since they only sell steam keys just like Humble Bundle

I welcome the Epic Game Store simply for how easy it is to pirate and play online games through it. I was genuinely surprised at how easy it was to crack a multiplayer game on the store, not that steam is really any better, but steam updates usually break these cracks after awhile, haven't had a single update fuck with my Ashen multiplayer fix yet.

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Oh yeah i have that one too
Because fuck you

Attached: Twitch.png (918x156, 11K)

Imagine paying for inferior versons of games you can get for free

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>I'm not computer police user just because I don't install flavor of the month garbage on computer and use it
Flavor of the month

It seems to me you're just being autistic and don't want to open a different launcher.
Keep seething. I'll be playing videogames .

>muh bloat on steam
Nobody forces you to use any of it. You can literally have shortcuts to all your games and never even open any Steam windows

why everyone keeps shilling EGS?
will I get paid if I hop on the bandwagon too?
I'll do hell a lot of good shilling for cheap if someone guides me on where I can sign up for this

I thought it obvious that it means I'm not a Jew and not even close to a Jew. I bet you're American, meaning you're not even white. Now crawl back to your shithole.

valve+ms+bethesda vs epic+gearbox+indieshits
dont worry guys, this will be an easy victory for the steambros

Then Warframe Tennogen content.

>The competitive store that happens to be the leader in 10 years may not be Epic’s store
he's right about that LOL! get fucked epic

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for how young it is, it's infinitely superior to steam in it's infancy, and that's the benchmark i'm using. I'm not going to be buying my games on epic or anything right now, but if over the next couple years they avoid putting in stupid streamer bullshit, literal movies, and trying to become a music streaming service, I'll switch over, steam is sinking itself by doing too much shit that ISNT VIDYA.

Says the guy thats produced shit game after shit game the last 10 years.

>Windows Store sells Steam keys
>Origin sells Steam keys
>uPlay sells Steam keys

Attached: 1514756964616.png (768x752, 168K)

Europe is a bigger shithole than America at this point. America may be kike controlled, but so is Europe.

You'll only get paid if you're an influencer. The shills you see here are either fans of said influencers or Tencent employees.

How is that even related to Steam? I've played Warframe for years, it has a separate client you retard.

>has steam to look at for how to do things right
>manages to launch in a better state than steam 15 years ago

>It took Half-Life 2 to even get us (not quite) comfortable enough to swallow the Steam pill back in the day.
That's not even a little bit whe t it was tho.

>B-but Valve said one thing two months ago!

Attached: epic fag store.png (471x560, 339K)

>topic of the thread is epic store
>strawmans gog out of his list
user you seem more upset and autistic than you should be over this
I keep playing video games too and I hope you have fun with your vidya as well

>Europe is a bigger shithole than America at this point
Literally what Americans tell themselves to feel better. How's that "freedom" treating you, based NPC?

>Name 10 things I can strawman with.

Attached: SynNfar.jpg (591x1207, 565K)

>useless bloat
I cannot go back. I won't launch my games through anything that cannot offer me something at LEAST as comprehensive as per-game per-peripheral input configurations.

Attached: UselessBloat.png (650x300, 122K)

You should stop shitposting and go pay more attention to your historical churches. They're all being burned by kikes pretending to be Muslims.

*bribes publishers*

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Anyone that claims they're ad PC gamer and they've only used Steam in their life is a liar or worse, ignorant.

I remember 2011 when Origin launched.

This, by comparison, is nothing.

this is the mandatory post that will strawman trading cards from that list

The sad thing is that if valve dies then we will have the netflix problem where it will be easier and better to pirate everything than paying for it.

im from EU and this place is becoming a shithole

tax going up, gas prices and housing is exploding, Muslims and niggers everywhere

Oh shut up, it's obvious you just want to defend your steam collection.

There is nothing wrong with having multiple launchers.
The absolute best solution is DRM free but c'est la vie.

Pretty much most of that is just bloat.

>tax going up
Are you fucking 18?
>gas prices exploding
goddamnit, why do I share my continent with retards.

I wrote the support over a span of 5 month that my account has an authenticator that I never set up. They never responded ONCE. Thank god I didn't spend any money on that piece of shit store and oh am I laughing at you fools who have

Move out of germany, hans.

Tennogen is developed and voted on through Steam Workshop. Then DE has an approval process and it gets added to the game for sale directly through the Steam Client for cash. Much later on down the line (as in, out of step with the update schedule itself), it gets added to the non-Steam versions of the game for in-game currency.

Which is exactly how Valve and Bethesda pitched what they were planning for mods-as-user-made-DLC for Skyrim.

Attached: ExactlyWhatTheyPlannedForSkyrim.png (984x599, 508K)

Should remove the Chi-com spying cell. It'll give faggots a gotcha response to link that shill article about how Sweeney said your data is totally safe and it really just falls under selling your data to 3rd parties anyway.

I've never used shit like uplay and origin and I've been playing PC games for 20+ years

yes im well over 18
tax for 2018 was 4% more for me than in 2017, thats a lot, also if you think that 1.5€ for a fucking liter of gas is OK then go fuck yourself jew

Fuck off shill. Origin only had its own games as exclusives. Epic is buying 3rd party exclusives and starting a shitflinging competition, making the user experience worse in the process instead of better. Hell, Sweeney even admitted he doesn't care about the consumer, only the publishers. This is a lot worse than Origin, Uplay or any other shitty store did.

What a glorious free future we're heading towards.

Attached: epic_store.png (2408x1488, 465K)

>says he while his own president openly says israelis>>>>>>>>americans

Steams infancy was in a completely different age of technology and internet.

>Which is exactly how Valve and Bethesda pitched what they were planning for mods-as-user-made-DLC for Skyrim.
actually no. the approval process wasn't needed for what they were going for

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>can't use these items ingame unless developers adds them
commiepoorfags out

I've gone back and bought games through Steam that I had already pirated, not to support the devs, but because I wanted cloud saves and automatic background update management.

Borderlands 3 will be the next Half-Life 3, just wait for it.

you would be surprised to know how many GOG games I've bought because they are not tied to any store or launchers
just a simple installer that gets the job done and you get your game out of it just as god intended

Nice try tranny.

Ensuring games exist is hardly worth demonizing you retarded

>All these people acting like epic is somehow being the bigger company providing the better product, when it isn't even hidden that epic is paying them off.

I had already made a decision to never buy EA games like 5 years before Origin came out though.

Gas is not in infinite supply you fucking retard. I can guarantee you the price will go up a lot more in the coming decades. And yea taxes go up, cry me a river, that's called inflation. And you must know that not every country in the EU has the same tax policy, so I'm doubting if you're even from here.

t. never owned a car

Epic will never have family sharing so they can fuck off


I was under the impression that Bethesda was meant to have some sort of veto or corrective power over the mods which were offered "for sale" because part of the appeal was meant to be "quality control"? You pay money for the mod but it comes with an actual guarantee of support from the developer and that justifies their financial cut?

I'll admit I didn't really follow it too much since I knew I wasn't going to buy any mods regardless.

they're not ensuring the games exist, they're paying for sales after the game is all but completed

So you've missed on all Battlefield releases since 2011? And Titanfall 2? And even Dragon Age Inquisition?
And all the free shit EA was giving out for years?
Hell, i now own Jade Empire for doing nothing. As well as games like NFS Most Wanted and Crusader No Remorse.

Shame you missed out on that.

ok retard then why is gas so much cheaper in USA? hell even in 3rd world shithole ahs chaper internt and gas than EU

No, this is worse
Origin and uPlay have exclusives that BELONG to THEM - They have full rights to do what they want with their own products.

Epic doesn't have games of their own, other than the dying fartnite, so they'll just give fat money to publishers in order to monopolize on games that would otherwise be available on several platforms at the same time, giving customers freedom of choice.

Epic can't compete fairly because they don't have a choice.
give-aways don't work, better service is impossible, so the only thing they have left is holding as many games as they can that you can't have elsewhere, that way the customer doesn't get to choose the better service, and is forced to use a shitty platform (as is still the case with origin and uplay) but with epic, it's just underhanded because they're not Epic's own games

>Ensuring games exist
Okay, you're gonna have to walk me through what you mean on this.

>start making enough money to actually buy the games that I like instead of pirating it
>this goes long enough for me to become a b*yfag that has two way feeling about piracy
>epic store comes in with exclusive games
never I have been more thankful of chinese for making me go back to my roots
I can't believe how soft I've gotten
fuck everything piracy is the answer to all questions

yeah I wish GOG had all games I wanted. I wouldn't even use Steam anymore.

Ditch your car and just use a bike. They can't tax you for that. I'm being serious. Cars in the current year are a scam.

>EA shills and Epic shills are now cross-pollinating
this is the future we chose

And that is exactly how it should be.
If you can get it through GOG, then that is the most optimal store to get it from.

>go fuck all y'all.
Go back to Tumblr.

>Worth it
Good joke

>what is piracy
Also BF, Titanfall and Dragon Age are all shit games
>all the free shit EA was giving out
You mean the shit you paid a monthly subscription for?

>just pedal 60KM per day

ok bro

>1) Foreign pricing is awful, games that have gone from Steam to EGS have risen in price drastically after the change.
>2) Payment fees which get covered by Steam do not get covered on EGS, they expect the customer to pay for it.
>3) Terrible security. People's accounts are constantly being hacked in to and stolen, this is amplified by...
>4) Terrible customer service. They can take weeks to respond to any tickets and often times they're completely unhelpful.
>5) Terrible data policies. Opting out of having your data being tracked and sold is hidden under a mountain of confusing language in order to make it as hard as possible.
>6) Dubious software, many reports of it scraping people's computers for information that it really has no reason to be looking at. Namely, Steam files.
>7) No offline play, even for singleplayer games. Good luck playing anything when your internet's down.
>8) Restricted medium for feedback and leaving reviews. Every game on Steam has a section for reviews, meanwhile EGS devs can opt out of allowing this just in case their game gets shit reviews.
>9) 40% owned by Tencent, THE Chinese Megacorporation notorious for spying on people who uses its products to give data to the Chinese Government. No matter how many statements the CEO will make in Twitter, there is absolutely NO WAY that a company that operates on gathering big data would own a stake this big without them getting access to any user data. For Tencent, Big Data is worth more than money.
>10) Simply a lack of features. And this isn't the bullshit features that Valve just added for fun, I'm talking about basic features like being able to take/upload screenshots, having a web browser in your overlay, etc.

user I'm all for piracy but calling it superior for multiplayer games or games with mods would be a lie

Because America is Israel 2.0.

>Install Epic Data Stripmine, is good!
>Epic wants to be the Facebook and Google of video game industry! And that's a good thing!
>Just think of the Publishers!
>Become the consumer friendly product today!

Not him but I don't own a single game that requires Origin or UPlay and yes, I have missed out on some titles. I probably would have played Titanfall 2, I heard the campaign was fun. And I missed out on a couple of (apparently) really terrific 2D Rayman reboots.

Asi es la vida.

>average EGS defender
actual physical cringe pain

Thank you for your service, brave gamer warrior. Keep up the good fight. Fight for your right, fight for your life.

>Filter Epic threads
>The somehow keep popping up

Attached: 1443677433394.gif (200x200, 494K)


Because USA is keeping prices artifically low and pretending there's an infinite supply. They'll hit a brick wall evenutally. Are you really this dumb? There's a million articles on it.

Piracy is the only moral option in the game industry. You can't fix this piece of shit industry by buying into every new dogshit practice some greedy scumbag came up with to milk everyone dry. Buyfags are actively contributing to this fucking farce.

>"I-it'll be good when it's out of early access I swear!"
The absolute STATE of Epic shills

If you weren't such a pussy you would be halfway by now.


oh I don't actually fucking know, thought any retard could list their horse armor on the workshop or some shit
it's probably what they have in the creation club. don't really give a fuck either

Well also because petrodollars. We spend a lot of money and kill a lot of people to make sure that oil can only be bought with USD. It's kind of a big deal for us, and it has an impact on what we pay.

>You mean the shit you paid a monthly subscription for?
No, i mean literally all the game EA were giving via their On the House program.

Free vidya for nothing. Every month. They discontinued the service a few months ago.
>Also BF, Titanfall and Dragon Age are all shit games
You missed out on fun.

Never would have played Crusader No Remorse if it wasn't for that offer.

Every time.

Reminder that Discord has had a 10/90 split in favor of developers since they introduced their game store and yet nobody is flocking to them despite having a massive install base. It's almost like publishers, the ones making the decision, don't give a flying fuck about revenue share and are moving to the Epic Store because Epic is bribing them.

Attached: 1554381786331.jpg (1095x1115, 842K)

>A credit of 2¥ has been added to your EA account.

Reddit dislikes Randy?

I should do that too honestly
the shills are getting more aggressive everyday and its obvious how desperate they are

Randy is literally black listed among other publishers. Nobody trusts him

Or EA just consistently produced shitty games for many years. No need to be an incel about it.

This guy is in charge of a company

Attached: extra.jpg (308x464, 19K)

>You missed out on fun.
I don't have fun playing shit games

>No offline play, even for singleplayer games. Good luck playing anything when your internet's down.
This has to be a joke,
>it's true
Even if solely because of this, Epic shouldn't even be allowed to exist

Attached: 1551820533284.webm (364x320, 684K)

>You missed out on fun.
he really didn't, Mr. Shill. You gave yourself away with Dragon Age Inquisition

don't post my UNJUSTED boy brandon in a randy thread please

And you're hogging oil as well. Shell (from my country) didn't want to drill oil in Alaska since they weren't allowed to sell it outside of the US.
Maybe I'm missing some details, but that's what a friend told me who works for Shell.

Yeah he made up some ridiculous lie about how he beat Gabe in a game of poker and Gabe called him out on the obvious lie. He's been eternally butthurt ever since.

>And so we’re(YOU) going to swallow the Epic Game Store pill with Borderlands 3.

Attached: Well.jpg (780x538, 115K)

Ultimately, this is only good if you think that weakening the stranglehold that Steam has is a benefit to PC gaming as a market.
Every publisher thinks thats a great thing, developers are a mixed bag, the consumer largely no because they don't reap the benefits of a PC market without a monolithic gatekeeper that is Steam.


from the guy who lied about winning the name "gearbox" in a card game with gaben and now has financial motivation to support epic's hostile takeover of the PC market
randy is a leech and an idiot

No offline is the biggest sin, but I'd like to add the extra DRM they shove in just because of the fact.

There was even a webm of you having to wait in a queue to log in but i haven't seen it in a while. Don't know if it's real or not

This fucking steam vs egs is becoming as annoying as console wars.

okay that one was fun
>BF and Dragon Age: Inquisiton
Nah mate. Shit games. BF died with 3.

Yeah, we're pretty wacky when it comes to that shit. But the dollar isn't backed by anything else anymore and we've got to do SOMETHING to make the currency worthwhile on the global stage. What else are we gonna do, lean on the outflow of American-made goods to guarantee there are buyers of USD on the exchanges? kek.

The real irony is that a lot of countries are also tied up in this and they don't realize the extent to which it affects them. Norway is a market leader in electric cars, for example, despite their entire nation's public assistance program being financed by their state-run oil sale fund. When that shit goes tits up the entire Scandinavian social model will die with it, they don't even realize it.

>Giving Gearbox a fucking cent regardless of platform
Are you all fucking retarded, Randy Pitchford is a scumbag piece of shit who fucked over 3D Realms, Sega and tried to screw over Valve and then sell you broken games on bullshit lies

Attached: DtcZEKHUUAAkM2l.jpg (577x675, 32K)

Dragon Age Inquisition was a drastic improvement(couldn't go anywhere but up) and i had more fun with it than i had with Skyrim...but not as much as i had with TW3.

Which i bought through GOG galaxy. A different launcher ;^)

Any other comments steambaby?

That was the inevitable conclusion from the very beginning.

>publishers like it and so do devs, so customers have to shut up. You're not allowed to dictate where your money goes

Yeah okay Epic.

What did EVERYONE say when the first exclusive deal for Epic Store was announced?

your money wasted friend, not mine. I'm sure you thought your logic was clever though, that was kind of cute.

>Epic’s investment in technology
Such as?

a drastic improvement still left it at a terrible game

I liked Battlefield 3 alot.

But the absolute worst thing about it was THE FUCKING BROWSER.

What the fuck were DICE thinking with that system?

how the mighty has fallen
this is why we can't have good things

The story is a total fabrication, and incredibly gay, but if you want to read his homoerotic fan fiction:

Where's my (You) then faggot?

Dragon Age games are still shit. TW3 was also boring

I'm not well versed in these things, but I know that the majority of societies is showing symptomps of procrastination on the issue of dwindling oil supplies.
>yeah we'll run out of oil eventually
>not for now though, let's burn some more!
It's not going to end well. I'm not sure how many reserves there are, but when I was in highschool the estimations were 2050-2060. The majority of countries are not treating it as a finite resource at all.

I'm starting to think that anonymous post from the "Gearbox employee" is true. If this is how he treats random people/potential customers, just imagine working for this dumbass.

Knowing Randy, you're probably 100% right.
He's that fucking retarded and petty enough to be THAT upset after being called out for his bullshit.

New thread

Now that I think of it, BF4 was a better BF3 in most ways, but after that it went to shit.
But yeah that browser was godawful.


They are finding more and more oil every fucking year. It's not going to run out any time soon

I guarantee you Epic's solution to piracy is going to be dumping those fortnite funbucks into legal fees directed at as many dumbasses that use public trackers with no vpn as they can.

it doesnt need a new thread retard
this isn't a /vg/ general stop shilling epic store and memelands 3

yeah that's a great launcher.
>Origin for DA
shit taste, please fuck off. I pirated inquisition and was bored out of my fucking mind. What a shitshow. It felt like a F2P MMO.

don't need a cart if you only sell 5 games


>Publisher thinks it's a great thing
no shit, sherlock
they're the ones who get free money while the devs and customers eat shit

Steam is not a "gatekeeper"
Steam has never had an issue with games being released elsewhere
The only thing Valve dislikes, (and has every right to dislike) is the fact that scumbag publishers have a steam store page for a product that they won't allow to be release on steam - essentially using steam for free advertising.

This is should honestly be a crime

Thx for the link, yea I'll pass, I got the sense of it from the thread here

TL;DR it's an overly-embellished tall tale about how Randy and Gabe came up from the "perfect name" Gearbox together, then Randy won the name in a poker game on a New Orleans riverboat.

Here's a pastebin. I'd post the whole story but it's almost 3x the character limit, it's staggering to think that someone would write a lie this elaborate.


I originally made an origin account way back in 2011 for the release of Battlefield 3.

And i haven't regretted it since.

Keep seething faggot.

someone with a twitter account tell him you aren't buying borderlands 3 because his company has never made a single quality product

>BP's annual report on proved global oil reserves says that as of the end of 2013, Earth has nearly 1.688 trillion barrels of crude, which will last 53.3 years at current rates of extraction. This figure is 1.1 percent higher than that of the previous year.
This was 4 years ago

Like I said, you're the perfect consumer.

>user's talk up all the malicious shit Valve has done
>When asked to name three, they cannot
The burden of proof is on the accuser, guys.

A common misconception about "Peak Oil" is that it refers to the moment when oil stops becoming available, or stops becoming more abundant than it was in years past. The real defining characteristic of Peak Oil as a social problem is the diminishing EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested), and we have already hit that point. If we consume 10 billion barrels of oil this year (let's say; I have no idea what global oil consumption looks like, these are made-up numbers for the point) and we can cite another 12 billion next year, it's easy to say "we're not running out". But when the 10 billion barrels we got this year were gotten at a rate of 100:1 on EROEI and the next 12 billion are 3:1, we're gonna have a SERIOUS fucking problem.

Essentially, we're at a point where we've cleaned the forest of the very last of the low-hanging fruits, and eternal optimists (bless them) are pointing at the tree-tops and going "there's TWICE as much fruit up there, we just have to climb!" Yes, that's true, but you're not accounting for the enormous expense of getting at the shit.

An approach that went absolutely gangbusters for the RIAA in the pre-library-streaming age of music, amirite?

>I haven't regretted Origin!
Keep coping faggot.

Attached: download (1).jpg (268x188, 6K)

Thanks for the insight user, makes sense. So you're saying we already passed "Peak Oil"? So it's probably going tits up in the near future?