Reggie on Twatter

How till he starts posting political shit on his Twitter page?

Attached: nintendo-reggie-fils-aime-1167175-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 75K)

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How long*

More like "how long until sjws lose their shit at a nonchalant comment he makes and hound him in to giving a public apology"

Retires from Nintendo to post epic memes on Twitter.

I take it he was not allowed to have a twitter while working at Nintendo?

Reggie is too based to bow to the demands of a handful of ratty trannies with virtual checkmarks

I get that good PR is a important and Reggie seems like a cool guy, but were people actually sad that he left Nintendo? If so, why? I can't fathom the idea of anyone 20+ years old being sad that a company is changing its president.


Literally how the fuck

Seeing how Doug Bowser still has one I'm assuming it was a personal decision. Todd Howard has said he'll never have social media as long as he works at Bethesda because then he'll have to watch his words.

Guarantee you the name was held by a long dead account, so twitter gave it to him.

PR is, or at least seems to be these days, an entertainment business at heart. The easiest way to advertise to people is to give them something they want to watch, and Reggie's time as a performer on Nintendo's stage has come to an end. It's a similar sentiment to an actor leaving a show, it won't ever be exactly the same as it was when Reggie was around. He was a great showman.

He probably knows someone who knows someone at Twitter who could give him the handle, seeing as the previous owner didn't use it in over a decade:

People and companies simply ask twitter for the prime name if it's taken already

So that’s it, then? The person that originally had it just gets fucked?

the account was probably renamed to reggie[number] or something.

domain squatters

Unlike CEOs of other tech companies he had been a presence in the public eye since his introduction in the early 2000s. He's not Steve Balmer level of enthusiasm but he certainly made a name for himself in the industry.

>long dead
The account was probably made the first couple years of twitter at most and hasn't been active in 8+ years (if it ever was)
All twitter did was rename it.

Never. Political shit is driven by investors. He answers to no one now.

He bought it.

Anyone else doesn't like Reggie? Several of Nintendo most retarded decision happened with Nintendo under him and nobody cares because of the le epic "my body is ready" meme

Imagine if your job was to murder people and nobody cared because you made some funny "pew pew" sound at a camera once

I can see people having been a public presence on a company for so much time being paid or threatened if they go full commando even after their retirement, as they could prove his image is still associated with Nintendo's

Obama did that

Name literally one decision Reggie made

Reggie was nothing more than NA marketing guy. Literally he has 0 impact on Nintendo as developers or the decisions they make.

His only fuck up was the fucking shitshow that the Wii U marketing was.

He's a private citizen now, not representing Nintendo. He can do whatever the fuck he wants, you insecure tourist.

Reggie isn't a business man he's a PR and marketing guy.

not giving Disaster Day of Crisis a North American release was literally his decision

not video games, he's e-celeb now

pack it up boys

Attached: reggiewhy.png (591x744, 440K)

His body is Reggie

More like "how long until he posts something progressive and Yea Forums is flooded with screencaps of it screaming 'what did he mean by this?' and 'REGGIE IS A FUCKING SJW' for weeks"

MY body is ready

I feel like obsessively forcing discussion about the sjw boogeyman should be considered "sjw" as well. Only deranged autists rant about this shit, and for some reason a number of them congregate on anonymous shitposting forums.

i literally wouldn't ever hear about any of this supposed sjw shit if it wasn't for people reposting it ad nauseam on here trying to incite outrage

Because you're here for the serious video game discussion and waifu threads, right?

reggie films anime

yes you stupid fuck

That's good to hear

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Go back to your Smash containment thread, tranny

man trannys are living in your head RENT FREE

Never,He should stay out of politics!Politics are not good.

Attached: D6DF95EF-5D24-4097-92A0-694BED173EF3.png (283x178, 24K)

but that's literally a political statement tho