
Attached: fire-emblem-three-houses-boxart.jpg (741x1200, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i hope its good
shit ass boxart though, shoulda used the SE art

I keep thinking this is Blazblue Cross Tag Battle's boxart when I see the thumbnail for this.

Attached: BBCTB cover.jpg (497x800, 452K)


It DOES look extremely similar. Far too similar
Also, upside down yellow dude looks stupid as fuck and singlehandedly ruins the FE cover

Why is yellow man upside down?

I love FE series, but I agree this cover looks very retarded

I have almost no confidence in this game being good, and what little's left is dwindling.
But god damn has this series had my ballsack in a stranglehold since playing fe9 when I was 10, so I'm buying it anyway.

>yellow is upside down
AHAHAHAH, what a shit cover

Attached: heh_nothin_cloudy_kid.jpg (539x559, 21K)

This, whoever chose this cover should be publicly burned alive.

>I have almost no confidence in this game being good, and what little's left is dwindling.
Why? We have seen almost nothing gameplay wise and we know Jack shit about the plot

>NotPrince isn't even drawn to be upside down, it's just some art of him upright that's been flipped
Gets me every time

What the fuck happened to that bow?

Nice fake boxart but why is the bow guy upside down

Have you not watched any of the trailers that have come out? They are not in-depth about any of those topics, but we know FAR from "almost nothing".

>Shit box art
>Shit art
>Shit premise
>Shit setting
>Shit graphics
Maybe the maps will be good

Attached: 1553311478152.jpg (698x658, 106K)

That's our only hope.
And maybe the school micromanaging bullshit will take a backseat and be mostly ignorable.

I can't wait for 20 rout maps.

anyone notice that the subtitle is extradordinarily close to "Treehouse"
seriously wtf is going on are they taunting us?

Attached: diddyistakingashit.png (300x225, 135K)

Australian Nigga always makes me laugh.

Japanese title is some proverb, something like Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon.

>anti-grave Prince
>Dimitri is holding his spear backwards and his hand is facing the wrong way
This fucking artist, man.

The Japanese subtitle is a pun or something that doesn't translate to english well. So they just went with the most literal, self-explanatory title they could.

They should have gone with Seasons of Warfare

>holding his spear backwards and his hand is facing the wrong way
wait yeah what the fuck?

Even Edelgard's axe is wierd, it looks to me that if she swings it she's going to hit the enemy with the flat side

First thing I thought of when I saw the Seasons of Warfare special edition.

I actually liked Fates and even I think this game looks awful

There must be atleast one good Fujo artist in the world.
Why did they hire this one?

I actually like the gameplay parts of what we have been shown. My main concern is the Gaidenshit mechanics it seems to have. After fucking Echoes was just more Gaiden, I have no faith in ISIS trying to implement it again.

>that filename

Attached: EQpVjPX1_400x400.jpg (400x400, 19K)

The fuck is yellowman firing with his bow, a toothpick?

>My main concern is the Gaidenshit mechanics it seems to have.

You talking about Mila's Turnwheel Byleth's probably going to have? I hope you won't actually use it if it's in the game user.

Attached: 1495676516261.gif (560x372, 285K)

Here IntSys I fixed your shit
It doesn't look great but at least yellowlad isn't fucking upside down

Attached: three houses.png (741x1200, 1.36M)

Remove the floating Byleths and it's good.

Which FE has the best cover?

I meant Gaiden in general. The maps we have seen so far seem Awakening tier, while an improvement over Gaiden, still isn't much. Weapon skills (Echoes this time, not Gaiden) are back, though they use durability now so it might be more balanced.

Shit, I was planning on putting a fade out effect on them and then I entirely forgot
It looks weird if there's nothing up there at all though

Attached: three houses.png (741x1200, 1.35M)

PoR, RD, NM, Awakening, Fates, Echoes. All the post-GBA games have great covers besides SD. I like NM's a lot myself.

Forgot to post pic. PoR's I'd say is the best but I like the touches on this one like Hardin being menacing, and the generals marching along the title.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 195K)

awakening hands down

I don't recall getting a good look at the maps yet, we'll see how they fair in two weeks.

>Awakening tier, while an improvement over Gaiden, still isn't much
Gaiden's maps make Awakening's look like a masterclass in design. You're giving them way too much credit.

Attached: Swampsofduma.jpg (400x240, 24K)

Amusingly enough, Duma's swamps used to not be a problem because you could skip them easily with the Pegasus Knights due to how bonkers they were. Echoes is an interesting game where improvements to the gameplay arguably create problems for the game itself.

Same with summoners, they weren't a problem in Gaiden because Dear could wipe them out, but it got nerfed hard in Echoes. I think Echoes calls it Expel.

path of rad

The meme accessories from Fates are something I really wish would come back sometime.

Attached: b9c.png (400x316, 168K)

Even if there's no avatar customization I hope accessories come back. I want to wear that plague mask we saw in the trailer

Will this game let you be a homo.

Attached: homo.jpg (935x715, 366K)

Yeah, I want that plague mask too, masks are great.

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60% chance.

>I want the GBA FE
How about you just play those, I for one would like a change to the gameplay in every new release, which is why I appreciated the Eugenics of Conquest and Awakening, and why Im gonna appreciate pairing my virgin students so they fuck the living daylights out of each other while I watch

Attached: IMG_20190415_100525.jpg (1031x627, 91K)



>tfw failed the brigand test again
bros.... i want to rape and pillage and plunder but i'm told i need at least a diploma in rape and a degree in finance first......

>will take a backseat
Considering there's professor levels, I doubt it.

FE4 had eugenics and it was good. Eugenics is not what made those two games bad. This school teaching subsystem looks like a huge waste of time and energy, far more egregious than the My Castle shit in Fates.

Hell, even without eugenics, micromanaging stats and growths in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery was great, I can't wait to do it again in Three Houses.

Y-you can study for the rape test with me, i-if you want to...
>S-rank support level achieved.

Aside from the trailers, has any gameplay been shown?


Isn't there an auto-option? I remember the trailer showing a preset focus path and a custom focus path for class growths so the game pushes certain characters to the "default" choice.


>Edelgarde will never help you study for the rape test
>with her doing the rape

>And maybe the school micromanaging bullshit will take a backseat and be mostly ignorable.

But I like micromanaging in TRPGs...

Barely. The pairings didnt do much and the way to get them to fuck was atrocious. Awakening and Fates did it better by cutting the time in half and letting you pick and choose who to support, instead of standing next to someone for 55 turns

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No, just the two trailers so far. Amusingly enough, the Japanese build in the 2nd trailer is earlier than the Western build. The trailer we got had better shadows and environmental animations so it looks like they are still working on it.

Barely. So far from what's being shown it's pretty shit.

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ippei is the best

Attached: Based ippei.png (608x900, 752K)

can't wait to pirate this shit

>Micromanaging bad! Options bad!

Attached: 1555348999749.png (1440x1844, 1.43M)

Everything about this game looks like one of those cheap anime games

>literally have a thread because of a box art
Fucking sad

>I love FE series
Get better fucking taste

God I hope if we ever get a Zigludo remake we don't get those half-assed "supports" that Echoes got, they managed to make the travesty that was Fates supports look good.
>don't talk to me
>Rank C
>I thought I told you not to talk to me
>Rank B
>Rank A

>That's our only hope.
I like how FEfags think everyone wants shit gameplay

>The pairings didnt do much
They affect growth rates just like the DS eugenics, and instead of granting reclass options they instead decide the gen 2 character's entire inventory, which is honestly a far more significant factor, especially when characters are being given holy blood and holy weapons.

Im surprised they used the excuse of voice acting for this. If you cant make a substantial support system due to voice acting costs, just... Dont voice them?

Where’s the Lewds of the other teachers damn it

Fuck off I need an excuse to bitch about a non-existant game.

But he said the exact opposite; both anons were saying that they hope that the gameplay, at the very least, will be good.

Yes and it looks great. Surprising for a FE game

Attached: 1550101322002.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

I wish they would get Ippei to do the art for a main FE, or HACCAN for that matter.

They just said >muh maps
As though they any idea at what good level design is and ignoring the fact that mechanics and AI are important. They don't actually give a shit for good gameplay.

It's cool how everyone starts with a generic uniform and then get armor when they promote. The knight class promotion looks rad as fuck.


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>FE4 had eugenics and it was good.
It's fucking worse than Awakening

Good bait

Attached: 1496638857824.png (250x237, 67K)

Thats not an edit, thats an image flip, essentially.
Why did they feel the need to paste their name onto it

So FE?

Attached: 1469947557559.png (520x600, 290K)

What bait? This the first real trpg in the series unless you are mentally disabled enough to think FE is a good series

legit nice job, tumblrfaggot.
Looks a bit janky in some spots because it's just a rearrangement edit, but that's unavoidable

Gameplay could still be good so I don't really care about the other stuff. I mean Yea Forums loves Conquest and that game is a travesty in everything but the music and gameplay department as well.

Attached: 1550454056707.jpg (918x1000, 165K)

this is a srpg series, fuck off

Hardly anything was done but yet it looks so much fucking better

>This is the first real trpg in the series

Attached: 1533351838682.jpg (500x333, 40K)

He means gameplay-wise user. Console FE games always look like ass.

Attached: RD.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

What's irritating is how people focus so much on the school setting that they ignore the other stuff like how the Church is involved in training the military and has connections to the military, the faction conflict brewing, the edgelord with the magic longsword that might be a Fire Emblem, plus the promotion outfits.

No It's not you fucking retard. FEfags make it a point to be fucking retarded

Conquest gameplay isn't good

People is retarded and forget that military academies are an actual thing (and have appeared in the series) and not an excuse for highschool and "muh Harry Potter guys!"

Yes exactly right
>will have more depth then any of the previous games combined with reclassing customization for loads of builds and playstyles just based on the things in pic related
>gauntlets as weapons, major new QoL
>assign students to specific training. this way that units, including the MC, improves over the course of the game seems so organic and is far more advanced than simple stat distribution during leveling up or a singular skill slots
>combat arts take away durability for your weapon, for a series first it is a good mechanic than a pointless one and if they actually properly manage this the game will have resource management
>amount of options each unit has, way more than in previous games with attacking, arts, items, and gambits
>everything from "subjugation" (seize) to "defeating bandits" (rout)
Right but FEtards don't actually like video games they only like VN's like Holy War and Echoes.

Attached: 1555207698712.png (461x349, 79K)

Yeah, it's a big part of Zigludo, Quan and Eldy's friendship too. I really want to get a closer look at the promoted outfits, orange hair guy looks like he has really cool armor.

Attached: Promoted outfits.jpg (629x528, 105K)

FEfags aren't people

There's other games that have better gameplay yeah but I think Conquest is at least the best they could have done with the 3DS FE mechanics and takes pair up to its max potential. (although I still prefer no pair up)

This. It had a few good maps but otherwise it's a mess.
>load up map, check enemy positions
>die because clusterfuck of skills, buffs, debuffs, etc compound to destroy you
>load up map, spend half an hour checking every item, skill, and stat on every single enemy
>trudge slowly through map and eventually win
Not satisfying. Sometimes it's good though, like the overhyped-but-still-great chapter 10, but all of the late game maps in particular are absolute travesties.

No they could have done a lot more. Conquest is GOAT in a efficiency and LTC but not playing casually.

They barely showed much of the gameplay so thinking that it is good before even seeing it in it's entirety is retarded mate

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I really like Sothis's design but what's with the random candy cane colored braids

Whoa...so this is the power of gachatards....whoa....rise up my ironic weebs bros...

>discussing the console games
>brings up the gatcha
Literally the only people that play the gatcha nowadays are Telliusfags desperate for some relevancy.

I can't wait to just make all my dudes gauntlet users and punch the final boss to death

Looking forward to it, the teacher perspective is interesting and the waifu faggotry seems toned down

Only smash fags want to shitpost anyway

>the Church is involved in training the military

>and has connections to the military

Uh ok who cares? Its FE. Church is either good and sycophants from some splonter summon evil dragon, three houses unite to kill big bad.

FE doesnt have good story, plot. screencap this u fucken nonce, i hate you all! goddamnit stop fycking talking to me im going crazy i cant breathe help help i cant breathe ITS TAKING ME OVER GET AWAY NOOOOioOioOOooOooOio

Stop being lazy and learn to manage your units you fucking casuals

The game isnt just going to auto win for you

Not this you fucking retard. Don't reply to me
>die because clusterfuck of skills, buffs, debuffs, etc compound to destroy you
Maybe if you are a fucking brainlet who smashes his head against a brick all day. This is a good thing. The amount of depth and variety it comes from enemies actually being a threat is necessary for trpg. You manage not only the level design but your unit capabilities as well in addition to the enemy composition and achieve position results.
>load up map, spend half an hour checking every item, skill, and stat on every single enemy
Good as ezplain above. It's a video game not a VN dipshit
>trudge slowly through map and eventually win
2/3s of the game have anti-turtle incentives so no. Besides this completely changes on a efficiency run.
>Not satisfying
Very satisfying. As it's actually difficult unlike these VN's the series keeps popping out.

Attached: nz6fjw1cT71rzyr5eo1_400.png (400x240, 69K)

>laughs in horse

Attached: Horse Emblem.png (1280x720, 977K)

Yellow is upside down because they don’t want to imply he’s the center protag

shut thevfuckbupvclown you gossamn cloen i wrar to god you fucjeb stupid jdiot noo obe plays the fu keb gacha fucj feb eroes you jdioyaz

>>Dimitri is holding his spear backwards and his hand is facing the wrong way
Can't unsee that. What the fuck is he doing with his spear?

>They barely showed much of the gameplay

True, but the little bit that has been shown already looks leagues above most of the series.

Attached: BitchesToo.jpg (499x330, 140K)

>otome shit art
>upside down dude
>misaligned clashing weapons
I could make a better boxart using clipart

Why are you using VN as a derogatory insult while posting images of a VN game?

I think the idea is that he's stabbing something to this right, that's the only thing that would make sense.

I'm sure the people happy about this customization shit are the ones who reclassed Wrys into a mercenary in the DS remakes and thought it was the greatest thing ever.

Some characters look like they came straight out of fucking Persona.

Attached: w.jpg (310x370, 28K)

Yeah, probably should have put Edge Guard in the center in that case, I really don't know why they skewed her to the side just to justify putting Clood upside-down.

>Right but FEtards don't actually like video games they only like VN's like Holy War and Echoes
Saying shit like that out of nowhere isn't gonna make people take you seriously

Attached: 1549189605967.png (355x280, 125K)

Because its not a VN

Fist weapons are definitely 100% retarded and make me think they'll go too far with this customization shit and shoehorn in too much nonsense.

>Some characters look like they came straight out of fucking Persona
Meanwhile like a few seconds later in the trailer they show off the non-school armors.

Your missing the point

None of them are the main character

Why would FEcucks take objective truth seriously in the first place? They fucking LOVE bad games. Sorry VN's

>femByleth is going to get VON REAGAN'D

Because it adds depth

People are gonna think you are Barneyfag and so far I'm starting to think you are

Attached: 1513247199722.png (236x226, 136K)

>implying FEfags care about gameplay quailty

Not an argument.

>Some characters look like they came straight out of fucking Persona.
I can't believe that anime characters look like anime characters.

Attached: 1550108355981.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

t. mentally disabled

Attached: 1554960596263.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

Far more of a VN than any FE game.

Judging by the trailers she's much more of the main character than Claude.

It's not at all. You can actually die in IV at the beginning than a FE game. Let alone IV has a actual good OST unlike this shit series

I don't think it's fair to compare a remake with a reclass system tacked on to a new game built from the ground up with customization in mind.
Like what for instance? How does one new weapon type (especially when we know all the weapon types) give you that impression?

>XD in the corner
pre-order cancelled

He's a complete retard. What do you expect

You still have AT LEAST 24 characters that all act as villagers from SoV/Gaiden,all have the same background and all have the same stupid ass 19th century looking uniform as their canon and default look.Their art is not going to change.

And the armors we've seen have absolutely no personality or charm in the sligthest,it's the most generic and dull rendition of armor designs in a high-budget series based on a medieval setting yet.
>inb4 u just want spikes and WoW armor,"grounded and realistic" designs gud

You can have armor that looks both fantasy and reasonable,and doesn't look like shit.

Attached: jillhaar.jpg (3155x2327, 2M)

Kek, nice edit user

>torn pantyhose


>You still have AT LEAST 24 characters that all act as villagers from SoV/Gaiden,all have the same background and all have the same stupid ass 19th century looking uniform as their canon and default look
Didn't know the game was already out. And yet it will stil have better gameplay than that pure garbage that was PoR

Has any huge tit milf or muscle girl that you can fuck been announced yet? That and solid gameplay mechanics are the two things I want and would buy a switch for

>Their art is not going to change.

Considering we are only going to be seeing their faces to their shoulders in portraits that really doesn't sound like an issue.

I like her.

Attached: 1552729549369.webm (480x592, 557K)

>500 word essay due for brigand class tomorrow
>haven't started yet because I've been shitposting on Yea Forums

They showed 21 students,plus the 3 protagonists.
They're all nobles.They act as villagers.They're all wearing the same shit.

It's not speculation,maybe try looking at the trailers.

this made me do a 360 and walk away

Looking like a minigame collection

Did and there's none of that, But know for a fact this isn't going to be a piece of garbage like usual for FE

Final boss is gonna be some douche dragon who hates humans :v

>I haven't completed the 400 hours of English Coastal Pillaging required for my Berserker Promotion Course
>there's only a week of school left
oh shit no fuck fuck fuck

i bet you’ll think of a retarded excuse to hate the game anyway because you expect an FE game to somehow not be FE

>everyone defending 3houses ITT shows open disdain for the rest of the Fire Emblem series
Really rumbles your noggin...

>no change of facial expression

Attached: 1548806043868.png (296x398, 164K)

No reason to hate a game that's going to have good gameplay. Humans naturally aren't attracted to shit. Ergo, if it's not FE, it's good.

>i like free class customization but didn’t enjoy FE12 somehow

>Daggers have been fine for years in these games but fist apparatuses with equally short blades on them are not okay because reasons

FE12 is actually good for FE standards. it shouldn't even be called a FE game. It's a real trpg

Attached: 1476763990357.png (1672x1672, 1.53M)

>i hate the fe series
>well the good fe games aren’t even fe
ok retard

Obviously? Are you fucking retarded or something?

Daggers were a weapon in 3 games, nigger, and they were not fine in any of those.
And daggers are real weapon used by real people, not some shitty niche shitskin meme weapon that people tried to use once and then promptly let it fade into obscurity until the modern era when people started jacking them off again. Katars are like daggers but with literally all of the positive traits removed.

Haha suckers
Catch me passing the Hero exam with flying colors

Daggers are good in RD part 1 and Fates. It's only PoR where they are a piece of shit. Fucking retard

>He doesn't like Katars

Absolutely horrible taste user.

Attached: voldo.jpg (1000x1070, 132K)

>Reggie has a copy of the Shadows of Valentia Special Edition on his counter

Bros................he was a legend.................

Attached: ourguy.jpg (1200x801, 150K)

series has always had shallow supports, or even none at all (RD)

Daggers are not good in part 1, Sothe is good, that's an important distinction. If Sothe had any other weapon type he'd be far better.
>and Fates
In Fates daggers are overpowered and easily the best weapon type, only "hurt" in the sense that they don't have an incredibly overpowered prf weapon to carry their banner, like Swords do for example.
>try to stab someone
>get an inch deep before the two peripheral blades on the weapon get caught on the rest of the person/more armour
Ever wonder why people use spears instead of tridents in actual combat? At least trident heads have all of their pointy bits pointing in the same direction though.

Look at you shitting in daggers and then trying to justify them in your next sentence

Make up your mind and stop contradicting yourself

>Hate the game for the school setting

I'm just gonna ask this....If they were REALLY going for high school anime tropes.....why is the main character a TEACHER and not a STUDENT???

Attached: byleth.png (849x588, 557K)

It's really too complicated for you to understand that I'm saying Daggers are a lame weapon in FE games, yet still far better than Katars? Do you have mental issues? Do you truly interpret social interactions in binary, or are you just trying to be obtuse?

To explain micromanaging all of the characters, obviously?

Functionally in reality I agree that Katars were shit.

But aesthetically they're sick and every kind of weapon in vidya can be improved by attaching it to your fists.

Attached: BallisticFist.png (1450x1050, 814K)

>daggers are good
>expect for the fact they are good
Why don't you complain about Axes, handaxes and javelins being OP in 7-12?

Are you really *just* retarded or are you going full deepsea sponge on me

Because fucking your students is hotter

Attached: 1492936805915.png (540x391, 121K)

This is the worst boxart Nintendo has made since the Wii era

Why the FUCK are you making me just repeat myself?
Originally you made the absolutely fucking braindead assertation that people like myself say that daggers have "been fine" in the series for years. I countered by pointing out that only 3 games have had them. 2 times daggers have been shit, and once they have been overpowered. Do you see? That adds up to 3/3 times in the series that daggers were not fine at all. Nobody has ever fucking claimed that daggers in FE are fine, in the history of human existence.
>Why don't you complain about Axes, handaxes and javelins being OP in 7-12?
Because nobody mentioned those as a strawman in the first place. But for the record, they're only overpowered in heavily enemy phase-focused games, which excludes 11 and 12. Conversely, despite their MASSIVE weight values in FE4, they are overpowered because your best units can still double with them, and all you need is one of those great units to sit in the middle of an enemy army and press end turn to maximize efficiency.

i dont get the problem with this?

I don't understand why people say Harry Potter anyways, it's more Kiseki than anything else.

I don't know, I think having every single character be a customizable blank slate is kinda lame. I like it when characters have set classes but branching promotions, because it feels like they're more unique and have their own values and stuff, and branching promotions allow for more diversity within those restrictions.
If every character is simply their own personality, it's just not as cool, and I doubt the characters will be anything super interesting or relevant anyway.

FE+ was a ruse, this is the real SMT X FE

Upside down Claude meme. Though I agree honestly. I don't really find it bad either. It's not even the worst FE boxart.

>get an inch deep before the two peripheral blades on the weapon get caught on the rest of the person/more armour
>I'm trying to stab this guy, but I keep accidentally stabbing him while I'm trying to stab him, how will I ever be able to stab him at this rate?

Because we're getting the good HS anime tropes.

Attached: 2a6cbaf698e9e72c5662b66bc1fcb290.png (1005x761, 1.71M)

Are you really *just* retarded or are you going full deepsea sponge on me

There is no diversity. This is just actual customize options since this is a real trpg.

That's not how physics works.
Try using open scissors to cut up a chicken breast or something, without actually moving the blades, and imagine if even more resistance was being generated by a third blade in the middle.

Are you really *just* based or are you going full worldstar on me

you know what they say about books and their cover......

Only good girl in that shit game

cant spell makoto without "best"


Attached: 1555134779174.png (1280x720, 1.33M)

Boy oh boy I hope this is fun

I'm hoping they drop the second gen units, it sort of made sense in awakening but they just shoehorned them into fates.

With howdisliked they were in Fates I want to think IS isn't stupid to do them again without a timeskip at most.

But will it have ninjas?

>Highschool shit
Hard. Pass.

>High School

It's an officer's academy, the students are college/university age

Not that user but FE Three Houses doesn't inspire confidence in the final product after 2 official delays, blatant otome artist, KoeiTecmo behind the game engine that animates even poorer than Fallout 3, stupid Japanese school backdrop, and with just ~3 months to go we've only seen Steam Greenlight tier gameplay. Any person not sucking gay looking dudes dicks would be worried about this new premium console Fire Emblem. Don't say Persona either, you should know the last console FE were Ike's games far from Persona high school faggotry. I get that you're cool about it like fans of Dragon Ball Super are cool about its presentation, but don't try to scrub under the floor the presentation red flags FE Three Gay Houses has.

Oh look the autistic cordyfag

>forgetting about Tae

>The worst girl of Fates, Petri, lools better than this


Take that back. Tae is decent too. Too much of SL's barely focused on the characters

>Too much of SL's barely focused on the characters
I feel you there. My main gripe too

>Why? We have seen almost nothing gameplay wise

That's exactly the problem. The game is a few months away and we still know fuck except a few second snippets from the last direct it appeared on.

Go back to Echoes and it covered most of it's gameplay features in a stream prior to release. Same for Fates.

What the fuck is gambit boost? I don't know because they haven't shown it properly. All I know is I join some hogwarts school shit with a bunch of sameface ugly teenagers.

Yes. Take for exame the boxart, despite universal mockery/disdain, they've changed nothing. IMHO and I take no pride in saying this but we're so knee deep in otaku high school idol pandering they are banking on that demographic regardless of how normal people perceive it. If they make Three Houses their big E3 title over Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime 4, SMT5, and that PlatinumGames mecha game it will be next gen cringing at the faux PersonaxHighSchool idol bait Three Houses reeks of. Just show what they got ahead of E3 already and get it over with.

Calm down autistic cordyfag


Attached: 1555354739598.jpg (439x604, 88K)

>bow aiming straight
>arrow pointing right
>nigga looking right


holy shit I'm going to make onizuka blyat and go ham on the students