90% of Yea Forums can't answer this question.
90% of Yea Forums can't answer this question.
hold on let me think
When I'm done it will never be daylight saving time again. See you next year.
I don’t understand what is she asking?
Daylight savings is a dated practice. There's realistically no need for it anymore.
I've just been doing "spring means we spring forward, fall means we fall back" since I was like six
I don't know which one is the normal one and which one is the DST one but I know they exist
>Are you a boy or a girl?
But I like it being bright later
No. DST does not exist in UTC, which is the only timezone that matters.
Tell that to farmers that are essential to every country you retard.
When I first played Crystal I found out that if you kept changing to and from daylight saving time other trainers you gave your number would call you since the game probably thought an hour had passed.
I don't really remember if it helped at all but I did it anyways.
It has nothing to do with farmers, that's a common misconception
If farmers need to adjust the time when they start working based on when day starts, then they should do so. Don't move clocks around just because of that.
Jokes on you, it will actually be daylight saving time forever.
Farmers will get too confused and start burning down their crops if we switch around the clock? Maybe we should educate them.
DST has always been completely unnecessary and retarded. It doesn't matter what number is currently on the clock, it could be three o'clock right now and that would have no bearing on the position the Earth is relative to the Sun at this point in time. The 24-hour day, with midday *usually* taking place at the point when the sun is at its highest point in the sky is just a system we humans have set up for ourselves to better understand the passing of time. If it's so fucking important to get up at slightly different times of day at different times of year to make better use of natural sunlight, then we can just fucking DO SO without the law-mandated need to alter the numbers on our clocks every half a year. And people are now arguing against DST because it's not even that important for most people anymore.
I don't have to, my state doesn't observe retarded, obsolete habits.
Well, now I'm not sure if that would mean I succeeded or failed.
Nice bait.
>rural and suburban retards can't understand what time it is if the clocks don't change
funny that people in Saskatchewan are perfectly capable of farming without DST
>Jim bob, wake up! The sun has been up for an hour now. You need to tend to the fields.
>I cant! The clock still only says 6:45
>Jim bob, no! If only there was a solution to this problem that involved fucking with everyone everywhere twice a year!
We just call it winter time and summer time
I grew up on farms
Farmers hate daylight savings.
DST is actually now used by large cities to cut the power consumption on the grid during the Winter by getting people home when it is warmer out so that they don't crank their heater to 11. Look it up and stop being salty at farmers.
You have a strange definition of every country.
So move the standard work hours and not the clock?
*every country that matters
Now you got it.
Retarded daylight system doesn't exists where i live so no.
>american education
Sonora here, we produce 60% of Mexico food.
No daylights savings.
The answer is always no in Arizona.
Daylight savings has fuck all to do with farmers. It was implemented to save money during the First World War.
Depends on what time of year it is, I cant remember the exact dates, no.
>that based state that repelled dst
>(((save money)))
Should've known.
The period between spring forward and fall back is daylight saving time.
>save money
Sorry honey I've been spending your money again
Good that I played in German. Here we call it "winter time" and "summer time". No room for confusion.
Is it any wonder that the same niggers that don't have the intellect to understand concept of time are also the same niggers that don't appreciate DST?