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If he was always disguised with no identity of his own, what the fuck was going on in the hospital room when he was born?

Looks like funny valentine

>white parents
>comes out in black disguise

ibukifags only love her because they know she's a chubby chaser if this guy is any indication


Orphaned at birth?

>Black parents
>Fat 29 year old white guy comes out

>my first Dangan Ronpa 1 playthrough was a fan sub on PSP before the game was localised
>Play DR2
>assumed fattie was an imposter because he wasn't saying "Oy Vey" every few lines

but was he a Super Duper High School Level blank?

I can't believe it took me until my second playthrough to realize how based this guy is.

>making the asshole rich boy a Jew
It was a different time.

To be fair he died in the first chapter

>is literally the only guy in the series to have his shit together at the beginning of the killing game
>immediately assumes the position of leader and makes an elaborate plan to protect everyone while revealing the potential killer
>to make sure his plan works, he sacrifices his life to save the guy who set him up because he's just THAT dedicated to his goal
peak perfection, there was never anyone before or after his time that could rival him

>didn't beat his brother into not being a disgusting NEET
He's literally the main villain of the series.

What differentiates their talent from Tsumugi?

They could pretend to be anyone real while she couldn't

He's not fat. He's just big

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so can we all agree this was the best dangarnonpa since 15?
>dangarnonpa 23 and 36 contrarians need not apply

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>7 after 15

What happened bros....

wait a minute...

danganronpa committed sepukku

Everyone knows that after Danganronpa 42 the show went to shit.
Dont try to deny it.

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DR1 and DR2 were the only good ones. Everything after that was a soulless cash grab.