ITT:Games with big souls
ITT:Games with big souls
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Imagine having her beat you to a pulp and then step on you.
>thought it would just be another visual novel
>turns out it's actually a fun game
I like this feel.
The more you masturbate the more extreme your fetishes will become. You should take a break from jerking it.
>The more you masturbate the more extreme your fetishes will become.
False myth propagated by feminists.
Has this been translated?
>False myth propagated
I'm 26, have been marturbating since I was 11 and my fetishes have not changed.
It's about how often you masturbate not about how long you have been doing it. People on /d/ probably masturbate everyday.
It's still a myth.
People who are willing to try stuff out (so not held back by some moral code or religion or whatever) will have an exploration face when they discover porn and try a ton of extreme shit. Eventually they'll have found everything they like and then just fap to the same shit for the rest of their life.
I do it everyday at the start and end of the day so that I donĀ“t pop a boner during school/work and get a nice night sleep. Been vanilla through the decade, and all it ever developed into was that I like handholding and leglocking more. You are not one of those crazy cult followers that do nonutnovember are you?
You are beyond saving.
No and it will never be. It's a pretty long game.
Why my pp hard
Best kind of h-game.
>Go to Konnyu Fantasy expecting a run of the milk nukige
>Got a well develop world with great characters and a based MC.
I really need to play Gaiden.
>that time when lute plays chess like a grandmaster by sheer luck while holding his diarrhea
Doesn't get any more based than this
Please don't make me install it again
What are some translated games that can fill the void that this one created?
Chichimiko is full of soul,it was translated by a /jp/ guy
see (though only the first one afaik)
english translation never
All my fetishes I learned from feminists
just use VNR or some other text hooker. the translation is subhuman but most of the time you can at least understand what's going on.
That one have a pretty shitty artstyle though.
I saw worse,way worse artstyle in my time
Nights of Azure 1 and 2 are aight.
Best thread on Yea Forums right now
Should I assume that the bigger the tits the better the girl?
These people are lying to you. Don't fall for their tricks porn and jerking off twice or thrice a day you won't get hard to same stuff depending on frequency of masturbation, and you will have to find new things. Porn is like a drug habit a constant increase in stimulation
fake and gay.
That artist is god tier
Mitsuka is my wife
How's the translation?
Source? image search and google don't find it
you are a good person
No. Shamsiel is best, but she doesn't have the biggest tits.
>image search and google don't find it
What? Every single result on the first page tells you the game
dont know what to tell ya my google was linking to a shota DQ VN
Big Boobies :D
Pretty good,also who is that?
illya as passionlip
I'm a guy I want to fuck thing stoo. Holy shit, even guys that look like girls. I love anything remotely girl like, my dick is hard all the time! Also, one time, I saw rocks that looked like boobs! MY dick was rocks, haha!!!
I love sexual things! Post more of that! My dick!!! Holy fuck!
One time outside of the house on the beach I saw boobs on a woman. My dick was literlaly diamonds. I put it in a ring and sold it.
Also one time I saw a girl lean forward in a game, my dick literally became sharper than pixels.
My fuckin dik!!! Aww yeah. Sauce please, on every item that even resembles a woman. Oh baby... My dick
If I even see boobs, or the image of a boob, I need sauce instantaneously. I have to also jack off immediately. Boobs and butts are literally just, so sexual to me. I want to fuck them inside and out. I am just, such a sexual person. My dick is always hard. I need sauce now on every single image anyone posts that is even remotely sexual or woman-like in nature, also, if some guys look woman-like, sauce please too. Also, my dick is just, phew... It's going off right now, brb, girl in a video game I'm playing
Ah, so this is where this mess of a character design is from. I forgot the name, but could never be bothered to look it up.
This, but unironically.
Based and girlpilled
Hey buddy I think you shat out your pasta in the wrong thread