*makes it braindead easy to pirate*

*makes it braindead easy to pirate*

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>tried to do right by the consumer
>Gets shit on

We deserve the hellscape of dlc and games as a service we wrought it on ourselves

>anti-DRM was always a manufactured controversy by people that wanted to pirate

I actually been finding it harder.

With steam, you got bunch of fags distributing files all over and you can just slap a steam emulator to """crack""" it yourself.

But then GOG? Fucking no one uploads the files anywhere, at most it's going to be a super outdated version with no updates that just been sitting there.

I miss GOD (and yes, I know about the archives.. but it's outdated, which is the problem)

GoG is a platform that is actually pretty fair to the customer compared to the rest of the market.
The fact that people only equal their releases to being easier to pirate just means that they deserve whatever fucked up ToS Steam is cooking up for them.

I can't wait for steam to die already and all those people who rented their games get mad, one can dream.

odds are steam will be sold off rather than just magically vanish, and then become part of another store and rebranded

>one can dream.
keep dreaming

frankly, I can pay the 5 bucks for a game so I don't need to bother with pirating, alternatively I order the retail version if it's cheap

>"Man, fuck companies for enforcing DRM in our games!"
>"Ha-ha! Look at GoG! No drm makes it even easier to pirate!"
Why are you fags complaining about companies doing shitty practices when you shit on those who are the most consumer friendly in the industry?

because said fags aren't one person

So they did nothing?

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>Yea Forums is one person
Also it's the huemonkeys and ruskies who are doing it.

They counted on their customers to not be fucking niggers. Turns out you're a fucking nigger, OP.

You have to understand that most of Yea Forums is entirely driven out of spite. Principles never even enter the equation. If teenaged Yea Forumsermin arbitrarily start hating a person or company, they will shit on EVERYTHING they do until the end of the time. There is no redemption or being far.

You should ask
>Why are consumers so retarded and support the company that fuck them the most?
See Apple, M$, Valve, EA, Alphabet and that is only tip of the iceberg.

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>Love old games
>Don't love fucking with DOSBox
>GOG makes playing older games painless
>Respect that a lot
>Actually buy games from GOG
They make it brain dead easy to play games.

That's mindless drones who fall for the adds and the meme that if a product is made by a "prestigious" company such as Apple then the brand itself has more importance than the quality of the product. My point was that those who bitch and moan about companies fucking over consumers while also fucking with those who are consumer-friendly are niggers with double standards and are too retarded to comprehend that sales and profit are the main reason why companies stay afloat (especially one as neiche as CDPR's store)

And they did it at a loss!


Yeah, before GOG came around decades old games and indies made on a shoestring budget always had some of the most nefarious DRM only elite hackers could work around. Oh what would poor pirates do without GOG. They would be lost.

Do not use that word to describe copying of files as it has nothing in common with killing people and pillaging ships on the high seas.

Providing free games without the shakells of digital rights managment systems is doing Gods work.

Why is it double standard to pirate everything, no matter the source?
I've been getting my vidya for free for almost 20 years and i bought maybe 20 games at full price. And i only did that because i REALY liked the game, after i played it or it was a sequel.

this is just the world in general, that's why everything is so shitty, because people are shitty

Cracking even the most basic anticopying malware that publishers used 20+ years ago requires disassembling the executable file finding the calls to malware functions, nulling them and reassembling the exe.
Do not underestimate the work that good people in the cracking scene are doing.
It is tough work, and the only reward is happiness of millions of ordinary people that get access to entertainment that was locked away from them by vicious corporate monsters.