Apex: Legends

Your Fortnite killer fizzled out.
What went wrong?

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shit netcode
no matchmaking
no content updates
only one game mode

Respawn doing Respawn things again and taking the fighting game approach to their updates, despite the fact that the game doesn't have nearly the depth to justify that approach.

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I’m fine with this happening, ea should not be the one to take down fortnite

>pick wraith
Great game.

you forgot the constant crashes

>Zoomer friend who constantly falls for the flavour of the month games constantly shills for shit like this
>Want to put him out of his and mine misery
Is it the right action?

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To be fair, Fortnite has also fizzled out.
I think Battle Royales are finally dying bros. What'll be the next big thing for kids?
Unironically bring back sandbox builders like Minecraft and all the shitty "bootleg" copies it brought


Some of those bootleg copies are great , fucking love dragon quest builders, just wish you could dig further than 6 blocks down in the home world.

It's a fun game but the content isn't coming fast enough.

Respawn is shit at post-release updates. They're slow at producing content and really, really stubborn and unresponsive when it comes to balance problems.
I don't even play Apex. This is just from Titanfall 2.

How does one "fall" for a flavor of the month game?

It had a great marketing campaign and that's it. In fact, so great that most people didn't realize there was one at all.

>1 update in 2 months

Meanwhile fortnite is updating every week

Game is actually fun unlike fartnite and pubg but the shit netcode is infuriating in a high TTK game, if they fix that then I'm golden for months to come.

Different user but I'm guessing its
>Dude, you have to play this game, it's going to be the greatest thing ever because marketing told me so
A friend of mine is like that and he always, without fail, always falls for marketing. I could sell him dirt if I marketed it as the next big thing.

They can patch it daily and it will still be hot garbage.

So playing and enjoying a free game is falling for it? I don't get it.

At least with my friend it has more to do with that annoying shilling where you say "I don't like this game for this or that" and he always gets pissy like I'm insulting him personally. If I say that it's just a flavor of the month game, he'll talk like a marketer saying that's it's still going to be played 10 years from now.

Wow, fuck people for enjoying things, I guess.

Nigger time is more valuable than money. You could spend that time playing or doing anything else.

Apex is mind numbing, you actively lose brain cells playing it


>Nigger time is more valuable than money.
>Posts irrelevant shit on Yea Forums

their greed got the best of them. Their battlepass contains a ton of fillers and unless you're a good player you wont be able to complete it either. The skins in the battlepass arent event the highest tier of rarity either and the last reward is a dumb skin for a gun.

It's like they dont want to give out too good of a reward for a battle pass seeing as how they have lootboxes for all the good shit and yet is forced to give something out which results in half assed battlepass that satisfies nobody. Also no solo play.

> time is valuable

It wasn't even fun. I just played it due to peer pressure

I like talking to people, I don't like talking to marketers.

>he always gets pissy like I'm insulting him personally
Shit like this will turn me off a game FAST like with my friend who got really mad when I said I didn't wanna talk about Persona all the time because I don't really care for it.

>Any of my "friends" who tell me about things they like are paid shills
This poor autistic boy has been here far too long. Someone needs to put him down.

Too good for Fornite normies/babies

sjw character design doesn´t have long lasting effect.
look at the new star wars.
no kid even remembers their names let alone their personality trait other then one being a marie sue

this and lack of progression

>Epic Games beat EA

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>why don´t those toxic white men keep playing your progressive game!

No updates for a month while hackers and exploiters ran rampant.

They had a good thing going but failed to capitalize so all fortnite had to do was release their new battle pass and it was over.

>hating people for having fun
don't change Yea Forums

>>>>implying that anyone who actually cares about apex wants fortnite to die

Fortnite is one of the major reasons why apex is still fun to me. I don’t play it all that often because I mainly play games with friends, but when I’ve solo qued I only encountered one person who sounded underaged and they were fucking great at the game and weren’t annoying. Fortnite is basically containment for children and retards and I will always love it for that.

Ikr, I don't give a shit, i'm having a blast wit it
Fornite is literally for retarded people, that's why it's so popular

Games that becomes successful at start like this and the pretty much get abandoned by the devs actually make me mad.

There was TONS and TONS of people trying out the game and enjoy it, they now have a big players base to work with.
But instead they do jackshit with it, they have one of the worst cosmetics in any games I've ever played, so there's no reason or urge to buy anything in the game. They've barely updated and balanced the game at all despite the community crying for it, giving lots of good suggestion and most people are in an agreement what needs to be done. And then worst of all they've barely added anything in the game since launch. And lets not start talk about the hacker problems and matchmaking.

It actually makes me mad as fuck that you can just waste such an opportunity like this that some people can only dream of, even a lazy fuck as myself would work my ass off to pump out balance updates and content if I had such an opportunity.
But that makes me wonder, is it because the devs are just lazy they do nothing or because EA does not allow them to?

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>Unironically bring back sandbox builders like Minecraft and all the shitty "bootleg" copies it brought
Hytale, you're welcome.

There's total of 2 good skins in the whole battlepass. Legendary havoc skin and epic browler skin. Also you get few loot boxes one of the being legendary.

Just googled it, fucking disgusting
That shit should be suable if it already isn't.

Is Respawn the most incompetent dev team? They had Titanfall and Titanfall 2 which could’ve been a great new multiplayer franchise and they just dropped the ball on everything.

Probably an EA issue since they now own the studio. By the looks of it with the stealth launch and practically no marketing until afterwards, this project was an afterthought that they bundled up and shipped with the intent that it would be a quick cash grab that wouldn't last so it was structured as such to maximize as much profit as they could get out of it.

Come to think of it, it was probably another EA self-sabotage job to pave way for Firestorm, which ended up being the actual flop.

The meta has gotten stale already.
>game strongly encourages playing like a pussy until you hear gunfire and can rush in to third-party
>only 4 or 5 guns worth taking to endgame
>Wraith being absolute cancer
>Pathfinder's hitbox still broken
>other characters are either not worth using (Gibraltar, Caustic unless your team plans on camping buildings all game) or are just filler for when you can't pick Wraith or Pathfinder

>What went wrong?
ea being the most incompetent video game company ever

Looking back at the history of games, I've asked myself why each trend "worked". Like it or not, each of them brought something valuable to the gaming formula that has been incorporated into other games down the line.

>MMOs: Extreme playtime padding compared to single player games, social interaction draws in players, daily quests keep them coming back
>MOBAS: Ability to swap between identifiable characters from match to match ensures instant stimulation with a fresh gameplay experience every single game
>Hero Shooters: Like MOBAs, but shortens the game time investment, gets rid of boring sweatshop labor like the "laning phase"
>Card games: RNG element ensures that creativity has a place in the game rather than pure "optimization"
>BRs: Incorporates expansiveness, social interaction, hero selection, short game time, replayability and a healthy but not overwhelming amount of RNG via loot drops

In my opinion, the next trend is just going to keep building on to this formula. To find out how, you have to look at what's wrong with BRs. Which, in my opinion, is the lack of gameplay. BR apologists will defend twiddling their thumbs in an empty virtual shack waiting for the ring to close as "tactics", but the reality of the situation is that you're throwing away hours upon hours of your life on a literal screensaver. The next hit will find a way to rectify this issue and create a game with constant gameplay.

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interesting point, friendo

It is literally because EA relentlessly shilled this game without leaving money for post-launch.

Chinks found out about it and now every game is won by 9767319574, doyu_8669547 and PANDATV9477467

It's funny how people once complained pathfinders hit box was way too big.

Tower defense

Good prediction. I’m also annoyed at how you need to return to the lobby to get into another game every time

Dungeon defenders awakened is coming out later this year.

Its true. I sold my time to some asshole for 500K. I'm living quite lavishly my dude

5 hours of gameplay = 1 hour actually waiting for matchmaking

>What went wrong?
Respawn Entertainment did by not fixing the game.
Fix the original netcode.
Fix the lobby.
Fix the exploits.
Fix Patch 1.0 hit registration issue.
Fix Patch 1.1 sound fuckup.

Add Reconnect.
Add Replay with a report function.
Add Solo/Duo.
Add more maps.
Add region locking.
Add custom servers.
Add good shit in the Battlepass instead of reskins, useless banners and level badges.

Buff/Nerf some of the weapons slightly.

No cute girls to ogle. If you want people to by microtransactions, they better be fucking worth it. Also, a lack of third person mode scared away the casuals and also The game became almost unplayable where I live because of players with names like _9940841 and LiaoXing8888 getting 20 kills a match with their supreme, completely legitimate skills.

Never had a problem with lag outside of the usual "dude's using McD's wifi" - but that's always been a problem with games unless they have dedicated. I honestly see people lagging more in games like Master Chief Collection.
MM is fine, you get paired with players that are a similar MMR like in TF2 - if you're new/bad, you get paired with new/bad players; if you're good, your MMR is higher than new/bad player MMR, and thus get paired accordingly. I have Apex on PC/consoles, and I purposely do bad on the Xbone version fucking around with a friend (Glitches, punch only challenges, etc) - we tend to get pretty decent players on our team as an attempt to balance the squad's MMR. Most games have, and have had, this MMR system for years - do I think it's perfect for Apex? No, as it tries to balance the randoms you get around the average MMR when pooled (which can be tedious when playing Solo, as I'll get retards most games since I'm decent). However, it will get the job done better than most alternatives.
Content's developed 6 months behind release, hence why the Battle Pass was so 'meh'. They were in the mentality the game wouldn't even come close to its current player base - I'm expecting the next one to be better (hopefully).
Game modes take a lot of time and balancing - hoping it's 4v4 with Titans scattered on the map like Supply Drops.
Cheaters got BTFO by the new anti-cheat, there's some videos about Cheaters getting fucking livid when they got permabanned, to the point you can't use the same computer even.
They addressed hitboxes already - only one with an issue is Pathfinder right now.
What the game needs is the devs to communicate with the community more rather than these random content drops, and have a competitive scene worth a damn - if they don't, it's definitely going to die.

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shit netcode
no matchmaking
no content updates
only one game mode
awful character design
sponsored streams

>release smash hit game that's successful beyond belief

>never fix any of the problems
>updates are minimal and generally shit
>laughable cosmetics

what kind of retards are in charge of this game

>No cute girls to ogle

How can Fortnite with It's super cartoony graphics have way better girls than Apex? Wtf

Why do I want to kick her fucking teeth in?
Is because i'm a racist?

Ive almost never hated a character so much in my life.

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Most of these issues could be avoided if they used Unreal Engine instead of garbage called Source.

Despite all this it still wooed millions of retards because le br meme, hell it still do
I just wanna kill all normies desu

she's cute ingame

>The next hit will find a way to rectify this issue and create a game with constant gameplay.
So you're saying games will come full circle? Maybe, but that would signal either a crash of the market, or "core" gaming becoming mainstream which is highly unlikely. The reason these genres have blown up is because they appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I've said it before: a skin that covers her face would sell like crazy.

Realistic graphics is the worst possible decision if you want to make attractive characters.

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And that mutes her voice too while we're at it

I’m pretty sure epic games are paying large sums of money for them to passively kill off this game.

Couldn't you just mute in-game voices?

Probably because the trailer art is hideous

I would if i could just mute HER

I still play it and a lot of my buddies do too. What exactly is your point? I haven’t struggled to get into a full lobby either. This is definitely the go to FPS battle royale and if you’re not a fan of Fortnite this is definitely the best option. Even my non-BR friends play it with me from time to time

Hideous. Looks like a racist caricature of an asian man. As someone above said, SJW characters NEVER age well, and you can't monetize them. Sex sells and this is antithesis to that.

Titanfall 1 did fine and had a big following on xbox. The sequel was unanimously seen as worse by the fans and the game was sandwiched between a new cod and battlefield game. Its also always on sale for $5 on every store and the player numbers never go up. The game quickly loses its buzz after a few hours

But she's cute in-game.

>t. Tyron

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>only one game mode
Literally the biggest issue. I want singles and Duos. Also change the map a bit and new weapons.

Come on, we got work ta do!

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Only sexy character is Octane, and he wears a fucking mask and goggles

I only played Ultima Online, SW: Galaxies and Age of Conan. Nothing for more than a couple months
>>Hero Shooters:
>>Card games:
I ironically like Apex just want duos.
Firestorm is pretty fun too.

You left out building games like Minecraft and to an extent Garry's Mod.
Played very little of either.

I don't know the next trend though. I'm not sure it's even been made yet.

>Card games
How in the world those got popular anyway? In the 21st century?

>Incorporates expansiveness, social interaction, hero selection, short game time, replayability
>but the reality of the situation is that you're throwing away hours upon hours of your life on a literal screensaver. The next hit will find a way to rectify this issue and create a game with constant gameplay.

So a not trash Battlefield-esque game? Or maybe MMOFPS games?

Respawn are an overrated developer

they fixed that actually

>What went wrong?


It was honked from the beginning.

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I just played a 12 hour session and it crashed 3 times.

your computer might be garbage then, or there's something else going wrong. They have a crash log feature now, use it.

They should have just done armor pieces/swappable heads and stuff so you could make your own skins. And something like a shader system where you can get color palettes to apply to skins instead of having 10 skins that are the exact same but different colors.

I was playing on PS4

And don't forget to burn those hideous patterns, half of the skins now are gross zebra lines and clovers and fucking leopard patterns, jesus fucking christ

>ever playing gaysex legenders

Just lol

you have a shit taste and should be ashamed of yourself you degenerate scum

Play on PC, crashes are minimal if not just downright rare nowadays.

Vince Zampella want SFM porn but sjw characters suck

R99 with Purple magazine and you win: The Game

>12 hours
>3 times
How is that a problem? I used to crash every other game until they fixed it

Don't call other people retards because you type like one. Also, Fortnite is better than Apex.

It's still not good enough, it shouldn't crash, ever. It's called quality.

More like Ape Legends