EYE thread

Is EYE Divine Cybermancy getting a sequel boys?

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>40k games after DoW 1

pick one (1).

That was unexpected, very nice.
have a free brouzouf

my legs are fine

>Streum says they'll make EYE 2 after Deathwing
>this shit happens
the britjews have their hands on streum, it will never happen now

Probably never going to happen, yeah.

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is this new roman faction?

>Streum is just another Warhammer game assembly line now
>new EYE game never
How do I escape this cycle?


Warhammer FPS RPG would be kino.

I remember a long time ago the rumors were that they wanted to do an EYE 2 as Federal agents SWAT 4 style, I'm crying that we'll never get that

That's basically what EYE is.

Hoping for Total War: 40k desu

Total War doesn't fit 40k scale.
The Fantasy games already get scaled down pretty hard, 40k would just be a mess.

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>BFG, Space MArine and Deathwing were bad
Go fuck yourself with a Glorianna class.
I suggest the Conqueror.

Brozouf for days if true.

12 year old marketing right there



>Expecting any 40k games to be good at this time

Part of the charm of EYE is that it’s lore is utterly incomprehensible and the game itself is an unpolished mess. There’s no way a modern studio with Games Workshop money behind them would make a game even resembling the original EYE.

It's the same people, talent isn't a problem.
Thing is that the devs are obvious Warhammer fanboys and would rather be doing shit with that IP than their own one nobody has heard of.

>all these people saying WH40k games are bad

Mechanicus was pretty good

Have you read the EYE lore? it's basically warhammer.

>age of sigmar

>it's basically warhammer.
I think you are wrong, but would be glad if you provide some material in defense for your theory

The timeline is mostly what is inspired by it. Having a dark age of technology, middle age, etc eventually leading to a complete and total reset, for some reason. Humans begin colonizing space in a similar way, find fucked up shit in a similar way, humans get immediately BTFO'd by the fucked up shit they proceed to discover.
Insanity points = warhammer concept
psychic/genetically modified warriors = warhammer concept

gog release when?

>Excellent developer wasted by money foisted on them for hopeless, doomed to be bad licensed games


>Age of Sigmar
no thanks

Looks like an Inquisitor, I think Streumon should be able to do something like that justice.
Saber is more difficult to gauge.
Gasket is headed up by some old relic bods, but AoS is dogshit.

these guys are Ex relic guys.
look at DoW 3, this game would have worked realy well for age of sigma.

It just didnt work for dawn of war.

now these guys im pretty sure only made some pretty bad tie in games and simulators so far, so these are probably bad

I bought it expecting nothing but was left pleasantly surprised.

>no ig game where every death and respawn is a new character

i have been waiting to long for this shit bros

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It's not a 1:1, but it's still about post-human warrior-monks rife with internal strife fighting hellish extra-dimensional entites. You're even followed around by a skull with a gun, and that level where you infiltrate the gang is probably a Dark Heresy session they had.