Soul Vs. Soulless
Soul Vs. Soulless
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soulless vs soul*
Who was in the wrong here?
>auguring about the same games
>Both games uses the same engine
New vegas might as well been DLC get over it deal with it and fuck off just play the fucking games.
I never noticed before because I never looked at it up close but is the Ranger standing behind a mural of New Vegas? the bumps make it look like it's a wall behind him.
Both of them are in the wrong. Both games have soul.
This 1000 times this were done OP delete this thread.
Characters that did nothing wrong?
both are retarded.
it is garbage but it's better than you think
Yeah fallout 4 is just DLC to morrowind. Its the same game.
Wrong it's a masterpiece but nothing better than that
soulless vs soulless
>he didnt dump the virus into the river to cleanse dc
>he didnt side with house to keep interlopers out of new vegas
Wrong it's
>Soul vs Soulfull
Yes you just can't see it because it's in front of him
How many people did you sell into slavery in 3? Just the quest people or everyone you could?
the duality of man
> Saving that kid in Grayditch and giving him a new home in rivet city
Truly soul game
Soul vs Soul with a cowboy hat on
Nice try fuck off
what an insanely stupid fucking thing to say, I hope you put a fucking billet in your head for typing that out u quadruple nigger.
I literally only sided with the NCR because I got hard being bossed around by her.
>he didnt dump the virus into the river to cleanse dc
Why would you do that? the FEV water kills you too. There's literally no reason to join the Enclave in 3
I agree stop posting kill your family and yourself.
>Even as far as mercenaries go, these men and women are vicious, killing anyone who does not wear their emblem (similar to raiders).
>The reason for this is simple: in 2277, they are working for an unknown third party, with simple orders: keep the Capital Wasteland a lawless, disorganized place.
What the fuck was their endgame?
>respectable autist
>gives comprehensive arguments on why fallout 3 is a great game
>likes Vampire: the Masquerade
>takes three hours to make three good points
no contest
Enclave probably paying them off then once they started being a bigger force in the DC area they'd tell them to scram. Makes them look stronger without doing anything.
Radical Ancaps
There only function was to be unlawful evil, no end goal
>and women
I can't remember being attacked by a single female Talon merc. It was always dudes with mismatched skin tones.
no, that's just a bad picture the OP used
>mismatched skin tones
>Use mods
>Always a blue/black/purple guard at rivet city
Fuck me i hate that shit
Really make you think
The fat faggot never even played the OG fallouts until after that video.
Does Yea Forums hate Vampire the masquerade now?
The dude did a series on fallout 1 a long while before that video, and fallouts 1 and 2 are just out of date garbage anyway, so who cares?
the majority of Yea Forums hasn't played the OG fallouts but continues to argue about 3 vs nv
1 and 2 are older than most of Yea Forums
>The fat faggot never even played the OG fallouts
That's because there shit beyond shit move on faggot.
*Is the Patrician's choice in factions*
no, I just shit talked it for easy bait.
The Pitt > Point Lookout
How do the people who live in Tennpenny tower make money to afford rent
Is there a difference?
>that awkward moment when they didn't implement a system where the casinos give back the player's weapons after leaving a casino
Fallout 1 is a great game
Fallout 2 is up for debate
one takes place in New Vegas, the other takes place in 3
presumably they're a trading and rest stop known for being a luxury standard in a wasteland hence they can charge a good price for accommodation and their better than most traders can earn a dime
there doens't seem to be any scavs, scrappers etc at the tower nor do they have any land producing anything so it's another poorly thought out 'settlement' by bethesda
>Pure soul
>telling the kid in Rivet City that his mother hates him and he should run away
>he actually does it and another girl tags along with him
Cringe and bluepilled.
Based and redpilled.
The worst faction in any Fallout game
>Comparing the same games
Soul vs Soul Quit being in denial LMFAO!
Cringe and bluepilled.
Failout: Nu Vegas
soulless vs soulless but in orange
Killing the ghouls in Tenpenny Tower is the moral choice since they violated the NAP
Nope LOL
They set up shops and sell wares to travelers and residents.
How they aquire those wares and keep them constantly stocked is a mystery however.
Have sex
That will only happen when bethesda get desperate for money and it will be just as buggy/broken/framerate issues just like the original but in HD. In other words they never learn.
Give birth