Why did MOBAs die? Aren't kids these days intelligent enough to play a high skill based team game?
Why did MOBAs die? Aren't kids these days intelligent enough to play a high skill based team game?
you mean why did every moba die besides League and (sort of ) Dota?
>sort of
>feeling smart playing a video game
MOBAs are incredibly boring and extremely not fun. Despite all the time you have to put into the game to git gud it isn't as satisfying as a fighting game, RTS or a good jrpg.
Mobas encourage playing like a pussy and just farming instead of fighting. It's so fucking boring to watch pro play to because they avoid taking risks.
Because sometimes the matches are 1v9.
because battle royale is the current generation's trend. kids don't like to like the same thing as the generation before them, they'll always latch onto a new trend that the kids before them didn't play.
China killed Both league and dota.
Their influence on the market warps content delivery. they have a culture of zero consumer revolt, and companies can effectively shovel heavily monetized, low-content trash into the chinese market faster than your average sharter in a mart can shove a bag of doritos down their gullet.
I'll leave shitting on tencent to a league player, but valve used the "minimum content maximum cosmetic f2p" game design they perfected in tf2 to weasel out of any and all commitment to a good content schedule with a proportionately funded dev team. The western audience would usually be able to create monetary threat for continual content, but that's been entirely removed and replaced by chinese whales mass-buying cosmetics.
They skew demand for metas that everyone without a genetic inclination towards being a fucking mindless ant following a plan
They shit up every low-numbers matchmaking region by map/visionhacking in ranked in a very similar proportion to games like PUBG, but in a much more difficult-to-spot way.
And because they're a fucking enormous portion of the global population, they flood tournaments. this is a made-up example, but if we're to go by arbitrary margins, you could say whites have a 1/200 chance of being a genius, japs and koreans a 1/220, chinks around a 1/180 (the numbers are likely much rarer but the difference is about the same). The difference is that the chinks roll those dice at least 5 times more than every one of those groups, so you end up with tournaments in every game china is interested in being almost entirely filled with the same people with the same strategic inclinations forcing the same fucking meta/antimeta in every game, and it's painful to watch.
Chinks aside though, again, fuck valve for turning dota2 into an f2p pump-and-dump cashgrab
>current generation's fad
fixed that for you
I agree, mobas are what made me swear off playing any multiplayer game forever. what a waste of time they were.
They were really popular and there were many different games. The esports crap is what got it even more noticed.
Thing is that its on online game and the kids will just move on to the next FOTM or Genre of games. I dont think so much its that it died but rather there are so many new online games to play that arent mobas. In addition its not very well known for creating positive player experiences.
Video games are just meant to be fun at its core and its easier for someone to just load up the new Battle Royale while having way more fun.
>kids these days
wtf? mobas are like 3 years old. You're not some OG codger. You've never even played a 16 bit game in your short life.
>retard tries to call someone else retarded while quoting the wrong post
user, DOTA 2 beta came out nearly 8 years ago and that was a late comer to the party.
imo trying to force the games to be esports spectator friendly killed them all; LoL forced itself into a set meta which never changed and Dota destroyed itself with comeback mechanics and other bullshit designed to force "exciting" matches over skillful ones.
>3 years old
user.......................it's 2019.....
league was released 10 years ago.....
You still don't get to say "kids these days" for another 10 years, underage asshats.
WC3 DOTA is going to turn 20 in about 5 years.
Correction, WC3 DOTA turns 20 in 4 years.
>DOTA is now older than most posters on Yea Forums
Fucking wild.
And you never played it
>Implying I wasn't hot shit with Gambler, Dark Terminator or Riki with Deathward.
>high skill
almost had me, nice bait tho
But Chyna suck in dota right now.
Chink team literally losing to peruvians
MOBA games are fucking boring to watch and play, I seriously don't understand what third-worlders see in the genre. How the hell did the genre become so popular to begin with?
mobas are a dead zoomer fad replaced by BRs and pseudo-moba FPS
People started figuring out they're shit.
>still shooting the shit with the same dotards I've been the playing the game with since wc3
How time flies.
Do you still keep in touch with the nerds you played vidya with more than a decade ago Yea Forums?
This. It's sad that MOBAs have taken the place of RTS games when they lack half of the skill that the best RTS games require
Faggot clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.
G2 are going to win worlds
>he thinks playing 1v1 in RTS is harder than being a tard wrangler herding 4 mouthbreathers in your team
I'd take playing online AoE any day of yhe week than dealing with a colorful assortment of russians, pinoys, chinks, and peruvians in my team.
Cuz they aren't fun for non-insects
If someone's intelligent enough to do well at a MOBA, they can see that the odds of not getting matched with a literal retard who will cost them the game are so small they play something more winnable.
Source me on that OP character and I'll tell you why that game is shit and died like every MOBA should.
Hero shooters are already on their way out. And no the Overwatch League is a fucking flop.
this guy knows whats up.
league of legends is a literal cuck simulator for insectoid subhumans. it literally domesticates you into submission wiht its insectoid game design
they used to be.
league season ~1-4 had amazing content. now its just a cuck simulator.
How did Dota do it
>pure F2P
>has lasted over a DECADE and is still going strong
>greatest eSports event every year
>balance is the absolute envy of game designers and complex system designers
>from Elon Musk to Chess Grandmasters - they've noticed it
>so successful it spawned it's own genre
>so successful Blizzard tried to kill it - and then (failed to) copy it with HotS
>Zoomers are too dumb for even MOBAs
A real RTS game would blow their mind.
And then artifact and autochess happened.
popping in to say i don't give a shit about mobas but i miss doctor steel
>design a competitive game with a ranked system
>literally rig the matchmaking
>rig the esports on top of it too because it's actually just an elaborate money laundering scheme
>everyone catches on and quits
oh yeah I wonder why people stopped playing literal scam games
you cant prove it
don't have to, it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain, hence why the genre is in the shitter right now, people aren't stupid they can tell when they're being cheated
Why are MOBAs kill?
Who cares why. I'm about to play Tyrian2000 and for that reason I'm winning and everybody else is losing.
Because they're cashgrabby trash that was never fun.
Because no one wants to group up with 4 random shitters, playing a 30-40 minute match where the winner 90% of the time it's decided in the first 10 minutes. Sitting around for half an hour waiting to lose simply isn't fun.
What game is that
There are a lot of reasons but the big one is the casualisation of them. Now I know Yea Forums yells about mobas always being casual garbage but a good example of them straying too far is in the alt key function in dota
Alt started to highlight ranges of towers and neutral creep spawn points around patch 7.00, maybe a few earlier but I cannot remember. Because a huge part of the support's job was to ward neutral pulls you had to INTUITIVELY know where the spawn boxes were. This could make for a higher skill player knowing what worked and what didn't, and lead to a good ward war or the less skilled player getting overwhelmed by not knowing where the block was. With the new alt function this is completely brain-dead as you can see exactly where the neutral spawn boxes are so there's no skill in decision making. That's on top of wards being easier for supports to buy, making their job a joke in comparison
There are a lot of examples of this (the nerfing of red buff in LoL being the tipping point of a lot of people for that game) where the tactical decisions were lessened to make mechanical skill more important. The problem with that being mobas are simply NOT a mechanically skill based genre. At heart they are RTS games with the micro simplified and finding a way to maximize macro, not the other way around like most people think
>a high skill based team game?
There was only one game in the genre that fits this descriptor
I haven't played league since season 3
how are they money laundering now?
How is matchmaking rigged?
what the fug happen
>Why did MOBAs die?
Because there shit games. The only people who played them are try hards with autism screaming into the mic like 12 year old niggers.
> Aren't kids these days intelligent enough to play a high skill based team game?
>high skill based team game
>high skill
Nice try kiddo only faggots with half a brain cell that plays those games quit trying to act smart.
>but a good example of them straying too far is in the alt key function in dota
>Alt started to highlight ranges of towers and neutral creep spawn points around patch 7.00, maybe a few earlier but I cannot remember
That doesn't functionally do anything though, it just makes some obtuse information more visually clear. Meanwhile LoL does shit like forcing a lane meta and streamlining every champion into cookie cutters and handing out free wards, its changes actually functionally affect the game and make it simpler.
>How is matchmaking rigged?
It isn't, every retard with a sub 50 winrate just blames the matchmaking because they can't swallow the fact that they belong in iron.
Nothing. user is making shit up. If anyone ever says anything that starts with something like "Anyone with half a brain.." it's literally just bullshit that they want you to believe by making you think you're smart for believing it.
all of this. League not letting people surrender at 10 minute and not letting people just fucking leave the game is why all of them are angry as fuck and league for the longest time was considered the most toxic game in the world.
instead of fixing the rage inducing game mechanics they instead just decided to brute force people into being passive while they got fucked over. Basically drugged and tortured them into submission.
Banning, muting, and resetting accounts for being toxic, Withholding season rewards, gifting the good dogs who behaved.
all of this without ever fixing WHY people were so angry.
if a guy kills you at 5 minutes into a game there's a few key pieces of information to gain here:
>1 He now has gold and exp advantage over you
>2 He was able to beat you without the gold and exp advantage so now he's even more difficult to deal with
>3 if you made a mistake fighting him, you probably don't even know what that mistake was or you wouldn't have made it in the first place without knowing your mistake you cannot correct yourself in a timely enough manner to turn the tables of the game
>4 This player is likely just better than you and you're not going to beat them at this point
It only takes 1 death to see when a game is not winnable. especially if he's using some curbstomp chink character
losing is not fun. fuck all the retards and dark souls fans who have become addicted to failure and difficulty over the years. games are supposed to be fun, not a grind where you lose for 20 minutes and wait before being ALLOWED to play a fun game.
Remember you get banned and punished in LoL for not playing well
This post is the reason Yea Forums sucks with understanding games and their design. By obfuscating certain information it creates a system that makes the lane function different on a mechanical level. Part of the reason the lanes hafve to be 2-1-2 right now is because there are no hidden ward spots to block pulls anymore. Anyone who picked up the game yesterday can deward a blocked pull with zero effort whereas before even pros would miss the pull, or even funnier place their sentry too close to their camp and block it themselves trying to deward. Now you can place a sentry in a near perfect position to cover the entire jungle camp's spawnbox and not have a worry in the world on if you made the right play on top of the ward giving you your gold back.
There are other things that contribute to lanes being fucked but this is a simple change that had a massive impact on skill and knowledge needed to play the game
matchmaking is rigged
This post is the reason Yea Forums sucks with not being autistic.
Crying about something like this is incredibly stupid especially when the other games are all ACTUALLY casualizing their design and mechanics, none of that information was even remotely difficult to memorize anyways and you're crying about nothing
It's retards like you ruining the genre. Literally just play a fighting game if you want to die once and turn off the game to cry about it.
MOBA"s are the only game which allows you to one shot people if you're skilled enough if there was no matchmaking system. It's the abstract version for PVP during the MMO era.
An IQ of 130 (2% of the population) is considered genius level, so it's more like 1/50
Ethnic Jews have the highest average IQ, but there aren't many of them (10m according to wiki) while there's a billion Chinese, which have an average IQ of 105, which leads to the same conclusion.
I think Fortnite succeeded due to the fast live service updates, Apex is a great example of proving this.
Proof of low skill baddie who never played anything above cardboard league
>no argument
Thanks for admitting I'm right!
this is a fucking insane wake up call to most things in life lmao
The genre ruined itself nigger
I think it's rigged desu, my friend that got Diamond every season for 8 years spent 300 games in silver to diamond on his girlfriends account. By all means a diamond player shouldn't spend 300 games in a rank he doesn't belong in. And even if he wasn't using his main champs to climb that implies the constantly shifting balance between champions and barrier of entry of new players trying to obtain 100+ champs on a never ending meta says it's pay to win.
I elo boosted back in 2013-2015
This. Chinks killed LoL, literally.
Past few years because of "low profit" league just turns into complete cashgrab with gachashit mechanics.
Am I the only one sick of fucking chinese skins and no skeletons allowed bullshit in every fucking game.
Every piece of shit game has to have some kind of sun wukong element somewhere
Me too, skelebro, me too.
Did you know this was a caster minion in lol back in alpha testing? I guess they got Tencent investment something around that moment of time.