What is the one major flaw that stops this from reaching the level of acclaim of Chrono Trigger & FF6?
What is the one major flaw that stops this from reaching the level of acclaim of Chrono Trigger & FF6?
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idk never played it
There's nothing good about IX. Everything it does was done better by a previous installment.
> FF8 fag is bitter & seething about FF9
Shit cast outside of two characters, sleep inducing combat, mediocre OST compared to previous and future games
it's better than VI, VI is a shitty game
ff8 is so bad that leveling hurts you
final fantasy 9 being in final fantasy tier is correct. It's the only game that carries the spirit the series set out to achieve. good list friend.
Discs 2 and 3 aren't finished.
> 1. It's Boring
> 2. The Combat Sucks
> 3. Kuja is utterly ruined once you reach Terra
These are the only reasons
Characters like Freya stop mattering even before the halfway point. Also the load times were long.
The battle speed, the Trance system, the last portion of the story
The ATB is slow even on the fastest setting and you can't hold on to Trances until you really need them.
Other than that, nothing. IX is a practically perfect game.
Slow as hell random battles
Everything in final fantasy 9 feels very safe. There's a lot of things in the game that are good, but nothing really stands out which is probably why it was so forgotten
Also it goes to shit at the end
This is correct.
By being one of the worst FFs and certainly the worst of the 3D era FFs.
Seething FF8fag, Cope more
Slow story pacing, slow combat.
Otherwise it's perfectly fine, great even.
>nearly impossible to minmax or 100% without suffering a nervous breakdown
X is my favourite because it's easier to play.
IX is a chore on a timer
Combat too easy. Stuff like regen is just broken.
Why do you have to blame other games for the shortcomings of your own?
enemies have small health pools.
Ozma only has like 65k hp IIRC
Becuase assmadd FF8 cucks are the only ones who cry about FF9 being the "worst"
user's got a point. Anyone with a brain could see that XIII is infinitely worse.
..and everyone else who recognizes the game for the shit it is.
Sorry, sweetie.
You have to be mentally retarded to even imply a game that functions is worse than XIII and XV.
not many liked the character designs.
it's not a shit game by any stretch of the imagination, it's the best PS1 title by far.
13 has a coherent story and challenge unlike ff9 which is a jumbled mess with cartoon tropes and a stupid setting (random furries??????????)
>X-2 SS tier
>VIII S tier
It must be painful, being this wrong
Kill yourself contrarian, it is objectively the best PS1 game aside from Chrono Cross
>coherent story and challenge
Everyone acting like Kuja destroying the world would be sad while the two hippo mother and son are the only ones on the entire globe. THE ENTIRE GLOBE. THEY ARE ENDANGERED AND SOOJN TO BE EXTINCT.
They only way they can recover is through incest breeding.
characters all look creepy/overstylized
story is absolute snooze tier that goes full-retard at the end
everything in the game plays out slower than it should, becoming extremely tedious as a whole
still better than X though, since X is the same except it's utterly a linear corridor in design, but made the characters anime-creepy so weebs lap it up
>target demographic: everyone too young to enjoy a regular final fantasy title
>faggy antagonist
>characters only memorable because of their weird design choices
>good soundtrack
Why would anyone care about hippos going extinct?
Don't forget II and the weird crossover phone games.
Not featuring enough of the best character.
Did nier: automata 'defeat' the final fantasy series?
FF9 fans are the most contemptible.
>Pretend Zidane is a chad because he goes after the girl from moment 1
self-cucks all game and has the most pathetic emo segment of all protags.
>Pretend the cast is good.
All of the characters are pointless fodder with no purpose in the story other than Freya, Steiner, and Vivi for mere minutes
>Pretend the game is deep because Vivi has one minute of existentialism
>Villains are all one dimensional cartoon villains
>Combat is trash outside the 5 minute load times each battle
After the death of Brahne, and also what is also the end of the first part of the games conflict was about. Instead of staying home and helping fix the damage of the war, you continue to run away for absofuckinglutely no reason whatsoever. It's so jarring and nonsensical. Also Necron out of fucking nowhere.
FF9 fans, ladies ans gents.
Is this a copypasta?
It's definitely got misinformation going for it.
it's true. With all its faults it's still the best PS1 one.
Reminder that Zidane's emo moment lasts all of five minutes before he realizes he has loved ones who care about him and realizes he was being a dick.
as weird as it sounds I wish IX was more linear. Whenever the game was linear I was very interested in it. Whenever there were a bunch of options to do I lost interest. I have still never beaten
Steiner was the only character with potential and they turn him into comic relief.
Shit game.
Chocobo Hot n Cold and the treasure hunts were the most fun Chocobos have ever been in a FF game.
rat thighs
>the most pathetic emo segment of all protags
It was absolute kino and you know it.
this, I'll never understand the hate Chocobo Hot n' Cold gets, it was actually a really fun and rewarding sidequest.
>"Remember the exact bland geography pictured? No? Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Each continent was pretty distinct. It wasn't hard at all.
I like the creative characters in FF9. More than just edgy anime characters, it has, dare I say, SOUL
FFIX would probably be my favorite FF if not for the fact that I'm extremely biased towards VII since it was my first. It just does everything so solidly, I'd say it's biggest strength is that it doesn't really have any major flaws
this is the dumbest fucking tier list i've ever seen and i've seen a lot of tier lists
Both Final Fantasy VII and VIII are better.
It's just too slow. Getting in and out of battles takes too long. If that wasn't the case 7 and 9 would be on the same level.
It didn't release in 1994.
That's literally it.
Save lives
Why is she so perfect?
It's a gameplay tier
ugly fuckrat
She's a badass warrior and 100% devoted to her man, even if it hurts her
Freya is wife tier
I'm not sure I'd put XV in the FF Tier since you obviously meant it for the true ultimate definitive Final Fantasy game, hence why IX is there
ps graphics haven't aged as well as snes. beautiful backgrounds, but ugly blocky characters outside cutscenes. same is true of 7 and 8 with tactics as the iopposite (sprites > maps)
>most pathetic emo segment of all protags
If by most pathetic you mean greatest moment of self doubt and sadness ever displayed by a final fantasy protag than yes, I strongly agree
Real answer, being on PS1 fucked it. The PS2 was right around the corner from IX. If IX released a year prior it would easily be held in regards as high as those 2. Higher even, IX is just the an amazing game that suffered from circumstance
He's just not a very likable character in a cast of likable characters.
And the gameplay is a little slow. But that's all i can think of.
Vivi and steiner?
Are there any mods that speed up the ATB meters?
Despite what Yea Forumsirgins say, it's a highly regarded game. I love the story, cast, art, and music, but the combat is so slow that the game can feel boring and tedious. I recently replayed VII and VIII and was surprised how quickly the battles played compared to IX. Why is IX so goddamn slow?
It came out after FF7 so it doesn't get the bonus nostalgia points.
she's in a gacha and she's getting a figure
>19 years old
>doesn't get bonus nostalgia points
FF9 may not be the best at any one thing but it feels the comfiest to me. Everything is just quaint and laid-back. 7 and 8 had a lot of contemporary and high tech content that clashed with the fantasy part of the game. 9 had just the right amount of each
The writing is on a level way, way lower than the plot. Reading a synopsis of the plot makes the game sound beautiful, but the actual dialogue is teen fanfic tier.
Animal people are the only way to express facial depth in an anime-style illustration without it looking off
best post.
FF9 fans are incels, mentally children, or furfags - of course, any combo of the 3 too.
depends on the style
this is the actual answer.
>tfw no burmecian gf
That's VIII, chicken-wuss
IX has some good stuff in, and some legit laughs.
slow ass random battles and trance being wasted during random encounters
you can tell the furfag that drew this is a fag
Some of the non-Chocobo minigames are kind of bullshit as far as JRPG minigames go.
haha why would I want to marry Freya? Sure she's kind and intelligent and mature and has an underlying passion, but she's not human lol! Why would I marry her. Can you imagine? lol
This is actually the best FF. Probably didn't do well because its overshadowed by Spiky Anime Haired titles before and after, but this is the most based FF with the realest characters, storyline, and gameplay.
Was going to mention something else but the Freya fanbase seems reason enough based on this thread.
What if you did?
Nothing it's better than FF7 in every way.
Crono/FF6 are just laced with nostalgia dust. From old timers that "Remember when dem games were gud, and nothing can ever be better!" I'm old, but I know when to leave the past in the past.
I never saw it right either and it's too bad because she's pretty
>those eyes
The gags are good, but true of many FF games.
FFVIII has actual end-of-game plot details that are just pointless, plus the whole weird thing where the ugly yellow giant goiter people reincarnate as fuzzy dog-bois
I'd take Freya over the others. She's a nice person. Not human? That's racist dude.
haha okay I'll play along
Well I'd take her to Lindblum for the wedding and we'd have the ceremony out on that grassy plain outside the city. Then we'd ride the cable car to the mountains, just the two of us.
Wouldn't everyone think it was weird though?
Yeah, who would want an fit, loving and loyal-to-a-fault nonhuman wife? lmao
In that world, probably not.
I never herd anything about banging hot blue alien chicks in Mass Effect, or the Quarian I really wanted later.
I was railing Succubi in the Witcher, other than my other Witcher drinking buddies where like "Ahhh you horndog."
All context.
So, nah.
>official freya nude
Does anyone else love both IX and X? Their designs are fairly diametrically opposed and I rarely see someone specifically praise/defend both. Sometimes I fear it's just because they were the first ones I played
lol nigga you gay!
9 was the first one I played and only played through it once because I didn't want to miss anything.
The loading times and general slowness of the time. I recently finished it on Switch and I can't imagine playing it without the fast forward button, even then it didn't help with the loading times. The Trance system is also a downgrade from Limit Breaks. Zidane is also just a random brat and unlikable protagonist until the last quarter of the story.
By the way, Steiner is underrated as a character, imo he has as much personality and character development as Vivi.
>and only played through it once because I didn't want to miss anything.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this
Loved 9, Tidus sucks. Hated 10 the art design was shit, it was just a bad game.
>What is the one major flaw that stops this from reaching the level of acclaim of Chrono Trigger & FF6?
Look at what constitutes the majority of the images posted in this thread and you have your answer. Even the devs knew it'd be problematic and left it off the cover.
There are things you can miss in the game once you go to different disks
My nigga....
That said, back in the day I never really noticed Freya but now? Yeah, I'd bang her. I guess she's the one that got away though.
Uh... you look good. Never thought you could look like a proper lady though.
So you mean you did a completionist run
Surely you don't mean you played it once and then never touched it again, r-right user?
Yeah, reunited with her "friend". But it was a good ending for her, story arc was pretty well done.
Sort of yeah. I'm just too lazy to go back and do all that shit again. I want the best items for everyone early on. I do like the game. Bought it on PS1 and PS4.
>Excalibur II
You can't even use it that much once you get it.
I kind of know that feel. I do a playthrough every 1-2 years but kind of conked out on my last run because I was trying to do the stupid minmax level strategy to mix things up and it just got too damn tedious constantly switching out everyone's equipment
The combat is boring as fuck. This is my number 1 all time favourite game of all time for nostalgia reasons but I remember playing Chrono Trigger for the first time afterwards and being amazed at how much better the combat was on an older game.
But the elephant in the room....
What in the unholy tranny hell is this? I guess it's not as bad as blue hair antlers but cone on!
This is the only thing that made me sit back and scratch my head.
bragging rights
mastery of the game and its systems
Did you know it's possible to 100% the game and get Excalibur II in one run? It's extremely time constraining and RNG dependent on getting the drops you need early game so you don't have to farm too long, but doable
>slay Hilgars and steal the Fairy Flute
>she gives you this look
What does it mean?
Steal rate alone disqualifies FFIX from being the top.
Not enough gaming humors.
The combat is too slow, even when you set it to max speed. The default ATB rate needed to be higher and the animations needed to be a bit shorter. That said, it's a very serene and comfy game to be played when you are a child during the summer and don't have any responsibilities.
>59 posters
>145 replies
>its all 1 or 2 faggots spamming their furry fetish
can you see that you single handedly lower the quality of the threads you enter
That only applies to like, two battles though
Stole the Fairy flute.
That explains why this guy is mad.
porn aside they draw really cute snooters
Freya officially never has her face drawn.
tetra triad was the best final fantasy minigame. fucking fight me.
Thanks for the bait man
I've beat this game dozens of times and play the fuck out of the card game each and every time and I still don't really know what the fuck is going on.
Considering I'm right at the end so far for the first time, I'm not quite sure
It definitely has one of the WORST licensed players guides ever but so far I think it might be one of my favorite Final Fantasies
I'm not gonna read the thread for too long since I just started disc 4, but, i can't find many flaws so far
An opening so boring that I never managed to get past it
good backgrounds
>ywn make her happy
hold me lads
I enjoyed both a lot, although I do prefer IX over X, but that's not to say X is bad. If anything I enjoyed X's suerbosses more than in any other Final Fantasy.
...but that's so taboo!
It's an Active Time Event
>game tries to explain the card game
>"what do the extra numbers and letters on card mean"
I found combos that naturally work and just win every game with a final combo over but damn I felt butt hurt
Game is kind of easy though, still, i like the story and characters, not sure if ill do all the side quests
The other characters are just fillers. Amarant, Freya, and Quina felt like they're just bolted on the game. They felt more like henchmen rather than characters themselves. Each one in FF6 and CT have their own richness they could be the main hero in the story.
It is generally agreed that Steiner is a boss, its just he is chained at the hip to Beatrix who is a very love or hate character.
>level of acclaim
Absolutely nothing is keeping it from reaching the level of those games since it surpasses them. Before you get your underwear in a bunch, I'm talking acclaim, not quality. Hell, IX would have to be hated by most of the people it sold to since it has almost double the sales as VI and more than double the sales of CT referring to each games main release and not subsequent releases. It has always been a vocal minority pushing the fake popularity of the other two and especially so for CT. Again, popularity, not quality...
It's a gate keeping event to keep out shit-tier fans :3
Beatrix was too much of a bitch for me to sympathize with her when she finally turns against the Queen. Steiner is a character that I think you appreciate more in later play-throughs and perhaps as you get older. FFIX really has some great characters in its principal cast.
Dagger, Vivi, Steiner, and Freya are all excellent.
This is me ^
one more question before I dip out and do a little end game grinding before the final dungeon,
are there any really fun/extra story bit side quests or is the main end satisfying enough,
I've enjoyed the game overall despite some flaws, just wondering how much else I should do
Freya is trash
>Amarant, Freya, and Quina felt like they're just bolted on the game.
Freya? You're crazy. Amarant, Quina, and Eiko, yes. Freya had a lot of development though. The problem is that she and Steiner get dumped out of the plot for an entire disc so that new characters who can come in who aren't as interesting and don't grow much. The three I mentioned should not have been party members.
There's an optional boss who's way harder than the last boss, and a lot of chocobo grinding you can do.
Even monkey boy had his moments. Unlike Tidus who is always an insufferable moron.
I wouldn't say EVERY character in FF6 could be the main hero but it says alot that 6 has double the characters of 9 and only like 3 feel as superfluous as the non-Zidane/Vivi/Garnet/Steiner characters
I'll keep that in mind. I found the players guide at a thrift for a few bucks and its as bad as I had heard and ill just use a gamefaqs guide but its wild that the old playonline site for 9 doesn't even exist anymore, actual useless guide beyond a basic story road map and some ability charts
Because it's not a game as much as just a tribute, everything is just a reference and nod to the previous games. That's why it'll always be shadowed by the previous games.
I flip-flopped between preferring X or IX for a long time and eventually settled on IX. It just kinda worries me that after having played most of the other ones, I feel like the series as a whole goes something like IX > X >> power gap >> the rest, with no particular standouts among them. It smacks of nostalgic bias.
While I agree that the latter part of the game was a bit rough around the edges and a lot of characters get dropped/are never particularly relevant to begin with, I think deeming them outright "filler" is kind of dismissive. The real intent with IX imo was a basic exploration of existentialism(which is also why Necron appearing at the end makes sense from a thematic, if not necessarily narrative, point of view). Each character brings a different take on the basic existential crisis to the table, as exemplified by their character quote(i.e. Zidane's "You don't need a reason to help people," or even Quina's "I do what I want! You have problem?!")
Battle tempo.
Everyone is waiting around like an additional minute and a half after haven gotten the order to do something, sometimes even getting attacked in the proces. In the previous games you press Fire and you fucking do a fire attack.
I wish everyone rating FFX above a C-tier would put bamboo shoots under the nails and hammer them in. By the way, this is the worst tier list I’ve ever seen for FF.
I remember not liking it too much at the start when I was a kid since my first FF was 7. The traditional fantasy setting really grew on me though and Vivi's still my favorite character in the entire franchise.
Also Eiko and Amarant were pointless characters and nothing would've really changed if they removed them.
What do you not like about X?
Is Freya a rat?
Probably le epic "linearity is bad!" meme and HA HA HA HA meme
Almost everything. The Story. The protagonists. The music. The atmosphere. Everything was trash in FFX except maybe the battle system. Blind nostalgia fuels its place in some people’s tier lists.
Since people are talking about X, I will likely buy X on the Switch eShop and play it for the first time once it comes out, anything I need to know and is the game bearable to play without fast forward?
A cute rat
I implore you not to buy the remastered version because they fucked up the faces beyond belief and have only progressively made it worse by tacking on more and more idiotic post-processing crap on every subsequent release
field mouse or something
Well since I'm up I might as well play the game again and not be so OCD about missing things.
Freya isn't lewd like that
Honestly the lack of an overworld map to explore almost ruined the game for me. I kept playing hoping one would open up but all you get are menus to places you've already been to.
>those thighs..
Oh my... oh no...
Because IX is the Undertale of FF games, the fanbase is full of weird pedos who jerk off to cartoon rats or something.
>mediocre OST
>literally spent the most they ever have on the production
>Freyja's bloomerish undershorts
I'm going to marry Freya!
Zidane doesn't do any cool shit
Im on disc 3, lv.32 and he hasn't changed.
>mediocre OST
THIS. What the fuck is up with this?
How so?
>*throws self to floor in defeat for the 50th time
>muh fratley
Really nigga?
Why does that matter?
I used to think the story sucked when I was little and was too dumb to read between the lines.
Now I understand it better and it all fits together perfectly.
>the last portion of the story
>Also it goes to shit at the end
Not sure why people say this. The end wraps everything together quite nicely.
I feel like the only people who say this are emo fags who wanted all 4 discs to be a sappy love story about garnet and zidane and sperg out once all the actually interesting ancient alien shit starts
4 is better
Its lackluster, it being the most low selling title is proof of that. also tired of most of the Muh High Fantasyfags who only played this shit complaining FF is ruined cause it isnt another Dragon Quest clone
You are forgetting one thing: many peoples first experince with the series was VII. Then VIII gave them even more modern realism. Then an actual legacy FF came out and no one could understand why it was so cartoony and light hearted. Then X went right back to modern realism.
I mean I kind of agree with you but calling FFX "modern realism" is a bit of a stretch
>doesn't get the bonus nostalgia points.
I bet you think RE4 is a "modern" RE game too. Time waits for no man user.
Yes but almost all the art i see makes her race look like some sort of dog instead
jesus that does sound like the undertale fanbase actually
>mfw Steiners Trance model literally had buzz lightyear colours
>Zidane acts as a father figure towards Vivi
>Tries to swoop a princess
>"""random brat and unlikable protagonist"""
Yeah. I saw the TAS for it. As you said, very high RNG requirements as well as managing missables so you can deal with what you can't miss after you get Excalibur II.
Feels like being in your own village whether it's not your town.. this song has magic in it damn beautiful
Because it didn't release in the same time frame as Chrono Trigger and FF3/6, meaning the people who hold *those* games in such high regard didn't get the chance to play FF9 during their formative years, like those other games.
It's better than both in almost every way, it just released at the wrong time.
>Each character brings a different take on the basic existential crisis to the table
How high are you on farts right now?
Look I like FFIX dude but like half the characters are straight up garbage.
"""existential crisis"""
wow yeah quina talking about how hungry it is every 4 seconds in broken english, so fucking deep dude
>Shit cast outside of two characters
This is a big problem. None of the characters are particularly likable and only a few of them are fleshed out beyond an origin story. Some are obnoxious (Vivi, Eiko), downright repulsive (Quina), while others feel like a complete afterthought (Freya, Amarant).
The character design is also a big hurdle imo. I avoided FF9 for a very large portion of my adolescence despite enjoying FF7, 8, and 10 very much, mostly because it looked like a children's game. Human characters are strangely proportioned, almost super deformed. Amarant and Freya's designs are almost incomprehensible in the mess of polygons that construct their models. I didn't think Amarant even had a fucking face until I saw some fanart. Also, furfaggotry abounds, which is much more offensive and noticeable in detailed 3D than it was in, say, FF6.
Both are great, and I love both equally.
FF9 was a fantastic last hurrah for the "classic" style, and 10 is probably the closest that the FF series has ever come to striking the golden balance between art direction, technological ability, and gameplay. Every game since went too hard in one of those three categories to the detriment of all else.
If it weren't for the Great Crystal FFXII would be the perfect game. Also, imperfect steal gambit being a design choice.
A lot of the music in FFIX has an indescribably "nostalgic" quality to it that doesn't necessarily have to do with nostalgia for the game itself. It's like the game tries to embody the concept of nostalgia itself independent of any specific reference.
How the fuck is Vivi obnoxious. He barely says anything besides his little arc where he discovers his origins
I don't expect you to get every single reference(some of them are admittedly a bit reaching) but you're an idiot or a child if you don't get that the overarching theme of IX is emphatically existentialism. Like, it's not even slightly ambiguous.
I generally hate Eiko but I did actually almost cry when she helps you at the Iifa tree and then you go back to Maidain Sari and she finds out that someone has stolen the treasure her deceased grandfather told her to protect while everyone was gone.
And then Zidane promptly bursts in and tells her to man up essentially. She's fucking 6 dude.
>le philosophical video game man
back to ribbit
it was released after 7, so the fanbase that flooded the series won't accept anything that isn't CG fap material
never forget square lost the original hi-res art for the backgrounds
>garnets ass
>beatrix tits
>not CG fap material
>ooh soft
it's okay ai upscaling will save us
>lol philosophy is for tranny sjws
>r-right guys? do i fit in yet?
>anything that isn't CG fap material
>implying Freya didn't turn me into a chronically masturbating furry
put yourself out of your misery
No I'm busy jacking off
i love the story and characters of IX but it's too slow. way too slow. it somehow feels slower than VII and VIII even though that wouldn't make sense. definitely not as fun to play as chrono trigger or VI, but i would rank it about equal with chrono trigger and above VI based on its story and characters alone
All I'm saying is Freya would be more popular with artists if she was a fox like Renamon. Contrary to popular belief rodents aren't that popular. Especially rats.
how do you explain this entire thread then
What about this thread? Freya in general doesn't have very many pieces of art. In fact a short lived character like Lola Bunny's Classic Design or Krystal have more porn and art. Freya is from the globally popular FF franchise and has more screen time than at least Lola and she doesn't get much. Not even re-releasing FF9 multiple times has helped her standing.