How would you fix P5's story?

How would you fix P5's story?

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I would call the OP a faggot

delete it

You cannot, it's fundamentally broken

I wouldn't, its fine as it is

make the first dungeon one of the last, rework the other's to fit appropriately

Like all persona games
Cut the dialogue 1/4
Make it more action oriented
Actions speak louder than words
Less talky more B tier action movie

Introduce all of the Shujin characters in one go after the first palace since they all go to fucking school together, especially Haru, she's literally just thrown in

i liked it

>Cut it by 50 hours
>Get rid of Haru entirely
>Get rid of the bank dungeon and its storyline
>Get rid of Mementos
>Morgana turns into a cute girl you can date

Porting it to PC

>get rid of Haru entirely
>Morgana turns into a cute girl you can date

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Cut the final dungeon.

damn you guys are on fire today.

>p3/p4 story cutscene
>10-20 minutes then you get on with playing

>p5 cutscene
>1 hour+
>then several days are wasted rexplaining what was originally said
>then daily texts
>then forced to sleep
>then more re explainin things when in dungeon

its shit

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Have Goro to be part of the gang from the start

Dont have the make characters be annoying retards. P3 was the last game to have worthwhile make characters.


>what are some bad choices you would make as a game designer?

these threads fuel me, thank you all

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Get rid of days that make you solely read story dialogue and then force you go to sleep, that shit drove me crazy

Anyone with half a brain knows that cutting out the ridiculous handholding and adding some difficulty would bump the game up to a 8/10.

Make pic related the protagonist instead

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Maybe they should've stuck with the travel the world storyline they were gonna do

>make game worse

nah, fuck you

You wanna talk about what's bad about suggestions like "make the extremely padded and repetitive 120+ hour game shorter?"

Make more genuinely dark and evil villains(not cartoon evil), don't spoonfeed the story/repeat shit we already know, put more emphasis on the archetypal jungian symbolism like the "shadow" and the personas. Fix the shitty confidant questlines, make them more personal and conflicting. Have more than 3 endings. Remove the true ending and make it something more interesting. Fix Goro's character and motivations. Make Sae romanceable.

With all these things and a little polish particularly in dialogue this game is a perfect 10/10.

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Make based Kamoshida a playable character so we can finally get his side of things instead of a bunch of retarded teenagers who went after this man for NO REASON

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>make game a 10/10 and it'll be a 10/10
you are as retarded as your taste in persona girls

Take chances and have consequences for character actions, at all, anywhere.

Like fuck, imagine if one of your party members tried to commit suicide instead of some random fucking girl who fucks off for the rest of the game. Then Ann's motivation wouldn't be vapid, simple bullshit. Imagine if they didn't throw in the "lol i murdered your mom" angle with Madarame and actually forced Yusuke to make a difficult decision and establish his strange morals for the audience. Imagine if instead of being sabotaged the team ACTUALLY fucked up and killed someone. Imagine if any change to the status quo that wasn't superficial happened before the final dungeon.

remove the redundant repeated dialogue/topic every conversation
give the villains a more personal connection to the characters, like Kamoshida and Shido had
Drop the in media res shit, no altered memories to hide a blatantly obvious plot twist
all those nights you would be forced to go to bed, have you do some side story stuff connecting with the main party and helping them deal with some baggage in their lives. This is separate from their social links. Alternatively, you could spend these nights working part time, studying, reading, playing games, or other smaller night time activities that aren't social links.
make morganna's arc with leaving the phantom thieves not as retarded, make his return more meaningful

that's it, those are the only real changes that need to be made.

Less (((coincidences))). Here's a small list of some of the worst ones:
>Medjed targets the phantom thieves, turns out the true Medjed is Sojiro's daughter
>The daughter of Okumura Food's just happens to attend Shujin, even though Tokyo is a city of 9.2 million
>Akechi just so happens to stumble upon Joker and friends on a field trip (not through Makoto/Sae)
>Futaba's mother happens to be connected to the Metaverse
>Shido and Sojiro happen to have a history and Joker happens to have been falsely wronged by him
I get fate is supposed to be a major theme in the game, but it's no excuse for bad writing.

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Make Futaba a year or 2 younger.

I see where you are coming from but this sort of stuff is not really possible in game made by Japanese people. Even in Yakuza games, which are supposed to be set in the world of organized crime, the main character Kiryu never killed anyone in cold blood. Japanese don't idolize violence and murder the same way America does.

>I get fate is supposed to be a major theme in the game
Is it even? It's more like the will of the people.

>but this sort of stuff is not really possible in game made by Japanese people.
Fucking OTHER SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI GAMES do this. Persona 2 had a gay clown as a party member who was actively trying to murder your asses. There's no fucking excuse.

I agree that coincidences are bad writing (which is why the new Star Wars movies are awful) but it's not like they could make everyone unrelated and get away with it
The reason why Ryuji and Anne are the least like characters for example is precisely because they aren't related to the main plot like Makoto and Futaba are

Get rid of Haru. She was an entirely pointless character who joins far too late to fit in, has no distinct personality and never does anything of value. Still when I replay Persona 5 she feels like a stranger in the group. I hate her.

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>the main character Kiryu never killed
Never fails to make me laugh.

>but it's not like they could make everyone unrelated and get away with it
Yeah they can. There's plenty of stories where characters come together solely because of the circumstances.

There's no reason Futaba had to BE Medjed, she could just be a really good hacker who knows Medjed is just a toothless scare tactics group. Haru doesn't have to go to the same school as you. etc.

Have Shido be the final boss

He didn't kill that man.
He jumped out with a parachute, he's fine.

This post is entirely correct if you replace Haru with Makoto

(Although desu I think Haru is almost as bad as Makoto is)

Seething annfag mad that makoto is best girl

In my eyes Makoto being Saes sister and being in the game from the second month makes her fit in much more naturally

Reminder that P3 is an awful game.

>it's not like they could make everyone unrelated and get away with it
You're right, but it's more a matter of how they choose to do something versus the end result.
For example, Makoto's entry into the story is plausible since she is in close proximity to the main cast and doesn't have any personal connections to Kaneshiro. Makoto being related to Sae fits with her personality, role as class president, etc. Makoto's connection to Sae could and should have been used to find more targets for the Phantom Thieves and lead Akechi to be introduced to them rather than everything happening by chance.
Comparing Makoto to Futaba brings up a ton of issue with Futaba's character like:
>Happens to bug the cafe
>Happens to find the phantom thieves
>Happens to do this all while Medjed is targeting them
>Happens to be the real Medjed
>Happens to have a mother connected to the metaverse
>Happens to be Sojiro's daughter
>Happens to have been wronged by Shido

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You mean P4 right? It's the blacksheep and worst game in the series. The fans who exclusively like 4 are cancerous weebs.

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P3 is the second best persona game though
P2 is the best

The story drags on for far too fucking long and some characters are added way too late.

P5 was one of those games were I was waiting for the game to end already but it just kept fucking going.

Persona 3 is the only good title out of the new generation Persona games. Imagine a game where the dungeon is borderline filler being un topped in terms of plot and characters.

Remove the scene that reveals the assassin murdering President Okumura's shadow, so that the player is made to think they're responsible for his death for at least a little while.

Rewrite Akechi's character to be less stupidly evil for the sake of evil. Rewrite Makoto's social link so that the player isn't just a 3rd wheel on her personal journey. I would also have Ryuji die at the end of Shido's palace if the player didn't max his social link. I think that's it.

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Remove Makoto.

It's a shame you can't discuss Persona 2 without someone sperging about the lack of social links and the gameplay as if the newer titles are any better.

Adachi >>>>>> every P3 character and it's not even close

Oh look its /pg/

>Literally only reveals his true self for maybe an hour for a 40+ hour game
>is the only character that is good in the entire game
P3 still wins

Make Haru join before Futaba but do Okumura's palace after still
I recommend making Haru Makoto's best friend since they are both third years and have them interact more so we see more of her
Make Shido more present in the main story, have him be the ultimate goal of the PTs but they need time to plan and prepare for it over the course of the year
Don't make Akechi a bad guy, it was really dumb when they did that
in general give everyone more things to do to make them more useful as team members outside of palaces

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It's mainly nostalgia that fuels the P3 wank on this board.
Tartarus is a boring slog no matter how you cut it.
Almost all SLs are shit.
No party control or you have to play VN psp version.
P3 literally has no plot till the end.

This. It simply doesn't make sense.

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They really need to stop making the main cast so fucking huge. It really limits characters from getting proper development since the focus immediately shifts whenever someone new joins. On top of that, it feels like no one really matured or learned anything after their specific dungeon arc. Do we really need to have 7 to 8 people in our crew every game? 5 is honestly enough.

No, more like give Akechi a reason to be bad and not "muh daddy issues"
He was literally the most obvious villain ever.

Adachi wasn't even planned to be the main villain until a few months before release, he's literally scrapped together. The reason he has no motvies for anything is because originally he wasn't the killer, they didnt have time to remake all his scenes so they just changed a few and made his ending reveal, that's the only reason his twist personality comes from nowhere and he has no motives. He literally had no motives 90% of his dialogue is from a build of the game where he wasnt the villain at all, his character is a shambles in every sense of the word. Originally he was the red herring character, look at his original concept art with the creepy mistuo eyes. Here is your 'great' villain kek, thrown together in 3 months.

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>>Literally only reveals his true self for maybe an hour for a 40+ hour game
This applies to P3's entire story lmao.

There needs to be more changes than just that

>Implying Adachi, the literal edge lord incel who starts murdering people because he couldn't cope with how shit his life was is a better character than anyone in P3
Ahem, opinion irrelevant.


This literally only applies to Dr. Ikutsuki, and he's a minor character as it is.

Adachi is considered to be a terrible character and the ending of P4 is considered shit.

t. p5babby

Yet he's still a compelling character.
I don't get your argument when Adachi is miles ahead of Ikutsuki and Strega who weren't "rushed".

He was an obvious villain, that's why I was disappointing that he ended up as another crazy baddie
He was only interesting as a character who acted as a foil to the Phantom Thieves and their ideals but wasn't necessarily a antagonist
They could've just convinced him that justice is sometimes blurry and sometimes shit needs to be done instead of just always following the law
I'd think it would way more interesting if they were foreshadowing him being evil but instead make him a good guy still

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Everything you said was wrong cuck

>he says while defending a game where literally nothing interesting happens until after the serial killer is caught around 8 months into the game


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I posted the adachi early concept art post, im not the same guy taling about ikusuki

Nobody builds up his reveal though. He is a side character you dont even fight.
Meanwhile Adachi is the only decent fucking character in 4.

This was my feeling exactly. Akechi's big reveal as a fraud detective and psychopath was a huge let down.

P4 still had an active plot and development throughout it's story.
P3's shadow of the month is boring as shit and barely advances the story.

That's P5. Game so bad we talk about how bad it is instead of the good parts. Oh wait there aren't any.

>Tartarus is a boring slog
Agreed, but it's not like the dungeons in following games are any better outside of having specific themes and proper design now. They're just as easy and boring to go through.
>Almost all SL's are shit
More like your opinion is shit, because they were pretty damn wholesome with the exception of a few as with every game honestly.
>No party control
If you struggled with the combat when tactics can tweak the battle in your favor with ease, I don't know what to tell you.
>Literally no plot until the end
Yeah if you're an unironic speed reader who skipped through the game. We can play this game all day long, but Persona 3's plot had a lot more impact story wise than some of the newer games.
> 3 > 4 > Shit >>>>>>>> 5

Akechi is literally a low budget Light Yagami combined with Adachi. The villains in 5 were absolutely trash, and Yaldabaoth isn't any better.

Fighting the shadows is literally the point of the game and builds it up as you go on.

The characters are shit in 4 and the plot development you speak of is strictly character devleopment of shit gay characters. Game is trash and has no story.

You can't judge Yaldabaoth as if he was another villain though, he's more like a concept to be fought and overcome.

Remove makoto and futaba from the plot, introduce haru much earlier, and make hifumi a party member to balance things out.

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Who here is a /P3Chad/?

this. Yaldaboth talks like Polaris too, except polaris at least as a reason to be a dick.

>Adachi is Light Yagami
Imagine fundamentally misunderstanding Adachi's character just to downplay P4.

Here of course. P5babbies need not apply

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The thing I don't grasp about Haru is the fact that she's actively present in the game on multiple occasions before she's added as a Phantom Thief. They could have easily did more to foreshadow her becoming a member like they did with Naoto in 4, and Shinjiro in 3. Its retarded.

Yeah the most they do is have her drive by in a car while you stand in the rain at the fireworks display, who even remembers shit like that

Imagine misunderstanding a post and then trying to sound sarcastic. I said Akechi is a low budget Light Yagami "COMBINED" with Adachi on the side.

You know it bro

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Playing P5 for the first time. Should i pay the 100 000 to the fortune teller?

What other Persona tittle should i play next? im between 3 and 4. Good thing i can get all of them on the ps store.

>From now on, it's just me and you bro.
>Proceeds to be a dick and says Makoto is responsible for Nyx's occurrence
What the fuck Junpei?

My bad.

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Yeah, you want her social link and you can't start it without paying upfront. You'll get it back later.

Why do you use the same images every thread?

>say P3s gameplay is shit
>want aigis to use a certain buff
>she uses a different one
>literally nothing i can do about
>want yukari to rez someone in particular
>she picks the wrong person
Wow. What a great fucking game. It’s obviously my fault I lost.

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It's okay user, I-I still love you..

He's just an idiot

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Use tactics retard

>dungeons in p5 are just as boring as tartarus
what the fuck are you on?

>t. casual shitter who can't handle tactics
It's okay, we won't judge you.

rewrite everything after Kamoshida's dungeon

Play 3 ignore 4.
P4 is a waste of time.

Yukiko, Kanji, Rise and Naoto get kidnapped.
Mitsuo kills the asshole teacher
Adachi is the killer and manipulated Namatame.
Izanami created the midnight channel

this. The underlying theme sucks, they would have to scrap the whole story and start all over.

He's right

I was so tempted to do pic related when I played through this part yesterday.Also when playing Persona 3 you need to make good personas and take care of stuff like that yourself, you can carry 12 and switch each turn, you have no excuse, party members in that game are only necessary for basic extra damage and taking a hit instead of you

Stop samefagging.
You just weren't paying attention to it but it's okay user.

They really are. The characters won't even shut up for 5 minutes and let me actively explore the fuxking areas. Plus the puzzles were piss easy. I enjoyed the unique designs of each area though.

>The characters won't even shut up for 5 minutes and let me actively explore the fuxking areas
But they do. Did you even play the game user?

>p5babby thinks everyone who knows the story is shit is the same person
Asshurt much?

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>actually defending dumb ai
>actually defending a game that plays itself for you
you can only do so much on hard mode that doesn't involve turtling and grinding levels for you and your party members so you can freely do damage on your own without having to worry about every possible decision the ai makes that could possible hinder you

I'd make the MC a midget

SMT>>>>>>>>>Persona anyways
You can't get the themes of SMT in Persona and how deep they are.

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Should gave stuck to the initial world travel plan before Hackshino pussied out with yet another Japanese setting.

Add a "Punch Akechi" option.

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Shut the fuck up and suck my cock.

The AI works when you use tactics. Git gud

Tartarus is my favourite dungeon in the series followed by Mementos, wondering what was at the top/bottom made going through the floors matter instead of 4 and 5 where the number of floors you have went up resets. I dont even understand the hate for tartarus, it only has around as much areas space as all the floors in p4 combined and every block looks dramatically different. The plot always takes place OUTSIDE of tartarus in a unique dungeon anyway every month.

The only hack here is you. Just because you didn't understand it doesn't make it bad

Hackshino should have not been the writer at all. He's why the plot is so shit.

>world travel

Nah fuck that, sounds awful. If the series ever leaves Japan thats too much of a shark jump for me.

How hard is it understand something that's spelled out for you?

The plot isn't shit.

Persona 3 and 4 remakes soon, hopefully P2 as well since people will be starved of Persona games

It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t 200 fucking floors.

>Akechi just so happens to stumble upon Joker and friends on a field trip (not through Makoto/Sae)
wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a coincidence. Akechi had known about them since at least Madarame's Palace.

>The plot isn't shit.

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I should be asking you that question user.

mad p5babby

What's SMT like gameplay-wise?

No reason too. What's not to understand?

I'd love to shit on you but i'm busy at the moment so i can't come over.

Easy fix, make Shiho the Phantom Thief in place of Ann and make Akechi 1) be more than an edgy teen with daddy issues and 2) make him not so fucking obvious

>i-it works! mitsuru will heal me and-
>w-well aigis will give me an item to heal m-
>w-well when it's my turn I will change tactics so and then heal mysel-
>gets targeted and killed
okay user you win, your baby game that plays itself for you is actually good

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>"Mmmm yessss I need to be in TOKYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO every game mmm delicious"
Please shut the fuck up. You Tokyo purists are about as bad as Pokemon fans who feel the need to wank off to KANTOOOOOO in every installment. World travel via Mementos or some other story element would have been based as shit.

More like you can't because the plot isn't good. Otherwise this thread wouldn't exist.

>want aigis to use tarukaja
>she uses rakukaja
there’s literally NOTHING you can do to change that you delusional P3onli

Where's the lie though.

Still better than Answer!Yukari at least.

Yea Forumsirgin hivemind doesn't count.

Try playing the game next time.

You didn’t even use tactics user...

Remove Haru. You don't need Haru for the Okumura Palace and in fact it somewhat lessens the whole point about the PTs caring more about popularity than justice when the main reason they did the Palace was to help Haru. Haru appears too late in the game, she has a boring personality, she adds nothing, get rid of her.

Like the Yea Forumsirgin Peesona fan base opinions matter? Uhh no.

>More like you can't
But i can if i really wanted too. I would come over and take a big fat steaming shit all over you.

>prioritise reliability over unreliability

This is the first game in series to take place in Tokyo.

Why are P5fags so mad all the time?

Yeah, you clearly haven't played the game. If you did, you're a pure brainlet for not using tactics properly because you can prevent her from using that move easily. Thanks for outting yourself though.

In persona 3 there's a high likelyhood of the stairs appearing right next to where you enter a floor meaning you can just rush up floors very quickly and only fight enemies on the higher floors you have access to for faster level gains. In Persona 4 the exit is never near the entrance, Atlus specifically changed it so it can't happen anymore. I always found P4 dungeons to be way more tedious with the whole reach the 8th floor then realise you need to go back to the 3rd floor for a key to the 6th floor for the key you need for the 8th floor. Enemies are much easier to quickly sneak up on meaning much less ambushes and fair fights

I never played P5 before but i have watched a play through of it.

It's only been set in Tokyo in one game so far you total sperg.

Persona 4 only casual fanbase opinion doesn't matter either, a shit character is still a shit character


p3fags everyone

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Only P5 was in Tokyo. You are thinking of mainline SMT. You meant Japan

P5niggers getting assblasted tonight

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That’s not an excuse for 200 floors. Mementos is the exact same way and it’s not even 1/4 as long.

Honestly I blame the whole calendar system. It's impossible to write a story with any amount of urgency.

I more of a DeSunigger than a P5nigger.

>Meanwhile at Paulownia Mall Yea Forums..

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Not an argument

Hey always do. It's fucking hilarious



Mementos isn't the main dungeon each month though it's just a side dungeon (as far as you know) you have a full dungeon to work through each month, if you added up all the time you spent in each dungeon and mementos together it would be way longer than time spent in Tartarus. All the major story events and bosses don't even happen in Tartarus.

Can we please.. PLEASE delete the fucking Calendar? Objectively pointless feature when Persona games prior to 3 played out smoothly without it.

I presented an argument, all I see in response is "N-NO, G-GIT GUD"

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>played out smoothly without it.

You'd probably cut the game time in half if you didn't have to wait around doing busy work waiting for the game to open up the next area.

It's better than 4 so it's okay.

You didn't. Play the game p5babby. Not an argument

user you have been repeatedly BTFO, if you want to do your mental gymnastics to help cope that's okay but please do it quietly so that us men can discuss Persona.

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Hoping a low bar doesn't make you a high jump champion.

4 is the worst in the series though so that's not saying much

Don't listen to those other anons. I too enjoy running through the same assets and puzzles over and over again stopping periodically to hide around a corner to get ambushes for 2-4 hours at a time.

So you just want a generic jrpg then?

Make Shido less garbage, the only good aspect is his actual fight. Make Akechi's motvations actually have more logic to them, and make the Phantom Thieves not this completely infallible source of justice, actually explore the questions Akechi raises throughout the story. They had plenty of opportunity to show a fall from grace, or something during chapter 5, a real call back down to reality, but they are never truly checked, and all the problems caused were from some traitor that was never a phantom thief to begin with. The fact that someone died as a result of their actions, Akechi sneaking in or not, is never ACTUALLY brought into question, not even by Haru who lost the most out of it

No they don't.

Fucking kek. Hashino went full retard with so much shit related to various aspects of P3's mechanics it's amazing in contrast to his work with SMT Nocturne, what the fuck was he thinking.

They do go play the game.

>Delete the slice of life parts of the game that actually make it sell

Why do that? Persona 2 pacing was shit.

Literally the exact same except you get multiple demons.
Persona is much easier than normal SMT games though.

>stands there with my hands in my pockets

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But it means you beat the bare minimum requirements. It's like crusing with B's through high school.
Watch it user, the babbyspammer will seethe at that.

I'd also have Akechi (as Black Mask) be a more common enemy. They set up his existence then almost immediately unmask him.

Nocturne isn't even good and Hashino barely did anything in it

It's not.

I did. Why are p5fags so asshurt they think you didn't play their shitty game?

You're right, but at least I'm not a virgin P4 fag.
>"M-Muh daughteru Nanako don't lewd the loli ecks dee!"
>Yu is such a Chad, I love le spats waifu Chie and LARRY BEST GIRL
>Oh look long ass hallways of nothing, beautiful dungeon design!
>Kanji is a homosexual and Naoto is a tranny!
Persona 4 is trash.

P5 is worse than P4.

Every Persona game is better than 4. Persona 4 feels like every member of staff who worked on it was gay. That's the vibes the full game gives off, the main cast is irritatingly cheery and giggly at all times too.

I honestly have no idea how to fix it without telling a totally different story. It's broken from so many directions all the way to minutiae. Fundamentally "Society" is a bad villain. Since I can't change the combat mechanics (or the social link specific benefits being a thing and consequently the party members' character development being only in them), because people tend to think they're improvements on turn based combat, let's go elsewhere with fast and easy sweeping things (that don't actually improve the substance of the title), because cuts are easier than constructing new stuff.

Remove the interrogation and the flashforward from the start, it only takes away from the story, cut down the phone conversation, make Makoto just the getaway driver instead of a strategist that hogs the narrative (actually on second thought singling her out is sort of unfair, since the whole cast has a myriad of problems, so fuck it, introduce them faster and make them more cardboardy gameplay tools instead of wasting our time with let's say Morgana's melodrama), make the villains less comically evil, and as a consequence make the party more unsavory, drop the conspiracy (either the game is episodic or it's not, you can't have it both ways), rewrite all the traitor stuff (or alternatively make it avoidable, so there's an actual reason to care about the tosser) and the final boss related plot is pretty dumb too, but I guess it's at the center of the themes of the game, so leave it be. Too bad the new voice for Igor wasn't just a new voice for Igor. Giving Igor that voice (from Akagi and Kaiji) in particular was perhaps the only one I would've accepted straightaway as creepy but potent enough. Even better than the original. In fact all the content should be less piecemeal and specifically directed, so you have engagement. Axing of the calendar would be nice, but you can't really do that to P5 after the fact, so hopefully it's not in P6 (or P5R if it's a sidestory).

P5 dungeons are too linear, they get pretty fucking boring

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>Delete the slice of life aspects
You can have those without the Calendar. You know that, right?

>no argument
thank you for conceding, I had a swell time blowing the fuck out of you p3 babies

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You can't.
If you don't want the calender than go play SMT.

Not an argument P5cuck

make akechi far more involved and introduce him as a direct foil to joker earlier
one of the few things the anime did right

>So you want a generic RPG
>Implying Persona isn't a generic RPG with Dating Sim aspects slapped on
user, I don't know how to tell you this but...

They need better written villains
These villains are literally Super man the series tier villains

How would the pacing work then? You want the plot to keep on moving is basically what you are saying, but wouldn't it be jarring to stop trying to save the world for hours at a time to date high school girls etc? This is the full reason the calendar system works in the first place. The gameplay loop is the full game if you change that people aren't going to be as interested. People want to live in Japan for a year, that's what these games are to a lot of people and it really is what sets the series apart from other JRPGs and what made the entire series more popular than SMT.

Fuck being teenagers
Persona should have more adult characters

>You can't.
According to.. You? Got it John Atlus, thanks. In reality though if they really wanted to they could retain all the elements of the game without the Calendar.
Has nothing to do with this..?

Not an argument P3baby

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You really have to give better justification as to why Joker and Yu are special too. They're just some random guys who get the snow flake power because they're the MC. They don't have to make Door 2.0 but at least give some explanation as to why the wild card exists in us other than just being the MC.

I know the objective is the self insert but you can explain this shit better.

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Never going to happen if you understand trends and sales in Japan. Every successful Anime, Manga and Tv show over there has a high school setting, high school settings sell like crazy in Japan. If it wasn't set in school sales would drop immensely.

As bare bones as persona 1 was I found the actual plot more compelling, even if characters were blocks of wood in sprite form. Also A Lone Prayer > whatever the fuck both the p2 tracks are called >>Last Surprise > Reach Out to The Truth >>>> Garbage > Mass Destruction

Nice try P5babby. 5 is objectively the worst.
Story doesn't make any sense and braindead casualized gameplay. The story is ineffectual in the same way most Japanese stories of societal change are and the party's victories are pretty hallow. There's nothing stopping the Japanese government from doing shit like this again, Burgerslut's Company is still going to be awful to work for because it's in the company's best economic interest to pay their employees shit and work them to the bone, starving artists will still be exploited by profiteers, etc. The Jungian elements of modern Persona worked best when the "conflicts" (accepting your flaws, 4 and coming to terms with death, 3) were more personal. Attempting to apply the same philosophy to societal issues and hoping for positive change requires fucking magic to make work, because it dismisses the material and social incentive to act like a cockend and attributes these failures to character faults.
Despite being "narrative driven", All but four or so characters are written horribly and the structure is ripped straight from the previous game. It's a story about social rebellion and literal masks where the designs don't actually inform character and the writing plays things as safe as humanly possible. It's a game that adds so many little "quality of life" features that it guts all difficulty and strategy (even though p5 removed the list of personas and now forces you to load every single fucking stat page while flipping through them now). There is no resource management, SP items are everywhere and so is a easily obtained permanent SP restorative equipment + money drops like candy from demon negotiation which you can break in the first ten hours. Baton pass completely breaks random encounters which allow you to go mutiple turns in one and spam physical AOE all day. Merciless is super easy with a 3x damage modifier on everything. Dungeon design is terrible outright.

You're right, but at least I'm not a virgin P4 fag.
>"M-Muh daughteru Nanako don't lewd the loli ecks dee!"
>Yu is such a Chad, I love le spats waifu Chie and LARRY BEST GIRL
>Oh look long ass hallways of nothing, beautiful dungeon design!
>Kanji is a homosexual and Naoto is a tranny!
Persona 4 is trash. It'll never be better than Persona 5.

It is because you got btfo and yet to offer a new one.

I'm not reading all of that

Why does Persona generate so much autism?


P3 > P5 > P2 > P1 > P4

P5fags killed the fanbase

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>Wild Card
Has always been a retarded plot device. Especially when MC's prior to Persona 3 had their own specific Arcana and everyone had access to the Velvet Room. I don't know why they had to push this Special Snowflake protagonist shit on us.

Kek I'm this dude and I didn't even attempt to read it either

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>P5 above anything
Nice try. Shit taste

3 > 5 > 4
4cels need not apply

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I will offer a new one when you start
whenever you're ready now user, I have been waiting all thread for something you know

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I don't even have to ask if P4 is your favourite ,your bad taste is obvious kek

Read the post again you illiterate fuck.
Calendar system helps differentiate Persona from other rpgs and SMT.
P2 flopped for a reason.

>3 first
Based comment, it's the only thing that matters.

With how everyone hyped up Adachi, after I played 4, I felt pretty bummed. He was literally just an edgelord who wanted to get laid. He talked about how unfair life is and shit, and then Naoto BTFO out of him in like, one sentence.

Despite not being super deep, I actually liked P1's cast. Maybe it was because the game was overall shorter and the game didn't try to insist on them as much but I felt like they where a more interesting bunch. You could see what they where thinking constantly by chatting them in near every room and what personalities and quirks they did have where a lot more interesting than "tomboy" or "laughing nadeshiko"

Like for example, Elly, despite having the perfect girl image is revealed to absolutely fucking insane. And it's king of great. It's just amusing to see someone react to the scary shit around them with all the glee of a kid on Christmas morning.

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No need. You will just shitpost all day after getting btfo

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Persona 1 didn't have a Calendar either and it still managed to be one of the highest selling Persona games you mouth breathing mongoloid. Persona 2's sales had many other factors. Again if they want to keep the Calendar, they need to execute things better. The games feel too damn streamlined because of it. I doubt people would seethe over the Calendar disappearing either when it's SL's that draw people in so..

Fucking kek, he's a resident autist that samefags in persona threads using his mobile and pc at the same time.
For some reason he earnestly defends 4 to the death despite it being objectively worse than even 5.

Attached: 4fag on the right.jpg (1197x626, 133K)

>5 above anything

I liked P3 because the characters felt more realistic, and not awkwardly buddy-buddy. Also it had the best scene in the franchise where Jin goes out like a fucking champ, compared to the pussy tier Akechi death.

> Persona 2 IS - Satomi
> Persona 2 EP - Satomi
> SMT: DDS1 - Satomi
> SMT: Nocturne - Satomi
> SMT DDS2 - Satomi
> Persona 3 - Satomi
> Persona 4 - Hashino
> Persona 5 - Hashino
It really makes you think, the worst MegaTen games storywise were written by Hashino

Yes you have objectively shit taste for thinking P5 is a good game.

I loved Innocent Sin

You're right, but at least I'm not a virgin P4 fag.
>"M-Muh daughteru Nanako don't lewd the loli ecks dee!"
>Yu is such a Chad, I love le spats waifu Chie and LARRY BEST GIRL
>Oh look long ass hallways of nothing, beautiful dungeon design!
>Kanji is a homosexual and Naoto is a tranny!
Persona 4 is trash. PERSONA 5 GAAAAAAAANG

Of course. You don't want to meet truth. Almost as dumb as the characters in 4 P5babby

More like 4fags. They had a whole decade of nonstop circlejerking and endless shitty spinoffs.

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Stop referring to exclusively Shin subseries as MegaTen

Can we settle on just posting Hoys then?

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I've never played P5 before .

I kind of wish there were a little more arcs, but what was there was pretty ok yeah. I was actually invested enough to where the bad ending disappointed me I played the game blind, had no idea id get one, was on the SEBEK route. I liked how everyone had their own strengths, but the MC was able to be tailored and well rounded still. It is still dated and weird but not the worst

>objectively worse than even 5.
You can't be objectively worse than a bad game that's proven to be bad

>even the non 4 characters get their personalities ruined by association to the P4 cast.
You know maybe it's better they didn't bring back the 1 and 2 casts for this shit.

So we can all agree that Persona 4 is the best game in the series right?

5 may be bad, but 4 is worse. It's Scrappy Dappy Doo tier bad.

No it's P5fags. Look at this thread. They literally ignore truth being thrown right in their faces. They need think that piece of shit is better than 3 LOL

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No game has topped Persona 4 yet.


It's not. See

>I doubt people would seethe over the Calendar disappearing either when it's SL's that draw people in so..
The calendar is essential to give a more natural structure to the social links though. Most games that attempt character development events like that just don't stand out in the same way the social links do since they have to tie the events to very specific stuff (like needing a specific character in a specific location with a certain "bond level" or whatever the game uses) or make things feel too artificial (like how in Caligula you can almost instant get the events if you're in the right part of the game which just makes them feel like they come out of nowhere).

The calendar system plays a big part in making the social links feel natural.

I'm not reading all of that

Consider yourself lucky. awful fucking game

Worst of the modern persona games. Can't compete in gameplay with 5, can't compete in story and characters with 3. Mystery Inc in JoJo part 4 can't compete

Persona 4 still has yet to be trumped in quality

>Can't compete in gameplay with 5
Imagine actually thinking this

Man I love how amazing P4 is.

Persona 6 should be a sort of WHO-DUNNIT Battle Royal game where everyone can use the velvet room, but the protag has a unique arcana, and the plot of the game is figuring out who killed the attendant.
By battle royal, I don't mean the game genre, I mean a free-for-all, where your allies don't get along, and swap out frequently.

Then stay delusional

Is he having a mental breakdown?

You and I both know that's just bait. What's fact here is that the empty blank filled with nothing but 4 spinoffs and shitty anime has stagnated Persona in general, to the point that many faggots will think 4 when they think of persona. 4 is by far the worst and the biggest mistake. The rankings will forever be 3 POWERGAP 5 and 4.

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Why did the original drafts for P5 sound so much better than what we got. No globetrotting, no living with Sae and Makoto, why even bother.

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Is it true that Persona 4 is getting nominated as the best Persona game? I knew it.

Imagine samefagging this hard. Get help man. You're insane.

Persona 4 is objectively the best game in the series.
Blame Hashino for scrapping good plot ideas in favor of boring old high school Tokyo shenanigans. God forbid we do something unique. Persona 6 will hopefully do that.

When compared to that shitter 4? Yeah imagine having a correct opinion

Add a fucking part where the characters question the morality of what they're doing. I can't remember one god damn time they had a sit down and asked "yo, aren't we basically fucking brainwashing people? Is this right?" And then each character gives their own justification for it. That's all I needed.

You know for any other narrative fault, I at least got the impression that the 1 and 2 casts where taking their shit seriously. Imagine if they told their stories like the later games.
>Evil Joker is running a bloody rampage and stealing souls and massacring people and their are nazis everywhere. We need to stop them. But after finals.

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Persona 4 > Persona 3 > Persona 5

I think its the same guy who is trying to say that p4 is a bad game and is just arguing with himself

You mean just like 5? More normalfags know of Persona due to 5 than 4. 5 is literally a piece of shit that does nothing right. It's always 3 > shit > 4 > 5. 5 does nothing some other games does better

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I feel like the problem is more in the presentation than the actual plot. It feels like the game came with its own English professor to overexplain its own themes to you.

That sounds retarded as fuck. Persona 2 desperately needs a remake though. I don't care if I have to wait 10 years honestly.

Yes 5 is bad. But thinking it's good is objectively wrong.

3 > 5 > 4

because it isn't.

I just wish everyone would come together and just discuss which games they like and why. As it is now, all anyone is doing is praising the games they like and shitting on the ones they don't with little to no discussion in between.

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Stop arguing with yourself mongoloid.

Because 5 is a bad game with the worst fans

It does need a lot of reworking. Particularly the stuff with Shido.

Also get rid of that SIU Director who just shows up to laugh in cutscenes before dying. He didn't do anything any other characters could have done.

I really get the impression that 4 went through a lot of revisions too. Even not counting the identity of the killer stuff and how shoehorned that gas attendant shit was.

Like the first bit of the game just makes such a huge fuss about how Junes is straight up destroying all the local businesses and putting everyone out of work and that everyone secretly resents Yosuke and his family but then after Saki dies it's almost all dropped and never brought up again. It goes from the city despises this story to YAY EVERY DAY IS GREAT in a matter of a couple hours.

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Imagine being this dumb

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If I wanted trash opinions I would talk to people who think Persona 4 is good. The world travel idea for P5 easily sounds better than what we did get. Le wacky Japanese politician and his son pancakes boy killing people with the power of the death note as our pet cat tells us to go to sleep. Amazing game.

More normalfags knowing persona means more sales which means more persona games. 5 was a step up from 4 and doesn't need almost 8 years of circlejerking to be considering good. It did a lot of things poorly but it's way better than 4. 3 > shit > 5 > 4, honestly.

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I want it man but fuck, do this series even have a chance to remove all the trash P3 brought to it ?

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It's like Hashino and his crew conceive a good string of plot ideas and concepts but dial back on everything to make the games more toned down and it'll never not piss me off.

You do know that avatarfagging is against the rules, right?

>"Waaah the rules! Opinions I dislike getting said, oh no!"
Fuck off mini mod. Take the cock out of your boipucci and grow a pair.

Why are persona 3 fags pretending their game is good when it's just as shit as 4 and 5
Why are they pretending persona 3 isn't the game that made the series shit

>Play Akechi completely straight as a total lawfag to keep moral ambiguity
>go full SMT where he opposes you and you might even have to kill him if you haven't maxed him out or fulfilled certain conditions

>More normalfags knowing persona means more sales which means more persona games
Literally not a good thing. It means the game get dumbed down more and more just like 4 and 5 to appeal to a wider audience. P6 might as well have a "I win button" since P5 was already in that direction with how casualized it was. 5 wasn't a step up from 4, it's literally a shitty stillborn child of P2IS and 4 that manages to be worse than both which is a accomplishment.

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When did Persona threads get this autistic? I'm not even looking forward to Royal's release anymore. It'll be nothing more than countless threads of
>Dude P5 sucks
>Royal chan is Marie!
>When is P6 going to release? Fuck this game.

Some dude is samefagging hard right now.

Right? I can see the elements where if you had a bit more bite to the story you could really make something interesting but instead it's just non stop YIPPEE FRIENDSHIP! YAAAAAAAY!

It's better than those. Get some fucking taste


Yeah, early drafts for 4 had good ol uncle Dojima as the killer, and as memeable as Adachi turned out to be, living with the killer for the better part of a year would've been better than the boy who likes cabbages. Hell some of his dialogue sounds straight up serial killer like even in the final product.

Because P5 does suck.

This but unironically.

Dont forget the consolewars that will seep into the threads too

Make it about acceptance.
P3: Accepting that death happens
P4: Accepting more general aspects of one's self that they wish to deny
But P5 is
P5: Changing your shitty lot in life by making people who escaped the law admit to their crimes

It should be more like Futaba's with like
>Accepting that your mom did care about you

It should be the characters accepting aspects of OTHER people.
The persona summoning moment is caused by the disillusionment in another after a shadow presents them with new information and not just several instances of:
>You fucked me over and escaped capital punishment
>I've awoken to personal justice, fuck you

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>t. P4 shitter who has yet to cope with his anal cavity getting torn open after losing every argument thus far

Must be really recent. I was in a thread a few days ago and it was full of good discussions and not this autistic shit


Because 3 is good you tasteless fuck

Certain aspects of it yeah but overall 3 4 and 5 are equally shit

Why are you so obsessed about P4?

>Divided fan base that boils down to "y-you're game is shit! I have no real explanation!

You want hear something funny guys, even the Japanese think the story is shit!!!

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Good thread can happen P5fags just need to stop being apes when people criticize their shitty game.

The characters are better than 4, who are literal onaholes for Yu. The music is better than 4. The themes, although unexpanded on, is better than 4s. 4 was actually going somewhere with the Junes modern shit taking over traditions but it completely forgot that for masturbating Yu. 4 is objective the worst out of the wildcard personas.
And more exposure is good. We can get a possible globetrotting persona or something completely different when there is an actual budget.

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If persona 3 is good gen 5 pokemon is good

The game expected you to talk to ALL characters after literally anything in a room happened, so it is barebones if you play it "normally"
Also you are right in your ranking but where do you put OG P1 battle track? I say its 1 line above last surprise

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Can this Reigenposting faggot go back to Yea Forums? Report this fuck guys.

>P4: Accepting more general aspects of one's self that they wish to deny
See the problem with this is that very few of the characters problems are ever REAL problems of are only ever seen from the character in questions POV. For example, Kanji acts tough because he's afraid of being seen unmanly but the only time we see anyone give him any shit at all is after the fact and it was by YOU!

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Check the last thread. He samefagged and exposed himself when he replied to the same post. One had a Yea Forums filename and the other had a mobile Yea Forums filename (ending in m). There's an insane 4fag shitposting 5 in every persona thread nowadays.

What about 2 and the first one?

Why is there a guy avatarfagging and arguing with himself while using the same avatar to argue both sides. This autism is surreal even for Yea Forums

>P4: Accepting more general aspects of one's self that they wish to deny
amazing. you managed to give the most surface level interpretation of P4 even though its theme is explicit in the goddamn opening.

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>Surreal autism
>Persoyboy threads
It's the same shit, different day. I don't know why this is surprising.

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But everyone is giving a shit about his manliness. If not, he wouldn't have his dungeon.

I feel like Death Note was a major influence on Persona 5. So going on that assumption, they should have made the phantom thieves morality more ambiguous and had Joker befriend Akechi early on to throw off his investigation. A pretty big part of the story could be dedicated to pinning it on someone else and helping Akechi catch them in the act.

Attached: death note.jpg (473x709, 118K)

Yu is such a serious boy.

>t. Kamoshida

>The characters are better than 4
>who are literal onaholes for Yu
Just like 5
>The music is better than 4
5 has no variety. Everything is pure shit and makes your ears bleed
>The themes, although unexpanded on, is better than 4s
The theme of social rebellion literally doesn't work in the context of its story. T
It's thematically all over the place and often violates its own implied rules like most stories of this kind
>4 was actually going somewhere with the Junes modern shit taking over traditions but it completely forgot that for masturbating Yu. 4 is objective the worst out of the wildcard personas.
It's literally not. 5 is worse in every single way. 5 starts okay at Kamoshida and tumbles down so hard it hits rock bottom.
>And more exposure is good
It's literally not as explained above.

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I think one big issue is that the modern games are more interest in their themes than their actual narratives. You can say the games are about anything you want but what actually happens in them in terms of a story?

It all moves in a very episodic fashion with little through plot or lasting consequences or rising and falling actions. It's just NOW WE'RE IN THE BANK LEVEL or NOW IT'S THE VIDEO GAME LEVEL! The villains don't really form relationships with the heroes and heroes themselves are all largely unconnected as a group. So yes you may accept whatever theme we're doing but what does that actually mean? what does it mean that Kanji isn't afraid of his hobbies anymore or Ann wanting to be stronger for Shihos sake.

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Shit taste.

Where does he come from anyway? It wasnt like this until like 3 days ago

Because those are two different people? Are you autistic?

Why are you making things up? What's your obsession with P4?

not an argument
>Just like 5
Nah, The P4 cast wouldn't know how to breathe if the YU didn't exist.
> 5 starts okay at Kamoshida and tumbles down so hard it hits rock bottom.
Nice meme but you didn't pay attention to the game.
P4fags are fucking retards

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Haven't encountered this specific brand of surreal autism then if that explains my surprise better

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Honestly you could say the same thing about the first 3 games as well. In terms of plot they're all over the place. IS fairs a little better but all anyone wants to talk about in that game is that Hitler is in it. EP's story is almost a retelling IS' plot but with a much less interesting villian and more disconnected chatacters.

I'd rather have Ryuji who makes his own opinions than Yosuke who just dickrides you to the point where you actually think he's gay in the SL on the grass. That's just one example. The characters are absolutely better in 5 than the shit that is 4.
4 has an abysmal fight music in both golden and normal versions, while 5 has good music throughout that fit together. It isn't a mishmash of different genres.
4 became a scooby doo simulator where you're Fred and nobody says No to you for months on end. The gas station guy was out of left field and the last fight was just trash.
Everything you trash 5 for, 4 does worse. It is literally the worst nu-persona game.

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I would like to romance one of my bros

Don't make me go to the archives to embarrass you even more, man.

>not an argument
It is one. 5's cast is pure garbage. the main story really didn't give a single fuck about anyone who wasn't named Joker/Makoto/Futaba, they all have garbage interactions and party dynamic. Even Chie is more relevant to the story than 4. Fucking Chie
>Nah, The P4 cast wouldn't know how to breathe if the YU didn't exist
Just like 5
>Nice meme but you didn't pay attention to the game
I did. Nice try though P5babby
>P4fags are fucking retards
Who are you talking you? Your delusional self? Must be since P5fags are literally this much of a shit eater.

>anyone who wasn't named Joker/Makoto/Futaba
He says while nobody in P4 was useful besides Teddie.
>Even Chie is more relevant to the story than 4.
How? Please Explain yourself.

>remove 50% of the cutscenes from the game because they're redundant exposition/filler.
>go with the original plan of Joker living next to Sae (Cafe Leblanc can still exist)
>make Akechi a legitimate critic of the Phantom Thieves who challenges them philosophically/ethically, instead of a mustache twirling psychopath with daddy issues
>introduce Haru way earlier in the game
>keep Ann and Ryuji relevant throughout the game instead of turning them into the bimbo and buttmonkey
>completely rewrite Makoto
>completely rewrite Kaneshiro
>give Morgana a better reason to leave the party, instead of his retarded spat with Ryuji
>add Shiho as a mid-game confidant
>cut Ohya from the game
>cut Ryuji's stalkers from the game
>cut the SIU Director from the game (would pretty much lose all his scenes anyways because of the first change)
>give Shido way more development
>no idea how to fix Yaldabaltasdfscelfoth, a lot more foreshadowing/build-up might help
>have Joker stay in Tokyo at the end of the game (maybe have a "bad ending" where he leaves if he doesn't max out any confidants)
>remove the "go to bed" bullshit and always allow the player to do something at night (more gameplay related but would significantly help with story pacing)

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I mean, there's plenty of legitimate criticisms of Persona 5, Royal-chan is almost certainly P5's Marie, and it would be better if Persona 6 came out sooner instead of waiting until Atlus has milked P5 dry.

I wouldn’t. Let them milk P5 so they could come up with unique ideas for P6

Respond here please, not others.

maybe I need to replay the game cause its been awhile but the story being very touch and go with it's villains and cast kinda seemed like the point to me. Joker was the embodiment of a virus and i think heartlessly bending people's will and fear mongering was quite fitting. If youre gonna scapegoat someone why the fuck would you care about what they mean to you or your cause? The PT were very boring individually but this also makes sense as their entire purpose was literally to carry out joker's will. pretty good imo

Reminder that Persona 5 is the highest selling and most popular Persona title, and everyone expects that level of quality from now on. Persona 3 and 4 might as well not exist.

>Persona 3 MC = Law
>Persona 4 MC = Neutral
>Persona 5 MC = Chaos
What are your bets on the P6 protagonist?

>begging a shitposter for (you)s

Ok how the fuck are they never caught by either someone eavesdropping on them or someone looking though there phones. I like to think Futba encrypted there phones and there chatroom

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Go to sleep.

>Ok how the fuck are they never caught by either someone eavesdropping on them
They did

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>Making an objective post is shitposting
Not an argument.

Well they did.

But 3 is the best. Who cares what casuals think? 3 is still most popular amongst fans in Japan too.

Yeah best girl caught them but they always talk about shit in very public areas like what the fuck

but it isn't. P5 currently has more merch than P3.

I actually like the Party dynamic of everyone hating each other and solely working together towards a common goal and that you join midway through an already established team that has experience on the matter instead of the MC being mister popular and is the focal point of everything.

>Most current game currently has most merch
Wow! Really?

Attached: kek.gif (340x340, 137K)

>Most current and popular game has the most merch
yeah user

I won't even pretend to argue the other games don't have their issues either but I still feel like there's a stronger sense of cause and effect. Hell 2 basically boils around the idea that actions have consequences.

The fan demand for a Persona 3 remake in Japan is higher than the demand for a new game according to fan surverys conducted, expect it in the next couple of years.

Well obviously snob. We knew P3 and P4 would eventually get HD remakes.

I would like a P3 remake because it would actually be playable.

A lot of this could be because of the uncertainty of Persona 6 direction considering the old director left. P6 could be utter casualised dogshit made to appeal to the west, I want P3 remade perfectly as one last blow out, they couldn't fuck that up.

>they couldn't fuck that up.

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I just played through this part of the story today. It's fucking awful -- all of it. They spoonfeed you for the better part of an hour. They literally explain it to you over and over multiple times.
They also remove all wonder and doubt well before the 'reveal'. There's no hinting, no guessing, they just hit you with a sledgehammer repeatedly like you are an actually mentally retarded person playing. What the fuck were they thinking?

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First thing I'd do is keep Akechi as a detective with a differing opinion on justice rather than a daddy issue serial killer so the plot in the last fifth of the game can at least pretend to not shit itself

>What the fuck were they thinking?
There's people on here that didn't understand it

Even though I enjoyed the game overall, I don't know that you could fix the story without completely redoing it. It has so many problems

>Phantom thieves have no real reason to continue after dealing with their abusive teacher. They basically just hold a celebration where they abruptly talk about next targets without delving into why they should continue
>Akechi is instantly recognizable as this game's Adachi the very first second he walks onto the screen
>The whole "we're retarded and didn't notice the pancakes comment, just kidding we were only pretending to be retarded for the player, we actually had this plan that had to be censored from the game by making the scenes silent" shit was atrocious storytelling

Yeah. I like the idea that the traitor being so obvious and getting betrayed by the player first. That's cool. But it handled in such a way that was just absolutely disconnected from everything. I don't feel like I pulled one over on him rather that the game played us both. Like it would be cool if you had to do shit to set up the trap and if you didn't you got a bad ending. As it is though I can't help but wonder why all the pageantry.


Yu was one of the three who were randomly touched by Inazami at the start. The difference between him, Adachi and Namatame was that Yu cultivated his bonds and had support.

Joker was a teen slighted directly by an agent of Yaldaboth (Shido) because of his own sense of justice and was made into the key player (alongisde Akechi) in a game between Igor and Yaldy.

How many fucking times after you complete a palace do you have to go through the same texts of

>Will this thing we've done many times before ACTUALLY work?
>I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but I also don't believe it'll work. The last 7 times it did. but what makes us think it could possibly work?
>Ok, let's all text about this again tomorrow and every day until the deadline hits and it works.

Its cause youre playing shovelware. P5 is shovelware. It does next to nothing right. Its like the batman arkham of jrpgs, so of course the npcs flock to it

P3P and Ultimax already ruined P3

I just hate that the player is left to spend the entire game thinking the team is fucking retarded only to be told "haha, crucial information about what your own self insert was doing was deliberately withheld from you to make a twist!"

Ahh, the delusions of P3fag

>Yu was one of the three who were randomly touched by Inazami at the start.

Okay no, see you're missing the bigger point because you're stupid. Izanami could have chosen anyone and it's some rando school kid? That'd dumb. The people she picked are completely random. There's no logic there. You're basically saying god just picked be shut up. It's to convenient and that's not interesting. Even Izanami herself feels like an after though. You answered a question asking WHY with HOW.

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Atlus would need balls of steel to have Royal-chan be Marie 2.0. How in the name of God would they think another Marie would be liked this time

P5 was a fucking mismatch of different genres though, what the hell are you on about. The most cohesive games music wise were Persona 1 for the PSP and Persona 3.

And about Ryuji, I liked the fact he had his own opinons, and his social link was okay, but the way his character was actually written was completely retarded, to the point where I thought "This guy cant be this fucking stupid right? He is probably just the traitor sabotaging everything"

>cut Ryuji's stalkers from the game

>They basically just hold a celebration where they abruptly talk about next targets without delving into why they should continue
Play that part again. You're forgetting they get motivated by how the adults were talking about their presence in the hotel plus Shido.

>Makoto just happened to be on the bridge the day where Aegis fought Ryoji and put him in Makoto, which is the only explanation I can think of why he has the wild card
all the protags wild cards come from random coincidences user that's just the way things are

>The most cohesive games music wise were Persona 1 for the PSP

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1. Everyone is too attractive so make them realistic.

2. Everyone is light-skinned so have at least five black people and 5 Arabs and 5 Hispanics.

3. No one is trans so they should add transpeople and make them look realistic because that's what beauty is.

4. Make Japan a Utopian multicultural society where blacks and Arabs have the most power. It's a fantasy game right? It will work.

5. Game was too hard in a lot of sections. Make it easier.

6. Girls' skirts shouldn't be that short. It's sexist.

There is no WHY and HOW here, retard. It was literally a god's whim. Not everything needs to be perfectly explained. Besides Yu was a newcomer to a shitty country city who receives few visitors. It's not like Inazami had much option.

She had every option. She could have picked literally anyone. She's a god. Sticks or not it's not like Inaba was some impossibly far away secret village. It was just at the ass end of the bus line. And again the big picture is, It's not interesting. If even the gods in your story are bored then we have a fundamental flaw in your stories logic.

>She could have picked literally anyone.
>Picks Yu
idk what you expected

I expected the story to have some kind of actual narrative.

It stayed within its own genre, and while I was playing it the music set the tone outside of "School days" which was pretty dumb. BRODDY DIDENEE and THOSE BAFRYS CRI OUT worked very well for the situations they were presented in, and lone prayer at least worked consistently throughout the entire game, unlike Last Surprise which completely felt unfitting by the time you hit the Casino, and especially the ship+mementos

Its funny how the battles improve a lot when life will change plays without interruption vs normal last surprise

But the narrative wasnt about that shit primarily, the problem with persona 4 is that the focus was split,that the detective work scooby doo stuff didnt mesh with coming terms to who you really are.

>either make the stakes of every villain feel as personal as kamoshida or don't make kamoshida the first villain
>keep the obvious setups for akechi being the traitor, but then make it someone else, like morgana
that's it that's all there is to it

It is a shame that you can just skip to the top floor during heists, because it lessens the impact of all of those events and the song. Persona 5 desperately needed a battle music change, as did Persona 4, and even 3, after certain parts of the story. That is one thing Etrian Odyssey Trails and Tales will always do better than that series, excellent tonal shifts in the fight music to represent significant plot progression

You know for a game that claimed to have an INVESTIGATION team and be about detective shit you really didn't do anything to find the perp. All you ever did was play rescue mission and then fuck off till someone else got kidnapped. Who joined your party.

Does it bug anyone else that like 80 percent of this game's dungeons are spent assembling your team? That's something I'd really like see 6 fix. Just have the whole or most of the team team join up right out the gate and use the rest of the time to develop shit.

She was specifically picking out newcomers, people new or coming back to the city. This limited her options consoderably because Inaba is in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. And honestly this shit here is no different from P3 MC miraculously being alive after the car crash and also in the same site Ryoji ans Aigis fought.

P3's hero didn't just survive some crazy shit. He actually had death living inside his brain. That's why he could wild card.

Remove Morgana, Mementos, and the stupid Yaldabaoth twist. Just let it be a crew of kids fighting shitty adults and end it with you beating the guy who fucked you over at the beginning. It didn't need to be a big convoluted game of gods this time. I understand why Akechi is central to the plot even though I hate him but all of that other bullshit could be written out like nothing.
Oh also introduce Haru earlier, like maybe even have the PT meet her before Futaba's dungeon.

That is one thing all the newer games suffer from, especially 4 and 5. Why the fuck do you showcase the entire party when your last member is always at the ass end of the fucking game. Why dont you let a party dynamic be established earlier on instead of having one early and then stapling more characters to it, and phasing them out. It isnt just Persona that does this shit either, but god damn does it fucking bother me.

People who ask all the P5 villains to be personal completely miss the point of what the PT set out to do. Yes, while some of their targets like Madarame and Okumura had direct links to people who came to be their members tbey were also scum of society using their power and authority to ruin other people's lives. The PT decided to use their power to reform society and not just for personal gain.

He survived the car crash that killed his parents and that's why Aigis could seal death on him

Yet in almost every instance personal gain was involved, especially Okumura

yeah but him just so happening to be at the bridge is the same situation as izanami just so happening to pick yu

Yeah, consider you all probably go to the same school it'd be piss easy to just have everyone team up at once then flesh them out as you go dropping hints before it's their turn to really shine. You can add or swap in people as we go but but we shouldn't be introducing prominent party members as the game winds down. Haru was around what? Two dungeons?

Perhaps you could say that because the game always needed to put timelimits in order to pace itself around them. Still their original intent to defeat foes like Madarame, Shido, Kaneshiro and Okumura originally came all from their desire for justice.

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No it's not. Because, and this is the big difference, THE STORY FUCKING DOES SOMETHING WITH IT! The hero isn't just given super powers and told to have fun. He had a horrific experience and is basically cursed to be the carrier of death. Pharos/Ryoji make several appearances and there's a build up to nyx.

Yeah, it should take like two, three dungeons if that to get everybody you need so you can establish what the party can do and how they can overcome it as a team, with all their unique qualities instead of "hey, we got a problem here, lets recruit some new guy to do it" all it does is make characters pointless or fall off the fucking map depending

I can't believe there are still JRPGs these days that have only one normal battle theme the entire 40+ hour game. Nocturne is 15 years old now and had like what, 5 normal battle themes?

at least 5's moon arcana benefit making it so that people not in your party get the same xp in fights and being able to swap out party members mid fight made it so I could use Haru for those 2 dungeons, as well as every other party member in the game unlike 3 and 4 where I had to stick with the same 4 people throughout the whole game and deciding if I want to drop any of my current members permanently when someone new joins or else grind for many hours to get someone I left behind up to speed which I never wanted to do.
I wish 6 lets you do this from the start or earlier than 5 cause that shit started getting fun to do.

Wish they would have made the protag an orphan like Akechi.

Yet even bigger more obviously corrupt fish, such as the Principal who they were in contact with, werent so much as mentioned, especially by Makoto. Futaba was also a definite gain, and the way they went about Okumura to begin with was asking their fans who they should go for, bolstering the PT popularity, which in it of itself is very personal gain having followers and supporters

Jeez sorry 4 and 5's protagonist backstory didn't directly copy 3's
it also doesn't matter if it did anything with it, the point of it just being coincidence is still there in all 3 games.

I unironically think it's fine for the most part. The only thing I'd really change is how Akechi's character ends. As is in P5 he just kinda... dies, and he's never mentioned again. Just to be clear, I'm not even a huge Gorofag or anything but I just think it's weird how he dies and nobody ever mentions him again after Shido. (He's actually mentioned twice, once by Sai and once by Lavenza, but those are passing references at best)
That's the biggest glaring issues, besides that I guess there's a few other minor things. Haru in general does feel weak, even if I do like her character. There's just an 'oomph' that's missing from the rest of the characters. The Hawaii trip is also borderline pointless, I legitimately wonder why the developers even wasted time making so many assets for it.
Also (and this is moreof a personal gripe) Makoto and Futaba kinda take over the team at some point. Near the end of the adventure Ann, Syuji and Yosuke kinda struggle to remain relevant. I think the scene that best showcases this is when they're explaining the plan to Joker. Futaba and Makoto came up with everything, and yeah I know that they're the smart ones but still. To be fair P3+P4 kinda had this problem too, so yeah.

There's probably a few other minor issues, but those are the only things I'd consider story criticisms.

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It wouldn't fucking bother me so much if it was Atlus. They fucking KNOW better than this shit. They made fucking Etrian Odyssey for fuck sake which is one of the bests at changing the tone for certain fucking stratums. Even a game dated as Chrono Trigger recognizes musical shifts for importance, and even had a cut second battle theme planned. Chrono Trigger had the background music match the fight music in a few areas, but most significantly Ocean Palace, which was probably one of the most climatic moments of the game, and also Black Omen, the end dungeon. It wasn't perfect, but it sure as hell still made an impression

Also to clarify yes I know CT is square, I was just mentioning an even older game that did it more right than persona 5

>it also doesn't matter if it did anything with it,
Yes it does.

Bank has the best music. Hate haru though

Never played Persona 5, can anyone explain what he/she means by this?

Romanceable loli
Specifically the fusion one

Put it on switch

Atlus has so much potential, they need to borrow some shit from a shining example of a JRPG, Trails 3rd.

Yes, they had 3 games to build on, but just look at the battle music

You enter a door that takes place during the first game, wham, guess what, sophisticated fight starts playing

You enter a door showcasing an event in which you duel one of the characters, they used a specific theme an in earlier game when you fought them, and that ended up returning there

Another time, an event that takes place after the second game happens, guess what, battle music from the second game plays. It remains cohesive

The huge shift and reveal in the story finally comes forward, you are dropped into hell, they dont keep the same jazzy battle music, they fucking dial it up. In this area as well one of the most significantly dark and powerfully presented moments takes place as well, and more unique event music (AND NOT JUST THE SAME SINISTER SOUNDING FUCKING PIANO FOR EVERYTHING, OR VIOLIN CORDS) supplement that shit, not to say some music isn't used multiple times, but it is way more thought out in to when and how it is used

Even in less popular later games a lot of these aspects are kept, music and such is carried over, and changed as needed, if falcom can do it with their dumb niche titles why cant Atlus with their biggest fucking series

Persona needs a loli MC

In the mind of your average P5 fan, they do not

no and neither can he
it's just contrarian shitposting

Seething Persona 5 fag


Have you played P3?

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why no one talks about 1 and 2 did they not age well?

Have you ever been on Yea Forums beofre

>It's mainly nostalgia that fuels the P3 wank on this board.

The whole fucking haru arc is shit. Especially wif the morgana bs. Shes literally just thrown in. I would def cut the game down by 40 hours

All the girls are in varying stages of pregnancy trough the game.

>game about being thieves
>cut the bank

Everyone loves 2, people only complain about the encounter rate and battles because P3 and P4 are so braindead in comparison and everyone played those first.
P1 is just a clunky as fuck Devil Summoner game

>you guys made me accidentally kill my dad, but you have a talking cat and gave me super powers so it's all cool.

Attached: Haru too.png (1495x580, 57K)

Remove Makoto

Fucking retard

I'm at the start of 2 right now and it seems like getting new personas is a pain in the ass as well, but love the battles though

in the future please use this term correctly
thank youi

>Get rid of the cringe out of place romance/shipping shit
>get rid of the le evil adults shit
>write these characters to not be shit
>Joker fucking talks in cutscenes
>you get all your party memebers at the start
>you can decide when you want to rest and can hang out with whoever
basically scrap the whole story and gameplay, God this shit is easily the most overrated JRPG of this decade
like after the very first dungeon it just shits the bed and never recovers

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The role of Morganna is no played by Salem the cat.

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Make the bad end canon and expand upon it


The game is shit my dude

your post is shit my dude

>my dude
Worse than all the bad bait in your other post. PLEASE go back to tumblr.

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>look out, it's a shadow and a bitch!
>you were qualified for the special olympics even before Kamoshida broke your leg

>telling anyone to go back when you cant even reply correctly
>everything I dont like is "bait" cause I cant handle criticism
dont even know why you bother replying if you are typing the equivalent of "'No U"


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>Yes, I turn into a bus. No, it's not a race thing, stop asking.

TMS#FE unironically had a better story that persona, your party members had goals. Somehow was more challenging than current SMT games too

>Do you have a moment to talk about Jesus?

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Mein Bruder

>Holy hell, this kid is one prom date reject from making the town rapist the second worst thing that's happened to this school

>We are all going to die on this boat but I will be satisfied with my life decisions so long as I get to see Ryuji die first.
>Ok I'm ready for death now.

Your mistake is assuming people will disagree with this, when anyone who played it knows it's basically true. #FE doesn't focus on the story or take itself seriously and it benefits from it.

The idea of playing these game as a group of people who all absolutely despise each other and are constantly belligerent is just killing me.

Are you still seething after that shitstain flopped?

who cares about the fucking story, just make the gameplay less shit

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max SL sex scenes

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Make more villains that the cast is actively involved with and introduce more of those barriers that require real world interaction with the villain to break down like in Madarame's palace. The first two palaces are the best because the characters are actively involved with those palace owners and have actual emotional investment in their relationships with those characters. Plus, the palaces change up as the player gets deeper and deeper into them. I think having more of those barriers would allow for increasing tension and stakes as the deadlines close in.

To be honest, I'd probably get rid of the ability to finish the dungeon at any point in time and make the deadlines hard deadlines for when you can even do the big heist at the end. As it is, I don't think a single person has ever lost the game by going over the time limit that wasn't the first palace where you learn that you technically need to go into the palace a day early because sending the calling card takes up a full day before you can actually pull the heist. If you made the heists specific days, you could totally cut out all the fucking useless text conversations that happen nonstop where everyone messages each other DON'T FORGET, WE GOTTA GO THROUGH THE PALACE BEFORE THE BAD THING HAPPENS.

I think I'd also give the characters stuff to do outside of their time with the protagonist. It was so disappointing when there was like one cutscene where Ann and Makoto are hanging out, but then that kind of thing never happens again the rest of the game because every other character's growth and world revolves around the protagonist. If there was a semblance of a life outside the protagonist, they can even just hang out with other party members more, then the main story could actually use the personalities they develop along their S Links. As it is, the characters undergo some growth in the S Links, but then still act like S Link 1 versions of themselves in cutscenes (looking at you Ryuji).

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replace haru with hifumi and suddenly the game becomes 10 times better

I'd really like to see more hard consequences for failure. Either from failure to reach the objective by deadline or failure to do Slinks in time. DeSu was pretty cool about this. Characters could just straight up die forever or if you didn't become their bro enough they'd fuck off and leave after a certain point. It was extraordinarily easy to make sure none of that happened but it's a nice idea and it's actually impressive just how much things can change play through to play through. We complain about how little the story depends on the bulk of them but why not use that and have consequences for their absence?

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just emulate it on RPCS3 nigga

Man, imagine making love to Yukari in the missionary position. You gently start patting the side of her face, and look into her eyes as she gives you a shy consenting nod as you enter her. You both match your rhythms as after a while you stroke her hair once more AND THEN TIGHTEN YOUR HANDS AROUND HER NECK SQUEEZING AS HARD AS YOU CAN! HER EYES ROLE BACK AS SHE BEGINS TO GURGLE AND GAG AND THEN JUST BEFORE SHE PASSES OUT RELEASE BOTH YOUR HANDS AND YOUR LOAD AS SHE GASPS DESPERATELY FOR AIR! AND THEN WHEN SHE'S DONE HEAVEN YOUR SLAP HER OUT OF YOUR BED AND TELL HER TO GET OUT OF YOUR HOME LEAVING HER NAKED AND CLUTCHING ONLY SOME OF HER CLOTHES IN THE STREET!

Do what Persona 3 did and get rid of social links with party members (Apart from the girls you horny fucks) so the characters can have their development be a part of the story rather than locked behind optional side shit.


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Add more dating elements and remove more nonsense demon shit.

Fuck off weeb.

I like when she's wracked with despair, pain and loneliness.

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Too bad she vowed to become an endless beacon of positivity after 3, then.

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I actually really liked The Answer. I feel like it was a good continuation and for all it's praise never cared for the way P3 just ended with your death. I think there would have been more fall out than the original game would have realized. And I really liked how the party was at each other's throats over your death.

For as much as the game's themes where about dealing with mortality a lot of your wounds where still really fresh so it's not shocking that your death would have DEVASTATING effects on the rest of the party, especially the more emotional ones and doubly especially when they have the kind of temptation to try and save you.

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Just a little bit of relatable emotional depth

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They were driven to Okumura by their fans but he was also a fucking slave driver who had people dealt with by using Shido's service.

The principal is small fish who was a puppet; dude. He is an incomptent fool who delegated his job to a student. How you believe he was a big fish is beyond me.

I just have a hard time understanding why the principal was even in on this at all.

All stories did something with it. Like P3, Yu also recejved his powers at random but he was the one who developed them yo the extent they did because bonds. Similar thing happened in P5.

He was a puppet for the SIU Director who was the one who gave him the position of a principal to begin with.

Funny that you say that, because a huge amount of people despise Yukari personally, as a character, because of her actions in The Answer. I honestly think most people in the P3 fandom have the character analysis skills of a 3rd grader.

It's like talking to a wall. It's a matter of how they connect to the happens and what's going on in the story. Door needs to the harbinger of death because his cultivating it and turning it into Ryoji is what gave mankind the chance to stand up to Nyx. This was of major significance and hinted at constantly through the story. It had to be him because he was the only one present to seal death. He confronted death early both in the loss of his parents and the actual concept of it.

Yu and Joker where chosen at random for no reason other than they a god's passing whim. Both of which are info dumped at the tail end of the game in events which, due to a complete lack of foreshadowing, feel completely disconnected and more like the cheap excuse to make the MC special that they are.

I know. Frankly I think it's depressing. They just call her a bitch, and it's true she kind of is, but it's all for very real and well developed reasons. She's a very emotional, flawed but above all else relatable character. But of the modern games Yukari and Junpei are without question the best written because of how flawed they are. These are the actions of someone in pain. The designer notes for her and the P3 cast are really interesting.

Frankly it seems that the whole modern Persona fandom just wants perfect little anime SOL archetypes and vapid shallow fake friends who don't ever develop beyond telling you how great you are.

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>Give Kaneshiro a backstory that means something to Makoto and/or Sae
>Find some way to force Yoshida, his confident is one of the best and it's a god damn shame it's so easily missable to people that didn't do jobs, let alone work at the ramen place for 3 nights
>Redo from Sae's Palace onwards completely, it's where the story goes from alright to terrible

You can keep telling us that it's different with Door-kun but it's also just coincidence. A different kid could've been used to store all the shit in.

Im done telling you anything because you're either refusing to get it or too dumb to get the actual point.

Did anyone else fucking hate Morgana?
>Treats Ryuji like shit
>Chucks a hissyfit when Ryuji talks back

>>Give Kaneshiro a backstory that means something to Makoto and/or Sae

He killed their dad. Makoto's anger issues become more a plot point when faced with her dads killer instead of just a passing point about her frustration. You can connect it to the Shido stuff to by having him be the one who had him killed because he had dirt on the guy.

Have him being Shido's political rival and the team has to work with him to get HIM elected instead.

>>Redo from Sae's Palace onwards completely

The whole trap they set really relies on a lot of coincidences and Crow being retarded.

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They say at the end that the god specifically planned out their path though. He intentionally made those coincidences happen.

Morgana didn't storm off because he took shit from Ryuji you fucking moron. He ran off and had a hissyfit because he was already starting to feel useless and like he had no place int he world and Ryuji's comment was just a straw that broke the camels back at the wrong time. I know persona fags are too stupid to actually understand character actions and motivations but pat a little attention.

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That's retarded

You're retarded.

Honestly? The whole twist about akechi was lame as fuck. I feel like the game was way too pretentious in it's "death note" kinda storytelling.

Akechi never truly developped his moral position in an interesting way, the whole game was built upon how you decieve him and that's very disappointing.

I don't really feel like the game really developped the theme of justice properly, i haven't learn anything.

Speak for yourself, you say p4 and p5 mc's getting powers is bad because it's just a coincidence which apparently makes it bad but then with p3 mc it's good because there's an emphasis on it later on. I actually agree with you on the latter but to deny the fact that his powers are granted to him wasn't a coincidence itself and ignoring what the other protags do with their powers is being dishonest. And what I don't understand is why coincidence is a bad thing, it's a story for fuck sakes everything is that happens is basically a bunch of coincidences because the writer wrote it that way.

Why waste a good plot point like the mystery behind Makoto's dad death with a two bit villain like Kaneshiro?

You are the one being dumb here, dude
>Door-kun had a reason to receive his power
And that reason was coincidence, like yu and Joker.

>Door-kun had the harbinger of death inside him
Because he was unluck enough to be in the car crash that was the backdrop of the first Ryoji x Aigis battle. This coincidence is different from Yu being simply chosen by Inazami or Joker having his personal justice put himself against a Yaldy's tool.

I enjoyed P5 quite a lot.

Akechi being the traitor was not the twist. What was the twist was that the PT knew and planned for it.

>The whole twist about akechi was lame as fuck.
It's been 3 years and there people on here that still think that was main twist despite it being so obvious.

>Speak for yourself
Not how you use that expression.

> but then with p3 mc it's good because there's an emphasis on it later on.

There's emphasis on it through ought the whole story.

>I actually agree with you on the latter but to deny the fact that his powers are granted to him wasn't a coincidence itself

Never said that once, idiot. What I said was that his powers where a focal point of the narrative. The story used and built on it in a meaningful way. A coincidence should drive the story, not explain it. It's how the coincidence is used that's important. Door is special and there's a story too it. It explores WHY he's special. It's not all just a last minute justification. Nyx is the culmination of all the story's themes. Yaldy and Izzy and after thoughts. There's pay off to what it means. This isn't complicated shit.

>it's a story for fuck sakes everything is that happens is basically a bunch of coincidences because the writer wrote it that way.

That's bad writing. A story is about cause and effect. You can't just pull whatever out of your ass. It doesn't feel satisfying.

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We KNOW what the twist is. That doesn't make it clever.

How is Yaldy after thought when he is in your face during most of the game and there are clear hints towards his true identity?

And responding to your other inquiry, all coincidences eventually have this relstionship of cause and effect that you claimed to be good writing. The fact that Yu and Joker were chosen is lampshaded later, not forgotten.

I personally thought it was pretty clever. In Persona you're used to see the protagonists being betrayed thanks to Ikutsuki and Adachi so it's nice to see that a protag team was actually competent enough to see that coming, plan around it and fuck the wannabe traitor over.

Holy shit. Somebody who gets it. I loved Yukari's breakdown; threatening to end time itself to be with Door-kun was probably the most visceral and human thing she could have done. It especially hits hard because she was the obvious canon relationship. Junpei yelling at you to fix everything and blaming you for it all was a great reaction to finding out the world is fucked and there's nothing they can do about it, especially when MC is such a good scapegoat for his feelings even though he was trying to be a better friend.

P3 was all so real and believable compared to the last 2 which is most likely why it's my favorite game both in the series and my favorite game of all-time.

Attached: 1360124273130.png (690x540, 129K)

>especially hits hard because she was the obvious canon relationship.
Aigis was.

>she was the obvious canon relationship.

Adachi never betrayed you

>she was the obvious canon relationship
This post was so good until that sentence. Why do you retards have to ruin everything.

>In Persona you're used to see the protagonists being betrayed thanks to Ikutsuki and Adachi
Only Ikutsuki betrayed you, Adachi was never on your side to begin with.

>Aigis was
Debatable. She was only even a romance option in FES and had zero story chemistry because of this. Yukari and the MC have several cute moments in the main game even without the SL, we get the misunderstanding about "last night", the connection in the hospital, the shower scene, the beach scene, they all seem to be pushing you towards her. I get it that there is no real canon waifu in the Persona series, but Yukari seems like the natural relationship after everything you go through together.