Cloud's English Voice in Smash Ultimate

Nintendo of America's original plan was to get Vic Mignogna to voice Cloud in Smash Ultimate, but this plan was shot down by Square Enix (due to Steve Burton being the only one allowed to voice Cloud in English) before they could reach out to Vic.

This was before the allegations came to light regarding Vic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Vic Mignogna doesn't seem to be a fitting voice for Cloud anyways

Why is Steve Burton the only one allowed?

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Why is Cloud even in this game? It's like they just threw him in as a pity character. How fucking stingy is Square-Enix that they don't even throw in additional JPEGs of characters or even music.

Capcom, Konami, and even Sega are based as fuck.

It's due to a contract that Square Enix has with Steve. Because Smash Ultimate is non union, Nintendo of America did not have access to Steve Burton.

NoA dodged a massive bullet in not hiring Vic. Dude's a total creep.

Back to Reshitera with you.

Isn't Erdrick rumored to be on the way?


He's the most iconic RPG character of all time behind PokeShit, Final Fantasy needed a rep & they picked Cloud

What's more realistic, a bunch of people coming together to ruin one person's life, or that one person actually being an asshole?

No but why forge that contract with Burton? Why not try other actors? There were two other Aeris VAs before they landed on a really good one with CC.

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Smash either needs an option to change vo's between English and Japanese for the few applicable characters (ryu, marth, Roy), or just leave them Japanese, including mewtwos extra audio clips cut from any English translation (for the greater good, I'm sure)

It only takes 1-3 individuals to push a lie, user.

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being an "asshole" is not grounds to being condemned by everyone you thought was your friend.

In our society now people actively try to ruin others lives and people blindly follow them cause they're "victims"

It's hard to think Brawl had better voice acting than 4 and Ultimate. It was cheesy in a good way. Now it just sounds straight up bad.

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a bunch of people targeting a person
the nicest people alive get ridiculous smears against them constantly just for having an opinion some 10 IQ dipshits don't like

strange how such a large bunch of people can't provide one scrap of actual evidence

>cheesy in a good way
no such thing exists

back in the day, they'd nail you to a couple of boards for that

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Funimation already did their own investigation before kicking Vic Mignogna to the curb, so obviously there had to have been some shred of truth to their claims.

What is Mega Man 11 robot master puns
What are the X4 english voices.
What is Tails Gets Trolled.

I seriously can't believe people like you are still pushing this narrative after none of those claims have been substantiated at all.

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>internal investigation
I'd rather wait for the results of his lawsuit.

awful, thats what they are

>implying funi isnt in on it themselves

Where did he say this?

Nice source OP, what's the point about lying about random shit like this? Did you just wanna make a stealth Vic thread or something? Your fake story doesn't explain why he never had an English VA in Smash 4 despite Ryu, Bayonetta and Corrin having one.

Where’s your source?

Why would they be? This isn't some grand conspiracy.

Just kind of good

The lack of a Smash 4 English voice for Cloud was due to the nature of DLC development. Similar to Marth & Roy, Nintendo of America wanted to do an English voice for Cloud for the sake of consistency before Square Enix shot those plans down.

>Funimation already did their own investigation
Are you retarded?

But where’s your fucking source

Because when people think of Final Fantasy, the first thing that often comes to mind is Cloud Strife, Sephiroth and Tifa Lockhart's tits. Therefore a FF7 rep would have obviously been the most worthwhile pick.

> Similar to Marth & Roy
You're lying out your ass again, Nintendo could have easily given Marth and Roy English VA's, it was purely a creative reason because they spoke Japanese in Melee and they wanted to keep the gimmick going, not a legal one
>Cloud was due to the nature of DLC development
Marth wasn't a DLC character and that doesn't explain why Ryu, Bayo and Corrin have English VA's.

See that's the thing. You don't know what people are thinking. If people have a personal agenda to get rid of someone, they will go through everything they can to get rid of you.

It's all about politics nowadays.. People are scheming to remove people and shit.

But again maybe he DID do something.

Takhiro Sakurai is fine. I don't want Cloud to sound like DA MAN.

>believing rumors

he's white. chances are he didn't do it.

I miss Wolf's cowboy voice, all the starfox voices really.

But Pit's voice in Brawl sucks, to be fair.

>X4 English voices
user they're just bad, X should not have the same high pitched voice as classic mega man

I want him to sound like Ryan Reynolds.

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How do you fags at Resetera still even believe this? There is literally only claims and no proof.

The game uses a shit ton of recycled voices from Brawl though

Toon Link
Meta Knight
Every Brawl AT besides Shadow

Dedede got a new voice in 4

>shortlisting one overused VA instead of just doing auditions
Lazy localizer cunts.

Literally who is Vic Mignogna and why should I give a single shit?

Well, look at how James Gunn was originally fired.

>goes legal with it
>bulma VA immediately shuts the fuck up after conveniently taking his seat on the roostershit show
yeah he totally did it

The only reason Marth and Roy have english voices now is because of Codename STEAM.

Why bother then when they didn't have English Cloud in Tr4sh? Nothing stopped bayo from having an english VA, nor did anyone in that game
Why didn't they get Burton then for 4 or Ultimate?
Union shit?

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It's Union shit. Even if they went with an alternative they couldn't because Burton's contract states he can't be replaced in any portrayal circumstance

Do people even like the guy? I played through the entire compilation except for Before Crisis and he was mediocre in all of them. Can't remember if Dissidia was any better.

Ironically, 90% of FF fans I've talked to about it either hate or don't care about his performance
though I don't think he game's mediocre writing helped
Most people just want a decent-sounding english Cloud, not Burton specifically

I'm honestly super unfamilar with Vic's range aside from Ed. He could probably do it though. Maybe next time if his court battles go well.

>Why is Cloud even in this game?
because sakurai wanted him in

Roy's English voice is pretty fucking good. It emulates Fukuyama's pretty well and Roy's English Star KO scream is both gruesome-sounding and fucking funny.

if he's white it could kind of go either way. funny how that pendulum works

Every time I hear about this VA union, they sound like pure cancer that doesn't care about how poorly a game's VA work turns out as long as they can push their "talent" to earn a paycheck leaving anyone else who's actually good with no job because the union will throw a bitch fit if they hire anyone outside of itself. Why is this allowed?

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So did Bowser and DK

Literally never was fired, just told to lay low while his company put an unrelated deal through with Fox then immediately "rehired". Scummy as fuck.

Not at all. MAYBE Zack, but not Cloud. Burton's voice is actually perfect; he just needs a better voice director.

because "Almost everyone is here" doesn't sell as well as "Everyone is here!"

Or better writing/dialogue.

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Broly’s va.

Zack's voice is already perfect, there's absolutely no need to change it.

I hope something real fucking awful happens to her.

Happy to see the people who tried fucking vic over are getting royally fucked for it

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>YFW Team vic is winning bigly
FUCK Sabat, FUCK funimation and FUCK Monica

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Forgive me master for just this once i have to go all out

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Unions were a mistake.

>12 years since his game

Still not on steam

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The Jews got given an entire nation that to this day is allowed to get away with unspeakable atrocities just from fudging some numbers.

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Post video source or fuck off

I don't like him as Sabo in One Piece as well. It seems people like to push him on to blonde character because... Edward was blonde?

Expand Dong

Dude got caught doing it lmao.

Thank fuck this didnt happen

I prefer him only speaking in Japanese, it feels more appropriate to the character and the setting

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As someone who's heard Cloud since KH1 way back, I'm someone who at this point appreciate the consistency of knowing Cloud will sound the same in all medias he appears in.

Reminder that Cloud got no actual spirits or reps in smash due to square enix being bitches