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> Inb4 the sleeping Piranha Plant poster


Attached: shhh.gif (310x262, 260K)


Why not octorok?

Based and right on cue

bless your soul

He cute

Fools, all you.
Let me show you leaked footage of who's really in.

Attached: 1554344502652.webm (711x400, 1.74M)

Reminder that this is your Fighter Pass

Attached: smash pass.png (1000x600, 299K)

>a castle instead of a block

Attached: 62B2F6D5-32D4-4EB3-B430-22447F5ECCC4.gif (278x229, 242K)

Would unironically be positively curious about the inclusion of blinx

Attached: never ever.png (1550x502, 353K)

Don't listen to the fag below this post, it's Kyle and he's making more fake leaks on the clock

They’re going to have t really get off their asses and speed up the DLC. it’s been almost 5 months since launch and we don’t have any fighter pack characters. They said they’d release the, all in the span of 14 months. What the fuck is going on?



Attached: 1551895483234.png (650x650, 77K)

Blame Atlus, once we get our next nintendo direct, we should get our next character, which will probably be Erdrick or a square character

It's a castle made out of blocks, duh.


Attached: Take The Bait faggot.jpg (261x193, 7K)

Not even a Genofag but why won't Square just give them the rights to Geno? They obviously don't care enough to do anything with him and he feels more like a Nintendo character anyway

>Holy moly Mickey!! What is that sound
>M-Mickey? This is really weird, should we call Aqu-
>B-but the power of friendship... Jack Sparrow!! Do something
>mgg..mgg... ggggel...gelpp..

Attached: 890F1FD4-D55D-4023-A960-7D8AA357F4CE.png (1169x971, 196K)

>Bad shitty meme pasta


iPhoneposter, even worse.

Too poor for an Iphone?

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Ok, seriously. Who made the original image? I keep seeing it on Yea Forums and it's fucking retarded.

Literal cringe phoneposting faggot kys

His name is Logo, not Erdick.

the cruel fact that Nintendo has to pay up for Geno to be in smash even if hes just a spirit

what would gassing a wooden puppet do


You guys are weird.

Attached: neku shrug.png (172x202, 8K)


Attached: 3f5BpsX.png (1920x1920, 2.1M)

>has a filename underneath the gif
Are Erdrickfags usually this retarded?


You expect rosterfags to actually think?

Do rosterfags even play the game?

Bugger off, this is not your thread. Steve will never join, the DQ fans do not support you.
Woah! Haven't seen you guys in a long while! Lets hope your character get a fighting chance!

Chadrick, Incinedimes and Steven Minecraft are bffs ya simp

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They don't
Right now there's a big tournament with big names entering it, anyone who actually gives a shit about the game is watching it instead of shitposting about the roster for the millionth time.

Chadrick here, can confirm


Where are my dantechads at?
Demibros are good too

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Fuck OP's thread, let's talk about Super Dragonball Heroes instead
I've been steadily going through Story Mode, it's funny because it's a cakewalk compared to Arcade due to just how broken you can make shit using the Custom Deck system and how broken the higher level bosses in Arcade Mode are. I feel like they didn't hold back in Arcade Mode at emulating the machines and I appreciate that but holy fuck Office Gohan and Vegeta is the most horseshit boss I've fought so far.

Attached: D31DG9HU8AACaV9.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

How is the game?
What's the card game like?
I'm interested in it but wanna hear from someone playing it.

As a Chadrick myself, I agree to disagree, you guys are the biggest cucks out of the big five with the least evidence.

>And that render can rot in hell for all I care.

Let's stop acting like Nintendo would ever do anything with Geno even if they owned him

The game's somewhat basic but tries to add a degree of depth with lots of passive skills and battle modules. You pick 7 cards which are in four different class types (Hero, Elite, Berserker or Support), there's four zones you can move them around in, the far back being where your units can recover stamina and the three in front allowing you to attack, gaining power level for every block of stamina you exert by moving a card closer and closer to the frontline. Battle Modules can be found and earned, allowing you to pick a round to use one in and range from buffs, enemy debuffs and summons.
Combat is simple, whoever at the start of the round has a higher power level attacks first, then every character gets into co-op groups based on their class (excluding the effects of certain skills having them attack alone) and you do timing QTEs against your opponent to either attack or defend, whoever's meter is fuller wins the battle and either attacks or guards depending on the victor.
Passive skills can trigger based on how much energy you have (energy you also need for super attacks), what round you're in, whether your Avatar is fighting in the fight or not, etc and tend to have the most impact in a fight, it'll either be a passive that automatically triggers or a form of QTE where you may need to rapidly swipe the screen, draw a pattern, move cards around, etc.
It's really good if you want to see lots of "What If" cards like SSJ4 Bardock or Hercule fused with Gohan and it's really good if you enjoy watching the spectacle of a successful attack but at its core it's not for everyone due to being designed for a fast paced arcade environment and revolving around a gacha system (Though World Mission has you earn gacha pulls through winning missions, with no microtransactions whatsoever)
It's got a decent chunk of content between Story Mode, Arcade Mode and the ability to make custom cards and missions as well as share and play custom missions, but MP is there too.

yeah let's just ignore the fact Hayabusa got totally bopped lol

I've heard... nothing about that character... no fans, no evidence, no big game, not even a big encore. It's a character that is both niche... yet makes sense. I don't expect him, but I feel like he would be a fun addition. The only problem would be similar names (I do not count the two Roy's as that's an alternative skin compared to an actual character) but that's about it.

It sounds interesting.
It sorta reminds me of that statue toy game in Xenoverse 2 where you battle the figures with the opponent.
I might give it a shot.

>SDBH image
Very nice

Attached: 1530214013868.png (1159x971, 1.23M)

Plus some people did a bit of datamining of the Steam version and found out that there's various updates coming to it, probably to catch the game up with the Japanese Arcade's current spot. (We get up to Universal Mission 2, the arcade game's up to 7 and Super Broly was already teased to be added)