Nu Yea Forums will defend this shitty game

nu Yea Forums will defend this shitty game

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Other urls found in this thread:

>nu Yea Forums will pretend that this popular game is shitty for bonus contrarian points
FTFY faggot


:>Disliking tight, well-designed first person puzzling
>Disliking games that don't have an ounce of filler
>Disliking what was, at the time, before the community ruined it, just a happy little surprise bonus song for people who beat the game

nu Yea Forums will attack this

Whoah user, contrarian AND seething meme? You're doing a swell job of fitting in champ, just don't try too hard - it isn't very becoming.

keep crying valve drones


Holy shit user, are you still doing this? You've made like 7 threads this weekend alone and all of them have ended up empty except for you screaming into the void. This is just getting sad.

>its an "autist obsessed with his hatred of a game spams threads about it" episode.

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you faggots didnt prove me wrong.


t. brainlet too dumb for simple puzzle game


>Counter Strike
stolen mod
>Left 4 Dead
stolen mod
stolen mod
rip off of Narbacular Drop

>Caring about some random no-name forum's opinion on a game

I don't even have to click the link, it's already trash

mad because they dont suck valve's dick.

Not an argument


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>Exploring tombs

If he's discussing portal, he's a moron, because game's

Portal is great though. Only contrarian zoomers/retards who can't separate a good game from it's shitty meme spouting fancult disagree.

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Why am I suddenly seeing so many Portal threads? Is it all made by one autistic OP or has the game been in the news for some reason?

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You seem to really like this forum. I encourage you to go back to it.

the former
He chooses random games to sperg out about and spams constant threads about them, did the same with Serious Sam.

>Is it all made by one autistic OP
Check the post count and IP count of every thread like this you see. It's one guy, and it shows.

>26 replies
>9 posters

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>epic store launches
>sudden influx of anti valve threads
what could it be

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