Prime Saga Day 2

Top 32

Top 8

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Ganondorf vs. Peach

More of samus squatting


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>Waifu wars

>All those Nairo cocksuckers in chat
Can't wait to see him get btfo and them go quiet lmao


>tfw they nerfed her ass in Ultimate
the tits are fine, but they did they have to give her hank hill's ass?

Peach will win because

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I guess the Ganon didn't work out

Nairo has looked shook since he fought Eon.

He tried but even Ganon won't reliably outdamage fucking Peach

I know, that matchup is terrible for Ganondorf.

wheres that user that posts palu lewds when shes on stream?

where's the guy who posts hbox clapping




TWO stitch face turnips

>3 japanese already in top 8
Smash finally FGC

Who has the most obnoxious fanbase, Nairo, Leffen or Zackray(shota-loving pedos)?



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Not him but take this

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damn nairo went balls deep

>two stitches in a row
this is some armada rng right there

peach is top tier but at least she is not a bunga character like palu

Fixed your picture.

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>Dashdance right in front of him into back air
Nairo disrespecting.

leffen because he's a cucked swede that jerks off his dumbass hot takes


That was just a good play. Dunno why more people don't do it.

did he died?

Japan has been very strong for 3 smash games right now. Having 3 Japanese players in a top 8 has been a common occurrence for over ten years now.

>prime saga
>tfw you remember metroid prime 4 won't be out until 2030

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I don't get it

I don't want to bring PC-culture political shit into Smash. But I hear this constantly and am just stunned that it still happens. Am I crazy, or is the joke that:

>Purple Pikmin have large hips and the heaviest weight
>Thus we call purple Pikmin Monique, a name usually used by African-Americans
>End of story?

And if so, why are we normalizing this? This joke would have been called out as offensive years ago, if it was visible to anyone outside our community. I just don't know why we're incredibly aggressive about certain social norms of the community but curiously inactive toward this one.

If I'm missing some obvious component of this, let me know.


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Because it only works if your opponent is scared. Otherwise they would just hit you.

0 Americans in Winners side

who cares
fuck off fag

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I count 8 trannies

god syd is so tiny, id like to pick her up and inseminate her like an onahole while she shouts smash trivia at me


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Leffen's kiddy army by far

And none of them made it out of pools

I genuinely want to know how good they are
I've not seen a SINGLE female at my locals and a grand total of ONE chick who comes to play smash at my college's game room.
Why don't girls into fighting games?
inb4 >fighting game

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>that tomboyish Asian girl in bottom left

Exactly. You're meant to do it with conditioning. You mix up your approach so they don't know if they should shield or press a button. The best players use this to their advantage all the time.

Yellow shirt autist please.

What's bunga about Palu?

Please Ally, remember your promise to make Zack the happiest man alive.


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smaller brains obviously

What's this meme? Is Ally gay?

Thank you so much basednon, fucking japs and their denial tradition, they can't admit how bad their game is so they force in their design onto fucking smash to look good. Pathetic.

what isnt?
nair nair nair explosion explosion explosion

I would all of them except the tranny in the plaid

>Why don't girls into fighting games
are you not familiar with hazzy

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Before ragequitting Ultimate, Mistake called out Ally and said he was dating Captain Zack

This is from reddit. Even reddit called the guy retarded.

Even the big nose tranny right next to plaid?

>damn even pereden is talking trash
>that's ESAM

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>samsora jobbing again
goddamnit man

I just want the prime trilogy on vr man

>nair kills

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that


this yellow shirt guy is autistic

yall complain about anything

when will nairo stop bullying samsora

seems legit, Palutena is more unga buga than Peach/Daisy

>be surrounded by sweaty, creepy autists

>Magister's anime titty booth in the back

when he fills his boipuggy full of ganondorf dic

Ally fucked CptZack when he was still a minor.

here's some good Smash girls :3

>Taking a picture right next to Magister's art

It's only game. Why he heff to be mad?

damn, was so sad he didn't even care to spell shit out right
I would cop that Bowsette one

I only ever watched the first episode of gooteks and this chick. How far did they get?

because 10 grand


Is this Nairo's fuckbuddy or something

myran's going to sudoku after dabuz and shuton outranking him


>good Smash girls
>all of the videos are from pools

>Tweek started using Wario
About time

That's Nairo's fiancee or long-time girlfriend i think

Samsora wants to be the best. And holds a high standard for himself.

remember when Myran started sucking his own dick on twitter because Shuton chose Richter instead of Olimar because he thought Shuton didn't want to fight the Olimar Mirror as opposed to just because Richter is good against Olimar or whatever.

Is Tea out or what? Don't tell me the niggers aren't streaming his games

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I thought she was pissing herself.

he was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with captainzack when he was 16, no evidence though

you can be better than most and still drown in pools, although that retard didmt show actual good players like sgk

he's on winners side, they're playing losers right now
he'll be on later

he's in top 8 winners side

guaranteed 5th

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Magister probably makes more money selling his hentai than whoever wins the tournament gets as prize money.

We can probably make a fucking collage of tweets from people in this tournament saying they had mis-inputs or controller issues, holy fuck.

that was why though. he already beat Shuton in the ditto on winners side

he's still in
bts finished their run, everything will be on 2gg now

thank you user

well he ended up fucking her, kicking her friend out, and then she moved back to australia. she continued to play jive for a while and I think she made it to like Silver but I don't think she plays anymore.

Tea's waiting in top 8 winners. He goes up against Shuton

okay I had a lot of trouble realizing she wasn’t squatting with a huge inflated foot

3-0'd dabuz, he's now in top 8 in winner's semis, next opponent is shuton

wow campy snake is cancer

Smash players don't know the value of having clean execution. They will learn in time.

What's the point of watching Smash if america sucks?

But Richter proved super effective, even if Shuton didn't mind the mirror why would he do it if Richter was a good counter-pick?

Thanks bros
He's gonna make it, I know he will

He's bringing it home

>foot inflation
I bet this is a thing

camping against Wario doesn't seem like a very good idea

Fucking waft, this is bullshit and is melee puff cancer.

this used to be burgerland's game and now the nips won't even let us have it

I saw it on deviant art
I mean, I wish I hadn’t, but anons keep showing me the weirdest shit.

to watch Japan win
I feel a Japanese players will win it

Geez it's almost like camping against a fat man who charges a nuke every two minutes isn't a good idea. Snake had it coming.

Or they can just stop fucking johning.

how fucking late are you? check the bracket yourself

fighting against wario doesn't seem like fun

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culture of victimization and excuses
I bet not a single JP player would do that

that's basically what I said lmao

Athena is a solid player, playing a shitty character

>Skipping the blonde in the left back row

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that’s a big burger

Throw in purple and this.

But you said they need clean execution, Ithink they just salty and blaming their execution.

I bet. But I do want to see him place better in this tourneys.

Fucking Chrom got drilled by Wario

for you

>skipping the latina in the back
>skipping the Asian girl in purple and the barefoot white girl in the front

Tweek is by far the least hype/most boring of the big Smash pros.

FUCK. I was really pulling for Mr. R.

3 Japan players are on winner side of Top 8. Based Nippon.

Well they wouldn't have these issues so often if they cleaned up their inputs. They continue to blame the game instead of themselves. Once they realize that they don't need to mash everything out, they'll become better players. Though I guess you're right, perhaps they'd come to that realization sooner if they stop blaming their downfall on the game instead of taking ownership.

>Mr.R sent MkLeo to losers
>MkLeo is going to make it to Top 8 and win the tournament
>Mr.R is now out

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Dabuz and Samsora exist though

>see myself posted on v
>random user doesn't want to fuck me

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>trying to rationalize nintenhomos logic

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she's wearing sandals you goobfuck

>Wolf vs Olimar
I sleep


Has Leo given up on Marth already?

I'll hold your hand play smash with you user. But fucking girls? Thats gay shit.

I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.

>mfw thinking about you hurting

I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.

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Wth happened?

That's you in the back right, isn't it?

I wanna suck those toes regardless

>calling it jive outside of /fgg/

is eating it part of you master plant?

Mr. R faced 3 of the top 5 players before even making it to Top 8.

Listen man, all we can see of you is your backpack, you gotta face the camera.

srry but my heart belongs only to syd and her toes

based bad luck brian, absolute lad


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dabuz washed as fuck

pls dont be the tranny

Dabuz looking terrible right now

pretty much everyone gave up on him as soon as Lucina was available


Jesus christ leo calm down

Fucking based

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pls be tranny

that chick on the front left doesnt look like she belongs there

of course! the waitress said they were out of taco shells, im to find another suitable meal

He likely doesn't feel confident in using Marth against Olimar.

Leo looks tense as fuck for some reason.

It's the other way round for Leo though, he's recently said he's dropping Lucina for Marth and something something about Tipper Side B being the future.

whats up with you nerds and calling someone washed whenever theyre behind in stocks?

Wolf beats oli

Leo swears up and down that Marth will replace Lucina but I just don't see that happening.

its a habit at this point

leo always looks tense when hes playing even when hes just 3 stocked someone

What's the seeding like in this tournament?
Also, I never noticed how fucking fast wolf was, holy shit

how are you posting mid match Dabuz

Top tier Ultimate play is boring, why are so many games just blowouts?

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well congratulations, what is the next step of your master plan?

He has plenty of time to post here when he's getting bodied

Shit I remember that thread. Now I have to see if I have that drawing about it floating around still.


because it only takes 3 minutes to get good at the game

How is MKLeo so damn good?

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I can see Leo doing well with Marth though, probably just him though.

devouring this meal..... with no leftovers

depends on the match
Leo is number 1 and Dabuz is top 20ish
Tweek is 2 and Mr R is like top 50

Nairo and Samsora was closer since they are closer in rank

Was Squad Strike streamed?

Because the players are fucking terrible and can't pull themselves together after a loss so they lose all 3 of their sets
Then they complain about an imaginary "snowballing" in the game on twitter

>it's a dabuz gets destroyed by Leo episode
Don't you get tired after watching the same episode 4 years in a row?

seeding was
1. MKLeo
2. Tweek
3. Light
4. Marss
5. Samsora
6. Nairo
7. Dabuz
8. VoiD
9. Zackray
10. Glutonny
11. Shuton
12. ESAM
13. Myran
don't remember anymore

Dabuz giving up

For what remains of the Tournament:
>Zackray: 9th
>Ally: 20th
>Tea: 18th
>Shuton: 11th
>Tweek: 2nd
>Nairo: 6th
>MKLeo ( Probably ): 1st
>Winner of Light ( 3rd ) vs Gluttony ( 10th )
This was the OG seeding


th'ats bad gaming posture dog! you'll have back problemns in the future!

yeah yesterday
Zachray won

According to Gluto, he is the only guy that truly understands the game right now

>dabuz is top 20ish
easily top 10
>mr r top 50
easily top 20

rank doesnt mean everything btw

He has a scary good spacing game but it will depend on match ups too. Marth will help him win some matches quicker but others will be better off using Lucina.

what team?

Does Zackray have what it takes to win a major?

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>Light that high

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do you guys think nintendo made the dash puff clouds so big so itll look like a wave dash

>look at lanyards
>not a single competitor
why do people complain about representation and not participate

I saw him land a few side B tippers yesterday and it didn't seem as OP as he was saying it was.

What's the argument for seeding, anyways? Why not just have it entirely random?

he wins all the time in nipland, but I don't know if he'll win this one

To me it's between Leo, Tea, and Shuton.

light has been the most consistent player outside of leo and tweek

Are Gluttony and Mr R related, holy fuck

It'd be awesome to see Japan won one here.

Goddamn this game is so fast, I haven't bought the newest smash, but this looks a lot like melee, minus wavedashing


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I was gonna say there's been some close ones too (Shuton vs. Light, Ally vs. Samsora), but looking at the bracket, it's almost all 3-0
ZeRo was right, this game is too momentum-based

Glutto is R's nephew

it's pretty fun
nice change from Smash 4 and Brawl

Meant for

To make sure all the good players aren't on the same side of the bracket
It's basically to make sure that the worse players can't cheese because of a lucky placement

if tea loses to shuton(pretty much guaranteed) then he fights winner of nairo and tweek. tweek got schlapped by tea earlier but nairo schlaps sinji the new york pacman all the time so if usa is to take this nairo needs to be the one to win

"Glute - onee" fucking die please

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It's 3-0 because it allows for the better player to consistently win.


Why do not have EE and TK on top 8? They're clearly the best commentators like what the fuck

He's the only player besides Leo to make top 8 in every major (besides Summit), and I think he's the only player who's beaten both Leo and Tweek

take your ledge grabbing shit to /vg/

ssbg doesn't watch tournaments they just talk about discord and make tier lists all day

EE is fucking shit
We have Keitaro, funny as fuck guy, and D1, very analytical and esports, for top 8.

it's better

have marss and tweek played, pretty sure marss is even against leo in sets

we take em


Get that shit away from me nigga.

but every game with tournament shit is spammed there.

fuck off to /vg/.

being esports isnt better

thats how he pronounces his own name nigger, stay mad


That fucker always puts me to sleep. Goddamn.

It does feel like he is overestimating Marth. The tipper in this game is difficult to get to work reliably and isn't too much better then the consistent damage Lucina can pull off. Once again I think it'll bull down to match ups with Marth having a better chance against some to pull off the spacing while Lucina will be better the rest of the time.

>when both players SD in the same match

Whats wrong with gaijin players

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reminder UNIST replaced gay-lay at EVO

I'm not the nigger, A nigger spells their name wrong, gives it a ridiculous pronunciation, and expect others to use it. Fuck off discordtranny

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>ZeRo was right, this game is too momentum-based
that doesn't make any sense. 3-stocks are what would be evidence of the game being momentum-based, not 3-0s

Because then the best players can take each other out in round one.

marss is actually up against leo in sets although all those sets happened when leo was using all wolf for a week after he picked him up, marss hasnt played vs his swordies

take your bitch ass into one of the 20 shit posting threads here. use the hide button on this one, we're talking about video games here.

I'm saying Keitaro and D1 duo is better
that's why Basedtaro is there


Sounds exciting. Everyone is at the mercy of luck and skill

and i'm saying this shit belongs in /vg/, go there with your other autistic ledge grabbers.

what, suddenly rules don't apply here? why does /vg/ exist?


Light's rushdown is insane

Light looks like he's having fun :)

You don't know what a general is because you're a gotdamn retard. Go read the rules and return to lurking so you can learn something, faggot.

ok Deontay Buhshauhn

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Are you legitimately retarded?

Please just let this shit end quickly it's 1 AM here and I gotta go to work tomorrow

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>what are vods

This won't be ending for hours, go to bed and do your best at work.


its been bo5 since top 128 dude it was bound to run late for EU

For real. He honestly one of the more hype players to watch. His pressure is insane

Not that guy, but it's not the same

Top 8 has yet to start my man. It'll take at the very least 3 more hours.

It's only Top 32 so they'll probably be playing for at least 2 more hours

this is actually a balanced and fun MU

there's at least 2 more hours of this

Is this worth watching? I havent watched anything since summit and it was pretty bad and it burnt me out and I stopped playing

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Fuck the French, all nignogs now. Glute is a faggot who was cool in Smash 4 but now acts like he's hot shit because Wario has a Rest with a perfect confirm into it. Stay seething Wario fags and enjoy sniffing nigger ass

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Who keeps picking this song?

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Props to this guy using the same excuse twice in a row. Jesus christ.

>Missed the tech

why not try instead of being a blogposting fag?


that's no excuse for being retarded lmao
you're no better than a nigger

because this game is pretty stale already


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>Ness a d Lucas in D
> Diddy above Snake
> Robin over Link
> Palutena between zelda and Isabelle

I love leffen but hes fucking stupid.


>came to a Smash bread anyways
activates my almonds

>not a single Ness in sight

What happened?

>EE and TKBreezy

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this was a launch list mind u

true, part of what sucks the most is that it's just Smash 4 Season 2. All the top faggots from Smash 4 transitioned easy into this game, Melee players didn't really stick around or bother, which is weird considering Melee is dying hard rn

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So will Leo ever bring out the Marth or is he going to stick with his Crutch?

get ready niggers

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All from pools. Its almost like they couldn't get out of pools or something, hmm.

there's only 4 good Ness mains out there

everyone else doesn't have that character knowledge to dummy people with Ness


Even for launch, the fact that he was so wrong about Snake and even went full troll mode on it whenever Ally lost is absolutely hilarious.

>he's actually the fourthbestness

What are Snake's worst matchups and stages?
Figured I'd ask here.

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His worst stage by far is FD. He does ok everywhere else. He really isnt that great of a character

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>Metal Queer Solid

Game and watch

He struggles pretty bad against a decent Ness/Lucas

Snake hates FD, and Fox/Wolf/Falco are all nightmare fuel

Wario is a bad match-up against Snake.
Try to camp him and the fucker charges a nuclear fart.

Don't sexualize Samus.

basically anyone that outspeeds him, you just have to be patient


Samus is actually Lanky, flat, and shits out bird crap

1 Awestin
2 Gackt
4 BestNess

literally only GnW, he has almost no bad matchups

no he doesn't, the best respective Nesses and Snakes agree it's even
Lucas probably isn't much better

Those retards should just stop using GC controllers. Mine had issues and I just switched to a wireless one. Outside of the insane input lag you get online (there was already a lot to begin with, so fuck it) I've had zero issues so far.

>when you hate it when official stuff sexualizes Samus but actually you sexualize the fuck out of her

no hope

Why would he keep using his own pad if it was so bad the 1st time?

Did Armada not show up? Did he drop the game already

>He really isnt that great of a character
>spikes u at 15%
>recovers with super armor from anywhere multiple times and can act normally after using it
>unpunishable dash attacks ur shield for free
>kills u with any tilt at 70%

They need to embrace the Pro Controller master race

just ate a breadstick

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>Travelling 4,000 miles just to get #REKT

He just knows it isn't worth it.

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armada doesnt care about competition anymore, hbox broke his will

>posts about eating food


>childs cartoon toy party game
thats gonna be a yikes from me...

Sweden to Socal for a low prize pool isnt exactly appealing

big leff did it

when's top 8 starting?

Does he still have it?

>Muh input lag kills the game bro
And yet every top player is playing the game near constantly.

>Tweek hates this game
Yet he plays it twice as much as MKLeo

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Leffen showed up though

Can you fuck off already

If he has almost no bad match ups why aren't tier whores maining?

if lefen doesnt show up then salem wins and leffen cant let that happen

He's still good, just not Top 8 material

That just means you had a shitty controller retard

leffen has a chip on his shoulder, armada doesnt

Fucking hell I just want these two to fight already.

Don't reply to me again.

he requires some thought compared to other top tiers like Lucina and Wolf

Any chars that can outzoned him such as WFT, megaman, etc.

oh look more black commentators

>D1 opens with shilling himself

>insanely difficult short hops

Mathter rathe

Fuck off. Cloudbro is based.

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Keitaro and D1 are peak comfy

Have they seriously not money match'd yet?

he's still good, but to put into perspective, even if he was Sm4sh good still, he wouldn't be broken in Ult.

why are smashthots a thing now

He's going to pound next week too tho, and can get a nice trip to america out of it

are you new or did you genuinely think things would change?

fuck off retard

Right on

>smashthots in the back
there's no money is this scene why are they here?

They have yet to meet irl

Light is such a hype player and likeable guy that it's such a heartbreak to see him lose. He's like Ultimate's mango.

whats wrong with that guy in the yellow shirt

nairo gonna get schooled

Did I miss anything good

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>oh look, more human commentators
>wow, everyone is breathing, as usual
>wooooow, why is everyone alive and shit?


You missed a lot of crazy sets you bitch.

lots of black guys

no, we we're on a break


they've been around since melee, there's just more of them now

this is your brain on nintendo

You missed :D owning.

Armada isn't very good at ultimate so he just stays home unless he can make bank from showing up.

It's cool my man. You don't have to yell Niggers every time to fit in.


yeah palu beats wario

Do any fucking pros even like this game? If Twitch didn't exist Leffen, Mango, and M2K would be deadass playing Melee now, Zero too, who also turned out to actually not like Smash 4 all long and only likes Melee now.All the Smash 4 'vets' (Especially the Bayo/Cloud mains, funny that) think Smash 4 was better. Everyone is fake as fucki n this game, nowonder it feels souless.


What does Tweek's tag stand for?

so this is the power... of playing smash 24/7....

Like what

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Tweek should go Young Link, this Wario isnt cutting it

damn nairo rekt him

Tweek is a god damn fraud I knew it all along

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The absolute fucking state of Tweek

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momny's legs...

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Tweek unleashed the floodgates of ppl disliking Ultimate

Top players would still be playing him though?

>be gluttony
>be a full metal alchemist fag
>accidentally mispell a fma character's name
>insist years later that it was intentional and that it must be pronounced a certain way

what a fag

thanks for the (you)s virgins

H-he's just trying to make it interesting!

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The T in Tweek stands for Tweek

Its the MU, this game is the most MU dependent ever
These players should change characters more often

>implying he didnt do it on purpose in order to trick Americans in to correcting each other over nothing

nairo is out for blood

Snake is hard work and (generally) requires you to solo main and spend all your time with him because he is so different to all other characters.

Snake potentially has no losing matchups. However, he has about 30 EVEN matchups. Whereas other top tiers have a bunch of outright winning matchups.

That being said, Snake does have some key winning top tier matchups, like against Pichu and Greninja.

Kind of glad Palu is slowly getting flushed out of the meta.

It's not that they haven't met, Leffen is on record for saying he will never money match Salem

YLS is probably young link sucks
MTA my tag ass?

It's okay guys, Tweek hates the game so it's why he is losing!

>His worst stage by far is FD
At first I thought to loudly object, but then I realized this isn't Brawl anymore and DACUS no longer dominates flat no-plat

TSM contract on suicide watch


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lmao what a pussy

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Imagine putting in work on what many consider the best character in the game and still get thrashed 3-0 by cosmos at summit.


>Not giving attention to Salem
>Constantly gives small jabs to Salem
>Erasing his name on stream
>Talking about him on his stream
>Responding to shit his chat talks about Salem.

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reminder that tweek got cucked by his GF and took her back

Attached: tweek got cucked.jpg (1200x675, 164K)

>as a palutena lover
Goddes of light more like goddes of sluttiness

so tourneybros, if Im going to 2 or more games what do I do?

I was right, Tweek needed to go Yink

See? told you fags it was the MU

>running scared

Its like he only get anywhere by being seeded low and beating pool fillers.


reminder that they're only 'dating' so that nobody finds out he's gay

Tweek is a fag

Attached: tweek little bitch.jpg (710x1380, 492K)

I meant g&w not snake

Unironically, you just know she fucks black guys

lmao imagine having to play a game you hate because you have no life skills and can never get a job. Tweek can suck dick for mcdonald's hash browns while japanese players have fun and clean house.

>Blanca's face rapidly changing like that
What the fuck

I wasn't memeing about the cucked thing, someone had a video of her kissing Keitaro on snapchat, Apparently they were drinking and Tweek forgave Keitaro and her because they are roommates or some shit LMAO

Attached: tweek nails.jpg (675x1200, 81K)

was it though? was it really?

This is why Im never gonna get into esports even if I won every supermajor. Eventually the meta will become degenerate somehow.

Don't forget he had scarflard dickriding Armada, calling him the best Inkling player on earth.

Even if he loses here, Wario was way worse



He'll never not be salty about summit.

Even before that, maybe it's just the melee fags I mentioned though, and Zero who is a wannabe-Melee fag which is even worse.

>muh personality

He is literally a black hole of personality, lmao

How the fuck did that explosive flame hit

he's 18 years old retard

I thought Tweek cheated on her


How many exposes can one tournament hold?


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stick to wario you shittter

>He is literally a black hole of personality, lmao
this, name 5 noncommentators with a personality in smash ultimate.

Zero mad disrespected Cosmos when he said that, like, how can you even think Armada is the best the results are there in black and white. I doubt Cosmos even had to push himself to beat Armada in the mirror.

vs palu? i guess wario is more susceptible to nair but tweek was playing way too much in nairos face, he switched to yink because he realized this

I'm really happy for Nairo. Tweek's been his demon in this game for a while and he finally overcame it.

G&W has plenty of bad matchups. Snake doesn't. That's what that other comment was referring to.

by exploding?

maybe with CaptainZack LOL haven't heard anything on that
sorry Tweek they have to know, go back to ResetEra that's more your speed

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He's too retarded to play Wario correctly against Palutena. He's a fraud.

I like Nairo, Dabuz and Light.
Dabuz proved to be our budget M2K autist on Summit.

This is why the skits at Summit were mega fucking cringe, they're gamer nerds, not comedians.

have sex



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What was the camera man doing.

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Scarflard was desperate for the meleefag approval during that time so he can pretend he is one of them, and Armada and the lot of them ate it up.

>Insert Keitaro laugh

Attached: IMG_1179.jpg (829x1200, 169K)




(1) Leffen (douchebag but backs it up, or at least did in melee), (2)ZeRo (shit talks everyone else in general, but doesnt often pick anyone in specific), (3) Light (really chill, is clearly always having fun), (4)Anti (travels all the time, super social), and most notably (5)ESAM, really helpful, always having fun, is on FWOB often, etc

All of Japan are super cool and wholesome but that's probably because I can't understand them. Nairo is fine but overrated, Light is funny despite pic related, MKLeo is an autist but I like him too, only "cool" guy is ConCon and FOW

Attached: LIGHT smash ult.jpg (902x1200, 232K)

Oh, that makes way more sense. Then I agree, thank you!

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Why do you care about the color of their skin?

Light irl is a douchebag from what I hear. He constantly pops off in obnoxious ways.

>Text here...
What the fuck is happening

Attached: 1551186698162.jpg (520x678, 31K)

Text here...

text here

Attached: f32bb1babf68bbeb9eef7bbc3f4798f1.jpg (749x735, 94K)

He said he won't stream Melee because Ultimate gets him more money, say what you want about Mango and Leffen chasing those Twitch bucks with Ultimate streams they at least play Melee on stream too, Zero is the biggest sell out in Smash imo

Oh. Looks like she was just carrying the camera

This fight is canon

go back to plebbit you Chapofag

Attached: miiverse'.jpg (1200x900, 362K)

Ayy, we got a shoutout

Attached: 1546590619470.gif (245x245, 294K)

Hi D1

Yea Forums shoutout, confirmed for bros.

did d1 just say "they're 4channers"

He's talking about us...


Oh shit we just got called out boys
I guess we like smash 4 now

Wow D1 naming dropping.

Called the fuck out, Yea Forums

Did M2K not compete?

Where do u guys even here this stuff from??

D1 shouted us out :)

Tell me a more anime matchup in Ultimate than Fox vs Wolf.



Attached: 1334716786408.jpg (500x461, 18K)

I was expecting fucking beautiful milkers

Say hello to D1

called out

Based commentators mentioning us

Well shit thats not what we as fans and views see

Hello D1

Attached: menacingpacman.png (898x455, 160K)

yeah, im thinking d1 is based

Yea Forums blown the fuck out

>Don't call them npc's
>Those 4channers

Attached: 1554041949043.png (195x219, 92K)

Not that I doubt it, I'm just saying we don't see that part


Pretty lame to see Leo using Wolf, but whatever works I guess

bros he wasn't talking to us we are 4channelers

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Alt-right memes? Yikes...not a good look for the toxic Super Smash Bros community.


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I really don't know how that fat waste of space still gets views when its obvious how fake he is. He can't stop sucking melee cock but refuses to play the game all while shitting on ultimate that he still plays just for money.

>meleefags who accepted zero at summit beat him
>the ones who dissed him barely could take a stock

Its like zero threw or somthing for meleefag rep. Maybe even under the table pay?

>tweek the #2 out in 7th
>leo the #1 about to be out in 7th as well
based ultimate players rising up against the top player bourgeois

Yeah I imagine he contains it for bigger events but some people I know go to majors and get to see him in full force during pools matches. It sucks because I want to support him and his neat gameplay but I can't bring myself to knowing how he is.

Is this melee

light consistently has the most hype sets

this guy is literally the closest anyone will ever be to fucking Bayonetta

Attached: 68358931_p1.jpg (2000x1500, 2.02M)


It's 1-1 right now, chill

post the clip

M2k doesn't even have a Main

brb writing a polygon article

>He actually released a video of how he lost his virginity.

Top Quality Zero Content

no it's a relevant game in 2019 and has a spot at this year's EVO

Now that Tweek is gone this tournament is free

yeah im thinking dabuz is based

Who considers Inkling the best? The character has definitely dropped and most lists place it at bottom top/upper high tier

and yet it got fewer viewers at Genesis and BoBC than a 20 year old game

>he doesnt know about shuton
if i had a picture of women laughing i would post it

That is some CWC tier shit right there. His girlfriend must be counting the days until his bank account is empty so she can move on.

who sent leo to losers in the first place?

You all have fallen for the spic's ploy



Mr. R


Is Pichu not a good tournament character or will his meta develop further?

I'm starting to think he might be high tier but not top tier

This match is pretty hype desu

Also is Nairo knocked out yet?

>best player in the world