What is "artificial difficulty"?

what is "artificial difficulty"?

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>you probably don't even know her name and got the image off google
i ain't telling you shit

Difficulty that's artificial.

Im going to mating press that brat

Difficulty that increases by adjusting health/damage numbers instead of making the AI smarter or giving the enemies more tools.

Tedium masquerading as challenge

>AI smarter
this has been proven not to work well because players just feel cheated

makin a game "hard" by letting the player die over and over through unpreventable deaths.

When a game has bullshit elements in its design that make it impossible for anyone to bypass them through skill, only luck. Like having an unhelpful camera view that obstructs the enemy's actions, or a badly designed hitbox that you doesnt follow at all the 3d model.

Cmon man she’s just trying to ask a question

What's wrong with that? You have to get hit less now so that the game is harder

t. lonely virgin

Why are you here?

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tedious ≠ harder

it was coined by RockCock64 of TheBestGamers to describe the final bossfight of Minecraft.

rubberband AI

>do well in a race
>they suddenly speed up past what was possible to catch up

inflated numbers with no new mechanics

What was his reason for it, you just need to shoot the crystals and then the dragon, what so artificially difficult about it?

user, it's not Friday night.

When the AI literally reads the player inputs, that's fucking cheating. When the AI knows how to play the game, how to aim their weapons, and can hit a moving target is REAL difficulty.

Hello, OP.

Intentionally bad or lazy design that serves to make the game harder without the devs actually having to do extra work on it
>Giant enemies with giant swords because that means the player is more likely to get hit even when they try to dodge

>AI works as intended instead of being deliberately retarded
Sounds more like normal mode than hard mode to me

>what is "artificial difficulty"?
unmodded botw master mode is the definition of artificial difficulty

Example: There's a collectable item, and a spring board under it so you can bounce back to safety, but it's impossible to determine the exact position due to lack of perspective control.

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/thread/. Beginners traps and grinding can also fall under this category.

bit rough for just not knowing something but i can understand

That's not artificial difficulty, that's accidental difficulty from shitty game design

All difficulty that comes from anything except your human opponents skill.

Artificial Difficulty is difficulty that the player can not reasonably anticipate or adjust to.

it just means "difficult in a way I don't like"
Not saying that it can't be a legitimate complaint, but that's what it always ends up meaning

Define reasonably because nothing difficult will be reasonably doable on first try by the average player. And how about super fast games? Like rhythm

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So if a difficulty DECREASES health/damage numbers then it's not artificial? That's a cool double standard there.

>RPG game changes stats
You faggots realize this entire fucking genre relies entirely to mathematical formulas, right? No reactions or reflexes, just level up, wear gear and click on shit.

Hard mode in FPS should always decrease the health of the player AND the enemies to make it so the player if skilled can still wipe the bad guys but is punished if he fucks up. Like stalker .

I think someone came up with that term when they were tilted. "Artificial difficulty" = fake difficulty. What the fuck? Why has this term taken hold at all. Typically when I have seen it used it just means the game is harder.

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How best to explain it:
It's when a game is difficult in an intentionally tedious way.
So if a boss had 100 health was designed to be tough but fair, the artificially hard version would be that same boss but with 1000 health. And you'd see him multiple times with 2000 or 3000 but your stats don't scale up nowhere near as much.
Pretty extreme example but we see it quite often in games like Borderlands. That's a pretty textbook example. Or games with bizarre level and damage scaling. Can't kill an enemy thats five levels higher despite the fact it's AI is as simple as the enemy of the same type at your level.

>100x more HP
>give 5x more EXP

was bane a virgin

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All video games have stats and changes them based on difficulty. The difference is that most games don't let you see the stats.


dumb onahole
put your hand down


the problem is players can't tell the difference. They have no idea how that shit is coded, they just get angry and feel cheated if they're outplayed by AI

A puzzle is a challenge, a more complex puzzle is a more difficult challenge, someone stomping your face while you're trying to solve the puzzle is artificial difficulty, the only skill necessary to overcome it is bullshit tolerance.

A RPG that wants your level to par boss to stand a chance. And the mobs are several levels too low and give shit experience so you have to grind. Just to the met the level requirement.

What megaman is this?

>Real difficulty
Enemy behavior changes and improves the harder you choose to play.

>Artificial difficulty
You inflate numbers or enable the enemy AI to cheat

>RTS enemies with boosted resources, can see through fog of war
>FPS enemies that can see 360° around, instantly aim for for the head
>RPG enemies with massively inflated HP and/or stats

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Difficulty that doesn't rely on the player getting better or coming up with new tactics/strategies.

Damage sponge enemies with variable health, and limited ammo and weapons that deal RNG damage.
I'm looking at you Resident Evil 2

It's the "dumb difficulty", because when you raise the difficulty, you expect to face stronger or smarter enemies, but actually the only thing that changes is your power get nerfed of the same dumb enemies get more HP or attack.

Challenging the player by testing his mastery of game mechanics
>artificial difficulty
Challenging the player with (almost) everything else

imagine playing a platformer and every time you pressed the jump button there was a 10% chance to get struck by lightning and die, that would be a blatant example of artificial difficulty

To add to this, the idea of higher difficulty is to make the player rethink how he plays the game. When you do nothing but pump up the HP of enemies, the only thing that is changing is how long it takes to beat them.

>RPG fake difficulty
DOS2 had a few glaring examples in tacticisn mode, where it felt like everybody just started off with 6 AP. Aetera being able to summon multiple wolves and use source vampirism on multiple targets IN THE SAME FUCKING TURN is a great example. What a cunt.

Dark souls 2 with bloated enemy count
fuck that retarded shit game


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how come everyone on Yea Forums is so horny all the time

A man of culture AND integrity
I would've done the same

This. Calling anything else "artificial difficulty" will just mark you as a scrub.

it means dark souls 2

that can be difficulty if it disqualifies crutches that work on lower difficulties but it is very rare for higher enemy health and damage alone to require substantially different gameplay to get past

There are two main instances where it's used, one is correct and the other isn't.

The first is when the game uses the numbers in a way that doesn't actually make the game harder but just tedious (rare item drops, low exp, massive health pools). Things that slow down the game unnecessarily.
The other usage is when the game is difficult because it's unfair (unwinnables, poor map design, one-hit kills, unpredictable traps or ambushes) Things that punish the player heavily for minor things.This is not artificial difficulty because there is already a term for this: unfair.

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Eh, I feel like putting more hp isnt artificial difficulty since it just means that you need to fail less in order to win the fights, but thats a line that can quickly go from "become better, have better builds/strategy" to "do the same thing you already did on Normal but now it takes 5 minutes more to kill it" quickly, and in some cases, its not 5 minutes, but hours, I just dont feel it becomes difficult, just tedious.

1) They're males
2) They're very likely single
3) They're very VERY likely to be teenagers

Difficulty that simply stacks the metrics against you unfairly instead of things that actually require skill/practice to determine whether you win or lose.

The QTEs in Bayonetta are a pretty good example of artificial difficulty.

I'm a teenager but I don't reply to every thread with a picture of a character with "I want to fuck that"

>tfw 21 and horny all the time

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People usually refer to things that make them feel cheated as 'artificial'. The problem is that a lot of the things people tend to complain about get be gotten around with some ingenuity and critical thinking skills and therefore I wouldnt consider them artificial. If the camera gets really wonky in corners then dont let yourself get into a situation where you're backed into one. If a game has a lot one hit kill traps then play more slowly and stay cautious around things you're not familiar with etc

Theres very few things that can't be overcome much easier with a bit of thought

They have most likely never experienced what it's like to be with a woman and assume it's a pleasurable experience based on what instinct tells them

Artificial difficulty doesn't exist outside of extremely rare circumstances, such as completely unavoidable RNG damage, or camera issues. All you shitters talking about health and damage boosts being artificial are wrong. Increasing the tankiness of enemies is in fact one of the most important qualifiers of difficulty. Case in point - in Dark Souls 3, you have so much healing and the bosses have so little health you can literally outDPS them with almost no thought or effort. That's not mastery of a boss, you just lucked your way through it. Because of this, proper endurance tests truly separate the wheat from the chaff.

Of course this depends on how engaging the game's systems are, it's literally useless to inflate health for an inherently easy game.

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Boss has suicide attack that is unblockable and impossible to dodge. You beat that really difficult boss with a sliver of health too bad fuck you do it again.

>Case in point - in Dark Souls 3, you have so much healing and the bosses have so little health you can literally outDPS them with almost no thought or effort.
That's just bad game design then, make your game so increasing the tankiness of enemies isn't necessary.

Shut the fuck up, you dumb loli bitch, I swear i'll beat the shit out of you.

Name 1 game, or more, I like it when they do that.

difficulty I don't like

game journo deterrent

From a technical point of view it's actually way easier to create AI that utterly destroy the player as opposed to creating AI that give a good challenge without being unfair.

How can people on a board about videogames have such a shit understanding of game design?

>you can literally outDPS them with almost no thought or effort
So actually increasing the difficulty would mean making the boss react better to player actions, have them block, dodge and counter attacks and punish the player who is trying to just attack recklessly.
Increasing the health just means that the player will be wailing on them for longer, it doesn't change how hard it is to do.

OP says "artificial difficulty", not just "difficulty

when you can die to a situation that is effectively a checkmate without any time to react to it
basically unavoidable deaths unless you know in advance what is coming up

she is asking to be ravaged

>tfw almost a wizard and libido has been consistently in high school
Send help, it can't be healthy to masturbate 1-3 times every day.

I'd love it if someone tackled AI in more complicated games. Wouldn't you want to see what an advanced AI does against deity AI bots and humans? It might be complete x-bow degeneracy as always or something that could be surprisingly elegant.

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It what PCturds cite before they use trainers to win for them

for me , it's himawari