Why this game is so braindead easy?

Why this game is so braindead easy?

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it's a tech demo, not some serious puzzle game

gtfo powtalposter

seething casual

Valve are the main pioneers of the modern cinematic experience thats aimed at casuals, Portal is just an extension of that

Because Valve playtesters.


>rpgcodex gets motion sickness from portal
lmao, cant make this shit up

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Valve didn't create Final Fantasy.

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imagine doing this for free every single day

t. valve drone

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show me one cinematic in a valve game, no trailer or intro, cinematic.

Had to appeal to valve fanboys


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i can imagine retards coming now saying the challenge and advanced chambers are better.

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Cutscenes arent a modern problem and they could coexist with gameplay by just being skippable, its integrating gameplay and cutscenes thats the true cancer and what birthed abominations like the slowly walk while characters talk scenes, directly inspired by the garbage that was HL2 with its stand around doing fuck all cutscenes. HL in general brought a lot of cinematic elements into games and dumbed down fps level design


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OP, you're one of the saddest posters on Yea Forums. Literally every day you make these same shitty threads and samefag with this dumb shit.


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>oh no i am a retard that cant stand a person talking 2 minutes

you didnt show me something, you are another faggot that is "oh dumdum kill dumdum dont like talk". You can move in valve speeches or something because are part of history but doesnt matter what i could say you will look for throw shit ching chong

half life dumbed fps level design this a fact zoomer.

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why you people get mad when i show you retarded the puzzles in portal are?
is because the truth hurts?

lol what a dumb non argument yes wasting my time with their garbage story is bad, in other games I can simply skip it and enjoy the gameplay but not so much in HL because Valve fancy themselves artists. Not that theres much to enjoy beyond the cutscenes though since the gameplay is also casualized shit that excells at nothing and relies on cinematic set pieces and "varied" pacing with shallow puzzles and shallow explorations breaking up the piss easy combat with shitty weapons.

show me those epics fps before half life faggot and will say you that each one is a piece of shit in comparision.

doom, duke, quake, unreal, blood all better than crap-life valve drone. also see

Nobody cares about your worthless opinions desu, will probably complain about the lack of story and "worldbuilding" or some other gay shit

how does it feel that valve games are dumbed down cinematic garbage valve drones?



everyone is the same shit copy of doom with a shit adds, half life adds more weapons, more movement, add some history in these braindead games. Stills a well made game with a good AI, the community loves it before the shitty journous start being retarded, no matter how you try half life stills a master piece and you cant do anything about that more than cry.

half life fags are so delusional
also you didnt adress the lack of challange in portal puzzles.

see again

press d to dab on valve drones


>why is this game so perfectly designed?
>why isn't this needlessly obtuse?


You do realize the half life series is generally regarded to have literally the best level design of any shooters ever right?

I'm not a nigger nor am I a particularly big fan of valve or for that matter any corporation. Try harder next time zoomer.


>half life and portal games are the best games

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portal feels more to me like it's supposed to be a two hour interactive art project than a game per se imo, i feel like this is why it may not have complex puzzles, but it's extremely unique and memorable in terms of atmosphere and story and so is the concept itself.

its cinematic garbage just like all valve games.
also they stole the concept from prey and narbacular drop.

i don't it counts as stealing from narbacular drop if valve hired the people to make portal

the game still is an easy cinematic garbage

Its not easy at all.
But has one of the best learning curve and difficulty progression you can get. So each puzzle increases in difficulty only a bit and only introduces one thing at a time.

ok casual
but muh advanced chambers muh challenges muh coop

Portal 1 & 2 are the only puzzle games I've played where I never needed to look up a guide. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

bad because you played a game designed for retards

>its cinematic garbage just like all valve games.
ugh yeah dude all those cutscenes in tf2 were so fucking annoying


and like i said, i think it's more of an interactive art project than an ordinary video game

I think I got pretty close to pulling up a guide for the part where after wheatley betrays you

it's not opus magnum, but it's a good introduction to the genre.

and still a bad videogame

no its an awful introduction to the genre.
only redditors enjoy portal

I'm not a redditor

OP convinced me. Fuck portal and fuck valve niggers. Muh cake is a lie, absolute reddit shit for babies and women, if you like portal you are probably 5 years old



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Based and Epicpilled

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t. valve shill

why has this guy been spamming anti portal threads for 2 weeks everyday now? like who even cares about portal?

normies still love portal