When did Sekiro made a click for you?

When did Sekiro made a click for you?

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after lady butterfly I guess

how do i make the ps4 controller work in sekiro? i pirated it on pc

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The very start of the game

After the kick nigga in the well, I understood that it was the usual poor rehash with even less gameplay than usual.

Seven spears and Genichiro were my first feelings of it clicking.

But Sword Saint Isshin and Demon of Hatred were truly when the real shinobi warrior spirit was birthed within me. Only after beating those do I feel like I am now good at Sekiro.

when i realized the loneshadow longswordsman in the well was actually a fucking pushover

Around that part. For some reason the mini bosses have been more challenging for me even though I'm at the beginning still. I probably died to Juzou 5-7 times while I beat Lady Butterfly and Gyobu on my second tries

So I have only been watching some let's plays to find out whether or not I want this. Is the parrying dance in any way similar to MGR? It kind of evokes that.

Still haven't clicked for me yet. I'm at Genichiro now and the contextual moves are still fucking me up. I can never tell what type of move it is. They should at least color code the kanji so you know how to counter it.

Honestly almost every boss kicks my ass at least 10 times, sometimes more. Finally just made it to Owl and he is currently wrecking me. I would never spend more than 3 deaths on a boss in Soulsborne but I feel like I have to learn the moveset the hard way for every boss in Sekiro. I am also just not as good at games anymore now that I work full time so that is probably part of it.

Honestly? Didn't click for me until Owl.

Right at the start. I already replay God Hand like once a year so parrying felt just as natural as bobbing and weaving.

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When I put it back in its case

When I realized how much of a fucking casual I was for not using the Mikiri Counter earlier in the game

I got stuck on that purple ninja at the bottom of the reservoir. if I got close to any of the walls id lose tracking on him and get kicked in the back. It made me so angry. I finally realized this game is meant to be played without moving. I stood in the center on the room and held block until he did a perilous attack to counter. I eventually got the parry timing down too. I definitely enjoy the game less now

It is but the opportunity windows are much tighter.

>I can never tell what type of move it is.
Look at how the weapon is being held and you'll be able to figure it out. Also, iirc the placement of the glint indicates the type of attack.

scp toolkit

try ds4windows if you are having problems. May have to disable gyro input.

perilous attacks all follow a hard pattern.
For instance, in the first phase Genichiro will always thrust after the vertical cut while in the second he'll always swipe, outside of those, he has a grab.

Midway fighting Butterfly, was when I went "Ah. Wait. So THIS is what the game is about".
That made me enjoy the game a little more after that point.

before even attempting genichiro I trained a bit how to properly deflect and mikiri with the blue guys inside the ashina castle, while fighting genichiro I discovered that AA makes the game less responsive, maybe vsync is tied to it
after the click the game was much better but still not that masterpiece that everyone claims

Ogre boss fight. Spent and hour trying to beat him, then switched to keyboard and mouse controls and bodied him on the first try. Rest of the game was easy after that.

owl genichiro had this weird behaviour that let me use double ichimonji on him multiple times in a row in phase 2, and his phase 3 was dependent on stunning him with a gimmick.

The combat? Immediately, as far as success goes.
The game never clicked overall. Story is shit and really obvious. The combat is really flat with the one weapon and the strength of parries. The grappling is more finicky than I initially thought. Level design is probably the best in a fromsoft title in terms of coherence.
When I finished it I sold it to a friend and played through Ninja Gaiden Black again.

Just got it, still fighting the dark souls instincts to dodge too much, feels like the ogre fight kind of reinforced that instinct though

Around butterfly boss fight

Was going to shitcan it because seven spears and his cancer hitboxes

Genichiro. Even though it took me a bunch of tries fighting him was more useful than zombie friend. I mastered the midori counter and actually paid attention to my inputs. After that fight I found myself having an easier time against the samurai and ninja mob in the castle when before I struggled against them.

For a ninja game the combat is surprisingly aggressive. You would think it would be more about dodging than "block/parry", but it's not. You essentially have to be in the face of every boss except the ogre.

Fuck I know gaiden black is a tale of one of the world's greatest warriors, but Sekiro got me right when I first met the headless demon. The dirty one armed wolf's gameplay sold me in the end, so many deep levels of extra coding in their to spice up gameplay routes the devs specifically targeted after playertesting

When I smacked the fuck out of Genichiro

Genichiro. The only boss I was having problems with after that was Isshin.

i thought it clicked, but now i can't get past st isshin

Genichiro. He is the real tutorial boss
You have to learn how to play the game to beat him or be a faggot and exploit his AI

A few weeks ago I had three hours to kill before work and I wanted to make some headway. I was stuck on Lady B, that asshole in the well and Genichiro. During the Lady Butterfly fight I started to jump instead of just sidestepping and it made a world of difference and I ended up beating all three in about an hour. Then I met Monkey Business

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Until you figure out each Perilous Strike its honestly best just to sprint out of Dodge and run back and hit them while they're recovering than play the guessing game

I've played up to the part where his arm gets cut off and honestly I don't even really want to keep playing, because despite having nice visual style everything else seems very uninteresting and one-dimensional.
Lack of weapons and customization is a complete step down from Souls.
I would unironically have preferred a Bloodborne PC port to this horseshit.

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i am using it but the ps4 doesn't work

wow you literally beat the tutorial

good on you faggot, play something else

Pulling off a mikiri counter on a boss for the first time

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go to the settings tab and check the "Hide DS4 Controller" box

Do you get any type of reward for beating the drunkard while also keeping that dude who helps you alive? I kinda used him as bait so I could pick off all the grunts first

>played until he gets his arm cutoff
Wow guys, I played DS1 until that big bird picks you up, the lack of customization is just too much of a problem and the whole affair was boring desu.

no you don't in terms of items, he also disappears even if you keep him alive. You do get a word of thanks when you talk to him after the battle though.


Genichiro. I liked it before but that fight really forced me to learn the rules.

Pulling off a mikiri counter any time

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Mine was when I beat the General dude, but things really clicked for me during the Genchiro fight. I honestly enjoyed that fight more than anything in the Souls games yet, though I havent played BB.

Now try them on NG+

I hope it’s a bait

I did the exact same thing at first.
Keep at it, the experience really does improve.

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I had no fucking clue how parrying or posture worked until Jinsuke Saze. For a game with so many obnoxious pop-up tutorial boxes it does a really bad job explaining itself.
A better game would have an early wall that teaches you the important mechanics (i.e. Gascoigne in Bloodborne). Jinsuke Saze should've been the Gascoigne of Sekiro.

Around the time I learned that high monk punished sweeps hard, the game became an absolute joke

I can't believe I ever considered it a shit move

Why would a guy who dies after you deflect him twice per life be that when Genichiro, right after him, is?

O'rin and the Corrupted Monk illusion. I died a ton of times against those two then after that I sailed through pretty much everything, even Isshin and Demon of Hatred. The only thing I got stuck on after that was Owl 2, which took about 10 tries.

How do I beat Owl? He hits so damn hard. Is there anything else I can do before him? Or is it pretty much just Headless and any mini bosses I missed?

>When did Sekiro made a click

Works on my machine

>boss pulls off a Mikiri counter on you for the first time

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Probably Butterfly. When I realized that unlike souls games just being patient and not dodging everywhere like a faggot is the way to go

Guardian Ape phase two.

> ironic weebs meme

Lady Butterfly and Gyoubu pretty much. I still go to some Souls habits every now and then but those bosses made me diversify my attacks and dodges so I could do better in the game.

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the moment I uninstalled it.
jk, I want to play this but I am waiting for a sale and I'm working on the backlog

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if you didn't understand how parrying and posture works before then it wasn't the game's fault. the issue is that you're a brainlet.

same, she was my first boss and really made me acclimate to Sekiro. I was still playing it too much like souls and died like 15 times to her before I got it. I one shot her in all subsequent NG+ playthroughs