What are some socially acceptable games to play outside, Yea Forums?
What are some socially acceptable games to play outside, Yea Forums?
Sports and if you're a child, tag and hide and seek
When it looks like you curl 90 lbs for reps it really doesn't matter what people find socially acceptable.
>Leaving work see a dude playing a switch and waiting on the bus
Get a car dude
that's probably the plan fagtron
$300 on a switch plus games is a lot when a decent car is $2k or even a motorcycle
should've got a car instead of a switch
If you look like that guy you can play Mu Little Pony and no one will care
You will spend more money on gas in a month then it would take to buy 4 bus passes.
no decent car is worth 2k you fucking child
The GAMING community
You basically have to be muscular and attractive like the guy in your picture, at that point you'd just be considered quirky and eccentric for liking video games. It basically grants you an instant level of visually initiated respect and status, negating any potential negative side effects of being witnessed playing video games in public.
Now on the other hand, if you're a big fat sweaty beta male neckbeard your options are going to be severely limited. At least if you're trying to be socially accepted which is kind of a fruitless endeavor in and of itself because you don't really gain anything by mentally subjecting yourself to the normie hive mind mentality. You should just not give a fuck and do what you want because you don't owe anyone anything.
unless its like 10 hours flight it seems more like a chore to bring it on and use it than its worth
I don't know how its in hamerica or wherever you live but in western EU there is literally no need for a car. a bus/tram/metro stop is always there like 100 meters away from wherever you are and its cheap as shit so why bother, I haven't used my licence in months
Candy Crush.
Pokemon Go
>decent car
In what country's currency? Or do you think a used car with 150000 miles is decent?
>can afford all that setup
>uses gross earbuds
When I bought my first car 25 years ago it was $2.5k and. It was most certainly not decent. A "decent" car these days is about 8-10K. I'm sorry you're family is so poor user.
Get a used Jeep Cherokee and it'll run forever.
>paying for gas, insurance, and car repairs when you could take public transport for dead cheap commuter rates
Well..... duh
Have you seen america?
Its huge and there are only train tracks from like 150 to 200 years ago. We would be riding the train from stop to stop 1 million times because it would have to stop at every podunk town.
You honestly sound spoiled.
There are people I work with who wont get promoted simply because they use public transit and arent reliable due to that
>that guy
that's AJ Styles
This, they use parts easy too, you can pretty much get it fixed pulling shit from 10 years of cherokees.
My dads 86 or 87 still runs fine. Mine too
My car cost $1k and had 85k miles when I bought it. The only thing that needed to be replaced were brake discs, and I only did that a year after purchase. The car may be old enough to drink alcohol, but there's nothing wrong with that.
I only okay gba ROMs on my phone in public.
Got an hour train ride need something
Holy shit that plane is gonna crash
FIFA. But only the latest one!
Lol spoiled. I bought every car myself. Parents didn't help one little bit. With anything. Probably why I can afford things, no hand outs.
>unless its like 10 hours flight it seems more like a chore to bring it on and use it than its worth
A lot of people use these in the military. I had one for a bit and it was quite useful. You use it more than just for gaming and gaming laptops are useless pieces of shit that have a high chance of breaking.
GTA if you pretend it's time to time
Sports games
You say someones family is poor and yet say you weren't given anything? Why do you go right to family and their wealth? I want to bet your entire basis on what a "decent" vehicle is has nothing to do with ir working and getting you places and more to do with features and status.
Here a basic car is at least 25k,being a thirdworld and all
stay gold and indoors, Yea Forums
Bet what you want, it's about not be stranded on a road. You sound like a dumb fuck lol.
>hey guys, im playing a $300 console please rob me
None of you do this right?
>10k car
Never change Yea Forums
I see someone never been to the gym.
>That chinlet
Even I have a bigger chin and I am another chinlet
Says the guy who can't learn anything about vehicles and thinks more $ is better. I have a 21 year old vehicle that's never let me sit meanwhile my parents fancy 2010+ do repeatedly.
. All these fucking shit heaps that won't pass an inspection because of some little sensor that fails and needs a bunch of other shit to work properly. It's a real shame, but braindead NPCs don't want an older vehicle because "Yuck that'll breakdown"
>Guy posting in a Taiwenese Puppet Show forum comparing himself to a married Christian man
AJ Styles is more stylish and gets 1000x more pussy than you.
Also niggers who can't drive stick and get stuck with failing automatic transmissions
>all this car autism started because one user can't handle the fact that different people have different priorities in life factoring into what decisions they make.
As long as you aren't making a scene, smell like shit, taking up too much space or trying to kill me I could give less of a fuck what you do on the bus.
If you’re above 12, none.
>trying to rob AJ Styles
Actually it did happen. I think that shit was stolen lmao
Have sex
Sound Voltex
if your handsome and fit you can basically play anything and still get fuck me eyes by girls
If your not
Nothing above the age of 12
Holy shit you assume a lot.
I'll enjoy my 50k car. You enjoy your shitty old box, and it's necessary justifications. You're too smart for me user. You're clearly not emotionally involved at all.
People all over are glued to their iPhones and iPads, they don't care what you do in public as long as your not a sloppy looking doofus.
Etrian Odyssey, because normies can't even parse what's happening and instinctively look away.
Man you're the guy who psychologically felt like someones family's wealth matters
I had my co worker lose his shit because "reliable travel is white supremacy" it was the fuckest thing ever like a real life pol parody.
I play Warband on my flights. $700 laptop with a GTX1050ti works wonders for a lot of games.
>2K for a car
What you want a 2005 175,000 mile piece of trash that breaks down every week?
It was just a joke, seriously mate leave the internet, you can't handle it.
The alternative is if you look just like a normal dude you can get away with it if you can talk circles around people. If people assume you're way smarter than them they just think your nerdy and not a fucking manchild.
Just get a Cherokee
I spend $30 on gas a month and have the freedom to go where I want when I want.
30$ dollars on gas
Nigga you don't go anywhere
I could drive to Hawaii on a dime if I wished to. You couldn't. Public transit socialist
what kind of third world ass country do you live in to you have to be afraid of getting robbed for $300 inside an airport
>I could drive to Hawaii on a dime if I wished to
Damn, when did they come out with new boat cars?
your actually a kid larping
Candy Crush because that's what soccer moms play
That's AJ fucking Stylesm back when he was in New Japan Pro Wrestling
>Japanese train
>used to not give a fuck
>a fucking xbox out of all things
Defitinely some militaryfag stationed there.
>tfw $4 a month to drive to and from work in my own vehicle
I'd still be able to drive 416 miles in a month for non-work purposes on the other $26 dollars.
Bet you feel retarded right now
who the hell plays vidya outside their house?
Not really because that thing can barely manage a river, let alone the pacific ocean.
>Japanese train
Is that what they call airplanes in Japan?
Being fit as fuck helps a lot
> Playing videogames in 2019 when you're over 18.
Okay, who the hell does this? i play vidya 1 time per week 30 minutes at absolute best then i move on on something else.
Only 9 year old play vidya for like 5+hours...it's embarasing to see 25+ yo men getting excited for a dumb game.
Yeah, exactly what a cucked faggot would say.
>flying bus makes a turn
>xbox flies out of the window
trying this hard to bait
"Guys games are fucking little kids unlike me now excuse me while i browse a video game board for hours on end"